The First Evolution

Chapter 51 Mechanical Giama

() As Fanglin Rock shouted the police, the rest of the people were also smashed, soon found the sniper, this guy hid behind a rock outside of a few hundred meters, but now I actively explore it. The body seems to be aimed at this side.

Of course, Dedto's people are not vegetarian, and they have aimed at the sniper, and even someone directly bombards RPG.

But the sniper is still not moving, just a half-transparent shield appeared in the body surface, should be a protected props that started, but still stubbornly align the guns .......

At this point, this scene is not like aiming, but it is more similar to the guided laser guidance bomb!

Probably insisted on ten seconds, the sniper retracted the body behind the rock and appeared to complete the task.

The person of the Deltto team has already felt a lot of power, not to the same, the sniper is excuse, and started away from the top of the previous mountain, even Fang Lin Ran is no exception.

After a minute, you can see something in the sky, it's a fast fall, it looks like something such as the space capsule. After a few hundred meters from the ground, there are several parachutes. Umbrella, it looks good.

However, in such a distance, it is obvious that it can only play a temporary buffer, which has a double-layer bus size space cabin finally bombarded the top of the mountain, and made a lot of flooding dust.

I saw this scene, Limi was surprised:

"This is ... Ultra-high-altitude laser guidance is put in! The technology is still in the design of the paper!"

"Heaven, and it is also useful to use the high jumped mode, the people inside don't live? If you fall, you will fall in a layer!"

Then, next to the hatch of the space capsule suddenly looked up three red lights, then turned into a green light, and the exhaust gas of "" was taken immediately, and Xu opened.

Next second, a furry giant is extended from the hatch! !

Then, this giant is a force, I saw a giant orangutan with gray-white sparse hair from it.

The height of this guy exceeds three meters. The most awake is the two thick arms, as if it can be directly sent to the ground, the muscles on the arm are even too developed, and some parts are evenly broken.

Don't tell, the people around them immediately shot, the fire is pour, but this giant orangutan looks high to the bullet, shot, only hear "", even The bullets have also been played off.

And its impact is very rapid, the ground is slightly shocked, and it will rush up three or forty meters in a few seconds, and then grab a gunner, I actually throw it directly into the mouth of the mouth.

The sound of the teeth cut the bones is creepy,

Blood is coming out from its mouth, there is still half of the calves wearing military boots, and this scene looks particularly fierce!

Seeing this scene, Fanglin Rock is still staying, then to Lim Road:

"Obviously, this is not a person."

Lim shrugged:

"Ok, just, this kind of monster will definitely be injured in the face of falling."

Then the giant orangutan starts running the impact again. This time he is actually Drent Tour.

Fortunately, some people have bombarded with heavy weapons such as guns, rockets.

Such a weapon attack seems to be effective. In a continuous explosion, this giant orangutan is intercepted, and a butt is sitting on the ground, making a strange throws.

At this time, Fanglin Rock has already understood that under the bombardment of the Great Power, the giant orangutan has begun to appear some wounds, but some wounds are twisted by red meat, but there is a metal in the wound. Reflective.

After seeing this scene, Fanglin Ran suddenly came back, this is a mechanical flesh-mixed mixture of artificial manufactured.

Dalclands Contact Now the behavior of the national blocking airspace may be effective for ordinary people, but can't stop the contractors with a variety of strange capabilities.

Just like Dakland will attract Fanglin Rock, the Codan team is equal to its effectiveness, and the rest of the competition company can also attract other contractors for their effectiveness.

These guys standing in hostile preventers should have gained their advanced strokes ------- or possibly there should be, then directly put down such hypothyroid weapons to try to renew them.

"I can't catch you, but I can destroy you."

This sentence is used here that the condition should be again applied.

Caught this opportunity, Delto made a gesture, stone fields quietly left, then two followed, the experimoctive experimoctive, the experimoctive, became a lunch, began Take the sniper.

At the same time, seeing this giant orangutan seems to be dizzy, and a contractor called Gart in the Codan team has been caught up.

When he jumped, the face of the baseball stick held was actually burning a flaming fire, and then made a full-rate action, and he was squatted on the chin of the giant mechanical orangutan.

This hit looks huge, this giant mechanical orangutan's head is behind the moment, the thick arms are helpless, and the huge body is hit by sitting, and they are played back to the ground. .

Gut immediately waved the baseball stick fierce and fierce, and then attacked five or six, but also raised the baseball stick, and then inserted into the eyelids of giant orangutans.

"Hey !!" The pain suddenly made this giant orangutan roaring, and the giants smashed the past.

However, after this, Gottimed how to respond to the other party in early mean, even your baseball rod, leap out, and easily land.

After he landed, he reached out the baseball rod inside the giant orangutan to reach out, which took the weapon with blood and flames, gave him back.

The giant orangutan is angry, and the palm is swept away, and Got will be soaked, it is easy to flash.

Noba's monster became a toy in front of Gart, and he was easily played by him.

At this time, the rest of the people also gave a giant orangutan shot. It roared, and still considered Gutter, and continued to shoot.

This time Gart seems to have clearly touched the big attack mode in front of him. After the force, it looks like it is easy to escape this hit.

However, he did not expect that after this palm of this giant orangutan, he took a circle in the air, then a rough long tail behind him as if the whip is like a slope. come.

This hit is completely unexpected, called electric light stone fire,

At this time, it is not necessary to circumvent, and then feel the hard blow to the face, and then the body is painful. The whole person is like a small stone, it is flying, rolling a few laps on the ground. Stopped.

At this time, there are also a lot of data to be data, and you will take the head for a few seconds, and you will be able to climb up.

And at this time, Gottal is some of them.

Because he saw a series of "Be careful" "Go" "Walk" when he saw the team channel.

But Gart did not understand why they would warn themselves, because the horrible giants are still more than 20 meters.

Just when Gott, he suddenly heard the strange movement behind him, and then there was a hard-minded odorless smell that floated.

That taste is like a vomit of dozens of people. It is fermented for more than a week. Then the yellow-green liquid begins to take an occasional blowing, let it break.

There is no doubt that Gart immediately turned, and suddenly saw a Zhenzhan at least two meters behind.

The pupil of this giant brother's eyes narrowed to the needle tip, and the floating edema form is flourifiable, and the joints have produced a lot of wrinkles.

Not only that, but its skin actually shows a strange light green, which is also distributed in a large number of yellow pustules. As its movements will be broken.

Of course, the most eye-catching is the monster of this monster. It is like a pregnant woman who is pregnant. It will sound in the slight of the liquid.

Got just saw this monster, I saw it suddenly opened his mouth, spraying a light green sticky water column from his throat, just like a sprinkler, a sprinkler, will be in the head to the head. through!

At this moment, Got's feelings are like a giant latrine, and the eyes are completely hurt by this yogurt.

Inside the nose is unable to describe malodor, the naked skin of the hands and feet is hot and spicy, the ear hole should also be poured into the liquid, the buzzing, can't hear any sound, all people Isolated from the outside.

At this time, At this time, the giant orangutan has been aligned with him, not only this, not only the "space capsule", which has flourished, and has a large group. The stupid group of the black pressure pressure came out.

These transformed biochemical poisonous flies have a dragonfly, a sharp plug, and a terrible poison needle on the tail, flying fast, even in the air, can't hover in the air.

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