Probably, in order to maintain an original, Nikuli's magic science applied to the top of the dug, and it did not clean up. It looks like the cultural relics made out of archaeological ....... Cough, talk about Ni Leme this old monster is a hundred years old, and what he makes it really can use to describe both words.

Fang Linyan is in fact, it is true that this thing is that this is what you want to use on Chilo's bag heads. After all, the repair cost of the latter is too expensive.

And Nikuli's magic packaging is also with itself from the same world, then the success rate of repair will definitely be much higher.

At this time, Kate took again:

"Mr. wrench, what you want, we have already founded, and Mr. Banglash, which is headed, obviously holds a skeptical attitude towards our reputation, so resolutely see you, will then talk to us and we will talk about employment. contract......"

Fang Lin Yan stayed, then said:

"Okay, you will give me first, I have been looking for him in the past here."

Kate Road:


Next, Fanglin Rock has studied Nikuli's magic construct, and it is also very simple to use it directly, and it is directly torn next to it, and then covers it on the bag of Qilo.

I feel that this repair mode is actually similar to the dog skin plaster!

Obviously, Fanglin Yan did directly, so he quickly found that several magical runes in Nikuli's magic packages began to quickly faint, disappeared, so the energy inside quickly injected into the odd Luo's bag headscarf.

In this process, Fanglin Rock must also press the hand on it, the source is constantly injecting spiritual power!

And every few seconds, Fanglin Rock can feel a huge power to impact, and they have made his palm of the "".

Changed to the rest of the ordinary person, will definitely be hit to the sky, the sky is directly coma, but the good Fang Ran has a magical shield guard, so it can be easily rooted.

Otherwise, change the body's weak magician, there is a huge force in a few seconds, who is gone! Even if you bite the teeth, it is estimated that it is necessary to lose the half-life, no wonder this stuff has passed a few hundred years, no one dares.

However, the energy of the magic consumer of Nikuli is exhausted, and this place has changed directly into dust, and the things that Fanglin Rock have appeared. Chillow's head towel actually Nothing at all!

"Don't you hit the big luck to encounter an invalid?"

Fang Linyan suddenly felt some hanging up.

But if there is any way? This item is written very well because it has a chance of failure because it is a long time.

I have been separated for a while, I finally received the prompt:

Character ZB419, your Qianez. Chilo's bag tail towel has been repaired, but because the repair is not enough, its state is destroyed from semi loss into a damaged state.

You still need to fix it all the capabilities and make your quality to golden plots, however, the general point you use to repair will be reduced to one-third of the original.

Not only that, Nikuli's magic is built in repair, and it has a wonderful reaction with Quilinas Qilo's bag, and its passive ability: fog is enhanced.

In the case where the enemy can't see you, your presence is stunned by fog, you will be greatly (originally mild) ambiguous, more difficult to be accomplished by the enemy!

However, the basic attribute bonus of Kuijanz. The bonus of the head towel is weakened.

This suggests that Fanglin Rock finds that the six-digit general point that the original repair needs will become five digits.

If it is immediately fixed, only more than 60,000 general points have been required, and the footsteps of 170,000 general points are saved, and even if it is returned to the space to fix, only more than 30,000 general points are required, which is equivalent to provincial seven million. More than 80,000 universal points.

Suddenly, Fanglin Rock also felt worthwhile.

After completing this thing, Fanglin Ryna will let Kair bring the road, then go to the Banggarash, under the leader of Kate, Fanglin Yan sat on a elevator, then followed Kate to look at it. It is quite a few years.

Old far, I can hear the sound of the bar, cheer, and the voice of the wish, Fang Lin Ran, seeing the eyes, I found that there is a fire in the center of this bar, the bonfire bears, the roof of the roof opened a hole And the bonfire is roasting a cow.

The big man in the roast cattle is naked, and the spices, honey and brine are applied to the roast cattle, and then flip it from time to time. As long as the roasted floor, they will cut it with a knife, and they are filled with a plate.

There is still more than a dozen a big man, there is obvious tattoo, don't have a short ax and dagger in the waist, and you are drinking the wine and eat meat, laughing!

For this person, the pursuit is as happiness, as for the future, even if it is like a moth, it will be unfinished.

Of course, the above sentence is the description of the culturalization. In the simple straightforward words, the three words can describe the temperament on these people, which is desperate.

I stood a little behind, Fang Lin Yan recognized it, the roast cattle is the Banggara, this guy looks actually a team to come over?

When Fanglin Rock came close, Banggara saw him, immediately stood up, handed the baking tray and the knife in his hand, and then put a dress and walked smiled:

"I am relieved to see you, thank you, give us a big life!"

Fanglin Rock haha ​​smiled:

"What is this thanks to."

Banggara shook his head and sincerely:

"Now the market is not swaying, the Ministry of Magic has always proposed to protect the magical creatures, the company is very pressing, just compresses our salary, my pressure is big enough, but it is better than me. Yes."

Fanglin Yan said:

"Will n't it? I have been to the Camton market before, it is still quite bustling, I feel that the demand for this piece is still very big."

Banggara shook his head and sighed:

"The water is too deep, this line is originally a gray industry, even a black industry, I have no one, there is no one, there is no channel, it seems to have a lot of opportunities, but I am busy, I am busy. Finally, I will find that others will only face the price of death, and they will not give you any profits at all. "

"So I have repeatedly declared this list today, I have to see you, have you come back, otherwise, I am afraid."

I heard the Banggarah said that Fang Lin Yan also remembered that he did not encounter Elizabeth, as if he didn't hit the fly, the feeling of powerless, couldn't help to shoot shoulders:

"You can rest assured, this time you have your remuneration bag, I know where the employer's home is."

Banggala is listened to the future, it is huh.

Fang Linyan looked at the group of big men:

"Yes, these brothers are?"

Banggara sighed a mouthful:

"They are friends with me, very high, is a Viking, I haven't got a job in a month, I heard that I will take the initiative to help, just take the way. Rows younger. "

After Fang Lin Yan listened, there was almost no old blood spurt:

"Take a meal? This is too exaggerated? I don't want you to say, our attack is still very dangerous."

"The enemy is the same as you, with the ability to become a beast, if you don't pay attention, it is to be lost."

Banggarash hits:

"The blood of Viking people is like this, like fighting, like carnival, like spirits and barbecue, so that things like life and death are really light."

"Of course, more importantly, the deputy captain of their hunting team is a Druid, and the meals that usually make are dominated by fruits, salasses and other light flavors. They have not been like this to drink like this. ----- This is a terrible thing to them. "

Fanglin Rock Road:

"OK, then I will introduce you to the current situation ..."


About three hours later,

Fanglin Rock is holding a new feedback to the intelligence to browse, suddenly there is a prompt before:

"Contractors ZB419, you receive hidden main line tasks: Unicorn is completed."

"The Black Magic Master can't get the blood of the unicorn within three days."

"The following task instructions."

"Key plot creatures: unrequited moon has died."

"Key Drama: Black Magic Master Tail Small Star Peter is seriously injured."

"You got B's evaluation."

"You have gained 2 dates, 50000 universal points."

"Hidden Task Reward: Random Infrastructure Point 2 (random to Fanglin Rock is a charm + 2 points)

"Hidden mission reward: Randomly equipped." (A agile +7, defense +2, power-2, the silver plot ring of the health-100 point, Fanglin Yan then lost directly to Goats)

"Your team experience is +30 points." (The legendary bonus has been calculated.)

"You stay in this world only ten hours, after ten hours of end, you must return to Noah space."

"If you need to continue to stay, then every hour, you will deduct 1000 points, when the stay reaches 24 hours a day, the universal point of the deduction is doubled every hour."

Looking at this series of tips, Fanglin Rock is also a misty water, how can this unicorn die? When I was uniform, although I was hurt, I was absolutely unfamiliar. After being captured, I was also living!

Not only that, but the ambush of the Black Magic Master is actually the defeat, just killing a few small characters.

It is said that Omi has been properly arranged throughout the situation, and it can take the initiative to set the enemy to hook it. The possibility of being smashed.

Just when Fanglin Yanyi wondered, the ghost family raised the Elf Kate also appeared, it had a bit of excited way to Fanglin Rock:

"Ready to act! Our attraction is very successful. Nowadays, people in the Magic Ministry have already dispatched, starting to investigate there, after all, a senior Ao Luo is killed is a big thing."

"Although the Ministry of Magic is full of bureaucracy and corruption, they are also very clear, the majestic and authority of the Magic Department cannot challenge, the senior Ao Luo is killed in this kind of thing, which is equivalent to this layer of shame on the surface. It's awkward, then their power will inevitably not guarantee. "

"So, now the Temple Monastery has been surrounded by a water. According to the news from the inside, there have been a number of contrabine products, and even a horrible laboratory should be a surgery. The curse place. "

Fanglin Rock throws his doubts behind his mind, and then point to the point:

"This is good, have surgery knives, have you been caught?"

Kate shakes the head:

"It was found that the surgical knife was really a trigger, and he actually had two hidden gums in the Thames, in addition to the Temple Monastery. In the cargo ship, another is still tracing. "

"The owner believes that we can have a successful in Teume Monastery, successfully married, and the surgery knife is not here."

Fanglin Rock nodded:

"So now the Benan Terco church also started?"

Kate is a point:

"Yes, the owner personally brought the team, and it has been five minutes."

Fanglin Rock said:

"Ha? His personally brought the team? Is Dawen, is I: Is there anything I have died? No way to step out of the Eden?"

Kate shrugged:

"Here, the magic world, gentleman, actually there is a way, but the cost is more big."

Fanglin Rock is curious:

"Oh? How can I do? Can you tell me?"

Kate Road:

"Mr. Wrench I heard that the pure blood horse theory is popular among the nobles?"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Of course, I heard that the European aristocrats will only be married in a small range in order to ensure their own bloodline, such behavior is like cultivating pure blood horses, very challenging."

"What is the basic operation, the extreme, even brothers and sisters, mother and son, of course, such a dry end, the law of challenge nature, the neighboring wedding will lead to a result of 150 times the result of genetic problems in the future generation, The representation of hemophilia is the royal family. "

"Hitler is also a fanatical blood disclator. He will marry the prostitute and think that pure Yalean people ------ Blonde is the most perfect human blood."

Kate Road:

"Yes, the owner is born out of the top aristocratic giants, so the future generations have always seen the pureness of the blood veins, which leads to a lot of cerebral palsy, mentally wisdom, etc. in the post-generation."

"These children are serious burdens in the rest of their families, but for the owner, these children are very weak, and they resist their weakness when they attract, but their body is flowing with their own blood, so they can act as a carrier. Let his ghosts rely on them, and then return to the world. "

"Of course, once each child is coming by the owner, then becomes a consumable product, it will be killed for half a month, so when you don't get 100,000 fire, the owner will not use this hand, after all, this resources are very limited "

Fang Lin Yan listened to the heart of the heart, the heart of Ivan, is not the oil's light. The rest of the people hopes that their future generation is getting better and better. He is afraid that he wants to be more and more abolished ... Waste rate, will do some brothers and sisters, and even more terrible fathers, mother and sideware.

But this kind of thing can not define the right, Fanglin Ryna, directly called the Banggala:

"Hey, guys, we are time."

So, a bus opened, and the Fanglin Rock, Banggara, and the Viking Warrior pulled away, their destination is the Nanhuk Bridge.

Benan Term Church was ten kilometers away from Nanhuk Bridge. Because the history of Benan Terco's history is very special, it is actually established as a prison in the initial, then the prison is abolished, it is changed to a monastery, and Still a monk, who is a lot of life.

So this place is sure to be remote, what kind of sound dog horse is still less.

Because the hard work is also a person, it is entirely on your own will, and there is a thorn whip to suppress your desire.

But what is that this thing is more and more stronger, always in the period of being so stupid every month, in case a bitter man wants to challenge his own soft ribs, the result is the door to wash the 500-piece hair salon to provide convenience. , Then still worry?

Therefore, even if it is now, Benan's church is still remote, simple, it is built on a peninson by the sea.

The popularity here is because the scenery here is excellent, you can overlook the sea from a hundred meters high, or a whaleling area of ​​the whale, so visitors are not only believers, but also more.

Nanhuk Bridge is the way to go here, because there is only one road to pass.

The bus carrying the people of Fanglin Rock, parked in another bridge of the South Waterk Bridge, and another bus from the checkpoint is also their people, from the pumpkin head Knights, He There are ten individuals around you.

Of course, according to the previous agreement, Heier is to accept the command of Fanglin Rock.

On the bridge, the police pulled a warning line and arranged a roadblock. ------- He said that the police also arranged by the Mind, Ivan, as long as it passed the vehicle to stop, ask the police Inspection.

In this way, all vehicles who want to pass through the South Rock Bridge must be in the middle of the bridge, Fanglin Rock is laminated behind, but they intercepted in front.

Fortunately, the weather is not good today, and the sky is in full swing, so you want to have few vehicles passing from the bridge, so the business here is not busy.

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