The First Evolution

Chapter 74 meeting

At this time, after the Fang Lin Ran flashed, the result appeared in the concrete wall in front of the concrete wall, and the edge of the hole was very smooth, with obvious dissolution traces, and even an out of a smoke, Fang Lin Yan smented After that taste, I only feel disgusting.

This hit is really a difference! If the movement of Fang Lin Ran is slower, it is necessary to be hit again.

It is also this hit, let Fanglin Rock tried to roughly calculate the tongue cooling time of the main river.

8 seconds.

Such powerful skills, as long as 8 seconds cool, it is really metamorphosis.

However, this time Fanglin Rock guess, this skill is called death tongue, in fact, its cooling time is only five seconds, but the tongue it is sprayed is actually very else, the core spike of the tongue, is Directly grow from the tongue, there is only three people.

Once the three sprayed, then its regeneration is very slow, and it is necessary to rebirth for two hours.

Original Fedankenstein is designed to store ten core spikes, but there must be lost, the number of spikes goes, and the included special effect will be randomly reduced.

Finally, Frankens is thinking, thinking is more important than the quantity, so I started cutting, and finally debugged many times, I finally found the balance point. Basically, a death tongue can be used to describe it.

As for the short board of this, Ferrankenstein feels that you can make up for your teammates.

When I found that the Lord of the river once again shot, Fanglin Rock has once again jumped, and the silver metal wings are in the air, and the strong bounce and jump force are given.

At the same time, Fanglin Yan's countdown of "8, 7, 6" in his heart. When he had to 2, he collected a wing and a rolling of the courtyard, and then the front stepped in front.

What is this doing? Of course, the thief is first squat!

From beginning to end, Fanglin Rock has not forgotten a thing, that is, his own goal is not in front of this disgusting monster, but Ferrankenstein.

The guy had been fried in the container compartment, and then he hit a positive in the van, before being taken by the motorcycle by the river, it was very reluctant.

When I boke my motorcycle, this guy directly flew out my head and hit the steps next to it. It is clear that this is definitely a reincarnation for him. After all, I have to consider this is a one hundred years old. The old man is.

Therefore, Fanglin Rock feels that this guy has a big probability to breathe near the car accident, as long as he seizes him, then he is very good.

Wait until the Positive Lord, then again and this slowly played, it is not a person who is fighting!

This guy is depends on the puncture thorn of eight seconds. At that time, the Banggarah took it on, and the group of Viking people copied, see how you died.

So Fanglin Rock landed, he did not take the common road at all, and he was in front of the wall in front of him!

This wall shakes, then she collapsed, Fanglin Yan as if the cheetah, the cheetah, then quickly suddenly, soon, I quickly saw the reddish motorcycle, and there was a dripping blood, it looked hit That is also the injury to Ferrannstein.

Then, Fang Lin rock chased out of the blood, came to a room, you can see a woman looks in the earth, and the eyes are in the middle of the air, the face is passionate, it is already a movement. .

Fang Lin Yan saw it later, her neck had a flesh and blurred scary bite, it looked very fierce, and the muscles near the bite is clear, it is obviously exhausted.

When I saw this scene, Fang Linyan was suddenly understood, and Frankenstein should want to find a way to make himself a squeezing ghost. This old monster really has an idea! But think about it, I am very energetic.

Aged aristocrat, castle, cold heart, pay attention to blood, sleep during the day, active in experiment at night

So Fanglin Rock went around the body and continued to catch up with the front.

However, when he passed the body, the body actually made a scream, and then his eyes looked on a white, and his hands were waved to hold the square.

This will only appear in the horror film, it is really frightening. If it is changed to ordinary people, then it must be difficult to escape.

However, Fanglin Rock turned out, then the woman was re-climbed again, his eyes were sluggish, and there was a large number of liquids, but the neck had become a horror, obviously cervical fractures .

"Is this blood slave?"

Fanglin Rock has long understood the creatures that can encounter the vampire. If the vampire is injected into a small amount of toxins in the vampire, it will be made into a general blood slave.

Under normal circumstances, these blood slaves are very humble, and they will die by the vampire ghost. At this time, this blood slave took the initiative to attack Fanglin Rock, indicating that the blood ghosts have known his existence.

However, Fang Lin Yan feels that the problem is not big. Although the vampire has a strong recovery ability, there is no theoretical harm, and even becomes a bat flight, it seems to have a lot of advantages, but there is a biggest problem, that is, the daytime activity is limited.

Don't say that Ferrannens is just seriously injured, even if he is in full form, it is estimated that it is a significant limit. It is estimated that this is why he will mix it in the container. The advantage is that the advantage is that Do not breathably, it will not light.

Fang Lin Ran is in the belly of this blood slave. This time I used it all my best, I flew out for more than twenty meters. I broke the door and flew out. I saw it by a gallop. The heavy card hit it.

After this foot, she cuts out of the bones, even if she still wants to move, the whole person is like a creep or snake, it looks very strange.

After chasing the almost twenty meter, the face is a person, this person seems to be like a drunk, and the handsome waves, and the Fang Lin Ran is rushing up, and the foot is still crashing.

His neck still has a clear wound, and the wound is constantly moving with blood, it looks very miserable.

I saw this wound, and the hearts of Fanglin Rock were also moving. It is clear that this guy is just bitten, that is, the guy of Ferrankenstein is not far away.

Along the ground, Fanglin Rock pushed the door in front, and found a living room in front of him. Then he saw a homer in the rice trench coat, sitting on the chair next to the left hand, a high foot Cup, squatting eyes seems to be caught in meditation.

The liquid inside the cup is pink, and I don't know if it is blood.

This old man is probably because of his older, so his hand is very shaking, so the wine in the cup is somewhat powerful, and his face is still not obvious, and it is impossible to look forward to it. Fanglin Rock memory is still young than yours.

Yes, this is the Earl of Victor Ferran Kenstein!

At the same time, Fanglin Rock pays attention to the calmness of the old guy is also installed. The hair below the hat already has a laury, and the suit inside the windbreaker is even more wrinkled. It is obvious that in the process of esculating it here. Ferrancunstein has a lot of suffering.

Probably heard the footsteps, so Victor Ferran Kenztan looked up, looking at Fanglin Rock, actually showed a smile

"Oh, Mr., you have much more coming than I think!"

Fanglinyan is very simply

"If you want to delay time, then it is wrong, your minus is still forty meters away, and it is now entangled."

Victor Fellanztein shrugged

"If I let him leave, will you give me such a little time, let me sort out the appearance, complete the final prayer?"

Fanglin Rock Road

"If it is someone else, then it may not promise you this request, but in the case of our accompanying, I promise you, but you only have five seconds to let the time."

Victor Fellanztein

"A hundred years ago?"

Then he got up and down Fanglinyan, and his face was revealed, and then took out a whistle from his arms.

When Fang Linyi, there was a vision behind Teject, and immediately saw the whistle of the river. He immediately covered his head, and his face revealed the color of struggle, and quickly escaped in the distance.

Next, Victor Ferran Kenstein looked at Fanglin Rock almost ten seconds, and he went to shake his head;

"Sorry, I really can't remember. Have you seen it? And I haven't born it for more than 100 years?"

Fang Lin Yan laughed

"I prompt the keyword, the Ashes rally, Xiao Ke, Fenx, Xitense Temple"

Victor Ferran Kentan suddenly smashed a cold, a lot of forgotten things quickly poured into his mind, so he immediately

"Is you?? Asians who disappeared mysteriously? Self-proclaimed wrenches from Himalaya?"

It is so fast that Victor Ferran Kenstein is so fast, but because they adopted a suggestion of this wrench at the time, it is to make miracles!

This makes the old man Morgie Greghi Greghon, and his position has become the best umbrella of Victorflannstein.

Fanglin Rock Road

"I finally remembered? I am another person, will come to your world without regular tunnel, go back, I have been waiting for two years, I found that another new time and space tunnel appeared, So I came again to this world. "

"For me, I have lived in my world for two years, but in your world, I have passed a whole hundred years, telling the truth, I have entered this world, there is no psychological preparation. See you. "

Victor Ferran Kenstein's words were very serious, and it was very careful, so the keen cracked things that were good for themselves, so he made a stall, smirk

"Mr. wrench, if I have not remembered, then our gains are still very pleasant, I think even if there are some things that are not listening, it is also from an old man and scientist's quirks. Come with care for everything? "

Fanglinyi nodded

"Yes, in fact, we are still very enjoyable, especially if I remember that I have a hearty food, and the taste is now worth afraid."

"I now appear here the only reason, that is, take people money, dislightened with people, if you don't try to escape from my hand, I can guarantee that you can get the same."

"Right, I am a person who is committed to commitment, Mr. Victor Ferran Kenztein, you don't try to buy me. However, I can tell you all the situation, I think you should be able to find a way to it. "

Victorflanztan nodded

"If this is the case, then I owe you alone."

Fang Lin Yan

"This matter is strict, it should be from decades ago, I don't know if you still remember this person of the Lord I."

Victor Ferran Kenztein stunned, then

"Yi Wen Si? I certainly remember, he and Moleghi nini is an old friend."

Fanglinyan words simple

"Lord Ivan is my employer."

Victorflanztein is surprised

"How is this possible, he is clearly dead!"

Fang Lin Yan laughed

"Yes, but who tells you that the dead can not revenge?"

"Revenge?" Victor Ferran Kenstein is stunned, "What is the hatred with him?"

Fang Lin Yan shrugged

"I didn't know this. Today, this thing is in place. It is the Hand Ivan's hand. We divide two ways, he went to deal with Moyi, and I will be responsible for halfway interception and catch you, because Obviously you can't sit on the Morgi's bishop. "

Victor Fellanztein laughed

"The original problem is here, very good, thank you for your confusion."

Fang Linyan faint

"It's a lot of workers, in fact, I think you are very likely to live, Ten Commandments, the strength of the organization, is really amazing, if you are full, you want to murder a magician, I I feel that even people like Dumbleo can't live. "


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