Dragon flaming!

A difficult to describe the pain from the lightning,

In addition to the fist beforehand, the darts found that he was in just two seconds, the health of the health of 54 points + bleeding injury 10 points, and the heart was born with an unable to curb the chill.

Because he smelled the feeling of conspiracy.

For Fanglin Rock, this set of consensus: steel shock (21 points) + blood color spear (27 points) + actual damage to the ganglong flamin (7 points) is less than the theoretical injury, mainly steel Impact failed to crit.

However, he also completed the plan "" plan, and blocked the darts in front of this narrow bucket.

At this time, the darts bite his teeth, slowly climbed from the ground, wiped a blood flowing down on the forehead, suddenly looked at Fanglin Yokoic out a brilliant smile:

"Interest, I am so interesting!"

When Fanglin Rock, the heart is eye-minded, and the heart looks nose. It is completely not listening to what the other party is saying, but is paying attention to the cooling time of the ganglong flaming. The next goal is now, it is to summon the beauty.

Its passive deceleration capability is key to the speed of the pressure darts.

At this time, the darts were still confident, because he was very confident about his own attack, and the other party happened to anemia by himself.

So the next second darts are straight, and the sword in the hand shines like a beast, and he believes that this silent man in front of him is alive in front of him for three seconds!

In the face of the pair of darts, Fanglin Rock's response attitude is unchanged, and the other party is again aligned, then his response is also straightforward, that is, holding the Bavarian blood lam in the past.

There is no doucher, the thorn of the darts is deceived by "refraction", very clean and neat, just, Fanglin Rock's counterattack is also unreasonable,

Because the left hand of the dart actually took a look like an old fire rope pistol, with the gun tube to align the Bavarian blood spearing, the attack swayed,

This is the counterfeit in the melee, you can block the opponent's attack, of course, very skilled skills.

If Fanglin Rock has a similar ability to have a melee weapon, then it will not be so easy to be blocked.

Not only that, after this shot, it took a shot at the same time, it took aim of Fanglin Rock.

"" "" Continuous two guns sounded, the shot of the darts is actually two-shot!

The two large-scale lead bomb played in Fanglinyan's chest, and was blocked by Athena, and suddenly the texture of a layer of water waves on the body of Fanglin Rock.

When I saw this scene, the face of the darts darts, he looked up, he suddenly understood the mistakes who made a very important mistake:

That is the life value of this wrench looks very little, but it is absolutely not that his viability is weak!

Because the presence of this dead magic shield means that you must first break the shield and then kill, or have a means of attacking the body through the magic shield.

However, the darts can now take the broken shield, just crushing!

Yes, his strength is also a little low, even at 20 o'clock, but the problem is that the dead wrench looks like the power value is not low, otherwise, you should directly play it directly. Hurt.

In this case, the brain of the dart couldn't help but flashed a thought:

"It's hard to kill such a small shrimp, but also use my final card?"

"No, if the real thing is bad to the part, then look back ....... I have to add money!"

"Otherwise, the northern pole circle of the Sakua Dragon will don't want, although I will use it, I will sell it."

In the instant of the darts, a drama made him immediately re-concentrated, because Fanglin Rock's second hair flashed directly to his body, let his muscles on his face can't help but twitch .

At this time, the "Food Ming" imprint has been accumulated to two, and the attribute darts of the Sakura Dragon is also familiar. Drug: Youth Spring Spring.

This spring can not only restore his health to full state, but also purify all the light / moderate negative states on him. (Unable to remove the disability, the severe negative state of death)

Then, the darts are protruding, and the two sides have a fierce collision!

If the battle prior to Fanglin Rock and Burvil is like two injured fierce beasts roaring each other,

So now Fanglin Ran and the darts, like two viper, silent twisted together, spit out "" red bifurcation tongue, every probe is brought Fatious danger.

The darts clearly have a very strong ability to adjust their own adjustment, and after the first time, it was confused, and there was no mistake after the back.

In just ten seconds, Fanglin Rock was smashed three knives and took a shot, even if the Defensive power of Athena exceeded 30 points of strong magic shield, it was also in the moment. 100 points MP, and Fanglin Rock MP added up to 300 points!

What is more important is that Fanglin Rock has been built in terms of melee skills.

He feels that the darts are completely like a loach in the melee. Yourself a spear poke him clearly, but it is either being opened by the other party, or it is blind by him. .

At the end of the two, Fanglin Yan only stabbed the darts, and he added to him.

In such a narrow space, finally actually played such a embarrassing result, if it is in an empty area, isn't that Fanglin Rock can only be beaten by passive?

Don't think that this is a laugh, in the actual combat, the other party relies on super flexibility to attack the blind zone activities behind your back, that's really playing.

In this case, Fanglin Ran's eyes flashed, breathed a breath, actually once again moved straight!

In an instant, the wrist of Fanglin Rock flew over and hit the dart.

Dragon flaming!

This power is not big, but the accompanying pain is still twitched, then hit the broken sword in his hand, and the corner of his mouth revealed a disdainful laugh.

For this raid of Fanglin Rock, the darts express very welcomed. He likes to deal with this headless guy who is not afraid of death.

At this time, he has already touched Fanglin Rock's attack means. It is nothing more than taking a spell, sparkling with a slut, plus the exhibition of the three snaps of the thorn ------- and after the thorns Skills also need to make a force for one second.

Such a poor melee skill is really a laughter, waste that it looks like selling a very good blood!

Then the darts did not refund, reverse Fanglin Rock, in his eyes, the weak chicken such as Fanglin Rock he can fight ten.

However, at this time, the pocket of Fanglin Rock chest, actually fierce a strong red smoke.

If the casino boss Madison is here, then it will recognize that the Fanglin Rock wear is that his source of Krilo,

The killing power of this coat built-in organ, Fanglin Rock himself has experienced it, so it will be used out at this time.

Even if the darts are abundant, it is not expected to come up with such a lossed means, and suddenly it is sprayed!

The feeling of this moment is like being poured with a pot of boiling sulfuric acid on the face, and suddenly the pain is screaming.

Not only that, the darts actually can still fight the sword at this time, trying to block the follow-up attack of Fanglin Rock, just Fanglin Rock plan for a long time, and then calculate the follow-up attack measures, and raise the blood of the Baldin's blood. thorn!

Fanglin Rock's position can be said to be an abnormally drilled, actually tied in the left of the darts, followed by showing the spear of the blood color, three consecutive things, and the left side of the darts!

When the darts felt in the thighs, they can say that they are still quite satisfied. It is obvious that the leg injury is better than the eyes, the heart, the lower body, etc. are hurt.

But then I found that all the attacks were concentrated on the left leg, I suddenly turned to the heart.

Because this kind of war first abolished the behavior of the opponent's leg, the darts did often do it.

What's more, he wants to play his skills, the base speed is essential. Once you are abolished, you are afraid that it will be lived by living.

And the dead goat is obviously the idea of ​​holding the fisherman, absolutely will not shoot. (Now the darts have not guess the two-five-five-five-five-year identity of the goat)

In this case, the dart already knows what you can't keep again. At this time, he also didn't expect it. It seems like a tri-attack action, and finally, the first is the first to force the road.

He has already passed a hint shadow at this time, and a bite has already used a prop.

This item is actually a communication prop site: peace pigeon.

Its use is when it is in a bad situation, and the words you want to say to the target contractor, but also bring some universal points and potential points.

Once the Peace Pigeons are excited, they are in a virtual state, which will not be intercepted by any way, this effect has priority.

The drawback of the peace pigeon is that it is not possible to communicate across the face, can only find the goal of this.

This pigeon's letter of delivery is undoubted, but the female sniper koi.

The speech inside is that the darts have already recorded it.

For darts, the most trusted thing in the world is her, because he determines that Koi is love yourself.

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