The First Evolution

Chapter 75 Pharmaceutical Upgrade

Seeing this scene, Fanglin Rock is still a little, but Ivan is very experienced, and I tried the breath of Feilanztein before the trial, and frown:


Fang Linyan suddenly wake up, seriously;

"Before 100 years, Victor. Ferrancunstein has reached the technology of implantation, and he even let me control Finx with awareness, becoming a ripper jack in London night. '

"It looks now, after a hundred years, Victor. Ferran Kentan has this ability: manufacturing a new body, his soul is like moving, can constantly switch to different The body is living in the body. "

At this time, the driver driving suddenly said:

"House, what should we go now?"

Ivan Mordi did not hesitate:

"No. 388 Yaryton Avenue, door, Gothic Art Museum."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"It seems that he really touches you, and even let you take this risk."

Lord Ivans Wood:

"That's because you didn't have done a decades, I don't know how to lose the taste, touch, and the feeling of smell!"

Fanglin Yan is slightly thinking about it:

"I originally saw Victor. When Mr. Ferrancunstein, he didn't put it out from the bones, that is, when I got directly, then he was very likely true. will die."

"Or at least I can determine, when you do it, he will suffer very serious consequences. For example, consciousness is hit hard, eg, it will become idiot on the spot. Of course, after he will give him a good soul, he can do a good soul from this The preparation of the body is just like we have seen, directly abandoning this body away. "

Lord Ivans silently took a moment:

"I still think of one thing."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Well, you said."

Lord Ivans:

"If this old man is really waiting for us, then this body is in front of him, perhaps it is quite precious!"

Fang Linyi saw the Lord Ivans, the old fox is an old fox. This is not what he has not thought about by the truth, it is really possible.

The road conditions in London are not good at the peak period of get off work, so there is 40 minutes, this Bentley has reached the designated location of Victor. Fedoztein said.

The old guy really has been waiting there, black suit, high top gap, is really the British nobility that will be elegant and wind in the bones in the movie.

For the next two old foxes, Fanglin Rock is not interested. He is very simply putting a settlement request for the Lord Ivans, on the one hand, the "tail", and on the other hand, Bangjia Ross's tail.

For Banggala, Fanglin Rock is still very appreciated. This is a sincere, integrity, principle guy. More importantly, his strength is still very strong, so Fang Lin Yan feels that he can help when he can Let's help.

Now, in the end, in the future, I have to come back this world, so I can send it.

That's very simply let your servant Herle to handle this matter very simply.

In addition to the rest of the remaining stealth cloak, Fanglin Yan also helped Banggarash for an additional bonus, probably about one-third of the reward.

In those we came to the Banggara, there were three people who were killed, and Fanglin Rock was arrested to let him pay an additional default.

After the total money of this Lin Lin added, it was almost the same as the Banggarah got a lot of more than twelve Jin Garlon. The unexpected financial treatment got their friendship.

When Fanglin Rock directly intended to speaking, Ivans also rushed, he found Fanglin Rock to come to the trill: Golden pin, then take it out of half a bottle looks very strange liquid, it looks Like mercury.

Then he soaked in the golden dipper in this "mercury", very fast, the golden colors of Fanglin Rock becomes platinum color, and its name has also become a platinum.

Lord Ivans smiled:

"This is a small gift, I upgrade your authority of this golden pin, now you are a platinum user."

"The guy who sent this gold pin must be very optimistic, according to what I know, this thing is only ten to fifteen golden pins every year."

"The business manager issued a golden pin is actually in carrying a gambling, because the customer who has got the golden pin will be closely concerned."

"This business manager is going to work overtime to enjoy the sea breeze, sand beach, bikini, or have been sent to a bird, depending on the user, can this user bring to them? The performance growth is. "

Speaking here, Lord Ivans deeply sucked a smoky, then the inviolent sprinkled eyes and enjoyed nicotine in the lungs, the feeling of rushing, after a few seconds:

"I think this guy's eyes are good, so I chose the filling, like your smart people, worthy of the risk."

Fanglin Rock haha ​​size:

"You are a person with vision."

He did not ask Fedankenstein's final ending. In fact, it is not difficult to guess. Since Ivan is not to meet him without seeing, then the big probability is the two old head dirty PY transactions.

In fact, for Ferrannenstein, with the Molanige Cardios for hundreds of years, I will have to change a new cooperation object.

When Hele sent a black cloak, a guy with a black cloak also appeared. Fang Linyan's eyes were slightly contracted, because he was the Lord of the river encountered before, but he is now a human form ---- ---- It is a pretty short fat.

He handed a small bottle of Fanglin Rock.

"My master said, from your body smelling the taste of a inferior medicine, he is a person who doesn't like owe the human feelings, in order to thank you for your prayer time, let me send you this bottle of strengthening powder. "

"Sprinkle it into your bottle of inferior drugs, you will get a bottle of pharmacy."

Then the River's Lord gave him an address.

"This is the master's magic contact method. He said that if you come back to our world again, welcome to contact him -------- If he is still alive in the time ------ Now, This is a big probability. "

Fang Lin Yan stunned, immediately responded, this old family is unsteady, he believes that Fanglin Rock's "fall" cycle is one hundred years, that is, he is also holding another hundred years, so he immediately:

"Hey, Mr. Ferrannes is very confident in the ability of our own transformation."

The Lord of the river is faint:

"Nikuli (Legend has it from 1330 to 1872), why did the owner can't do it."

Fang Linyan nodded and smiled:

"Okay, then I wish Mr. Frankenstein good luck."


Then Fanglin Rock got a car, and pulled out the bottle of deformage from his arms ....... He only hooks with the "inferior drug" that Ferrannstein said.

At this time, this bottle is still very beautiful, shining blue, just like the most essential landscape of the sea, it is difficult to hang it with "inferior" two words.

Obviously, for the professional level of Ferrannstein, Fanglin Rock is still very confident, so he is very simply pulled out the stomach of the pharmacy ------- a spicy taste, must admit this It's not good at taste, just like a lime powder mixed with pepper.

Then Tinyan poured in the small bottle of the gray powder from the Lord of the River.

It can be found that with the pouring the gray powder, the deformation agent is rapidly shrinking, which has emerged in white smoke, which leads to the Bentley driver to open the window ...

After a few seconds, the beautiful blue liquid in the pharmacy became a black lacquered oleines.

Yes, this is very poor, giving the first impression is vomiting or Xiang ...

But Fanglin Rock is very clear, it seems great thing that does not necessarily be effective.

The chemist can use the sodium silicate solution / sodium nitrate / magnesium sulfate to make a beautiful underwater bonsai, it seems to be dangerous, but after drinking, it is guaranteed to spit down to the hospital to give you the stomach and twelve intestines. A crit.

Soon, this looks a very bad liquid, and the taste of smell is not so uncomfortable. At the same time, the eyes of Fanglin Yan also prompt:

"Contractors ZB419, your deformation agent has been extracted, and its quality has been greatly improved."

"Your deformed agent is improved to: silver plot!"

"The name of your deformation agent is renamed: Pandora's deformation agent."

"Before drinking this drug, you can put into part of the creature you want to change, including not limited to feathers, blood, nails, hair, etc.

"After planting the genetic fragment, this agent can only drink after a minute."

"Then you drink this medicine, it will change quickly into the creatures you specified, last 12 hours, you will completely inherit this creature."

"However, this creature must be lower than the legendary organism, and once you are injured during transformation, the duration will decrease rapidly."

Looking at this drug, Fang Lin Yanyi suddenly regretted, of course, when it was regretted that the fire dragon was killed, he did not leave a blood, but he suddenly remembered this stuff is a legendary creature, and still female dragons, Suddenly I feel sorry.

However, after this agent evolved, there seems to be infinitely possible.

Following him again, I thought about it. After I thought, I didn't think of the magic contained way to give the magic contact given by Ferrankenstein.

"If the user has been hurt before use, will there be a corresponding change after drinking the water?"

Soon, the letter flew back, it was clear that Ferrancunstein is near the Garden of Eden:

"Mild harm will be cured in the power of the drug, but the serious damage is not -------- If you break a leg, then become a tiger, there is no doubt that this tiger is also broken Fall a corresponding leg. "

Fang Lin Yan Ling Machine:

"If I want to become a snake, it doesn't have legs at all!"

Ferrannestein is obviously very studied:

"Then there will be a wound in the corresponding position of the snake, the flesh and blood ratio of the wound, is equivalent to the ratio of the weight of the leg you break away from the whole body weight."

Fangliny continues to ask:

"For example, I added a dragon blood in the drug, according to your concept, after I drink this bottle of medicine, I will turn into a legendary dragon."

"But, I suddenly think this is not suitable for me, adding a tiger's blood, then what is it going?"

Ferrankenstein is coming, like a stream:

"Of course, it is a tiger. The genetic sequence of the later person will cover the former, but this coverage is limited, you can only join the three creatures in the top of the three creatures, if added to the fourth type, then this bottle The medicine was abolished. "

"There is still important, for example, after you join the dragon blood, you can add at least an hour to add the rest of the biological genetic tissue, otherwise, you will waste it."


After talking to Ferrannestein, after almost twenty minutes,

The flying letter finally screamed, directly burning, and it used to express its strong protest with self-ignition.

Fang Lin Yan laughed and blowing it directly.

And the front is already the familiar Turkish barbecue store. Everyone is about a collection here, and Fanglin Rock has seen his teammates ------- In addition to Omei.

The rest of the people said that they also tried to persuade Omei to be stable, first aggressive to say, but it was clear that Omi did not listen to their advice.

To be honest, this is not surprising, after all, Omi is a very strong person, or a woman.

It is seen that she has invested a lot of resources in this world. I have a lot of layout to get a SSS, which in turn will laid the right to speak in the team. As a result, I finally got it.

"Talk about it, what is going on?"

Fanglin Rock bites a roast leg, some curious way.

"I think Omi's arrangement of the sky is seamless, there is no problem."

Messe sighed a gap:

"Yes, I think so, but the problem is not in us, but on the Magic Department."

Fanglin Ranki said:

"What is this?"


"Unicorn is a special kind of protection organism, any drug or biological products related to the unicorn, is definitely on the list of prohibited lists, once caught is a heavy crime!"

"Obviously, our Black Magic Master uses this to make it a big hassle, at least six senior Ao Luo intends to break into our surrounding circle, and refer to our pointer unicorn!"

"At the time, I didn't have a positive conflict with the Ministry of Magic, so we could only set a trap, and the senior Ao Luo came to handle this thing."

"Their ruthenthroughs directly drove the unicorn, then dropped the handle in our hands, so we were able to retreat to the whole body, then grab a chance to succeed, and gave the tail. The helper is a jealous, I finally got a bad breath! "

Fanglin Rock Road:

"So, now Omi is going to the Magic Ministry to find trouble?"

Crespo shrugs:

"Women, the eyes are always small."


"We all said that it is necessary to help, but Omei said that she said that with the Magic Department confronted, she must rely on the power of the Ministry of Magic, and we will help out the way."

"This is true." Fanglin Rank carefully thought about it carefully, and then seriously. "So, is we ready to flash?"


"Almost, Omi clearly said that she doesn't have to take her, so we plan to be surplus for several hours free activities ------- I plan to visit the Old stock market in the Betberro Road here, I think I can There is a lot of good things there. "

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