Followed by, Omi stunned this unicorn, it issued a unwilling voice, and then obviously moved by the golden chain chain of the body.

The big work finally gotten, the legendary quarter of the team was also relieved. The next is to select a suitable location to lure the other party. If the other party is not coming, it is better, and it will stop them.

But at this time, Cresbo suddenly was annoyed:

"See ghost, how can I be cursed?"

Then he shared his prompt:

"Dear contractors, you suffer from the sacred unicorn and also absorbed its blood, so you have suffered severe curses: unicorn."

"Your life recovery speed is 150%, but your fortune is serious, probability events (including dodge, crit, etc.) have a negative effect chance to increase 10%, and you will fall into the state of continuous delivery. "

"Description: Even if it is successful to expose this curse, the negative effect of serious decline will continue to take effect, just to relieve it over time."

He said this, Fanglin Ran and Mcsp also viewed at the same time, and found that two people also got a similar curse.

However, it is probably because Kresbo has the ability to extract energy from the other blood, so the curse appeared on them will light some, moderate curse: unicorn.

This is similar to the same size, and the difference is that life recovery speed has become 100% improvement, and the chance to increase the negative effect is 5%, and will continue to go to the mold.

After that, after this matter, the three people were all got, I really didn't expect that this unicorn is really so hard.

At this time, Fanglin Rock also felt a little tired and tired. After chatting with Omi, suddenly heard the little mage of the little mage next to:

"Be careful, the horse is coming!"

Omi listened to the face, turned by, next to the hand, let the chain controlled the unicolor to the side of the machine, and then showing the guys who contaminated with the wilderness of the unicorn in the side of the unicorn.

Soon, there was a horseshoe in the distance, followed by a group of horses, the darkness of the distance, these guys look similar to the half-horse, but their body is obviously More, and more burly and strong.

The horse is completely strong in the battle, but also the thickness of the skin thick, but still has a high construction tree in herbs, divination, and astronomy. Of course, these knowledge is to master in a few horses. Human hand.

And half of the horse does not say, subdivided the melee, remote physics (archers), legal system, etc.

Simply, the difference between the horse and the half-horse horse is like the difference between gorilla and chimpanzee, the former is purely, and the latter has higher wisdom.

After these horses appeared, he immediately looked at the silver-white viscous liquid on the ground ------ The blood of the unicorn, and then a big-highly strong horses the leader and walked angry:

"Human, how do you dare to hurt the elf of Fedeze hurt the forest !?"

Omei faintly said:

"Calm, horses, we also heard the croissants of the croissants."

This robust horse Falenz took a few steps in front and vigilant:

"I don't trust you! Human!"

Omei faintly said:

"I don't care if you believe me, I am just a simple statement."

After she said, she actually pulled out a very strange skull from his arms, put it inside the palm, and then faintly said:

"Do you want to question what I said?"

This horse's leader of Fedeze looked at her, but he didn't speak, and a horse behind him has trembled:

"What is this? Is it a plague skull?"

Ton of Fedunze suddenly shocked, and the skull in Oimi was carefully looked carefully. However, at this time, the goat came out of a translucent ghost again, which is the half-man violent person (English)!

Half-horse violent people are also a large piece of muscular men, there is a thick armor on the body, it seems to be five major three thick, and it is the most similar to the horse in the half-horse family.

After this appeared, it was so simple that it was straight to it, and he scared these horses directly, and he sent a horrible and awkward shouting / horse.

It turned out that the horse is a terrible plague before decades. This plague is very vicious. It will make people suffering from the upper and lower, and the body has been rotted when the body is in the end.

For the horses, this plague can hardly say that it has caused horrible disasters, so that the horses in the whole world are dead, even if they are lucky, the horses are also difficult to see, there is a ugly scar. .

Fortunately, the plague is coming soon, only two months, which makes the horse and the people from the disaster.

Some Black Magic Masters even tapped the horses' cemetery, trying to find out the source of the plague from the horse bodies that suffer from the plague, and really have several black magic masters with the skull refining of the horse. Out of a group of vicious magic props.

This place is called the plague skull, and the horse can say that it is hateful to this thing! Fear is abnormal. The hate is of course the black magician of those graves, which is of course a terrorist virus that may be carried in this plague.

This thing is equipped with the special ghost of the half-man tyrannical arifter who summoned the goat, and has a very strong spiritual killing for these rough and evil horses.

It is also very detailed in Omi, knowing that these horses who live in the ban on the ban are very valued very important to the unicorn, so they are ready to have such a means. At this time, it seems that it is a lifting.

After the unicorn is arranged clearly, the next is the hook angle, and it is necessary to attract the Black Magic Master.

Fang Linyan asked, determined that after this is no need to help, he returned to London directly and went to the hotel designated by the X organization to rest.


At this time, Fanglin Rock is also quite exhausted. Whether it is energy or physical strength, it is good to be guarded by Waro and Tiber, so it is not necessary to sleep with the influence of sleep quality.

After about three and a half hours, Fanglin Rock woke up directly by the wake-up service here, he loured on the phone, then heard the mild sound of the Lord I.

"Mr. wrench, you have to finish the person has been completed, and I also successfully collected some information related to Mr. Ferran Kentan, I think it is very important, do you need to communicate with you?"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"of course."

Soon, there was a knock on the door outside, and a polite waiter knocked on the door of Fanglin Rock, then put the pallet in the hand on the table next to it, and see the tray. Draw a stainless steel cover, it looks like a steak.

However, after the waiter retired, Fanglin Rock unveiled the cover, and found that it is really a spray steak! Tour the sound, and then take the oil beads and smoke.

"Rely, I thought it was sent by the information."

He played a call to the front desk. After determining this bullish, it was a big eaten, and then he was honest and heated, and then he also came to knock on the door. After Fang Linyan went to open the door, Actually no one!

He moved in his heart, turned around, and suddenly I found that "old acquaintance" has been unknown into the room, and then uses a weird emphasized:

"Dear Mr., Kate pays tribute to you."

It turns out that this old acquaintance is not someone else, it is the ghost family who has seen in the cave in Madagascar. He is very timely, which has brought Dumbledo's news in Fanglin Rock. This allows Fanglin Rock to prepare for the fast knife The way of chaos successfully got the god Duns.

So I met again, I looked at the Kate of my gift, Fanglin Rock also respectd it to it back:

"See you very happy, Mr. Kate."

After the ghost family raised the elf, after the leader, he looked up his chest:

"The owner let me pass some information to you, these information cannot be recorded on paper, because the owner said that the enemy recorded by these information has a terrible ability, even if we mention their name, or write its intelligence On the paper, it will cause the enemy's vigilance. "

Fanglin Rock nodded:

"Okay, I understand."

For these things that the ghost family said, Fanglin Rock is understood, and there is similar statement in the story of the East, such as someone suddenly suffering from the blood, and the refers to it, it is difficult to have it.

Another example is the big army, the enemy has a conspiracy, and the army will be broken.

This is also the same in this plane, there are many people who don't even dare to go straight to the ultimate big BOSS of the devil, but cautious and mysterious use of that person.

Then, Kate came out from the body:

"This is the representation of that person, Mr. wrenches, do you understand what I mean?"

Fang Linyan nodded, his mouth revealed a smile:

"Well, I know."

Then Kate took out a surgery knife from his pocket:

"This is a representation of another important person. Do you remember?"

Fanglin Rock nodded, it is clear that the cross is the representative of the Molesi's bishop, and the scalpel is Fedrankenstein.

Following Kate:

"Now, the information we got is that the scalpel has set a mysterious underground organization. The name of this underground organization is called Ten Commandments. It is a bloody feathers, and the members inside are divided into two."

"The first kind is that is very powerful, but it has suffered an terminally ill, these members are mainly controlled by the cross, mobilize their social energy together, forming a huge umbrella in the face."

"Second, it is a person who has powerful potential. The cross is conducting a study. It can make these people to change into terrible beasts. It has extremely powerful combat power and is not afraid of death. This part of people directly in the cross, underground World activities, all are black, kidnapped, slave trade, etc. illegal activities. "

After listening to this, Fang Lin Yan's eyes suddenly lit up. I thought that I have been killed by this group of people who have been killed by this group of people. The vast, according to Omi's statement, their strength comes from the blood magcies.

The motivation of these two guys is also very problematic. It is obvious that Lawrence who has mastered a lot of resources, and it is perfect to meet the "black and black" behavior of this organization.

Therefore, most of these guys are "ten commanders" organization?

One thought and this, Fanglin Rock suddenly interrupted Kate's voice:

"Why is the first member of this organization?"

Kate Road:

"Because the scalpel can help them extend their lives, humans always show an abnormal greed for their own life, so you can pay huge considerations, in these people, the strength of these people is actually very powerful. "

Fanglin Rock nodded:

"I understand, you continue to say."

Kate Road:

"We are now investigating: Temini Monastery is the Ten Command I organize usa, and the surgery should often be station there."

"We learned about his good way through many ways. He likes to drink freshly distilled, it is best to send it in the half-hour of the steamer, the owner thinks, this is a best breakthrough "

Fang Lin Yan Shen, it is not possible to say:

"What about the people I want?"

Kate Road:

"Now, the owner is also working all out, using all his strength, and it has been preliminarily to 20 people."

"At the same time, considering the particularity of the Ten Commands, the lobby between the Ministry of Magic stops directly, this is to avoid the inner ghosts, the owner puts forward another idea."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"What kind of thinking?"

Kate Road:

"Orange! Kill an Ao Luo, then leave the clue to the Temple Monastery, when the Magic Department traces the past, attack the Benan Code of the Cross, misleading the other party, we are tiger."

"At this time, the other party should be fully supported the Benan Code, and we intercepted it on the half road. In this case, we even choose the battle site and have the advantage of land!"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"What should I do if I take the magic fireplace directly?"

Kate has a bamboo:

"The owner thought of this, the principle of the magic fireplace transmission is not complicated, we can easily disturb its operation."

Fang Linyan thought for a while, the heart of this old thing is a little magnitude, and the planned places are not leaking, and the old cloud is more than four words. It is also a famous vectors, so they have a deputy:

"Yes, I have no problem with me, yes, I still have one thing, I have to negotiate with Lord."

Kate Road:

"I will bring the words of the wrench to the original."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"After getting the latest information, I found that the enemy of this battle was in addition to my imagination. In fact, I will bear a bigger risk, so I hope that I can prepare a reward, that is, B number Tibetan room. The thing inside: Nikuli's magic packaging. "

"I can say frankly, this thing works with my props, which can make this battle's success rate greatly improve, and even if it fails, I can retreat all over."

Kateo thought about it:

"I will convey it to the master."

Soon, Fang Lin Yan passed to the ear of Warsath, at this time, for the Lord Ivan, it is already the arrow to be sent, and for him, it is necessary to prepare a B number B treasure room. It is really within the scope of his psychological.

Therefore, Ivan's heart is definitely quite unhappy, but it is still a big hand, very simply:

"Give him! Then tell the wrench, and the person he wants, I have already found it."

So, after half an hour, Kate took the "Nikuli's magic packaging of Fanglin Ran", and the sales of this stuff can be said to be said, just like a water molded wallpaper. , The brownish brown yellow is quite ugly that there is a large bulk spot.

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