The First Evolution

Chapter 69 Echo Reel

(..) Seeing such an appearance of the textured bloody key, Fang Linyan wants to suddenly return to God, the darts, the bastard, the bunch of the Sakato, then, then he wants to I have exploded things in my body, and I must first put a bloody value.

After all, the higher the bloody value, the greater the chance of the highest value worth the value.

As a result, this guy's bloody value is piled up, and finally is bursting! ! !

When I thought here, Fang Lin Yan couldn't help but wanted to laugh.

He harvested the bloody key, then went to see the dropped form. There were some strange things. Take a closer look, it is a curved short corner, there is a strange spiral shape texture, and there is a lot of as if the eyes are like eyes. The strange pattern, mysterious and evil.

And it is slightly hot in the hand, as if it is warm.

This thing is not something else, it is the front of the demon of the demon of the chest.

After picking this thing, Fang Linyan got a prompt:

Special items: the corner of the devil

Material: unknown

How to use: Piercing the chest

Use: Make you more dangerous and powerful!

Explanation: Be will set off after death

Inscription: Devil is actually not dangerous, the most dangerous is your Yushen, once you use it, you will not get rid of its temptation.

Looking at the inscriptions above, Fanglin Rock is actually very clear about this, the darts is to treat this thing as their own card, and finally will die in her hand.

If he doesn't have this thing, then it will be more cautious before shooting, even if it will not take this task at all.

However, the opponent Lin Yan said that there is still a place in this place, that is, bringing back to the real world to sacrifice Athena.

Fang Lin Yan remembered very clearly. At that time, he sacrificed a guy who claimed to be Murphon, and got a lot from Athena. This is like a self-proclaimed devil to make Chastz, and it should be More than the trapped guy is much stronger ... The benefits that can be exchanged will definitely be more considerable.

In the joy, Fang Lin Yan returned to the secret laboratory to find goats, this war is honest, although there is no shot, but without him with undercover, ventilation is absolutely no longer possible to kill darts.

Killing darts goats should also occupy 30% of the merits, then the darts falling, and the goat should have a child.

It is because of this, so,, although he wants to take the bloody key immediately, he will have to force this impulse, and feel that he should find the goat and open the box with him. This is worthwhile to fight side by side.

Soon, Fanglin Rock met the goat rushed,

Before the goat is also concerned about the stroke, once I want to rush out, I want to rush to tears, I shouted "I am bigger, I will save you", and then the moment from the rear, a big fireball is on his chrysanthemum. , Make up a barbecue package.

But fortunately, he will report this idea to Fanglin Rock, otherwise, the result must be that Chastes makes Chasts as can be made by the dead devil.

Next, Fang Ran's two words will not be said to summon the bloody treasure chest.

The bloody treasure chest is also like the key. The material is completely like a similar, similar to the things like Red agate, and the box wall is more likely to be a slightly translucent, as if you can see the treasure chest. What is similar to something inside.

Then Fanglin Yan reached out to the bloody treasure chest, immediately got a familiar tip:

Trial, ZB419, the enemy you killed is four points, and the high-value items / skill explosion rate on his body will increase by 40%.

At the same time, you have 2 bloody values, and the high-value items / skill explosion rate on his body will increase by 10%!

The high-value item explosion rate of this bloody treasure chest will increase by 50%.

You can choose one as your trophy in the following options.

First, get the 100% potential point and the number of general points left on the rest of the dead.

Second, randomly obtain three items in the preparation of the prior to death (including equipment)

Third, 100% chance inevitably get a reel of the deceased, the capacity level after the reel learning will directly inherit the ability of the deceased, and there is no need to pay any price, but the learning requires the front condition.

At this time, Fanglin Rock has no Tibetan private, directly sharing this information ... The goat is also exciting after seeing:

"The bloody value is really different!"

To be honest, Fanglin Rare's close combat capability of darts is actually very envious. If it is in the case of unfair, he is very clear in his heart, he will be died in play!

Really playing!

In terms of the skills of near-fighting, the darts can really take the shoulders of Fanglin Rock called your brother. The foundation of the LV5 of the area is not enough to see in front of the darts.

Because of this, Fanglin Rock has an idea of ​​the third item, 100% of the probability of pumping into the birth of the deceased, and there is an additional 50% high-quality skill burst!

If you choose to smoke this, then you will compensate for his losses for thousands of universal points.

However ... The second Fang Ran also feels very attractive, the attack power of the darts is also extremely explosive, especially the broken sword, Fanglin Rock is almost certain, at least the silver plot equation level. Things, the same thing you want.

Moreover, if you pick three items, the compensation of the goat can be smoked, then you don't have to pay yourself.

At this time, the goat as an excellent salesman, the most basic ability of the commentary, immediately said:

"Cough, that wrench boss, I have a message you can refer to it."

Fanglin Rock eyes lighted:

"Oh, you said?"


"I have heard a thing before, that is, in the black market, or similar to the mysterious store of the black market, I can have a chance to buy a special props called an echo reel."

"This scroll is very special. When you use, you need to consume your merits. Then use the effect is that you can get an additional opportunity to get an extra extraction. In an intuitive, it is in a rude treasure chest, you can draw twice. The bloody treasure chest will disappear. "

"However, it is said that after using the echo reel, it will reduce the explosion ratio of good things, but this is just a guess, because most things sold by the black market and the mysterious store have side effects."

Fang Lin Yan stunned:

"But I didn't have an echo reel .... Yes, darts are separated from the team to chasing me, only the four bloody values ​​of the zone, I want to explode my Sakura Bunch? This is obvious impossible!"

"If I dart, there is no more than 70% of the bursts of sakiers, it is absolutely not coming, so I am the most rational choice, it should be the second item, because it is possible to draw the echo reel or Props with similar effects !! "

Goat, I nodded:

"Yes, I mean this!"

Fanglin Rock point:

"Learn, then follow you: then I will choose the second item!"

After Fanglinyan made a decision, he immediately saw the bloody treasure chest shining. The first thing that appeared was actually a thing that appearance of a reel, and he saw Fanglin Rynnest! Don't you really think about it?

However, when he looks carefully, it will find that the light is scattered, this thing is a bit more familiar ...

Look carefully, this stuff is the silver plot props that I have seen before.

Wing Chun: Wooden Pile

However, look carefully, Fanglin Rock actually found some obvious changes in this place, just below the description.

He remembers very clear, the original explanation is that the extracted a trick will be in the small idea, the hand, seek bridge, labeling, and serial kick, kick, 6:30 sticks, eight scottles.

At that time, because this explained that he felt a little pit, because of its hunting, only the standard and cut kick is the quality of silver plots, the remaining minimum is blue quality and black quality, and the extraction is Completely random.

But now this item is inside, the extracted reasons are selected in the project, the small idea, the hand, the bridge, the standard, the kick, the 6th stick, the eight-pointed knife has completely disappeared, only The rest of the serial day is held!

I don't know any way to use the darts, and actually check the alternative items he don't want to check.

However, at this time, it is also a tip below this prop.

To use this prop version, 3000 universal points will be consumed, and the user's base melee must be above LV4, and the power must be over 13 o'clock and perceived more than 10 points.

Obviously, in the four conditions of learning this volume, the darts must have condition not reached, so I will stay this stuff.

According to Fanglin Rock, this stuff is not good, it is darts to hunt their own remuneration.

After the temporary placement, Fanglin Rock looked at the second thing to be drawn out ...

this is? A crystal ball! ! ?

Fang Lin Yan almost speechless, but after seeing it carefully, I found that this thing is actually an ornament:

Spiritual floating cylinder

Description: This is a powerful enchantment of the Three Dafa's Kingdom of the Antanian Kingdom, which has enabled a young blue floating, making it permanently become the soul of this equipment.

Type: Jewelry

Material: Calcium carbonate, organic matter, dust

Quality: Silver plot

Use conditions: 12 o'clock

Equipment: Energy Saving, after you show a spell (this spell must be greater than 8 points), will enter the energy-saving application state, the MP value of the next spell you will decrease by 50%, energy saving The CD time is 30 seconds.

Equipment: , Second cooling period.

Negative effects: don't play with me! The equipment of this equipment is a soul of a young blue floating. After two days of birth, it was printed into a jewelry, so its spirit also had a strong resentment, which has a strong curious designs for the outside world.

It will make some strange requirements from time to time, these requirements are not difficult, but quite trivial troubles. If you fail to meet its wishes, then the effect on which it is in the premise, until the soul is satisfied.

However, if you can earn it long-term pleasure, it will also get a surprise, energy-saving cast and .

Inscription: It's really not smelling the taste of the Aldonia. I miss my mother with mucus, I miss the fragrance of the blue water grass in the lower pad, I miss the hot air and tengnum dung, the eggshell. slip.......

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