The First Evolution

Chapter 116 forcing the call

Soon, the choice came, and a series of relevant tips on their retina:

"Unfortunately, you have not been selected, however, you can appear in the final election scene, which is enough to explain that you actually have a certain strength."

"So, you now have two choices, the first A choose is, erase the memory and harvest, the old man returns to your life, and the re-establish normal people in accordance with the rules."

"Another B choice is to keep your memory, but seal you exceed the strength of ordinary people, continue to return to your own life, you can't reveal the existence of space in any form, then the next joint trial is once again recruited again , Of course, your main line task is difficult to grow. "

When I saw such a tip, Fang Linyan suddenly understood, why the people in the trials feel much.

This is obviously because many people have chosen B choice, they can't reveal the existence of space, but they can invite some strong people to accompany their adventures, accompany the hunting method, bring them together to join the joint trial, cover Omemi, doctors, etc. under the hands of Chu Mountain should be so yet.

At this time, Fanglin Rock got a few of the good blood light balls began to be light, disappeared, apparent that these trials had already made their own choices and began to be sent back to the part of themselves.

At this time, Fang Ran also hesitated, and then made a big yawn and wanted to make B choice.

Just at this time, more than 100 meters in front of him appeared clear time and space cracks again, and then a dark black light group came out directly, it was the Noah Space R300, which after it appeared, All the remaining trials of the deserter, while jumping out three big words:


According to the Chaotic Fifth, Article 17, the Universe Article 1 Thirteen Article 3, the provisions of the fifth paragraph,

In order to obtain more energy to calm down the upcoming time and space, this space will be awarded the "true nuclear domain / primate / people / wisdom" / biological warrior!

This conscription is a mandatory category and must not be rejected.

After the restriction of the restriction, you will be temporarily incorporated into the interior of this space system, in the case of being hired, until the time and space is retreat.

In the curved process, if you can successfully complete the relevant tasks, it is possible to be officially included in the Soldiers System in this space.

In the curved process, you can use some of the features inside the space.

Because this curration is forced to call, you will get an additional award.


When Fanglinyi read these news, I found that the bloody light ball that had not left nearby was only five, and the black light ball on behalf of Noah Space R300 quickly expanded, and the remaining trial Incorporate it in this, instantly walking into the spatiotemporal channel.

From the perspective angle, the Noah Space R300 is like a comet, and the long comet is dragging the five bloody light balls, it looks quite spectacular.

After being included in Noah Space R300, Fanglin Yan felt that it was like an spacecraft, and it was also seen through the porthole. It was completely like a part of a bunch of light. The channel wall is There is a lot of diamond fragments, it looks very beautiful.

However, the beautiful scenery will be more tired, and Fang Linyan has passed the initial freshness. It also felt the sleepy, and then he went to the back, fell to the bloody ball to sleep quickly. In the past.

I don't know how long I have slept, Fang Linyan feels that there seems to have a cool fog from his face, and it seems very comfortable, and immediately reaches it.

The result was touched a few times, and the fog was suddenly turned cold, so that he was awake, this realized that he seems to fall asleep, so although quite sleepiness is still strong, he opened his eyes.

Fanglin Rock does not have to look at the mirror, know that he is affirmed, the dark circle is heavy, and the eyes are full of blood.

At this time, he found that he didn't know when to leave the bloody ball, and came to a small room, the previously opened a square hole on top of the room, and extended a fire nozzle. The things are sprayed towards his face. At this time, the fire noise has retraced back.

The most critical is that after the spray is retracted, the square hole is actually filled with it, and Fanglin Yan will look at it. It can be said that it is seamless, and even give him the feeling of this hole, this hole is actually filled with "growth". This is completely exceeded by his knowledge understanding.

Next, he got a four weeks. I found that this room was simple, simple, but it was made of metal, but it was soft and elastic, and even a little temperature, also At all, you can't see something like the luminaire, as if the entire wall itself will send a micro-light.

The previous Fanglin Rock didn't feel cold, and it was quite comfortable to feel comfortable.

Look carefully, the layout of the room is like a modern battleship, simple, bright, and practiced. There is only one wall cabinet in the room, a metal stool that is fixed underground, and the edges of the closet are made into blunt circles, avoiding hurting injuries when she accidentally falls.

Not only that, Fanglin Rock has disappeared from the coin-trial of the money that is not admitted from the joint trial, such as 98K, such as from the steel box fortress, which is a way to Glock 19. There are also several thunders, and there is no exception of ordinary bullets. According to the experience in the world of 811, it should be directly converted into a very small general point.

It is good to be in the case of the Kaifan fiber combat service that seems to be exchanged, "Hao Pig" is still there.

At this time, the room suddenly had a shining, and then a virtual portrait appeared.

Her appearance is good, the goose face relatives, it looks at around 25 years old, wearing the sea blue military uniforms of the college, below the military skirt, there is a wheat strip with wheat in the chest, with a gentle voice:

"Trial of ZB419, welcome to Noah space. I am the leader No. 76"

"Here is the exclusive room in the space, the outsiders don't allow you to allow you to enter, you will not be able to return to the real world, if you have a trauma, you can recover quickly, while deducting a certain currency Point number. "

"When you enter space for the first time, you need to record your original data, so you have been repaired by the injured in the joint trial, but you originate from the vicious placemal lesion of the lung bronchus mucosa is in the joint Before trying, it is preserved. "


When I saw it, Fang Linyan suddenly stayed, and then hurriedly interrupted the other party's words, he said:

"Guarantee No. 76, how can I cure the disease?"

The guides are patient with gentle tone:

"If you want to get this question, you need to pay 500 universal points."

Fang Lin Yan sighed and chose to pay, he heard the guidelines 76:

"If you want to completely roast your malignant tumor, you need to purchase genetic repair agents. You need to have two conditions. First, your rank needs to be upgraded to the captain, enhance the rank, need enough, you need a lot of merits. Second, you Need to prepare enough universal points and meritages to pay for the cost of buying it. Just calculated, enhance the rank of merits, and the merits of the purchase of medicines, there should be more than 50 o'clock. "

Fang Lin Ran smashed the eight-point merit value of your district:

"(Tears express) ....... I have no problem, you continue."

The guideline will follow the road:

"You are currently entry in the way hired, so the key to entering and exiting the room is the union trial badge that is about to be sent. In space, it will be blurred on your appearance, so don't communicate with others. It is revealed that you are in reality, so as not to attract unnecessary serious consequences. Any demand can be queried by joint trial badges, but may consume a certain number of universal points. "

"Because you are enforced and entered, and in the progress of the task props (ghost faces), you can get extra rewards."

"A: You can upgrade your withered iron branches on your body."

"B: You can make free fills with the marriage of your body (bark spool), so that the number of uses is restored to 4/4 (now 1/4)."

"Please make a choice within 30 seconds. If you don't choose, you will give up."

Fanglin Yan stunned, then chose A, the reason is very simple, the rumor (bark reel) The negative effect of the entropy of this work is too important.

Then he followed the prompt, put the withered iron branches on the body into the space on the wall, the guide No. 76 told him quickly, the probably upgrade time is five minutes. And because he is now a hiring member, once he arrived in five minutes, he must leave the space to return to his own main world according to the prompt.

After that, the guideline passed a joint trial badge to him, and then disappeared in the air. This badge looks like a ghost face, and it is hanging on the neck, the badge It is still a ghost of the teeth, and the other side is written in the words of ZB419, and it is not conspicuous.

Soon, five minutes upgrade time is completed, Fanglin Rock re-retracted his withered iron branches, after the acquisition is completed, the name has been directly turned "iron branches", and the following instructions also become :

All attributes add 1.

And next to it also has a clear label (synthetic / upgrade) prompt.

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