The First Evolution

Chapter 65, please enter the

As for the feelings of such slag, the darts don't care. If you know, you can leave him a life. If you don't know how to do, you can't just kill it.

After breaking into the secret laboratory, the darts suddenly suddenly suddenly, found that the voltage in this seems to be insufficient, every ten meters, and there is a light, and the light is very dark.

But he is not surprised, because for the assassin, the dark is the best protective color, then touch the past.

Soon, he heard the sound of the gun, which immediately attracted the darts to touch this, so I found that the goat appearance seems to be blocked in a closed channel.

He should take out the secret weapon in the bottom of the box, and smashed something similar to the smoke bomb in front of the channel, with a lot of smoke, and hovering in the channel.

The wrench looks very silent to this smoke, so I don't dare to go in, I can only put a gun in the outside.

Can't see the face of the goat is blood, and it is still helping the table, and it seems that it is quite heavy.

The only hidden danger is that there is no mechanic call to the wrench.

When I saw the wrench side, I saw myself, the darts were in my heart, and I could cut throat from behind him.

Therefore, he is very simply to get around the back, and at the same time in the temporary team's channel to the mountain lamb:

"I just gotten by the advanced team sent by Gambul, so I tried my hands and feet. Now I have already saved you, you create some kinds of roots to attract the attention of the wrench, so that I will kill him! "

Sure enough, the goat immediately played a big fireball in a timely manner!

This stuff slammed on a writing table in front of the wrench, and immediately flew it. The flame expanded in an instant, went to the surrounding, and Fang Lin Ran can make a moving actions that are closed. .

Caught this opportunity, the darts directly launched skills: raid to assassinate!

In one

This skill is quite overbearing. You can appear after the distance of the enemy in an instant (if you can appear, if you can go back to the wall), then cut the throat, the darts will increase it to the second level. It is already possible to cause 30+ agility X3 damage!

This is still the foundation hurt!

And because this skill attack is the enemy's key, it is very high in crit rates.

Once he is handed by him, it will often lose less than half of life.

I saw that the figure of the darts disappeared in an instant. When I appeared again, I was already secret after the body of Fanglin Rock, and the broken sword held in his hand was shining, and I wiped the past from Fanglin Rock.

However, in this moment, the darts pupils were shortening, because the blade fell in the throat position.

He felt that his wipe was empty, cut directly to the air.

"This ... How is this possible?"

After he shot, Fanglin Rock has turned around with amazing speed. When he turned, he took the elbow, directly with a wind swept it.

The darts scared, he can absolutely not inferior to anyone in the melee, and the head is shining, and then it is the right of Fanglin Rock.

The melee weapon he holds seems to have an appearance of the broken sword, but the attack power is not taking!

And this is still a virtual trick, the darts have already met Fanglin Yan, this time he can take a shot, let him taste the taste of the large-scale split.

However, the darts did not expect that in the face of this fierce thorn, Fanglin Rock did not avoid it, directly put the abdomen to the sword.

He actually had to eat this thorns for darts! !

Fang Linyan has a very clear, in accordance with him now 70 points of life, plus 13.5 points of defensive power bonus, external contractors attack 50% damage, the darts will definitely be their own.

Otherwise, the guy doesn't have to wait and see in the distance, rushing over a knife and hacks yourself and then goes away.

The cool sword blade runs through the abdomen. Of course, it is not good, the intracera is cut by metal, and the people who are weak will collapse.

Not only that, on the retina of Fanglin Rock, it is even more popped up:

"You have suffered from enemies, you have received 27 points of actual hurt tips!"

However, in the eyes of Fanglin Rock, it shines at this time, that is not only for the enemy, but also for yourself!

Want to take the first, you want to see these eight words, Fanglin Rock is known to know clearly.

The pain of a knife is broken, and it can only make Fanglin Rock more tight.

I saw that the darts went to avoid my own reticates. I knew that the other's agility is far from myself, so once the opponent has been played out, then don't say that he defeated him, even the whole body is very Difficult things.

Therefore, Fanglin Rock has a very simply eating this knife, locked the right hand of the darts with his belly, and then opened the double arm to hug his old friend, and hugged the dart.

This is a combination of Fanglin Rock Gengxuan LV4, and there is also a cuddle of 17 points! !

While locked the darts with their own body, Fanglin Rock also launched this capabilities of Athena, after all, there is no way to continue to afford to hurt.

After I heard the half-empty song, I came back, followed by the fiction of the olive tree, and the expression of a translucent light wall occurred.

Darts at this time, there is a bit of wondering, not very clear why Fang Ran does not hesitate to eat a knife, and he knows the answer in his next second.

Because it is in the moment of Fanglin Rock, behind the black shadow of the darts behind the darts, a machine gun gun is quickly deformed, and the elite machinery is sighing, and makes a fist!

Then, he flexed the right arm elbow, sprayed four orange-red flames, followed by the whole huge body to drive the right arm, leap, heavy, on the back of the darts .

The darts also felt a strong threat from the brain, trying to do dodge, but by Fanglin Rock, he is a bear, and it is really difficult to break away between rush.

Then, I can only eat this steel impact!

When this boxing darts, Fanglin Yan was even more than a fierce, and he fell in a room next to it.

This room should be used to store any dangerous goods, there is a two gate.

A wooden door with a fluff, it has been decadent, which should be used to prevent internal potential breeding leaks.

One is the iron gate, still strong and thick, should be to prevent unrelated outsiders from entering.

The room is small and sturdy, probably only less than five square sizes, the surrounding walls are trial tube racks, just like a cage.

This place is the special battlefield for Fanglin Rock!

The darts can investigate his information, then Fang Ran can certainly investigate each other.

Therefore, from the beginning of the layout, Fanglin Rock is very clear, like the amazing person of darts, then you can't give him the opportunity to play the strengths, fight in this narrow *, Weaken its advantages to minimal.

After the two fell into the room, Fang Lin Yan will also fall into the darts in the coma, and sent him to the depths of the room, the knife in the belly is also moved out.

Fanglin Ran Ship also used a first aid package to himself. (Quickly package your wound, remove the current bleeding effect, and restore your health at 30 points, and restore 10 points of life within the subsequent 60 seconds)

Then I took out a blood red spear ------- Bavarian blood spear, decisively launched the above self-contained skills: blood color spear!

The spear of the blood color needs a second, then the three spears are suddenly thoroughly, and each spear is damaged by the user's strength +6 points.

After a spear of the blood color, the semi-transparent light shield of the Athena of Fanglin Rock body table immediately screamed, because it would deduct 10% damage to the maximum life value as the price of this hit.

Fanglin Rock at this time, the maximum life value is 70, so it will be affected by 7 o'clock after the skill is launched, but this harm is directly absorbed by Athena.

In an instant in the box, the darts felt that the eyes were black, and the consciousness lost for a few seconds, and the whole person was like a drizzle.

When he woke up, I found that I have been flying into a narrow room.

The damn wrench actually made a bloody strap, and it was just like a poisonous snake.

Not only that, this bloody disconnects are suddenly out of two bloody phases, full of fatal deterrence!

Blood color spear!

In the face of attacks, the darts can go back and roll away.

Then his head hit the wall directly, and the cold and hard wall told him that this road did not pass, and his blood color was quickly smashed.

The actual damage caused by each spear is at 9 o'clock. These three times will directly let his health drop at 27 points, and there is also a negative property of "bleeding", and lose 20 health within one minute.

Although this negative state will be restrained by the PVP rule, only 10 points of life is lost, but the blood is still very uncomfortable for six seconds.

Not only that, when the blood, the blood is spun, from the wrist of Fanglin Rock, there is a sparkling of the cherry flower petals in the wrist, and then the bloody thunder is smashed on the darts.

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