The First Evolution

Chapter 74 Secret

The statue in Yang Fun City can be said to be very much, especially in the crossroads, the gods of the desert of the faders can be said to be all.

So probably just ran out of about two hundred meters, Fang Linyan saw a desert god carving, just it seems to have been lost for a long time, the face is full of blurred, there is no white candle burning after the white candle, it should be no one I have been a long time, and it has not sent red light on the retina of Fanglinyan.

Fang Linyan sighed, then continued to find the remaining stone carving, continued to ran around for about 400 meters, and saw the weak red light flashing in front of the inner way. He rushed to see it, and suddenly, it was another respect. The statue of the god of the desert, this statue is in the middle of the red ray, which is a faint smoke, is very thin.

He is going to put the palm and stop before the palm is in contact with the surface of the statue, and then look down. I found that there is only a few groups of burn over white candles in front of the statue of the desert. It is not a lot to worship.

One thought and this, he slowly closed his hand back, Shen Wei.

"Could it ... Is this this? It doesn't matter, anyway, there is an hour, I can go back."

After ten minutes, Fanglin Rock stopped in front of another desert, at this time, it lit nine candles in front of it. It is more than a dozen people who worshiped in front of it, muttered piousness, and this The red light on the statue is significantly rich, and even if it is distributed to the top of the head, it seems like a smog of floating.

"Sure enough, the red light on this statue should represent the power of the wish. The more people will worship it, the better the wishes you get ....... Although there is no clear explanation inside, there is no red light The sparkling statue is unqualified, there is a big probability that the burst of red light is, the better, even if I judge the mistake, the loss is time, but I am still early now. "

After making the following judgment, Fanglin Rock's eyes suddenly lost the focal length. If you look at his eyes carefully, you will have an illusion, as if there is a lot of data flow in your eyes, it is running. After a few seconds, he suddenly broke out from this calculation state:

"I know, the optimization choice should be there ... Central Square!"

For only fifteen minutes, Fanglin Rock came again to the central square.

Here is the place where he has met with the goat, and the person who did not have the team did not form a team to get the seat of the seat area, or the popularity of Yang Fun City is very popular, it is the core area of ​​the business district.

There are numerous sculptures, the most awakely, or a high statue of several black iron-colored talls standing at the square of the square, and the statue is in front of the ground, the steel inscriptions in the ground, these statues are the core of the steel boxing brothers. Characters, Fanglin Rock is the idea of ​​these statues, they are in the core position of the business district, and it is still a lot of worship every year, and it is necessary to collect the willfulness.

And Fanglin Rock came to the periphery of the central square, as far as far as the red light above the statue, he went to the top ten meters in the top of the head. He looked at him, he suddenly understood himself. The place.

However, at this time, he suddenly heard a lot of huge sounds from the central location of the central square, followed by seeing the location of the west of the square, there is a black smoke.

At this time, Fanglin Rock is still almost five or ten minutes from the central square. He immediately instinctively accelerated the footsteps and wanted to take a look, but only after walking, stopped the footsteps, turned into a dead next to it. Lane, the situation is on the wall.

Then, Fanglinyan saw that there were no one who watched this side, the wrist was turned up, and the drones were directly utilized to release the drone!

At this time, the drone's flight sound is almost completely concealed, and the small volume and proprietary protective color make people feel that it is difficult to find it.

In this case, Fanglin Rock has to observe all the movements in the square, immediately found that the dramatic explosion is a man wearing a black dress, it is said to be the acquaintance of Fanglin Rock, is it before he was in the shooting range. I encountered Guifu!

At that time, he felt that Fanglin Ran had a potential, so it was specially attacked, but later Fang Linyan met with another temporary team of goats, he almost forgot him.

At this time, Guifu is laughing:

"Hahahaha, Gate Hill, I know you are greedy, this time, it is embarrassed 30 kilograms of explosives, see you still don't die?"

I heard the name of the Gate Hill, Fang Linyan heart suddenly moved, immediately see more focused.

Seeing that the smoke after the explosion gradually dissipates, even revealing the big pit of the chaos, Fang Lin Ran gave birth to a strange feeling ....... This is the world's call, the wind, the rain, the evil Zen This is the person who has to escort, actually so dead?

However, Guifu did not find out that he was behind the bushes, I don't know when I have quietly appeared a black and short man!

The man's long phase is very ordinary, and it is wrapped in a yellow windbreaker. It is like a big illness, and his hands are refreshed, and a long is a short, one of them. The surface of the dagger is dark, and the shape of the dagger is like a beast tooth. There is also a layer of fire-red lava is placed above, and I will sell extraordinary.

This black thin man is low in the body. When you look back, you can see the back of the Ji Wenz, you can see the way of walking is very unique, just like the cheetah and cat hunting time, do not send any sound, the key is The speed is not slow.

Then, he suddenly shot, it quickly, destroyed lightning!

First, it is a spicy thorn,

The second is a ruthless cut throat!

The third one is directly piercing from the ribs, and then throws virus, and this is fierce.

Guifu is not reacted at all, and it directly entered the earth on the ground! !

He struggled on the ground, and he took a dozen seconds, he was in his head, and he looked at the black and thin man was incredible.

"No ..... I can't! Gay Hill, I saw you gone!"

There is no expression in the Gayiu Mountain, where there is a ring that shines with the beautifulness:

"A fictional ring."

Guifu shocked:

"You ... do you have completed ....... Main line tasks?"

Gaidu Hill slammed and then blowing a whistle.

Soon, a man wearing golden glasses came over, but also wearing a white glove, he looked at the eyes of Guifu, mixed with joy in madness.

Gay Hill Mountain is simple to say:

"Doctor, abolish him, but don't let him die."

When you say this, he suddenly took a look:

"Guifu, you said what I want, I will let you die."

The bloody blood of the next happened, so that Fang Lin Yan saw a horror and shocking!

That doctor seems to be psychological in realities, but has a very powerful surgery ability, and Gay Hill also provides him with the treatment drug used inside the Steel Boxing Brothers. In this case, Guifu is a life-threatened It was killed, and his screams screams like it seems to be seen from hell, and the bloody brutality is difficult to describe.

In such a torture, Guifu can say that it is only a speed dead, and the big mouth vomiting the blood, and let the Gate Hill abide by the promise to kill himself.

However, after the Gaqiu Mountain pulled the dog card on the neck of the Kiwan, the indifference turned and left, let the psychological doctors continue torture him. The doctor will not be able to do CHéNGRén, but even the doctor. Doctors have not used them to be Chéngrén .......

When he arrived in Ji Wenz, he was completely like a person, more like a rabbit that was just finished!

The impact of this side of the opponent Lin Yan is unprecedented.

He has never thought of things in this world than a terrible thing! I have never thought of a person can be metamorphosis! !

In fact, he didn't support it when he saw half, and he wanted to cut off the drone's signal, but finally bite his teeth to force himself.

Because Fanglin Rock wants this more deeply in the mind, warn himself not to be confused by the hypocrisy before the adventure world, there is a huge interest, but the risk is also huge, it seems to be heaven, but it is more hell! Have more ready to do this, in the face of the evil ghosts that eat people do not spit the bones, otherwise Guifu is a living end! !

After seeing the swallowthrough of Ji Wenz, Fanglin Rock directly cut off the signal of the drone, and the falling steps have taken a few steps, and they can't help but vomit, and when they vomit, tears and nose are full. Face, then directly squatting, sitting on the wall.

Vomiting is a protective vent, tears is also a fierce vent!

Closed-eyed Fanglin Rock efforts make your breath calm down, while the mind is trying to filter out all things, keep a blank state.

If it is difficult to keep your blank state, then you want to oil the grilled pig elbow or sexy fruit beauty, etc., will focus on the details of these beautiful things, such as roasting elbows and red pigs For example, amazing snow white long legs on black stockings stripes .........

This is the method of the army training manual he has seen. It can quickly reconstruct it when encountering major changes and stimuli, because if you can't keep calm to participate in the battle, then it is probably a dead road!

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