The First Evolution

Chapter 60 Care Discovery

Delto is facing these two giant:

"Go, put on your equipment, then crush all the enemies who stand in front of you!"

The two giant men didn't work, I walked next to it. At this time, Fang Lin Yan found that the wall here didn't know when to put two large black plastic boxes, it should be moved before he was sleeping. .

In the box, it is an equipped with the two experimental volumes, which is taken out by them, put on the body.

These two guys are strange, and the bombats wearing the body should be three floors, and the ceramic cartridges are added, and the various weapons and ammunition wearables are wearing it, and the weight is estimated to exceed 60 kilograms.

Not only that, then one of them will put a straight green, and the other is a grenade transmitter! At the same time, I walked out of the past .......

Their movements are slightly stiff, but the pace is very large, so the speed of travel is very fast, and it disappears in the corner.

It is no wonder that Dedto will go back to 50 meters to launch their built-in transformation procedures, which is for them to get equipment more convenient.

Looking at the movements of these two experimoctures, Delto gave a slightly, then some proud said:

"This is the latest biological weapon clerutant that the company has put into actual combat, each with a cost of up to 30 million US dollars, equivalent to a F16 fighter."

"Not only that, in addition to having an amazing physical fitness, their own regeneration capacity is also quite strong, even if it is ignored to infectious, the combat power on the complex terrain can be compared with the main battle tank!"

"The only regret is that its combat life is only 48 hours, while the body will quickly disintegrate because of the negative effects of biochemical."

"However, when it ends a battle, it can put it into a special freezing warehouse. In this case, it will enable it to enter the hibernation state, which greatly delays the time of negative biochemical effect."

"That is to say, if the operation is proper, the battle can only be used for more than four hours, then it can be used for ten times."

I heard here, Fang Lin Ran smartly in the heart, plus a supplement:

"If it has not been wreck,"

Delto took the brightener hand of the four-headed weapons, and suddenly gave the situation stabilized. After about five minutes, there was a dramatic explosion and screaming again.

And the scream is not like human being sent out, very scream! Obviously, it took a big loss in front of the powerful attack power of the clear.

After about five minutes, there were two people through the smoke in front, and they were escaped back, and they were the blood of the blood, and they looked carefully. The one who was shelled was actually Tana, it should be seriously injured.

Kah immediately replaced Lim, then put Tana flattened him to check the wound.

Suddenly the injury in Tatar is even a deep scratch, that is, from the left shoulder to the right, the wound length is even more than 30 cm, which can be said to be a blood, which is likely to hurt the internal organs.

I saw this scene, and Fanglin Rock was shocked:

"This hit is almost cut out, what is the weapon?"

Limm is now on the big mouth to drink water. After listening to it, I wiped it on my face, but I wandered my blood. It appeared very embarrassing, then I said:

"It is a paw."

Delto suddenly said:

"Is it a bio weapon developed by Finch? Which one is?"

Limi shakes his head:

"I don't know, attacking our enemies suddenly appeared from the darkness. When I went down, I took Tana. Fortunately, someone was desperate, I could take him all the way, until now I saw him Injury. "


"How is the situation now?"

Limi shakes his head:

"I am not very clear, but Tanner has given me something before in coma, let me be in your hand."

After that, he took a picture in the trouser pocket, then reached your hand, it looked like a data card.

Delto naturally reached out, then Fang Ran suddenly called:

"Be careful!"

At the same time, one foot is in Delto!

Delto is behind Fanglin Rock, the whole person immediately retreats, but it is late.

Just when Fanglin Rock came out, Lim's right hand sleeve inside, and a steep popped up, it was the heart of Delto's heart position.

However, Delto took a dozen centimeters behind the back, and then saw the attack after seeing the attack.

This thing is just a sound of "", tied in the right hand of Deltha.

Almost in an instant, Delto's face is distorted because of pain, in this critical moment, his left hand stretched out in the waist.

I immediately heard the familiar "" sound in the air, but it was up from Delto's own body. It was obviously that the automatic injection device was started again.

However, the previous automatic injection device is injecting a variant drug in the body of the experiment.

This time, Delto should be to save his life!

At this time, Fanglin Rock only hopes that Delto's life-saving drugs, contains the effect of neutralizing toxins, otherwise, I can only give him the corpse.

In fact, before Jim took the water, the blood on his face was even more suspicious, and he was skepicious in Fanglin Rynnest, and he felt that his behavior was somewhat incomprehensible. At that time, he wanted to ask.

However, in this moment, Fanglin Rock suddenly shinested a thought, that is, Delto is alive now, or dead?

When this thought appeared, in fact, he had an answer in the hearts of Fang Ran, so he chose a cold eye.

However, when "Lim" shot, Fanglin Yan still couldn't help but rush to the feet, because of the truth, Delto's way did not have any sorry, but he helped him. It is obvious that it is obviously desirable.

For the personal principles of Fanglin Rock, there is no way to sit down this person to be killed in front of himself.

When I was out of the feet, he didn't seek interest, just seeking peace.

And after the "Lim" was attacked, he found that it was only to take the right hand of Drent Tour, immediately issued an unspoiled strange call, and then actually a hide!

This hidea not only avoided the bullets injected from the anger of the anger, but also a long tail, the tail was silver, and the tip was like a bee. The chest of Drent Tour is again tied!

At the same time, this Lim's appearance has also begun to change quickly, and the eyes protrudes outside the eyelids, the kiss is turning the pointer, and the color of the skin actually begins toward the surrounding environment! !

At this time, "Lim" is the latest experimity developed by Finch, is a strange biotic weapon, which combines the development of the insect gene development of chameleons, desert scorpions. It can eat a corpse, then moderate Demo the appearance of this body.

However, because this is still in the experimental period, it is, it is still some flaws. For example, the mutant face will always feel unclear, just like a beautiful high simulation 1: 1 inflatable doll, look at it, can't compare with Zenglin.

Therefore, when this "Lim" meets, it is blood, and it is even more afraid to reveal the horse foot, so when you use it to drink water, you will wipe your face and put the face of the face.

This is a painted snake, let Fanglin Rock thoroughly.

Although the sneak attack of this experimoctive body is still very fierce, after the challenge of the identity, Drent Tour will go back to the rear, it is easy to make this shock.

Seeing that this is not for, this latest experimental body wants to escape, but has been grasped by Fanglinyan to grab its tail, then force it to fly, and he is overwhelming, on the wall next to it. Suddenly be a loud noise.

At this time, the mouth has a painful "" "sound, and the paws of the right paws have grown up, and it seems that it seems to be resistant.

When Fang Linyan couldn't release its tail, once again, he once again took it next to it, and hit it on the table next to it. He suddenly broke his blood, it looked at it.

At this time, whether Fanglin Rock or Delto has found that this laboratory is probably because of the deformation ability, so the assassination is very powerful, this face-to-face front combat is very weak -------- So Delto immediately Shout:

"Try to grasp."

When I heard Delto, the latest experimoctive body was obviously confusing. Fang Lin Yan felt steep in his hand, and when you look at it, I found that I had only grabbed a broken tail, the elasticity is excellent, soft With hard, touch the feel is always a bit familiar.

This laboratory is decisive, makes the movement of the broken end, and after the tail, its running seems to be three points.

Cal is directly at this time, but the guy is in the middle of the earth, it is faster, it seems that it is to strengthen the deformation ability and survival, the melee, depending on its unsuccessful The rest of the combat power is given away.

However, when I saw this latest laboratory, I suddenly came down, and I suddenly fell to the ground.

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