The First Evolution

The second chapter of the mountain rain is full of wind

Ivesen said:

"Yeah, now the breakage of the overall breakage of Shenchi, now, you can understand it, it is like a long-lost, the doors and windows are even directly weathered. Although the main structure is still there, it is not an easy thing to restore it, but it is not an easy thing. "

"That means the overall renovation, dress up and taking care of the head, it is a big project! It is only a lot of time to spend a lot of time, and is still sufficient in the material."

Speaking of this, Ivesne sighed:

"The materials that were originally repaired Shenkiis were also sufficient, but they all in the goddess of the goddess."

Fanglin Rock added a flash of:

"So only those precious stuffs can you find in Vatican?"

Ivrina then said:

"However, this is not a focus, and the Murdusham Soul of Echii is the biggest trouble. After all, how is the appearance of Erymedi's appearance, at least it would not hurt you!"

"But Murdusa is different, because of its special experience, there is still a long time in the out-of-control state, now it is full of , can become a burst of explosive time bomb anytime, anywhere ! "

"I want to re-enter the right track without affecting the power of Eryges, which will be a long-term, sustained water grinding."

Fang Lin Yan sighed a sigh of relief, prescribed his own faint and hurtful temples:

"So well, this way, if I can recover as soon as possible, then I will be very happy."

Ivrina smiled nodded:

"Okay, I will do my best."

In the next few days, Fanglin Rock continued to live "to engage in machine", with the lathe, oil, and parts every day.

At the same time, the ore (unknown objects) that Ivans Lord is purified, used to manufacture amazing alloys, which enhances the various advanced machines in their laboratory.

Greece is not one of the country of embargo, so Fanglin Yan will easily buy the top all over the market with the support of the goddess and money.

Of course, it is only the top-top, and the top devices are at least five years in the actual application.

Because this part of the top equipment is the owner / country in order to seek monopoly, it will never sell.

However, the team of Fanglin Rock quickly stunned, and the performance of these equipment that was transformed was terrible, and even only used a miracle! Its effectiveness is from the original backward top five years, directly stepped through the leading the highest technology for 30 years.

Such an amazing discovery, and even the goddess of Athena suddenly had five or six mad believers, because such things can only be explained using the gods.

Under the efforts of Fanglin Rock, he began to try to reconstitute mechanical core manufacturing, because he found that the condemic creature summoned at the time of the month agreed to be interested in precision mechanical structures.

For example, when you don't enter the battle, it looks like a well-harmful Tiber, this guy eats an antique wall clock in Eden, and

This place is a veritable antique, and can still look at the old mock like Lord Ivans, and put it in the living room! !

Its price is definitely only used in the city, it is estimated that ordinary people can't afford it.

After discovering this, Fanglin Rock quickly studied the targeted research. I found that it is not only Tepp, even Huaro also has this habit, Fanglin Rock has purchased some mechanical watches, and then disassemble it come out.

Then these doors are eaten by Tess and Hualo, just like ordinary people eat snacks or children chewing candy, eat quite cheerful.

Therefore, it has been an idea that he has an idea, before he uses a high quality (blue, black, silver plot) level mechanical core as a cast material, and summoning more powerful mechanical organisms, and the conjugate creature is feasible.

Now the month is in theory, in fact, it is also a cost of application materials, and summoning more powerful metals / conjunction.

Just this cast material has become the energy block that all mechanical / conjugate creatures, but it is definitely not that they don't like mechanical core.

Since this is the case, then you can add more sophisticated mechanical core while spending the energy block, is it more advanced mechanical / conjugate life?

There is a good thing to have a good thing, and now Fanglin Rock has more advanced processing machinery. It has already grasped the machine core of the creation of the silver drama level as a sacrifice, then of course you can try it, look at yourself. Guess is not effective.

However, in Fang Linyan stayed in the manor for three days, he was about to get the first silver drama level mechanical core, he suddenly received a call.

At that moment, the moment of the phone, Fanglin Rock is still a bit:

"Hello, which position?"

"I am Jacob, Mr."

Fang Lin Yan stayed for ten seconds and remembered that it is necessary to take care of the old tube family who live in their daily lives, it is Jacob.

To be honest, he is very respectful for this seriously responsible Jacobi family, hurriedly said:

"Oh! Sorry, Mr. Manager, I don't know what you have."

Jacob Route:

"According to the latest news from the Greenwich Observatory, at three o'clock in the 11th day, there will be a full day, this day, the process of food will be short-lived, only in the central part of Asia and some parts of India. Observed. "

Fanglin Rock is somewhat awkward:

"This one?"

The Jacobs took out the doubts in Fanglin Rock, and it was very simply:

"Yes, the knight grows, before seven months, you told you a thing, I want to pay close attention to the news of the whole food, especially the Thai city can obey the whole food in the Central Asia, once Know the relevant news, you must inform you in the first time. "

I heard the old tube home said that Fang Lin Ran immediately thought of a head! The previous factor, it turned up directly in front of himself.

That mysterious man, the old man who appeared bizarre, and there is a hidden transfer in the mysterious unknown.

The only clue that can solve the reason is based on that sentence:

"When the next day, the old yellow horn tree in the Mazu Temple!"

Recently, the business is busy, coupled with Fanglin Rocks encountered the goddess of the goddess, I also felt the pressure of the mountain rain to the wind, so I almost throw this. It is also difficult for Jacob to remember, and you will remind yourself.

However, when Fangliny is putting down the phone, he immediately captures a possible:

When this mountain rain is full of wind, suddenly there will be a clue of the whole day, this is human or coincidental?

The key is if you don't go, then who knows that the next Thai city can observe the whole food is how long? Perhaps it is next week, perhaps next year, or even twenty years of ten years!

go with? Still not?

However, very fast, Fang Lin Yan thought of a word:

"When you are hesitating, there is already an answer in his heart."

This sentence is actually a true truth, because 90% of men have hesitated when he is in front of the stairs 4th floor of the bath, and finally, it will never choose great ideas.

what? Is there a person?

Of course, it is unheedited.

Isn't it just for the intimate greeting of "drinking unfair" in warm heart?

In the following things, if you want to see the future people, do you want to bring the old man?

The bisca data stream in this place is, but the final card is also saved several times when they are in every life.

However, this is also something sent to yourself. If the other party has malicious, if you want it, you will easily become a schema bomb, but if you don't bring it, your contact with the mysterious person is it. !

After hesitating half, Fanglin Rock did not have a decisive.

Because he suddenly thought of a thing, this old man has given himself a prompt, and the Bisca data stream stored in it should be used up.

However, in the joint trial, Bisca data streams that were scattered from the auction item 3 were also charged to the elderly, which can be a small probability event!

From the short message of the mysterious people, he was not universal, and the history of forecasts had a significant deviation.

So for the mysterious person, his pre-judgment must be "There is no old man in this guy", but not to help things in the "wrench guy in the adventure, Fortunately, I found Bisca data. The flow is charged. "

That is, if the mysterious people are kind to himself, then they will definitely think that there is no old man in the body. After all, in his pre-, the bisca data flow in this stuff is used, then The old man is abolished.

Fang Linyan calculates the time, and there is still eight days from the day, but he is now planning to leave here ------- Fanglin Rock prefers that his crisis is definitely quite big, big arrived directly Running point.

Everything is definitely from the disadvantages, the enemy is a must to operate.

So, if you can't do anything at the home of Greece, it will not be, once the real crisis is coming, but let Yifinna let go of white, let alone Fang Linyan gives Ivesina?

Since you are definitely there, why not take people first? So soon, Fanglin Rock gave the old tube home:

"Help me get a ticket, or the plane is also, I want to go to Thai in the fastest speed."

Old hostell nodded:

"Good adult -------- I have to confirm it again, is you alone?"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Yes, I am alone, the Impermina's main offer will stay here to host all affairs, and the Temple of closing the temple will make the believers' devout damage."

At this time, the Temple has indeed recovered operation, the goddess and the big priest are away, and it is also a core backbone member.

After gaining the same powers as the big priest, Ivrina is actually the things you have to do, she only took a large group of people for three hours, and then stuffed into each position. .

As long as the most important thing, Ivrina can host the women's sacred image, and then transfer the prayers of the believers to the goddess, then let the prayer respond, even have not responded, then everything is not a big problem.

The most typical example is Catholic, to high gods have been sleeping for a long time, and the gon is not constant, but relies on the powerful gods system, the sect is still booming.

Instead, if the gods between the gods and believers have problems, the decline of the church is really naked.

According to the requirements of Fanglin Rock, he has just packed his baggage, a helicopter has landed on the ground of the manor, and then only fifteen minutes will be sent to Athens International Airport.

Here, a private airplane from the devout believers has moor in the ground, and there is a residual alcohol taste, smoke and some unknown atmosphere, which means that the plane is in urgential transfer. Some people are carnival.

A flight attendant stands in front of the electric boarding slide, with an impeccable smile and speaking, indicating that Fanglin Yan enters the cabin, but her face has not faded that this sudden overtime interrupted her wonderful night life.

Fang Lin Yanyue gave birth to gambling, at this time, there is a man who is on the hotel in a certain distance, the curse itself.

But these are not important. After he landed on the sofa of the leather, the eyes were projected to the wind and rain outside the window. The wind and rain in Greece have begun to share, but Fanglin Rock is almost expected that the wind and rain of Thai City are just beginning.

at the same time,

Thai City,

The streets in the middle of the night have been quite calm,

Only those small staples that specialize in late-night guests will adhere to business, provide services for those plusters, singing and women, and seek.

At this point, this family named "Old Yellow Swallow" has already opened for forty-five years.

Ten years ago, the founder is unexpected. At this time, Xiao Huang, which took office, also turned into a old yellow. In addition to the annual festival, it will take a few days away, and it will be in the street angle, from the evening 8 o'clock. From four o'clock in the morning.

A small stall is only opened for only one year, then it is a thousand tens of vendors.

A small stall has been opened for ten years, then it has proven that it is a bit of something, it can be based on the fierce food market, the boss can use this for the family.

A small stall has been opened for forty-five years, which proves that the boss has been doing things that can't do most people ----- will pour the best energy and the most precious time in this thing! The representative is not an ordinary shop, but a part of many people's life, youth.

So the business of the old yellow meat has always been very good.

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