The First Evolution

Chapter 56 is killed

After the operator next to him, the six silver balls were suspended in half empty, and they made a snoring sound, not only that, the ball around the ball also shouted a lot of shaking light, and irradiated around The wall is on the top, and then quickly fly forward.

It can be seen that as the six silver balls are flying forward, the instrument next to it began to quickly draw the maps, this advanced technology is really like Fang Lin Ran feels great to open!

However, he tried to explore the price, and immediately did not have any ideas. The full name of this silver ball is called "Karti" holographic floating detector, each cost price is more than one million dollars.

What is more abnormal is that the equipment is also bought, and the maintenance cost is quite amazing. It is simple to say that there is nothing in millions of dollars. It is estimated that it is only a big company that can be used.

At the time of flight survey of Kart Division, Shi Tian as a chief researcher began to bring people into the recent workspace, try to view the effective information inside. Delto's has started a full range of maps.

Fanglin Yan is looking at the cold eye, and found that these people are indeed very else, and the formation of the formal degree of professionality in it is very worth learning.

It is probably only ten minutes, and the stone fields have gone over the road to Delto:

"Head, now it is almost certain, here is the remains of the Veronica laboratory, we have found some very useful information now."

Delto nodded, although it was still a faceless, but the eyes were still exposed to the color of Yue Yue.

At this time, I suddenly screamed, Delto hurriedly rushed to the past, and it is necessary to happen this ghost where you can happen.

Fang Linyan's heart is a cold, and it is also to find out what it is, but there is a three-person team to find a permanent sentinel tower that was built. Although the above weapons have been removed, they still What is studying in a study.

Fang Lin Yan looked at the whistle for a long time and didn't ponder it, until the professionals next to them, she suddenly realized:

It can be seen from the traces that are fixed above. The heavy weapon installed above is rotatable, which can be aligned outside the shooting, but it can also align the internal fire!

This shows that when the designer is under construction, it will know that there may be quite dangerous in the laboratory, so this can be used directly, which will also make the cost larger. Rising, but the construction party is still not hesitant.

Not only that, this kind of permanent sentinel tower is even more than eight, which can be seen that the prevention and control is strict.

Almost half an hour, only the main channel door at the end of the work area, the above identity is extremely dangerous, the words cannot be turned on, and now two things have been proven:

First, we must go through the inside of the remains, you must enter here. According to Rub Jie. Heil's notebook, in order to avoid biochemical pollution, the internal region of this laboratory is actually located in the depth of underground, the only entrance and exit is the elevator at the end of the main channel.

Second, the internal area in this is always energized, so if there is anything inside, it is the probability that can be stored in the freezer.

In order to seek caution, Delto took this door, preparing to pack uploaded some of the information found in the periphery of the remains, let the people within the company analyze, and then give the next step.

Then there is no signal inside the remaining, you need to go up, then considering the strong disturbance of this place, and the headquarters also need feedback time, so at least leave an hour, so that the stone field will host a transaction.

To be honest, Fanglin Rock does not like this person, although this guy is still a courteous, and it must be embarrassing before talking, but it always feels that his bones will reveal a hypocrisy, and the ingredients of the perfunct are not hidden.

Therefore, when Delto leaves, Fanglin Rock has a choice to stay away from him. Fortunately, in Shi Tian, ​​it is not happy. Otherwise, Fanglin Yan does not mind him once.

"Find the powerhouse of the periphery!"

Just when Fanglin Rock got a useful information, people who were supervising the maps suddenly called.

Shi Tian listened to the future, and nodded:

"Good! Ready, let's take the external power supply of this base in the past!"

The decision of Shika at this time is nothing. If there is electricity, you can light up the most area of ​​the laboratory, otherwise, if there is any danger, it is too passive.

Secondly, this is the most worthy of the previous research information. These materials may be stored in the computer, which also requires the supply of power.

Similarly, there are still some weapons that can be used in the laboratory, but also to control it. As for how to control, there is a hacker master in the team left.

After leaving a few people, after the discontinuation, Shi Tian took a group of people, of course, also called Fanglin Rock, and a group walk in the dark underground area.

Although there is a map of the "kart" holographopoke detector, the area is wide and the area is wide, and the passage of walking is also intertwined. More importantly, it is in the absolute darkness, but also in the case of ensuring safety. Explore, so the speed of travel is quite slow.

If there is no electronic map support, you must also leave a mark along the way, otherwise the backhaul will have a lost risk.

When a man walked ten minutes, the office area seen along the way was quite well.

At this point, a man is already an armed penetration, and it is necessary to keep the tactical shooting posture to carry a total of 30 kilograms of equipment, so even if it is a well-trained warrior, it is quite exhausted in the darkness. So often take a break.

At the time of rest, Fanglin Ryna found a coffee cup to find a coffee cup next to the desk, although there is no liquid in the cup, but there is a fuzzy "Apple School" word next to the box.

What is this explanation, the owner of this desk just gave himself a cup of hot coffee, then disassembled Apple School that had already heated prepared to eat, and what emerged, let him gave up this meal to leave.


After Fanglinyan, after the left, it suddenly found that there was something next to the cabinet, mainly that the angle was more concealment, so only his position can be seen.

Then Tang Rock gave a lot of time, and finally I found that it was a corpse below the next! !

This is also, the most weird is that this body is not chemical into a white bone, but a corpse, the surface shows a coke yellow, Fanglin Yan picks up a pen to tap the surface, and found that the corpse is issued "shell shell "The crisp sound is like a hard plastic material.

Seeing Fanglin Rock, there was found that the rest of the people were surrounded. After a discussion, he did not move the corpse, but a few people lifted the cabinet. Then there is a behavior expert near, first spray disinfectant, and then strengthen the Rumino (luminescent ammonia) reagent.

This is a very sensitive reagent, which can detect only one hundred thousand parts of the blood, even if it is dripping a small drop of water to a large tank water, it can also check it out.

And this reagent is now also improved by Dickland, even if the blood in decades is also a list.

When the reagent sprayed, it was able to see it. There was a significant fluorescence effect on the body. Not only that, the ground showed a clear shoe print, and the clear drip next to it, extending from the outside, and finally stayed in his Foot .......

Seeing this scene, some people have cleared:

"He was hurt in the running, while the shoe was on the blood."

"This person has encountered what fears, and it has lost rations here, but it can't continue to move, so take the initiative to go under the cabinet."

"His trunk muscles are not developed, and there is no weapon, which means that it is only a civilian person."

"There are a lot of reasons for forming the corpse, but in this large environment, the remaining autopsies have become white bones, and he has unique to form a dry corpse, which means that the reasons are related to the internal environment after his death."

"His body has a cardboard, the name of this brother is Caste. Jones. Hey, God, the start time written on the card card is June 2007 to April 2010, this secret base is more than six years It was still started before! "

"I found deadly hurt, very strange, is the wound caused by tools, one blows!"


Speaking here, the expert demonstrates why you will feel the wound.

It turned out that the fatal injury on this body was actually pierced from the top of the head, it did not enter the chest, and the wound caused by a narrow gap, the width is about two centimeters!

And did not find a weapon in the body, which means that the murder is fierce, and then take the weapon and take it away!

I heard this expert's description, Fanglin Rock herself can think of the only murderous way to murder, it is a master in martial arts or Xian Xia, directly a ladder cloud, eight steps, jumping to the other's head Then, then the sword on the head is thoruted, followed by farming.

This scene can be said to have a very 10 steps to kill one person, and the essence of a thousand miles away.

But even if it is so incredible speculation, there is also a premise that it is very difficult to open. That is to find the body, he is squatting in the narrow void below the cabinet, the head is facing the wall, the thick reinforced cement The load bearing wall is about two or 30 centimeters!

So what is the murderer?


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