The First Evolution

Chapter 59 Attack

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Of course, it is different from these people that Fanglin Rock has space as a background, so he uses it directly to this operator before: investigation. Https: //.whtxt.https: //.maiyj.

What is surprising is that this time the space system suggests that Fanglin's investigation costs require a full 1500 universal points!

At this time, Fanglin Rock has reached this step, can I save this fee? Silently sighed, I chose to use it. After deducting the universal point, I suddenly saw a series of tips on the retina:

"This is a console, such as the original original civilization, using extremely backward primary biological science principles, can easily find 104,400 optimized alternatives in the database ......... Slightly go to 500 words)

Fang Lin Yan heard after the heart:

"Don't have to take 1,7400, you will take a kind of way to let me open."

Space is given directly on the retina:

"Left is three times, don't move, right."

Fang Lin Yan took a sigh of relief, nodded, and then went forward, preparing to reach with one of the palms.

At this time, I will accompany the Coper of Fanglin Rock.

"If you don't have a grasp, don't try it."

Fanglin Yan said:

"Ah? Why do you say this?"

Koa has a little bit of heard:

"I have tried this before, then you guess what happened? To pull this ghost, you have to hold the gentleness of the palm."

"The result is that the person is chaos, and it is turned down by the palm, and then the whole person actually dissolves so much, and it is inhaled to this box! The whole person, only the rest of the skin!"

I heard his description, Fang Linyan suddenly took a chill from the back of the ridge, Coa obviously got Drento's award reminder to him.

Why Delto is so good, but because Fanglin Rock has a good reason for this time, once he has something, it is really hard to find a substitute.

However, he interrupted by him, Fanglin Rock still realized a thing, he will definitely can't let go of the door! Even if I know that there is a correct way, I will not explain that I know the password.

Once Delto is suspicious, then there is no doubt that all the efforts before.

So Fanglin Rock nodded to him:

"Okay, I know, I will be careful."

After the surrounding installation, Fanglin Rock returned to Delto, regret:

"Sorry, there is no short clue in the head."

The answer to the opponent, Delto is not surprising, sighing:

"Well, time is urgent, I can only use the most stupid way forced to open."

Soon, the cutting machine that had already been told before was transported to this closed door, and then naturally had a special person to operate.

It is not to say that Fanglin Rock must stand far away, but in Durto's strict eyes, it is still very boring to the back of Delto.

Obviously, once there is any situation, Fanglin Rock must have to play the role of the greed of the greed, unscrupulous, the role of Deltora ....

Of course, Delto is definitely anger, not sweet, helpless, everyone understands!

However, this two people's eyebrows are obvious, because this is the most advanced cutting machine still take this door without helpless.

Just ordered the Delto, I plan to try again, and I suddenly came to the sound of shouting sound:

"The enemy !! Repeat once, the enemy launched a comprehensive attack! Request support ..."

His words have not been finished, he heard a scream in the call, and there is a voice that is creepy swallowing.

I heard this voice, Fanglin Rock flashed the light:

"Finally ... is it?"

In the face of such emergencies, Delto appeared very lightly, and picked up the call. It was very stable:

"Enemy, repeat, hostile, use the second plan!"

Then Derto directly reached out the button of the lumbar contact, he heard the body of the experimoct behind him, suddenly issued a "snoring" voice, sounded like an automatic device started, started injection Pharmaceutical.

Then, Deltthed had two laborator suddenly fell to the ground, and she started her head and she ran out.

The surface of one of them is rapidly rapidly rock and statue, then his movements are solidified, and the body has made high heat, so that Fanglin Rock, five or six meters can be clearly felt.

And another experimental body is the body's bones in the body, the sound of the bones, the sound of the rumor, followed by the ground, can see that his hands and feet are growing, distorted, and the body surface is still growing. Obvious black hairy.

The skin on the surface of its body has become transparent, and the bottom of the internal organs, blood vessels, clearly visible, not only that, the mouth has already taken two obvious .

The final form seems to be a human face giant spider, quickly climbed the wall, action like flying, and disappeared in the darkness next to it.

After a while, the surface of the experimoctural body suddenly had a crack, followed by the crack, so that there was a large amount of gray-white slag quickly dropped down, and the flooded is full.

Finally, the front of Fanglin Rock appeared, and it was a head of a strong man with a dark brown. Its muscles were extremely developed, and it looks close to square.

The key position covers a large number of outer skeleton armor hard shells, the most obvious is the high tall tall on the left and right skeletons, as if the bia wings are hit.

In order to adapt to the new body, this experiminary has taken a few steps next to it, and even the hard floor is slightly shocked, and it can be seen that its weight is amazing.

Dedo waved, this experiment started to run the first to run in the entrance. At this time, Dedto smiled at Fang Lin Yan:

"This is the company's latest spider-style warrior and sweeping, just put in actual combat to collect data ------- they are really bear, nowading, the taste of hitting on the iron plate is not good. "

Fanglinyan saw that Deltan had a bamboo, and there is a certain kind of curious way:

"Head you know that the other party is coming to attack?"


"Of course, strictly calculate, our leader is only about ten hours, and the two companies we compete are not a weak chicken. After they react, they will send people to be a matter of course."

Speaking of this, Delto is slightly, some self-contained:

"In fact, the information we got this time this time, it has already set off a small wave of the company, even if there is no harvest, I can explain it in the board of directors."

Then Delto looks at Fanglin Rock means a deep way:

"This time you follow me, it can be said that it is not small. You just just a company's peripheral members. At all, you can't involve some deep things. After this task is completed, you should have additional rewards. "

"I have a small suggestion here: If there is a reinforcing agent for physical quality in the selection list, then you must choose, because only people who use the company's genetics will be seen as their own person. "

After listening to Delto, Fanglin Rynneys moved in his heart, nodded:

"Okay, head."

One side of the two said that he had heard a fierce shot in front of the front, and the battle has quickly become white hot. It is good to prepare in Drent To, and set a defense position at the entrance, otherwise, The raid can easily attack the defense line.

However, when two people go to half, the calls on the body have come to the sound of screaming:

"Help, help ..."

I heard this sound, Delto face big change:

"This ... is this a defense of the second line?"

The first line of defense is at the crack at the entrance, where only one person can enter, very dangerous, there is also a temporary camp, so Durto is there a lot of people.

The second defense is near the door of the virtual door. It is only one worth of a person, but the branch, blasting traps, what is the layout of landmines, when the first line of defense can not stand, the defensive person can immediately rely on The second defense line is pre-arranged in advance to counterattack.

But now it looks like this is so rapid, it is like a broken bamboo! !

Confidence is full of Drent Tour, the cruel reality, it is not good to have a good mood ...

Continue to walk more than a dozen meters, Fanglin Rock also saw a guard who was still in parallel. The body was blurred on the ground, and the body was blurred with horrible wounds.

After coming here, Delto's face has already exposed the color of dignity, and go back to turn.

When he was about to go back and walked out of more than 50 meters, he stood again.

Very decisive directly on the waist, and the remaining two laboratory body after the body injected genetics.

The eyes of these two experimoctures quickly became red, and then held their fists tightly, and she began to spend it. The body of the bones sounded on the bones, and the lips became big because the head quickly became big. Long, under normal circumstances, the teeth and the toothed bed have exposed, and finally become a giant haman who has more than two meters and thirty, and the burly and strong abnormality.

Not only that, but also a crystal similar to the eyes in the center of the chest, with a beautiful light shining, it looks particularly surprising!

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