() After the four fertilizer, the four fertilizers, immediately began to vomiting green mucus towards people.

They are simply like four sprinklers, the farthest can spray it in less than 30 meters, and the sprayed mucus will show a concentrated glue.

The four smells are all, it is really invincible, solemn, a hard man is rolling, and even the rolling crowd is escaped.

Not they don't brave, but this is too confused by the monster, and the people who are killed by the bullets will also say a good Han, but they are sprayed by this stuff, just like being drowning in the feces, it is really a fear. .

Only they are chaotic, and they will be killed in front of the biochemical toxicity.

At this time, Gat has been grasped by the giant orangutan, fierce fierce, fiercely fierce on the stone, and even stepping on the belt, plus sound, although the data of the data is not so like a wolf Like the tiger's , naturally desperately rescue.

After witnessing this scene, Fanglin Rock naturally farther far.

He pushed Dedto in time before, then he knew that the hard work is less than his own, the next battle is based on the participation, and it has released the drone early, pay attention to the gunman of the throne. .

Because Fanglin Rock has already thought that if the enemy appears very fierce, then he has to settle the energy, if the enemy appears is weak, then at least you need to compete with the Codan team. ...

I have a person and four people to grab things, the strength of the other person is not too big to be with my own gap, and I want to have the probability that the chicken on the head is very small. The probability of success is very small. What is the strength?

Because he took such a mentality, it was not being affected, and even the biochemical poisonous flies faced, it could be paid to a special anesthetic grenade.

This place is that he has received his capture mission, and the explosion is very subtle. After a result, there will be a lot of smoke immediately, and these dozens of virus rushed. The flies immediately began to disorder in the smoke, flew around.

Then, Fanglin Rock began to move the gun toward a fertilizer shot that sprayed the humiliation toward this, and he hit its head.

The skin toughness of this monster is unable to penetrate. However, the strength of the above is playing continuously retreat, and the head is also deformed as the plasticine, the disgusting liquid suddenly can't spray.

Fanglin Rock crimped the enemy's offensive, the unstoppable giant orangutan is a cruel, and the people in this direction will be relieved, and there are several well-trained accompanying guards. Attack, the pressure is one of it.

Captured this opportunity, Cordan is already a quick rush, his left hand puts a shield, holding a black paint baton, when there is more than a dozen meters from the giant orangutan, When I gang, I immediately flew out a ball on its head.

This round of the ball seems to be in power, playing giant orangutans, and suddenly squatting with flesh and blood blurred Gottte, emitting a roar.

Just this round, after it was on the ground, it actually broke itself, from which a fog, quickly formed the same shape as this giant orangutan, and then aligned it loudly.

The sudden challenge, the giant orangutan is obviously angry, crazy, swaying, but the orangutan is mixed, it is impossible to hit the power of the true King Kong.

When the enemy in front of the enemy was attracted by the fog, Kodan turned to the giant orangutan, but it was always tight.

The baton in the hand in the hands of the Hand, got on the huge orangutan elbow, suddenly, a powerful current is guided!

The giant oranglan elbow is immediately paralyzed, then it is not convulsted by the autonomous convulsions, and its body has a lot of mechanical and steel construction, so the current is even added to it, so his palm is pine, Gott Directly fell.

See this scene, Coan Heart is a loose, plugging the baton back to the waist, and hurry to take it.

But at this time, I suddenly rolled over, I was a fertile giant. It was the one that Fang Lin Ran took the lead in taken the head. At this time, the upper right calorie has been scored, and suddenly lost his heart. In the ground, the fat belly of the fat round made it like a ball, and it will come over.

Coldan's sight and attention were attracted by giant orangutans. They did not expect such a burst **. He just got Gate, suddenly felt that there was still something difficult to have anything. I took it over.

Although his eyes can't see, the nose smelling is the kind of disgusting corpse, and the back is deeply feeling that the ice is cold, smooth, fatty, and suddenly, the chicken is coming out.

So Coan Heart is panicked, and suddenly makes it earned, but it is the most embarrassing thing, that is, it is not open.

The power of Coan is around 20 o'clock. It is already a quite powerful, which is far less than him.

But the problem is that this monster is just a appearance, and there is no bone in the body.

Coldan is earned, can only force it to hold his arms, and wait until his hand, then play back, just like a large rubber band.

Not only that, he followed the follow-up movement against the elbow. He hit the back of the back of the back. He felt that it was completely hitting the rubber bag filled with water. Unempacion, there is no power.

What is even more, the height of the fertile giant is more than two meters. After it fell from the body, it was gradually going to put it into his stomach, both of them were one ... .

Ke Dan is trying to resist, but I saw the giant orangutan no longer attracted to the fantasy provocation. I saw him in the head. Down.

At this time, Ke Dan can only fierce the land, so it's not easy to break it. He dragged his teammate in Gart, behind him, behind him, can hide this step. It's already exhaustive,

But this giant orangutan is just a classic walk, let go .........!

As if the excavator bucket is sweeping, Coldan's teammate is trying to attack support, but it is all stopped by another three-headed fertilizer and swarming.

In the face of this scene, Ke Dan's pupil contraction, he must make a difficult choice: Yes, it is caught, or Gart is caught.

Although this choice is difficult, it is not difficult, Coke Dan, of course, is more important, very simply grasping Gut, lost the horizontal giant.

At Gut scream, finally he was caught by giant orangutan, and put it into his mouth and started to chew hard. The sound is creepy.

At this moment, the contractor's vitality has become not a good thing. Because the plot characters may be completely dead, and the contractor will be chewed two times only .......

After decisively selling the teammates, the hand of Keadan quickly pulled out the black stick from the waist, and then took out the "Zi" blue light, it was aligned behind him!

"" Sulf, just like a balloon filled with water, the fat and strong man after Ke Dan, I will explode directly, and the rain is flying. Describe the smell of odor is all over the audience.

More horrible is that Cordan himself did not say, was applied by the disgical mucus, and the burst of fat and strong body fluid seems to have a strange temptation, and suddenly all mutual monsters. Contains with the giant orangutan, I launched the most violent attacks.

Fortunately, Coa is called, at this time, I opened a one-time life-saving props called the magma shelter.

After this bully proppine is open, it will deduct half of the general point and potential point, while randomly extracting a piece of equipment for the sacrifice.

The object of the sacrifice is the devil in hell, which can lead to the magma in hell forming the protective cover to shelter.

The sacrifice can't move, but the magma protective cover can last for a minute, and the enemy within the near distance (one meter) has caused 40 points of persistent flame damage per second.

To be honest, he has a hatred hormone that is contaminated before the death of fat and strong death. It is like the lack of iron stone to bring these monsters to these monsters together, then the magma protective cover itself has strong killing, the rest of the people Not idle is desperately output.

This minute continues, the biochemical toxicity and the remaining three fat and strong giant are all killed, even even the giant orangutan has been hung by the fire, revealing the alloy steel bones that are broken.

Although the orangutan is habitually used to support the ground to support the ground with double boxing, it is obvious that it has lost the crazy impact.

In this case, this guy is destined to be killed by a kite.

Ten minutes later, this giant orangutan made a long mourning, fell to the ground, twitching, then dying.

This war is honest, and Coan's contribution can be said to be a powerful, and the magma shelter he use is a turning point of the battle.

This Drent Tour is also looking into the eyes, and it is very good to say, and even considering that the team is even killed, it is directly smeared.

Not only that, this time they do, it will be realized.

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