The First Evolution

Chapter 76 of the Abyss Lord Arrangement

Fanglin Rock nodded:

"So I wish good luck."

Then he looked at the goat and vultures, they both very simply:

"We intend to try the hope of the world of Bucao."

Fanglin Rock shocked:

"No, I am trying to visit the giant grandmother?"

Goat screaming:

"Head, the giant is a race. Since it is a race, then there is a young thing! And we can definitely, there is a variant of the evolutionary version!"

Fang Lin Yan slammed it, and immediately responded. The two should be the random deformation of the bottle you got, and I can't help but sigh.

"Ok, let's pursue your dreams."

Cresbo does not wait for Fang Rock to see, and the way is righteous.

"I think they are doing this to do this, violating morality and ethics."

Fanglin Yan shocked:

"and so?"

Kresbo is justified:

"So I intend to stare at them, avoid these two guys do things that have the name of our legendary squad!"

Fang Linyan helplessly hold his face with his hands, and sighed.

Next, the return and passed, Fanglin Ran came to this world, it is planning to fish, soy sauce, so there is no big expectation.

Finally, it has got up 30,000 general points and two potential points, and returned to the s space.

In the Space, there is nothing to say, Fanglin Rock first paid three thousand universal points, scattered his curse of the blood of the unicorn, and then entered the training ground, after practicing for a while, but always feel a heart and floating What is it? Is it a kind of bug?

At the same time, Fanglin Rock also watched the unknown ore ore purified to the unknown ore, then applied in his own laboratory, so simply returned to the real world.


In another Noah space,

The people in the market are crowded, Bisgo is traveling on, but he keeps halfway at any time, and let himself fall behind the other party.

Obviously, people who can treat him such a humble person is the leader of his leaders, Bisgo is only one of his six knights.

"How do you think this thing?" The Abyss Lord suddenly opened.

The speech of this abyss lord has become clear and lifted, as if a teenager is the same.

This Bisch has been accustomed to, because of the six knights, only Deng can contact the Lord's adults, in the eyes of the remaining five knights, the abyss lord has always maintained a mystery.

Even the voice of talking is, it is in a non-stop, and even a voice that Bisch heard is a voice.

But what is it, this has increased the mystery and power of the abyss lord! Let the six knights down on the head of the footer, the listener of him, the abyss lord often said, I don't need someone to like me, I only need them to fear me! !

Bisch looked at the thing of the abyss lord, then said:

"I feel more expensive."

The abyss lord shook his head:

"Buy it."

Bisgo did not hesitate to talk to the owner, and then bought this jewelry after the board.

Next, the abyss lord will bring this jewelry and then go to the private space of Bisgo.

The private space of this guy is also very personal. It is actually in the desert. Of course, there is no kind of cool, it is a huge pyramid outside the distance -------------- visitors and owners can't close It is within one hundred meters.

However, a slum of SX bodies up to 50 meters and the length reached 80 meters is the existence of truly touch!

Such a pride, mysterious, evil statue has become a place in the back garden in Bisgo, and he really lives in a rest, it is the palace model of Egypt, but there is no more colorful place.

After coming here, the abyss lord came to a silver equipment enhancement machine and started skilled operation.

When he enhanced, the action was very slow, and it was still inserted into some unknown action.

For example, when you want to add a furnace carbon in the inside, the abyss lord is clearly holding the furnace rock carbon is about to add, but it will stop at once, at least in this actions over half a minute.

In other words, before pressing the reinforcement button, the abyss lord will be washed first, but after washing, it will also use spirits to turn his hand once. He rinsed so carefully, and even the finger gap is not Let go.

So this is a very time consuming.

After repeated operation, even after smashing the unsatisfactory attribute, after the time to downgrade, the abyss lord suddenly picked up this jewelry smiles:

"Not completed."

I have already watched some impatient Bisgi immediately look, and the eyes of the eyes were wide, because the LV7 of this jewelry actually appeared a shocking attribute:

Excellence: Every time you attack the enemy, you have 7% of the probability to play an excellence. The attack will inevitably hit, and an attacker is hurt by 10% of the maximum life value of the attacker.

Excellence One hit is passive skill, but the built-in cooling time is 10 seconds, and the excellence can also trigger the rest of the attack characteristics, including not limited to crit, dizziness, and so on.

However, excellence will not take effect on a legendary life of less than 35% of his health.

Obviously, excellence, this skill tends to PVE, and does not have no dependence, it is the case, it can play a very amazing effect when dealing with the monsters of huge creatures and life.

For example, a monster of 10,000 points of life triggered an excellence, its theoretical injury is an attacker's attack power +1000 hurt, even if it is deducting defense, this is a very amazing figure.

After seeing this jewelry, Bisgo didn't just witness the magic of the abyss lord, but also stunned.

This ornament itself is quite garbage, even if it is plus multiple strengthened costs, the top day is 50,000 universal points, but after the excellence, this price can be more than eight times!

At this time, Bisch couldn't help but thought of the commentary of the star of the abyss.

"He has a pair of eyes that can see the future! Under this eyes, there is nothing to escape the catch!"

The Abyss Lord has a total of six knights, all of them are guys, why are they committed to people, because of the abyss lord, he seems to master the future trend, let it be strong, more It is more stronger than people around you.

The abyss lord handed the jewelry to Bisch.

"This equipment is made up for you before the previous losses, right, Zambause has news? When is their world end?"

"Oh, I haven't returned my hometown for a long time. This is really expecting. If it is not to clean up this trouble, I almost forget the world."


"Zon Teshen has already said that the world is over before half an hour."

"So, if you return, you should find that wrench, but Deng tells me that your world is also one of the adventure world, so the wrench is likely to be protected by vacation after returning."

The abyss lord is a deep way:

"Of course I won't ignore this. After all, I am born in that world. I can even feel that I have any contact with him. You said, I will see Mr. I will see Mr. I will give him this time. What gifts are there? "

Bisgha Haha smiled:

"I think he will be very surprised."

Abyss leader:

"I am responsible for it, the rest of the legendary quad, gave you, I got a news before, saying that they also absorb a new player to enter the team."

"This player is a woman, but the hunting king is very optimistic, thinking that her mind is clear, the implementation is very strong, except for it, there is no problem, but this woman refuses the hunting king's recruitment, join. Legendary team. "

Bisch nodded:

"Then look like this, the potential of this team is very full, no wonder people, you have to take themselves."

The Abyss Lord is faint:

"Otherwise? Is it like a big counter in the game and movie? Sitting in your own throne is moving, until the protagonist will cut your own hands and wings out of the empty and strong enough, this is desperate, Is the protagonist's sword mourned? "

He said, a glass of wine from the side, as if the blood is generally a wine, then gently smashed halfway.

"Either don't do it, or do it."

The abyss lord seems to be talking in Biisgo, but it seems to be self-speaking self ....

At this time, next to it came to a waiter with a golden hair, facing Bisch:

"The master, your friends are coming."

Bisch nodded:

"Ask him."

Soon, the coming people appeared in front of Bisch, it was the star of the star, and he opposed the abyss leader:

"Adults, I have been arranged, I have successfully anchored the legendary team, according to the first-hand news, S is bound to face the world of contractors, one is a foggy world, and another one, then It is the world of Avengers. "

"Basically, it can be judged that the S number will arrange the legendary brigade into the Avengers World, because the plane has its current shortage of resources, there is a interesting thing to be, it seems that the hunt will also appear in that world, in order to It is not very lost, I invite him to join the ranks of the food, how do you guess how to say? "

Bisgi frown:

"The hunting king and the legendary brigade are good, you will reveal the intelligence to him like this?"

The Abyss Lord is faint:

"That will not, the hunting king is a typical self-esteem, and the style is a typical periscolic, he will only do the most favorable judgment on himself --------, so, facing you The proposal of the food legendary team should be to you, have you added money? "

Astrology Deng smiles:

"Yes, I thought about it, I feel that there is no loss is the best, I promised him."

Bisgo does not agree.

"In fact, there is no need to make interests to him. Adults personally go to deal with the wrench, directly kill him in the main world, the three of our six knights gathered, dealing with the remaining guys ----- like this Strong lineup, even if it is a book? "

"Everyone knows that she is dead, but no one is willing to die, but no one can stop this happening! The legendary team will soon face such helplessness."

Abyss leader:

"Killing the legendary brigade, is it afraid of there is no interest? Deng is doing, to do ....... will do it! Turning must be removed."

Deng Shenyu, his strange eyes suddenly flowed out a line of blood, but Deng's expression is still very light:

"Master, I just got an intelligence here: S number has recently produced some unusual attention to the wrench, yes, I think it should be after the gold main line of the Three Kingdoms."

"There is no doubt that after the end of the world, the S number that has already given up has got some additional resources outside the plan. At this point, space and capitalists are actually a lot of similarities, they always Will stare guys who can bring more gains to themselves. "

Abyss leader:

"So, this time I need to smoke?"

Deng stretched his finger, gently massage the third eyes closed in his own eyebrow, smiled and said:

"Yes, you can't carry any space of equipment, you can't use any space-related skills, you have to play a status of an Aboriginal identity, then let the wrench out of the regression protection, then kill him."

When I heard Deng, Bisgo wrinkled her brow:

"Adult, not what I want to question your strength, but this is obviously a very difficult thing!"

"I suggest a change plan, you bring us directly in the next world, it is not good in normal ways!"

The abyss lord shook his head:

"It's hard."

Bisgo is surprised:


He suddenly closed his mouth, because he saw Deng projected from the unrequited gods, but also remembered almost everyone's evaluation of the abyss lord:

"He seems to have a pair you can see the future of the future!"

The abyss lord seems to have not seen two subordinates secret exchange, then faintly said:

"All according to the original plan, Deng, contact the guy, saying that it is to borrow his artifact."

Deng said:

"Is it looking for a scalar? His contact us I got has been invalid, because he is once again emerging in the world."

Abyss leader:

"Then you have to pass the hunting king? The hunting king should be able to contact the scalar at any time? Their relationship is not general."

Deng sighs and said:

"Yes, this also represents the cost of our pay may be unprecedented!"

He is rare to make a rude gesture:

"The bang of the king, as long as it is dealing with him, it will be biting a piece of meat!"

Bisgo ignited a smoke and frown:

"There is any door of the snorker artifact, you can shuttle in the designated place, the world you have to go, may not be recorded by his arbitrary door, and open an arbitrary door to pay the cost is also very high. of."

The Abyss Lord suddenly saw him at a glance, Bisgo suddenly felt a feeling of suffocation, and the next consciousness stood up to land.

The Abyss Lord is faint:

"I don't want to discuss with you, don't look for him for artifacts."

"I, you have to tell you that you should do this! And go all out to do this, Deng, I am waiting for your news, I just as long as the result."

After that, the abyss lord stood up and turned out.


Lightning scavenging the horizon in an instant, and the wind is tearing the leaves,

Fanglin Yan suddenly sat up from the bed, and the big mouth didn't breathe.

Yes, he did a nightmare.

In the dream, it is righteous and returned to the days of the year and Xu Shuzhao. It is flat, but it has a rare and warm.

But suddenly, Fanglinyan found that Xu Shu was gotting up and died, and his neck did not put! ! He is also no way to break free, even if it is not used by punching.

Fangliny is quoted for the power of proud, at this time, there is no one to play! He can only suffocate, pain, to bear.

Until he really woke up directly, this found that I didn't know when I was blind, and this is the root cause of him suffocating.

After waking up, Fanglin Rock has not slept, pick up the phone directly, dialed the housekeeper:

"Is the big priest have not come back?"

Since Fanglin Rock returned, it was a strange thing. The whole manor was empty, and all the female priests and believers left, and even the brilliance on the icon was lost.

Fang Linyan asked, saying that the goddess suddenly lowered the gods to leave, it seems to be a big priest in the Alps on the Alps.

Fortunately, I finally gave a clear message at this time:

"Adults, ten minutes ago, the big priest once again contacted me, she heard that after you slept, gave me a number, saying that you wake up and you can play."

Fanglin Rock nodded:

"Okay, I received it, tell me this number."

Soon, Fanglin Rock dialed a new number, while listening to the blind voice of "Dudu", his mood has a rare suppression, just like the shortness of thunderstorms before the thunderstorm is coming. Irritate.

After waiting for more than ten seconds, the phone was turned on:


Although only one word, I can hear that the big priest is very exhausted and tired. It can imagine that she is too busy to be busy to the intersection.

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Is me, what happened?"

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