
Is it a murderer and a sword stab, this person can continue to run after being hit hard, and I have been escaping here.

However, this has completely violated the scientific and theorem. There is no shortage of medical experts in this area, which is unanimously thinking that this is impossible.

Because they carefully view the body, they did not have signs of being transformed before, even if they were zombies, after the central nervous of the head was hurt, it was definitely killed, not to say to run dozens of meters. Then drill into the cabinet is dead.

When a man is a long time, a man will take a photo, leave the sample and then prepare to submit, and then specifically tag it here, which continues to travel.

However, there is such a weird incident, so they also pinched a sweat, and they have been very cautious. It is almost twenty minutes to come to the outlet of the powerhouse in the peripheral area.

But the problem has appeared, the door of this powerhouse is not only sealed, but also in the hand of metal, Drent Tour's hand tried it, it is completely silk.

Some people have brought to explosives, but immediately attracted an opposition, because here is in the bottom of the ground, once the collapse is caused, don't say that the destructive power of the explosion is huge, it will exist in it Accurate data / items have irreversible damage.

In this case, stone fields and several experts have negotiated, and decided to use the special cutting machines.

Obviously, this has been taken into account, so it is specifically assigned that three people carry special cutters, and they will be in the same way, and this cutting machine is very amazing.

Delto has heard of this matter, even the reply over the headquarters has not continued, and it is also immediately rushed.

When assembling the cutting machine, Fanglin Rock will not be on the side, but to hurry up in the nearby work area.

At this time, he received an emergency information, it was the goat, and there were still some urgent:

"I am now coming to what you said to you, but I found that Okabao's people have arrived, it seems to negotiate with the people of Dickland, and both parties seem to have to reach a cooperation agreement. What should we do now? "

Fang Linyan looked around, decisive:

"You rest assured, I am now clear about the situation of Dickland, but they may be truthful, but the people of Gambower are absolutely impossible, and the two sides have achieved cooperation, and finally there is only crackdown. Children, you wait for an hour after entering, then quietly followed, there must be gourd! "

After getting the opinion of Fanglin Rock, the heart of the goat was set up, and I wanted to think that Fanglin Rock said very reasonable.

Before Fang Lin Yan said, it was actually considered.

The goat is very effective, but it is so embarrassing, and it is a bit flustered. It is also difficult to say that this is also a defect in his character. Fang Lin Yan knows this, so it will be strong when he speaks with him. No problem.

In this case, goat will be very happy.

If Fanglin Rock speech is "perhaps" "possibly" "opportunity" this ambiguity, this guy will think about it, and finally simply ..... finally missed the opportunity.

In fact, in the eyes of Fanglin Rock, there is no more than 100% success at all, as long as you don't care, you think about your own retreat, then who is a dog! When you gambling, you should be on, life and death, life is rich in God!

After he handled things on the goat, the cutting machine has been assembled.

Soon, the thick iron gate blooms out of the hot flame in the high temperature flame sprayed, and a man melted the iron gate, after the single drilling, the movement was sprayed at the cutting of the cutout. The condensate is made, and people can immediately enter and exit, and to avoid the flammable gases that may exist inside.

At the same time, a person wearing a gas mask is close to the broken place, directly controlling a mini engineering vehicle, and the front of the front of the two snow is shining.

This stuff looks like a children's toys, but its price is very expensive, but the high-end instrument integrating lighting, shooting, and detection.

It can collect the surrounding intelligence, detect if the air is suitable for breathing, and is more equipped to release a fluorescent rod to the lighting function.

This remote control has explored a few minutes after a few minutes, and the person who has previously operated the cutting machine suddenly said:

"How do I feel some dizziness ..."

After he finished, suddenly, he suddenly coughed, this time everyone felt something wrong, immediately went to take a photo as his face, and see the scene of horror!

That is, this person's nostrils actually flowed out of the outside, a black viscous liquid, which is like blood, more similar to asphalt.

More terror is that normal people have been taken as a few wolf to teeth, the reaction is definitely a migraine, but his appearance is full of appearance, and looks around:

"Why, have you heard me talk?"

At this time, his eyes have been completely red, even what the pupil can not see, it is extremely unmmon under the shine of strong light, which is clearly completely lost.

Seeing this scene, Fanglin Yan did not say, and he took Delto turned and walked, Delto screamed:

"What afractions? Be calm!"

But although he was very strict, he tightly grasped the hand of Fanglin Rock.

Fang Linyan is shocked, and he is really awkward ........?

Suddenly, a chicken skin has taken out from the back of the back, so decisive will take the ovulation of the egg! The result is that Durto is strict and saga.

"Don't pull me! This time, the more mess!"

Fang Lin Rong Xin said that TM will make your strength! ! Are you pulling my hand? But considering this hidden main line task has not been completed, your reward is still falling on him, can only say that Drent Tour is walking, Drento struggled A side of the road:

"You this idiot ... Let me go !!!"

However, Fanglin Rock clearly felt that his old man was relieved, and there was also a good action.

Fangliny rock dragonfly, and the rest of the people will not stay silly, followed by panic.

The last list, I found that two people did not evacuate, one is to operate the cutting machine, and the other is half-kneeling at the broken car.

Obviously, there is a vicious trap in the power supply chamber, which directly leads to these two most recent people, and even the protective clothing does not care.

Soon, Fanglin Rock felt that he took the lead in running the move.

Because after entering the laboratory, in accordance with the company's regulations, in the case of conditions, the image information is left in the whole process, and the stone field responsible for the camera is in order to escape faster, so let go of the camera. On the table next to,

So this is actually acceptable to the signal over the camera, and the camera's lens is just a person who operates the cutting machine.

It can be seen that in less than two minutes after they escape, the person who operates the cutting machine is actually a random to the ground, and seeing his naked skin, it turns into yellow, dry, as if It is rapidly dehydrated in a short period of time.

I saw this scene, I didn't have to say anything with Drento. When a man was directly evacuated, I have been fled to the place where the outside is ventilated, even if it is the case, they are also unfounded, and they have been discussed.

Fang Lin Yan did not know why, suddenly thought of the corpse under the cabinet! Does he also a victim?

Not only that, after determining the danger, Delto has always taken information. If you find that there are only two groups of people around the powerhouse, there are still some people continue to search on the work area.

Just a strange thing before thirty minutes, some people suddenly screamed, suddenly attracted the attention of the companion, but the tragic named that only fell to be scratched, wait until I find that he is nothing It's all spread.

However, someone discovered that one of the companions called Brown was missing. According to the system specified by Delto, everyone will be included in a team unless it is required to keep the communication and silence, otherwise everyone must be in one minute. The number of reports in the communication channel.

When Brown did not report two times, it caused the rest of the person's alert, and finally basically determined that he was missing at the time of the past companion.

In this case, Delto is needed, and he made a decision after he took a breath, which made people install uninterrupted HD monitoring, and set alarm, agency trap, and arrange the post. .

At the same time as the surveillance, start another micro engineering car, then manipulate it from the deceased, which in turn will easily determine the cause of their death.

The remaining people will take the time to eat, rest in the temporary camp established at the entrance.

Although it faces a big change, Delto's response is still in an orderly manner, it can be said that it is dripping and no flaws, it is also admired by Fanglin Rock.

Fang Lin Yan naturally didn't have to do these miscellaneous people, directly lying in the sleeping bag.

After about three and a half hours, Fang Lin Ying first received the news from the goat, saying that it seems that the people of Gambower did the defenders, which had taken an absolute initiative, and it seems that the distance is not far, but it is also there. Quite dangerous, according to the information sent back according to the monitor, has dragged three corpse bags.

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