The First Evolution

Chapter 73, Daji Dali eats chicken tonight

Therefore, Fanglin Rock finally only eaten two camel backed skewers, there was no appetite, but the exclusive ants were drunk, and the alcohol of this thing was almost the same as beer, so that he was in a slightly. State, feel very good.

After eating, Fang Lin Yan stood up and wanted to check out. Suddenly he heard the dull voice of " " in the world, looked up, and found that there were three helicopters to slowly moved from the distance!

Among these three helicopters, two are the heavy helicopters of the lasaw, with a front-line rotor configuration, it seems similar to the CH-47 "support slavery" series helicopter, is an aerial Sori, carrying capacity, can even easily hang more than 20 tons of main battle tanks.

However, there is a jealousy, and the side wall of another cabin is ignored by unknown reasons. There is even a thickness of three meters or more, distorted, very .

The front of the front lead seems to be a helicopter. In fact, it is a disc aircraft, similar to the popular large sauce drone, and the body looks whispered, more science fiction, aircraft The surface of the surface has a painting of a golden fist, a fist joint raised, a bones, and a realistic.

After seeing this aircraft, some people had spontaneously cheered, because many people know that the name of this aircraft is called "Renov", the source of its name is the hammer of the ancient gods!

The first sequence of the usual steel boxing brothers, the highest knight: Jeremy Maxsen likes to drive Renov on the battlefield, then destroy the enemy with a full fire.

However, the cheers gradually stopped .........

Because as the distance is close, you can see "Renov" surface is full of scars. Obviously, it has experienced a hard battle, plus the two serious heavy helicopters that followed in the rear, and there is a kind of cohance. And the feeling of the defeated dog.

This is, the key is that when the three aircraft is in the shape of the steel box, it is ready to land, from the bottom of the fortress, flying out of the "call", and the rear of the missile sprayed the blue length. Long tail flames, direct sunlight, "Renov" that is declining slowly! !

At this time, the Supreme Knight: Jeremy Maxsen has been prepared for the landing, how can I think of it for more than ten years in myself, is it a hit in the old nest of Juyin?

I saw this missile suddenly hit, the instinctive thing in my mind was convinced that he opened the Renov's cabin, and jumped directly from more than 30 meters.

At the moment he jumped, Reninov was hit by missiles ...

In this sunny empty,

On this solid gold soup, on the steel boxing fortress,

Under the horror of more than ten thousand people in the next county,

Instantly flew into a fierce fireworks!

After witnessed this scene, Fanglin Yan did not send it straight. I only felt more important puzzles in my mind. At this time, his brain began to run high-speed, and then a scene of recall seeming to flash in front of the movie section, then He murmured:

"I think, I know what is the extra main line of this guy in Gaqiu Mountain ... it is replaced, it is not good to replace it!"

Goat is also horrified to the highest knight: Jeremy Maxsen hits this matter, and even the various consequences that will caused after this thing, so they did not pay attention to the softness before Fanglin Rock.

After a stay in a stay, the two were returned to the door, and suddenly I found that the street had begun to pick up the tide:

Many people have started to buy a lot of food, and some people have poured into the weapon store to start a purchase weapon. At this time, this desperate bustling is really deeply feeling of the cold and chill of the bones. There is a building that will pour the end feeling.

As a person responsible for the logistics, the goat also began to buy food, but I went to the two food stores. The boss was refused for sale, then directly closing the door, but it was more than two hours in the street. It is not easy to see. When there is a queue selling coil, the two finally grabbed the last two pounds, but the price has risen five times more!

Just when the two were prepared and then touched the luck, Fang Lin Yan suddenly felt that the heart was a shock, and it was the kind of heart and blood. It seems that there is a big thing to have a lot. He suddenly knows that it should be the second stage. ended.

Sure enough, a series of information is jumped on the retina of the next secluded rock, and each word is a blood red color, or a big font:

"Now is: Yang Fun City time, 5:45 in the afternoon, ......."

"The number of people in this world is: 78 people."

"Joint trial, the second phase ends."

"Joint trial, final stage officially opened!"

"You got the main line task: Big Jili, eat chicken tonight!"

"Task introduction: From the time of reading this line, you have already come out of your neck, please pay attention! Please pay attention, please pay attention! Once you lose your ghost, then you will officially go out "

"The content of the task: No matter what method you use, at least you get three ghost dogs at the end of the task."

"Task Description: This is not a task that can be easily completed, so you can consider whether you can seek the help of the rest. In the cruel world, the report will warm is very normal, and the people who have a regulations often have been eliminated. The fastest, unless you have a super power! "

"Warning: Because when Yang Fun City has occurred, it has triggered a concern of the improvement, and at this time, the investigation forces sent out have entered ten kilometers away from Yang. If there is a trial person in this range Be sure to return to the area within ten kilometers of Yang. It will happen very dangerous consequences. "

"Warning: The surroundings of mechanical life will quickly shrink over time. At any time, it is very dangerous to enter the surrounding circle, and no one is doing this."

"Tip: The more dogs you have got, the higher the final evaluation, but the killing is not the only way to get the ghost face. There will be a random task to get the ghost face dog, but take random The task requires certain conditions and luck! "

"Tips: The ghost face can be allocated as a stripes in the team, but it will be cautious when allocation. Because any transaction, abandonment, destroy, etc., it will be clear, Download, it will suffer very severe punishment, the most serious punishment is directly obliterated. "

"Tip: After an hour, it will trigger the first burst **, please prepare yourself."

"If in this process, the number of remaining trials in this world is lower than (equal) 14 people / trial time exceeds 24 hours, two major conditions meet one, officially ending the final stage of this joint trial."


After reading this series of tips, Fanglin Rock and goat immediately unconsciously, looked at his neck, and founded that there was a ghost face dog, with a color mottled rope, the front of the dog is a The ghost is imprint, and the back is the number of each trial, it looks very ordinary, but in essence inside the next time, Fanglin Yan is going to be with it, life and death.

"finally come."

Fanglinyan looked at this series of tips, but not only did not nervous, but they had a touch of excitement.

At this time, he already likes such an adventure, such a hint, such a laughter, such a virtual with the snake, such a blood and ... kill! Here, he can enjoy the wild beast in his heart! !

"We, we still come to the team's people!" After the goat finished the prompt, there was already a little bit of tension, and even the sound was done.

His feeling is very different from Fanglin Rock.

When he saw an hour, he would trigger the first time **, suddenly I feel that I am a sailor in the sea, the sky is already black and the storm is coming, and the vessel is still a few hundred meters. In addition, the top one of the tops is to use the hardship of the milk to go back to the boat, and the same boat is a total of anti-wind waves! Cherish every minute!

After listening to the goat, Fanglin Rock nodded:

"Well, let's go."

However, after he got out of ten meters, he suddenly saw a message on the retina, and suddenly the eyes were bright:

"Trial, ZB419, you have won extra rewards: tyneous clues."

"At this time, joint trials enter: The third phase (final stage), your reward can be available."

"Do you want to receive a reward: Yes / No?"

Fanglin Rock has chosen immediately: Yes.

It is also a line of text.

"You activate extra rewards: clues."

"Please immediately go to the nearest street statue, put your palm on it, the statue must stand above the ground, the eligible statue will shine on your retina."

I saw this tips, Fang Lin Yan took a deep breath and then facing the mountains:

"Sorry, I can't get back with you, I am a little bit of things now."

The goat is stunned:


Obviously, the goat is hard to understand the behavior of Fanglin Rock, because he feels that there is no more important thing to make a more important than the remaining people in this festival.

However, Fanglin Rock went out and resolutely, such as a short a few seconds, it has left the 78th meters away.

Looking at the back of Fanglin Rock, the goat shouted:

"Be careful!"

Fang Lin Yan returned, showing a splendid smile:

"You are also, more weight."

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