Originally entered the way! The first chapter of the 19-year-old dusk has to have a big priest hesitation:

"The goddess is very out of control, even fear! Before five days, suddenly promulgate God, let us enter the goddess, but also deprived all the power on my body, let me take the country to the Vatican. "

Fang Lin Yan listened to the snacks:

"What to do in Vatican, there is a religious referee! Although our face miracles are no longer demonstrated, Christianity still has dominance."

"So, at this time, the creator, there is no big arrival, and it is not as good as the whole day, and it may even fall into the state of sleep. However, you have a great probability that is in the past, and still have a lot of probability. Then sent the fireprozen rack in the referee. "

"And Goddess, will be directly swallowed directly as a nutrient! After all, it is more powerful than Zeus who once inquiry!"

The big priest has some tired way:

"The Chinese will be hidden in my eyebrow, and I am now being sealed to deprive the power, it is an ordinary person. More importantly, the arrival in the long sleep, even his spokesperson, the spokesperson of the ground, I can't think of it. This happens. "

"So, I think I am very safe, at least 90% of grasp."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Do you know the cause of the goddess?"

Big sacrifices:

"The goddess of the goddess is wisdom, so it is possible to judge the crisis from some spider marts, just like the wisdom of the old farmers to judge tomorrow's weather, the time of the swallow is the same."

"The goddess feels that a huge crisis is coming soon. It seems that there is a terrible thing in the eyes, just like a fate malicious gaze, like the dusk of the gods, the same, the same, so Make so extreme choice. "

Fanglin Rock Road:

"I understand, a drop of water wants to hide yourself, then hide yourself into a piece of water. You are a drop of water, the Vatican is placing a basin of water, it looks dangerous, but once really If there is anything, then you must go to the goddess first, because you have hidden your own light. "

Big sacrifices:

"Yes, this is what this means."

Fang Lin Yan is silent for a long time:

"So, take care."

Big sacrifices:

"You have to take care, you have ....... Be careful!"

Then the phone is hung up.

Fanglin Yan closed his eyes, his face was calm, but the double boxed double boxing showed his inner heart that was producing an amazing storm.

It is reasonable to say that the big priest is now an ordinary person, and it should be more powerful.

But she did not mention a sentence!

What means?

The goddess feels that the risk is from his body! ! So, you have to stay away from him! !

This feeling, let Fanglin Rock have a painful pain,

He was abandoned from a child, which is a terrible scar hidden in the heart of the heart. It is a bit of peace that Xu Shu is a bit.

But now, when he thinks he can completely dominate his own destiny, he will face such a pain again! ! !

The most important thing is that Fanglin Rock is still unable to refute, can't counteract ....... can only silently endure, what is the thing to do in the emotions may be some excessive, from the perspective, but it is indel Pigeon.

Because both parties are the relationship between interest exchange.

When the interest is greater than the risk, then affirmative cooperation is very close. When the risk is much higher than the interest, it is decisively cut the meat loss.

The husband and wife are the same forest bird, and it is very difficult to fly. .........

What's wrong with Fanglin Rock and goddess? There is no way to?

After a while, Fang Lin Yan got up and slowly walked into the garden.

The heavy rain is , I will make him get up and wet. However, Fang Lin Yan wants to get rid of rain, only the rain is cold, in order to let him feel unpleasant, the flames are slightly dim.

Then Fanglin Yan continued to move forward, he saw the huge black shadow of the two regiments.

Then the lightning passes from the sky, and Fanglin Rock is staying against the two giant trees in front:

"Do you have not gone?"

These two giant trees are the two giant trees that are brought out from spaces from space, mountain Ningfu and Clicius.

They swayed a branch, as if they responded to the inquiry of the opponent, there was also a sound between the branches. "Hehe," strange voice.

Then, from the crown of Shan Nang, a woman who shines like a star in the crown of the mountain, and the heavy rain is wonderful. It is never seen by her side. When she saw her, Fanglin Yan finally slowly spit a long gas. Tao:

"You ...... Nothing?"

This woman is of course Ivesna.

She smiled and said to the rock road:

"If I am gone, are you not crying?"

Fang Lin Yan's smile:


Then Ivesin came up, gentlely hugged him, and a fragrance of nature was also a nose. Fang Lin Yan closed his eyes, and his long vomited, closed his eyes.

Although there is a heavy rain, the wind is big.

But at this time, Fanglin Rock feels that he seems to come to the grassland of the spring day, and the sun is warm, and it is a fragrance that is unknown in the wild grass.

Warm, fresh and beautiful.

This moment, Fanglin Rock feels his confidence, his strength is back!

I have not been abandoned! Still is willing to be around you!

One thought and this, Fanglin Yan is inexplicable, he is now trying to do some exciting things, such as climbing a peak, for example, in the cave to explore the exhausted, suddenly fight back.


After a hit and sixty-nine minutes, after fifty eight seconds,

The rainstorm stopped,

The stars in the sky shine light,

Fang Linyan lying on the grass, he felt that his naked chest is a bit itchy, which is because Ivesnda's slender fingers are on the painting circle.

At this time, he only felt that his body was exhausted, but his thoughts were unprecedented.

Therefore, Fanglin Rock is very simply said:

"This time, the goddess has a strong sense of crisis, I also have a faint hunch here, but I really don't know that the danger is coming soon and will come in what way."

"So, I have to pay you one thing, very important thing, if I have something wrong, then this will be my final way."

Then, Fanglin Rock took a thing, solemnly put it in the hand of Ivesna, then said:

"This is the last final card I left, I hope I will never use it, but if it has any reactions, I can't live, then I have to see you."

Ivesen said:

"I will keep it well, just like cherish my life."

Fang Linyan saw her face and dignified and smiled.

"In fact, I am just a preventive measures. I'm telling the truth, I am not so dealt, if someone wants to be unfavorable to me, then do my own death!"

Then, Fanglin Rock will stand up and wear clothes to the sanctuary of Athena. At this time, there is no blindness outside the manor. There is no believer, it is very empty, he stares with sacred and solemn icon, there is a bit of a sense of heart Intersection.

At this time, after calm down, Fanglin Ran's resentment of Goddess is almost god, only a faint alienation, Ivesen is at this time:

"In fact, after the goddess issued a goddess, the big priest was rare to make an opposition, but she was not like me, she could have retalked."

"In addition to Tri Torre, she must dedicate to the goddess of the holy sacrifice, even the soul is not completely omder."

Fang Linyan nodded and whispered:

"I also hope that you do something, if you do it, it is the same for my help."

Ivrina is very simply:

"you said."

Fanglin Yan slowly took a stone from his own private space, and then put it solemnly in front of the goddess.

Yvinna is curious about this stuff -------- After all, she saw Fanglin Rock to treat a sacrifice to serve the gods with such a cautious attitude ----- The child is still a stone, I can't see any gods!

Although the goddess of the goddess has been away from this god, but is on the dead statue of the host, still keep the goddess of the goddess, so the two began to resonate, and still the very strong resonance! !

The goddess of the goddess began to have a dramatic shake, if the body of the goddess or a big priest is here, then controlling this resonance is a very relaxed thing.

But the problem is that both are not here, and the big priest has went to the St. Peter Square in Vatican!

Simply put, the icon of the goddess is just a powerful equipment, and the industry has no main person.

At this time, Ivrina began to discover this unsatisfactory place. It is clear that she is one of the four major priests. It is also an energetic plan for this emergency situation, so she immediately went forward, Then the mouth started to oh oh.

At the same time, Fanglin Rock also used his own power to help her, directly use the words, facing Ivrina, the big channel:

"The name of the Templar!"

The words are originally a third-order temple, but here is the location of the cathedral, countless believers are places where they are worship, so he is here to show the show. It is actually the upgrade. effect.

The blessing effect of the fourth-order appearance is, even for Ivesinna, it is also quite good.

So, the body of Yvinna started to float in half empty, where the location is exactly the fascination of the goddess, her knowledge begins to occupy and control the gods, and then continue to start with The sacrifice resonates in Fanglinyan.

With the intensification of resonance, the stone in Fanglin Rock began to dramatically jitter, and then a crack appeared on the surface. The above stone peel is falling, and there is a lot of powder, which is floating from the inside, a terrible Snake!

Then, there are more and more little snakes, a sharp and vicious screams in this sacred hall:

"Athena !!"

Yes, this is the soul of God Shield Ethii: The number of Murdusa screams.

Meet and Athena complained, it was very clear, and Athena was in the time, it naturally could only endure it, tame it, but if it is not there, only Yvinna is at the time. , Then it will take care of everything around it with a resentment and crazy!

Soon, most of the silhouette of God Duns has appeared, the clearest is Murdusha's snake head, and then most of them have been banned in the stone, at this time Cirazi It can be said that it is almost completely manipulated by the Mosa's instrumental soul, and even begun to spray terrible poisons toward Yvinna!

These venom do not look like rain, but the place where they fall will show terrible death gray, then stone debris is falling!

At this time, Fanglin Rock has already seen it, and the god Duni is not strong, after all, it is just from the end of the depletion, just based on the anger of Medusa, which is very crazy.

After all, it is a holy place, which is a long-term facial place in a few years, and or the goddess's icon came as a press.

The reason why Ivrina turned into the current passive appearance, it was exactly because she did not get the relevant female gods! This is like giving her a gun, but only let her use the bayonet fight, the trigger is still locked, of course, it is very wolf.

Under normal circumstances, the complete permissions of the god-grooming image are only mastered in the hands of the two people. First, the goddess itself, then the gods of the gods in the world's spokesperson, and this is also a conventional provision for thousands of years.

However, now in the face of all this, Fanglin Yan has a hands in his chest, a look of a pair of walls, this is that he has grievances in his heart, and it is necessary to force the palace.

The icon is still very important for the goddess. The carrier that has come down is definitely quite precious. Once they are destroyed, if they want to rebuild, then it is not a matter of resource, but it takes a long-term accumulation of yeli. .

If the goddess does not want to sit down his icon to be destroyed, then the only choice is to break the practice of thousands of years, giving the highest permissions of Ivesne, let her share flat with the big priest!

Obviously, in front of the sacred seem to be destroyed and breaking the practice, the goddess abandoned the feelings of the feelings, and made the most beneficial choice for themselves.

In the long years, she has become accustomed to make such choices, because people who don't do this / gods have fallen.

With the permissions obtained by Ivesin, she directly stands to the shoulders of the icon, and then see, a colorful light straight sky!

Originally, because the goddess and the big priest left the stagnation of the gods, it started working properly. Under the handling of Yvinna, the willingness of the icon has been converted to the power, and then the source is constantly injected. Ambouri in front of the show.

Suddenly, the Murdusa's soul action that was still struggling was quickly slow. It requested the goddess of the goddess to live, and it was able to play the huge power of Erymedi, but the more the power it absorbed. The greater the control of the goddess.

This is really a two difficult choice, but the body of Shenchiuis is hunger and is incomparable to absorb those rushing the power. This makes the United States Vases' angry attack although the power is getting bigger and bigger, it is It is getting slower.

Finally, I can see that God Shield Aliz is completely formed, automatically flying to the icon of the goddess, holding the right hand hold, the above Snake Shoumei Dusha is painful, the snake does not stop causing, but still does not help .

Before, the show is weak, so letting it go, but now the monarch will have recovered, not to mention Islanda in the strong suppression, of course, the power of the Murmes did not turn out anything. .

Soon, everything has become a calm, and Ivrina is also from the shoulders of the icon, and Fanglin Rock is curious to open her own attribute column, and I don't have any changes.

So, he is curious about Ivesen:

"This is not the goddera. Is there a re-return to the goddess? This artifact is also completely restored? How do I still don't move this side?"

Ivrina is mumbly laugh:

"This can be wrong. At this time, the goddun Econis is not on the artifact, and the long sleep makes it broken from the body to the soul. Even if the goddess is still here. It is also a vast project. "

Obviously, Fanglin Rock heard the least these two keywords "vast" "project", suddenly frown:

"Is it so difficult?"

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