The First Evolution

Chapter 3 Legend Equipment Strict Destruction

Of course, the old yellow-stained old shop is impossible to rely on the inventory to maintain a long-lasting business, and it is not a diamond that is not a diamond, but a taste.

There are still a lot of meat swallows, such as copying, such as dull, such as cloud swallows, etc., old yellow meat swallows are small bowls, medium bowls, big bowls.

Small bowls have only four, such a component is full of exquisite, drink half of the soup, eat meat, full of fullness, and effectively control the heat of the night, is the favorite of ladies.

When the sovery ends come, you can see the white chicken soup in the white bowl, and the translucent crystal thin skin is wrapped in fresh pink meat stuffing, and it is also sprinkled with green chopped green onion. Single is the sale of mouth.

Drinking a soup, you can taste the taste of the fresh chicken and the perfect mix of the mushrooms, and the taste buds have begun to release excitement, and the salivary gland has also begun to secrete. For those who are alcohol and tobacco, even guests. The people who have a numbness of the gossip of the stone, such a bowl of clear soup, swallow, so comforting their stomach.

At this time, there was a guest with a hat home. He wore a beige windbreaker, the style of the windbreaker was some old, there is still behind the windbreaker.

Y three letters, and he directly called a big bowl, then let the boss put more peppers and vinegar, because the default practices of the local are clear.

Therefore, the spicy guest must tell the boss first.

Although the guests present did not have a spicy, the boss did not have seen it, let him have a few more garlic guests, and it is really normal to eat a spicy taste.

However, after a few mouthfuls of the hat, the guests wearing a hat, put down the chopsticks directly, and then looked at the road next to it.

At this time, there is no guest on the stall, the boss ----- is that the old Xiao Huang looked at the meat swallow that the big bowl had not moved, and then frowned, he walked the low voice:

"Sir, please forgive, is it what is the problem with this meat?"

This figure smiled and shook his head, just some regrets:

"You still can't catch up with the old yellow craft, I don't have a lot of mouth, let him live for more than ten years, don't eat what you want to eat now."

This person is open, and Xiao Huang suddenly shocked! Many of the past suddenly floated, he was shocked to retreat two steps, then saw the half-faced face exposed under this guest hat, suddenly trembling:

"Yes ... is you? Higgasne?"

It turned out that when he was almost 30 years ago, Xiao Huang was only twenty years old. The business of "old yellow meat" is not very warm, but also a business of selling wine.

In addition to the meat swallows, there is still a sign banner, this dish is delicious, the first is the fire: must be cooked to the chicken just mature, the sketch is also stained with blood, then use ice water rinse.

However, the most important thing, or the choice of ingredients, picking a chicken in the vegetable market every day, and you can pick a three or four, sometimes you will not choose for two consecutive days.

When I killed chicken, I still didn't bleed a blood, directly screw my neck, and I had to use a knife on the chicken body after pulling.

The white chicken made is really absolutely, sometimes, even if the diners who drink drinks will order a few pieces of meat swallows to sell the meat swallows.

However, this white chicken is too low, and the old yellow has a stubbornness of the artist, and it is resolutely refused to reduce the quality of the dishes, so that many guests are even for the name, because the ingredients are uniform, they can only be defeated.

I directly lead to the business of the old yellow meat. It is very embarrassed: I can't make too much money, and I can't get it.

As a result, this guest ------ Lao Huang called the five brothers, I called the old yellow point, saying that there is no money in his hit, so although the morning greed can not send home.

If you want to change the status quo, then do the way to buy and sell, you will change, put the facade directly to the boat,

There are also pays attention to the places where you are booted, you can only be near this Ding Jun! In this way, the big fortune is not, small wealth is still constant. But, the old yellow, you have no library, so the little money earns too much, and when it is a big money, it will definitely fall for ten years.

Until now, Xiao Huang still remembers this five brother to say: will definitely become ten years ... the tangled tone!

At that time, the old yellow knee had three daughters to raise, and there were two elderly people waiting for him to make money to buy medicine, where did you praise so much?

After two or three days, I was swearing, and I got a dinner at night.

Next, I don't have to say, "Old Yellow Swallow" has switched the target customer base, and the situation of the business is booming, and the situation in the old yellow house has also been changed.

During this period, Xiao Huang at this time is also going to try to open a few branches. As a result, I left this Ding Ji intersection, no family can live for a month:

Some is not good, some are all objective reasons, such as consulted protection fees, and are crowded next to the store.

Because of this, the old yellow meat swallow in order to avoid accidents, simply find a chance loan to take a pavement in this intersection.

In this way, it is directly to eliminate the city management in the evening, not letting stalls, or the landlord to drive.

As a result, the old Huang has made a few years later. He actually remembers the words of this five brothers. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to health, even if it is walking on the street and listening to the six-way listening.

Result No one thought that the old yellow actually met an unprecedented good hand when playing mahjong, a card won more than 800 pieces, directly on the stool.

After the ambulance came, the doctor directly gave a conclusion, and the heartbeat did not have a pupil, and the death is stroke ...

After the old yellow died, the small yellow coordination of the launcation, Shun Shun, took the class, and did not say that it was carry forward, and it was also maintained a pavement.

When you are busy, you will be fine. On the occasion of the midnight, Xiao Huang often thinks about the five brothers, it really felt the strange!

He is now concerned about another thing, since the booth here will affect his father's life. So will it affect him?

This is really a very dedicated thing! And it's really a life!

Sometimes Xiao Huang even wants to close the door directly, but people's desires have become more than wealth, and the new two sets of houses have raised a room for a departure, but he can't determine it. .

Now, the five brothers are almost twenty years later, it will come again, which means that he is no longer tangled.

At this time, I heard the little yellow, and the five brothers looked up and laughed:

"I haven't seen you for a long time, Xiao Huang."

After this brother looked up, he revealed a white and clean face, Sswen, and even handsome to describe, it looked like a big student.

But he raised his hand and showed the movement of speaking. He was highlighting his Gege and the gerive of ordinary people. The kind of origin is directly super off the age, wearing, and the long phase, let people know This person is extraordinary.

In fact, this real face of the five brothers will only be exposed in his hometown. In the rest of the place, this face will be hidden under the thick and strong mask! And he is not called the five brothers. Most people will focus on his face in front of him, respecting him a lord!

He is the abyss lord! !

"Little Huang?"

Listening to this familiar and strange title, Xiao Huang also snorted, no one was called himself for more than ten years? And he is also in the tempering of the society, many, hurriedly:

"Five brothers, in fact, my dad will give me the white chicken, I didn't put down this business in these years, I also took a private house restaurant. If you want to eat, I will do it right away."

Five brothers smiled:


Xiao Huang heard this sentence, immediately withdrawn the tableware in front of the five brothers, then went to the flour, and then went in and busy.

Want to take these four words Xiao Huang may not be understood, but so many years of touching, it is necessary to pay some of the truth to send something or understand, let alone this matter is also related to his life and death?

And when Xiao Huang entered busy, the flour suddenly looked up and looked at the night sky.

His eyes became completely awkward in this moment, and directly ill, it seems that both eyes become transparent and blurred. It seems that it has been directly leaping the dimensions and planes, arriving in the other side of the future.

"Well? What happened? It actually so blurred, is there any shielded props on his body?"

The five brothers suddenly whispered.

Then I saw his palm of your palm. In the palm of the palm, a pocket watch that exuded a silver ray was seen. You can see the old appearance of this pocket watch, but the most unique place is that its second needle walks counterclockwise.

Then I saw the pocket watch, I faster, faster, faster, and even the whole people of the five brothers began to become innocent, as if they did not exist at this plane.

Suddenly, the surface of this pocket watch issued a "Kara", a gap appeared, followed by, it directly broke into powder!

To know, although this pocket watch is just a silver drama level, its effects are: When you attack the enemy, you will take the time on your body for 2 seconds, so that it is completely isolated in these two seconds. In addition, can't think about it!

This effect will only appear once every 30 seconds!

This is a clear explanation of the most precious thing in the world: time-related equipment.

Therefore, its value is at least 150,000 universal points!

I saw this scene, the five brothers were not blind, just a slight sigh, just like a tamed ornamental fish in the family turned white belly.

Regret, but I don't feel distressed, as if I can get a better at any time.

"It is a bit mean. Although I am a sneak into this world, my own ability has been greatly limited. I actually escape my first scan. So what? Can you escape? "

The abyss leadership wrist is turned over, and then the palm is more than a small hourglass.

This is also the logo of time, and it is very long, and this hourglass is also full of ancient times! The kind of thickness and historical feelings are really distinguished, awful!

This is a non-critical legends, and it is still close to the top level.

It can be seen that the Abyss Lord has turned over this little hourglass, and then the gravel inside began to fall quickly.

As this gravel has continued, the entire people of the abyss began to become illusively again, as if they have been separated from this place, stepped into the long river of time! Start Xu step, look for what he wants.

This time the abyss lord affects, it is directly around all the objects, even all things around more than ten squares began to become blurred.

However, from the face of the abyss lord, it can be seen that his progress is not going well!

His expression became a relaxed, and the hand holding the hourglass has begun to tremble, it can be seen that the remaining gravel remaining in the hourglass, but there is a powerless power in the confrontation. ...

To fight against terrible and delicate time! ! !

"It's evil ........"

"That kinds, actually have the power that can fight against time?"

"What is this power?"

"This is actually the power of fate! Only fate, in order to fight time, regardless of how time is changed, but as long as the fate is destined, then the time cannot change the anchor of fate!"

"I really didn't think, the little thief, shameless thief, he didn't know how much the fortune I stolen, actually growing like this, can no longer let him continue, for this ... I don't have expense! "

I don't hesitate these four words, as if it is from the chest of the abyss lord, the green gluten on his hand has a bullet.

Then, his fingers tightened, grabbed the hourglass, this legendary equipment also appeared in dense linear cracks, and then silently cracking, turned into a bit of light.

This moment, Fanglin Rock did not notice that the "Qilo's Baotou" has become gray, if he can check the properties of Qilo's bag towel, will find all its properties They have become gray, and three words are added to the next (seal).

There is still a countdown behind the seal:

"4 points 58 seconds ........"

There is a famous saying: When you can't solve the problem, you can try to solve the manufacturing problem.

The abyss lord, at this time, I didn't hesitate to destroy my beloved legends: Time hourglass, in fact, it is also doing this.

His passive capabilities of Qillo's head towels are "fogmun", which is the equipment for the priority of "law"!

At this moment, the fate overcome time!

However, Qilo's bag head towel is obtained by the priority, which is only for the fog of fog and cannot protect itself.

This sounds, it sounds, in fact, like the invisible bomber can absolutely mask all radar scanning, but when it stops, a lighter can destroy it. It is a truth.

Therefore, the abyss lord has paid a huge price, and the equipment directly printed with Qilo's bag heads, such a curve, but also changed the fog of fog.

This looks a big loss, a legendary level of the city, actually exchanged the other party's golden plot equipment is sealed for a few minutes, but as long as he felt the value, then no problem.

Soon, the look of the abyss lord once again revealed the smile of bamboo with bamboo:

"I finally caught you, you have a small mouse, finally removed the dead disguise on you, you still flee my eyes."

At this time, the pupil of the abyss lord, started to shine, as if the starry sky is the same, which is the sign of his talent capacity!

Soon, in his pupil, it was a scene of the scene. This scene was the existence of Fanglin Rock.

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