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Next, Delto sent a personal pick him, telling him that there is a new breakthrough in the laboratory. https: //.kingho.nethttps: //.x.

After Fanglin Rock followed the past, he found that Drent Toro seems to have overcome various kinds of dangerous, successfully broken into the power chamber.

The perimeter of the entire abandoned laboratory has been re-energized. After entering, it can be found that the lighting chandeliers before the top of the work area have been all ignited, which is probably because of the long-lasting, at least one-third of the top lights are not bright. However, it will also have no trace of the previous darkness.

Dedto in the tunnel is a lot of traps, weighing, mines, etc., which looks precious and prevents hostilities that hostilities may appear.

After a question, I learned that after receiving the assistance from Delto, Dallland's research department quickly found the countermeasures.

It is a kind of biochemical weapon that can turn people into a corpse. It is a semi-bugler company to develop a biochemical weapon: it is called European Nades, which is the name of the revenge of the legend.

Specifically, European Dests is a strange variety of fungi manufactured by three biological gene fragments.

Among the three parents of this fungi, the most important thing is a fungus called the bias silentis.

They still exist, they are parasitic in ants called Llessee's refurbishment ants. The behavior of ants can be controlled by secreting chemicals.

Make it to the most suitable environment for fungi (according to statistics, such locations are generally in the north of the forest, approximately 25cm from the surface, 94% -95%, temperature 20-30), will climb the same The leaves are used to bite the blade with the lower jaw.

More exaggerated scenes is still behind, after the zombie ants are bitten, the fungi will quickly destroy the muscle fibers of the ants, and the mitochondria in which the energy is produced is all destroyed.

In this way, the full muscle weak poor ants can no longer control their own lower jaws, can only be forced to bite on the leaves.

This weird behavior pattern is called "death bite".

After that, the fungi will continue to proliferate between soft tissues in the ant body, soon killing the hosts, when a large number of mycetes are reproduced in the dead ant corpse, they will ultimately break the outer skeleton of the ant body, form terrible Parasitic scene.

After breaking out, the biased snake bacterium on the ant corpse will release spores on this leaves and continue to reproduce the descendants. The whole process can last for four to ten days.

Another mother is very famous, called Cordyceps.

The last mother is an animal, the name is called Gordius nematode. It is parasitic in the body of the draft. It can manipulate the host to the water side, drill from the host in the main body after drowning the host with water sources.

The biological weapon of OEC, which has been combined with three biological genetic pieces, mainly through spores, whether exposure or inhalation, the idea of ​​designing the design is to absorb the human body after inhalation of its spores. Moisture, secreted paralysis, so that it is killed in a short time.

Then absorb the nutrients in the human body, mature in a short time, continue to spread spores in a short time, and its mature cycle is about two and a half hours, in the ideal state of the original design, European Decs can make overnight The soldiers of the entire military camp were completely destroyed.

However, European Bandes will not be able to bypass a very defect, that is, because genetic defects have caused sudden death, which is a common problem of artificial organisms.

It means that such artificial creatures breeds to several generations, because some unusual places have been designed, there will be mutations, directly leading to sudden death of the entire population.

This kind of defect is very difficult to wind, just like the scorpion of the horse and the , is the lion tiger beast that has no breeding ability, tiger and lion, in addition to no reproductive ability, more IQ is obviously defective, and life not long.

The scientific research is designed for European Sen's defects, specially designed a special counter-resistant spray, and then delivers the Drent Tour's team with ultra-high-altitude.

Such sprays contain the most nutrients and gangsters that European Nepis, which can make it a lot of reproduction in a short time, so it is easy to trigger mutations, after a mutation, a virus for genetic defects will Let European Denon appear population extinction.

However, the missing person is not found.

When Fanglin Rock is sleeping, the peripheral area here has been cleaned up to seven or eight eight, and also knows some of the secrets of the Veronica laboratory.

The reason why the laboratory will be divided into two parts of AB, because they are now in part of the A, hidden an amazing secret!

This secret does not even lead to the high-rise splitting of the blood umbrella company at the time, and some people put huge resources to this, and some people think that they are not worth falling here.

If there is no such inside, it has caused the blood umbrella company in that year, it is difficult to say if this a big majority will be forced by the government.

There is also a secretin that is, at this time, the nature of the A base in which they live is the research base, and the B base is a logistic base.

The specific location here is not near the Pamir Plateau, which is guessing before Fanglin Rock, but is 300 kilometers from the Pamir Plateau, the mountains of the South side of the Karakam desert.

Among the B base, there is a natural large dark river being transformed into underwater channels, which can have a distance of almost seventy kilometers, directly connected to the sea!

The replenishment of the entire base is periodically shipped by a mysterious U-shaped submarine.

The travel trajectory of this submarine is, first trace down from underwater, entering two or three hundred meters away from the estuary of the large dark river, where it is underground, which is specially widened.

Blood umbrellas have built a large docking terminal here, transporting living materials and scientific research materials to the terminal, and then transporting into the logistic base through a series of ways.

Such hidden means, it is no wonder that this base operation has not been discovered for so many years.

I heard the things of Delto said, Fang Lin Yan linged a lot of questions to the bottom of the heart, and there was a smart woman. He is difficult to be miles. Although he is compensating, it is too little thing that is too small.

At this time, Fanglin Rock is almost certain, and Delto knows that there is no one with a disk, but this has not hindered him to change the plan, and then seek more benefits for himself!

So Fanglin Ran once again contacted the goat, and the two sides once again conducted intelligence interchange, a conspiracy began to launch .......


At this time, Derto came to another place with Fanglin Rock.

After Derto's body, the experimoctive organized experimocts still looked faithfully.

Where they come now, it is the main channel gate to connect the peripheral work area and the core experiment area.

This door seems to have been carefully investigated. It is found that it is created with titanium steel. The surface is smooth, and it can be seen that there are some scars above, but it is completely non-destructive.

Dedto is in Fanglin Rock Road:

"According to the information we currently collected, Veroni's inner layer and the outside world have formed separate independent systems, and even eliminate the inner layer and even their own special ecological circulation circles."

Dedto said here, Fanglin Yan still doesn't know what he wants to express, but listened to Delto continued:

"If you want to open this door, you have to need to open the key ... You also have seen the rumor. Heil's diary, I don't know if there is any clue?"

Fang Lin Yan looked around, and found that Dedto did not bring stone field at this time. This should be the power of the host. There is no matter what he is ------- and Fanglin Rock can call a long sleep for a few hours, I believe that Delto is deliberate.

After these thoughts flicked in the heart, Fanglinyan looked at the door in front of him, the testicity:

"Is this stuff not open with violence?"

Delto faintly said:

"The experts of the headquarters believe that if there is not enough, don't use this means, because according to their analysis, there is a small amount of the door to the existence of nerve fibers, and also maintained a considerable activity."

"That is to say, it can be seen as a half-life with intelligence. If you use violence, it is likely to choose an optimized solution from the database, let us blood."

Fang Lin Yan Shen said:

"The words of the clues ..." There are still a lot, can I let me see this? "


"of course can."

Fang Linyan nodded, and immediately walked forward, first observed the door to see the door. It was really impeccable. There was no empty to drill.

Then, Calbia came to the side, and found that there is still a small channel, about only five or six meters.

At the end of the small channel, there is a box of coffin size, which is like a stone like a stone, and the mysterious pattern is also engraved on the surface.

On this box, I extended three strange giant palms, and I am uniformly arranged. Every palm surface has wood grain texture, and only three fingers.

Take a closer look, I know the essence of this giant palm. I have some of the car's gear, and I can hold it casually. In other words, I want to successfully open the door, you must pull these three giant palms to a specific Position!

In the face of such a situation, Fanglin Rock understands one thing, that is why Delto is clearly related to relevant program experts, or to find yourself, because this password is truth, it has fully exceeded the program and computer. And sharp experts are also useless!

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