The First Evolution

Chapter 71 Rivers' Lord

After waiting for more than ten minutes, I opened a container truck in the distance. The ghost family raised the Elf Kate's pocket, and suddenly came out of the voice of "Drip". It hurriedly took out and found it. A thing similar to the thermometer!

Then it immediately tense:

"I'm coming!"

Fanglin Ran is interested in:

"Oh? How do you know?"

Kate is excited to have some buses:

"I am, I am, I know! The thing is a curse detector. If the surgical knife is guitating, you will have a lot of people, and the fighting power around him is from the blood magistrate."

"You see that this curse detector directly alarms to almost blame, indicating that there are many curse neighborhoods, this is not what he is coming?"

Fang Linyan nodded and said:

"Okay, you go to Ware."

At this time, after the container truck opened the bridge, it was of course being intercepted by the police.

However, Fanglin Rock also did not have not nonsense, directly smiling and pressed the detonator in his hand!

Yes, detonate! !

Since you can choose the battlefield, then you must use the advantages of the land to the extreme.

Just in an instant, the explosives who were pre-placed next to it crakes, this big package explosives is installed in an inconspicuous suitcase, pre-selected position, the police stationed In order to ensure the core range after this suitcase explosion, the vehicle is shrouded.

Only listening to the bang, the whole bridge trembled, the whole truck was directly overtaking two-three meters high, and then the car was quadruple in the shock wave of the explosion. It can be seen that the five or six people are rolled out.

Then, the explosion has passed for a few seconds, and the three boxes of trucks are rushed out from the plant next to the factory. If the roar of the engine can know that the driver will directly step on the bottom of the throttle directly.

Therefore, the three trucks accelerated in a short period of time to eight or ninety kilometers, and then striped them directly from the bridge.

The flames on the container truck have not been extinguished. Several people who have fallen from the compartments have just stood up, they are hit by these three trucks! One of them directly deforms, distorted, and died on the spot.

Obviously, this raid of Fanglin Rock has a very successful success, and the advantage of the land is the ultimate, this fried serial set, which directly let the enemy's overall combat power have decreased.

However, two motorcycles from behind, let Fanglin Rock frowned, these two motorcycles are equipped with people, you can see one of one of the motorcycles on the back seat of the motorcycle!

This person looked fat, but the jumping force was amazing. After a boxed truck, the truck was suddenly out of control, and the oblique hit into the opposite deep ditch.

Most people don't know what is going on. Only Fanglinyan saw that the spider-shaped crack suddenly appeared on the windshield of the box, and then the driver's head exploded, and the vehicle naturally lost control. .

At this time, it can only be sure, such a change is a direct relationship with the short fat man, so that the difference is what happened, it is not very clear.

Then, another motorcycle is jumped down, and the man is very hot, and it is very popular, and the sound of a voeller is sprinting.

In the process of running, the whole body is beginning to swell, and the body surface actually appears like a turtle shell. It seems that it begins to transform toward the active body.

When he was about to collide with this van, the whole person was completely larger, but also the ground jumped on the ground. A punch broke the front windshield of the truck. Cab.

The driver fails to send it, and the blood splashed on the spot.

Although this guy was also hit by seven or eight meters, it climbed up and turned into the battlefield again.

The driver of the last van saw two companions in just a few seconds, they killed on the spot in a very strange way, and immediately panicked, one hitting the steering wheel. Open.

As a result, I just didn't have much far, I suddenly felt that there was any place wrong. As a result, I found that my hands was all blood! Then, he feels that the heartbeat of the chest is very wrong.

Normal people's heartbeats are very regular, , ,, , , then his heartbeat has become , , , , .

Such an emergency, when he suffered his pain, and the whole person was weak, and it was black in front of the steering wheel. But at this time, the vehicle he drives is still driving at a high speed, so suddenly, it has led to the tragedy of the car to destroy.

After the vehicle was smashed, the bee that looked like a livestock was flying out from the inside, and stopped on the shoulders of a motorcycle driver. It is it to be gently, and they have been harvested. This man's life.

It turned out that the old fox of Ferrancunstein is also set to two batches of their own reinforcements. The main force is in the container truck, and the four people who serve their pioneers are riding two motorcycles.

In this case, even if there is any problem, it will not be annihilated.

However, the incarnation is that when they come all the way, they have encountered the inspection of the police. This time is in Chaotou Flight Party. As a result, the container truck is easily released, and the four people riding a motorcycle are Block the disc.

Therefore, this container truck loaded into the main force becomes a first troops ....... He hit the surrounding circle set by Fanglin Rock, and suddenly the loss of unlucky was not small.

When these four enemies were attacked by vans, the pumpkin head knight Her had directly led the hand, and this guy certainly won't wear a south, but we also put a similar Jason's mask. .

When the three vans were killed, Her had already rushed into the explosion at the opening of the explosion, waving the murders and slashing.

At this time, the enemies survived at this time were really unlucky. He was first baptized by explosives, and the three box trucks that were rushed were crushed. Even if the state is still at least. I lost a small half.

In this case, the guy is also quite fierce, and I will cut a person's head directly! And one of his hand has a magician, but also good at electricity magic, and two electricity.

When Fang Lin Yan found this at this time, Ferran Kestein has a fatal weak point under this helper, that is, it is necessary to transform to play the combat power, there is no difference between the ordinary people.

The difference is that Banggarah, this guy even if it is not changed, it is also amazing, defense is very powerful.

After experiencing a striking blow, Ferrancunstein's curse began to become transformed, played a strong combat power, and the blacks of Heier began to appear.

Fanglin Rock is indicated by Bangga, and Banggala is a low from the throat, then it has become a giant white tiger, and a group of Viking soldiers have cut the battlefield from the rear.

Fang Lin Yan noticed that the head of the curse of the white hair was also played, and he took the palm of Heier, and then she took the magician. I bite it. Go down!

This magician is very shocked, and rushed to use the magical props of the life, and the bombings will bounce Lin Xiwei, but it is still half a step, and I have to bite half of the calves in Lin Xiwei. On the pavement, I was very dripping, and I suddenly screamed in the ground.

Fortunately, the Viking people who rushed to this have a wealth of experience. They are tacit with hunting magical creatures. It can be said that there is a dangerous situation, directly throwing two hook clams, and then will The magician directly dragged behind the bus next to it.

Why is you dragged with a crochet to carry him?

This is the best solution to absorb more tragic lessons.

A normal person is suffering from the pain of the limbs. If there is no faint, then it must be almost almost collapsed, it will like the people of drowning, will struggle crazy, completely lost reason.

At this time, the best way to deal with him immediately, and bring it to a safe place to be healing. Otherwise, if you don't even have to save people, you will lose!

At this time, Lin Xiwei still wanted to continue to pursue, but they were sprinkled with four Viking people to sprinkle a big net, and they will take it!

This big net is elastic and strong, and there are many hooks with sharp strokes. Once they are tied to the human body, it is difficult to pull out, and there is a lot of mucus on the big net, even Linxi The elegant white hair on the body is sticking together!

Lin Xiwei roared, but still didn't have a way to take this big network. It seems like falling into the worm in the spider web.

I have delayed such a few seconds, another big net to spread up, and it is even more powerful.

Fang Lin Yan is in a strange, Lin Xiwei, this guy, he knows that he is infinite, the action is rapid, and it is very powerful for magic restraint. More abdominal and shameless!

A old blood sprayed into the enemy, letting this enemy abolished, even Miis's equipment skills are directly sealed.

However, I have eaten it in these Viking people, and these guys used the means to deal with the magic animal to deal with him, and did not expect to have received the fantastic effect.

At this time, Fang Ran still did not shoot, he did not forget that his goal is not a murder, but to help the old things to grasp the scientific geeks of Ferantin.

There is a thief first, if it is running by this old family, then there is no meaning to kill how many curse of the Ten Commandments.

"Well? The two guys are not big!"

Fang Linyan has a perceived one thing. After the member of the Ten Commandments, there were two people who had two people who got a person from the wreckage of the container truck, and then the ghosts wanted to open!

The people in the past, are still working, and the people behind will run, it is obviously the key font!

So Fanglin Rock has blown a sharp whistle.

At this time, Banggara was just bittering a wolf. He saw that Fanglin Rock poised next to him. He immediately rushed to the three people who wanted to run.

In the face of the fierce white giant tiger, the one inside the talented organization is a hard crustal curse, the animal is not hesitant, this guy's outbreak is strong, just like a shell. Like, the front is collided with Banggarah.

Although it is just like the billiards like the billiards, Banggarah is also extremely uncomfortable, and the potential of the swift is hit, and then rolls a few laps on the ground.

The chance of grabbing this opportunity, the short fat man who used unknown resort to kill the driver has ride a motorcycle and takes the person directly to escape.

Fang Linyan witnessed this scene, faint smile, just chased, but suddenly felt that the crisis hit, but did not find any moving, but the breath of the eye saw a fan insects like a flies. .

After seeing this scene, Fanglin Rock did not pay attention, directly moved next to it, and then used to jump! I immediately saw the half-empty Waluo slightly, when I jumped to the highest point in Fanglin Rock, I added a pair of gorgeous metal wings in time!

Taking Fanglin Rock gave a twenty meter, then kneeling in a three-story building, seeing the trajectory of the motorcycle, then gliding again.

If it is a flat spacious area in the airport, Fanglin Rock wants to rely on gliding to catch up with this motorcycle.

Because when driving straight, the maximum speed of the motorcycle can reach more than two hundred kilometers, which is really a lightning, and many short-range helicopters are more than two hundred kilometers.

However, at this time, the motorcycle is walking back, is walking in the town, the road condition is not too good, so Fang Lin Yan once caught them again, directly reached one, directly, take the gangma, the motorcycle is destroyed .

However, in the moment he shot, I saw the short and steep turn of the car.

It is already possible to see it, his face has been completely deformed, the mouth has become odd, and the skin is all pustules, the hair is also wet, the two eyes are also protruding out of the eyes, which is very strange.

The key is that while Fanglin Rock destroys the motorcycle, it feels that his left arm has a mane, then there is even lost the ability to control the left arm!

When the migitude, I found that the original left arm shoulder blade, and Hedd a deep blood hole. The bloody sleeper had egg size, and even the crushed arm of Baisen. !

What is even more strange is that there is no blood, it seems that there is a powerful force like "supporting" hurt, so although it will not cause the wound bleeding, there is such a force that has continued to take effect, want healing. It's hard.

In this case, Fanglin Rock immediately chose to land, and then hidden in the side of the hidden place, anyway, the enemy's motorcycle was also wreck, and it was not afraid of running in a short time.

Taking this time, Fanglin Rock looks at the battle record, and immediately contraction is contracted:

"Contractors ZB419, you have suffered the curse: the attack of the river."

"The main attack of the river is true harm, and has authority."

"Your left hand suffered 279 points true hurt !!"

"Your left hand suffers from devastating strikes."

"Your left hand is disabled."

"Your left hand will be affected by spore infection, in this negative state, your left hand can't heal! This effect also has authority."


This series of prompts are bounced out, and Fanglin Rock's mood is really as "", instantly falls to the bottom!

Is this TM really afraid of what!

I rely on Athena's horses hi, I finally got a ghost today, I met this deadly assassin!

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