The First Evolution

Chapter 117 Painful Decision

I saw the special effects of the iron branches, Fang Linqi couldn't hold a boxing, secretly, and had a bad mood since the treatment of cancer.

At this time, Fanglinyan saw information on the retina:

"Tryer ZB49, you have arrived in this space, please follow the indication to leave the space, return to your main world."

After the information is popped up, there will be a small arrow above the view of Fanglin Rock. It is suggested that he is in the direction, but it seems that this room is completely closed. Fanglin Rock did not find out the door, and the whole room is all integrated.

However, when he thought that "I should go out", the co-trial badge hanging from the chest shot a light, shot on the opposite wall, where there was a portal immediately. When Fanglin Rock went out of his exclusive room, look back, the portal has been refined to dissolve on the wall, can't see whit.

And the front of Fanglin Rock has a slender channel, as if it is far from seeing, there is no one in the air, and there is a touch of red fog floating there. He just got more here for a while, and he received a warning of the joint trial badge:

You have already stayed in space for too long, please return to the real world.

If the maximum period is still stayed in Noah space, the general point will be punished according to the time penalty.

When a generic point is fined 0, you will be forced to return to the real world to believe me, that is not a pleasant experience.

He came to the end of the corridor under the guidance of the small arrow, and found that there were many irresiors here, and the walls around became red, and there was a vessels, and the vessels were gone. The diameter at least two meters, came here to rear, Lin Yan intuition, it seems to be in the superior organism, just this impression and the neat and orderly mysterious powerful atmosphere.

At this time, Fanglin Rock did not dare to stop, follow the small arrow and walked out of a few hundred meters to a small door.

After entering there, it is like an elevator. After the door is closed, it has formed a sealed space, and there is a red light to flash, and the arrow on the retina is turned down, indicating that it has arrived.

The joint trial badge hanging by the chest has spoiledly, and a series of tips on the retina of Fanglin Rock:

"The equipment you have gained from the adventure world has been forced to remove, put into the temporary private space, will return to you after the return space, but the soul equipment is not subject to this limit."

"In the real world, no matter whether you actively or passive, you cannot reveal any information to ordinary people."

"In your primary world, there are also contractors, but you have been hired by this space, so it will be in the protection state, the contractors of the remaining spaces cannot query your relevant messages in your primary world, and I will attack you. However, once you take the initiative to attack the rest of the contract, it will be enforced to protrude. "

"After leaving Noah space, it can take the initiative to enter again in seven days." If you get the active summoning of space during this period, you can limit it.

"When the joint trial badge is fever, you must return to the space within 24 hours, return to the method, and condense the hearts in the joint trial badge in the process of the stairs."

"The time in Noah space is not synchronized with the real world."

After reading these instructions, Fanglin Rock felt that this small room in his own slight shock and then began to drop rapidly, the initial feeling and sitting on the elevator. Later, there was a feeling of slightly toning, then a black, as if The light in front of a moment disappeared.

After about 30 seconds, Fanglin Rock found that the room was stopped directly, and then the rays around them quickly recovered, the door was also opened.

He went out to take care of him. He went around for four weeks. I found that there were cars around the surroundings. It should be a parking lot in the second floor of a large shopping mall.

When I went back to Fanglin Rock, I found that my place was actually a very ordinary shopping mall elevator. At this time, I have already rose.

Not only that, Fanglin Yan also found that he re-wearing the clothes before entering the joint trial, and the backpack behind him was still filled with a variety of things.

He is a bit awkward. After waiting for a while, he returned to the elevator to go to the shopping mall. After watching the time to show the watch in the mall, it is really a time to turn around and return to the feeling before going to a few days, can't help but shake I shook my head and then made a big yawn.

This yawn, the spiritual exhausted feeling, immediately flooded, Fang Lin Yan knows that this is the overview of the overdrawn spirit in the final trial, and now it is to see it.

At this time, he realized that the method mentioned in the mysterious text message did not lie to himself.

The contractor who drives to kill the trial is not a letter to open the river, but it is really likely to be reached.

Even if the body's injury is repaired, the mental exhaustion is difficult to eliminate.

At this time, I will reach the ultimate reaction. If you see that there is a car hit it, it will react it in half a day. Don't say that it is the unlucky egg riding the Harley motorcycle. .

However, at this time, Fanglin Rock's mind suddenly became flashed, it seems to be killed in this world, and the other party will drop the bloody key. Now if it is to intercept this guy, it is not coming.

Just hesitated for a few seconds, Fanglin Rock still denied this thought.

First, he is very tired at this time, even if it is to go to the dark, it is estimated that it is not big enough, and if the luck is not good, it may be possible.

Second, the time now seems to be a 55th point in the afternoon, even if it is, it is still too late.

Third, of course, it is also the most important thing that Fanglin Yan has already felt a deep tired of killing in the joint trial, in the brutal trial, and did not think when the brain was survived. In the safe environment, the pressure has been subjected to retreat, that kind of feeling of life, if the feelings of life, let him feel very uncomfortable.

At this time, he didn't pay back home. He directly found a black hotel who didn't check the ID card. The other people described sleep. It was just sleeping with a pillow. Fang Lin Yan is a head of the pillow. I have entered a dream.

This sleep is almost twelve hours, and then Fanglin Ran looked up to the toilet, and found that he had sweated a sweat when he was sleeping, and his underwear was rumored. The whole person exuded a unpleasant The taste, this Langyan can not stand it, simply open the shower and tap, and quickly rush, this feels that the whole person is alive.

When I took a shower, Fanglin Rock found that he was broken, and there was a lot of white. It was reunited, and the heart was naturally a mysterious Noah space technology.

When Fang Lin Yan gangloo was still sleepy, but the shower washes such a toss, and the whole person made two yawns and felt that the spirit is coming, the belly is empty, and they will go directly to the building.

To be honest, the things that Fanglin Rock eat in Yang Fun, there is no abdomen, and the diet of that place is even more than Egypt, Cairo and other places, occasionally eat a fresh, Du Don, then eat, then Really, you will not miss the white rice back to the sour and sour powder.

So Fanglin Rock now is the most popular thing is a hot pot, but finally touched the wallet, still thinking about the long discourage, sighing into the yellow chicken snack shop next to it, and then came into a large number of yellow beef yellow eggplant At the end, I bite my teeth and came to the nourishing pigeon soup of eight dollars.

This rice square rock has eaten the boss six bowls of rice, and the dishes don't have to be said. It is definitely a CD, and even the boss's free kimchi has killed one-third, this is only satisfied with the stomach.

The remaining boss silently pulled this kid into the blacklist, and the heart must be in the wall. It must be marked on the wall: add three bowls, then add money.

After coming out of the hotel, Fang Lin Yan returned to his home. He thought about what to do on the road. It didn't say that there was too much.

What he wants now is most, of course, continues to play the drone and machine gun.

That's right, it is to play Banglin Rock himself has both talented and hobbies in the machinery. Otherwise, there is no height of the eight-stage fitter.

He had to extrude the time in the crisis of four andd trials to assemble the drone and the fort. At this time, he returned to the safety real world. Of course, the grinding group is enough. This thing can both save life, but also Meet your own hobbies.

In addition,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, In particular, the basic agility reaches the point. The basic physical strength has reached 5 points, then it can actually take into account the study of basic endurance V2, and learn the bloody reel.

Another example is that Fanglin Yan has been so long after shooting, faintly about the foundation shooting is coming to V4.

According to his analysis, although with the growth of the trial, the equipment has been increased, then the power of the firearms will definitely be restrained, but this stuff is still absolutely mainstream in the middle, then find a shot of a target. Of course it is also very important.

But after thinking twice, Fanglin Rock still made a painful decision.

That is to go home to work and processing parts

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