The First Evolution

Chapter 70 is willing to pay

Spiritual floating cylinder This jewelry is obviously the legal occupation, nor does it know why the darts should be brought to the body, should be dropped by the people killed by him, and the four-point bloody value is not white.

However, this stuff has not used the other spending, because his only spell attack is a flaming, this stuff consumes 3 points, instant, and the spiritual floating eggs. It is not completely used.

However, Fanglin Rock is also very clear, that is, if you take back space, you must also sell a good price!

He is useless to take this, but because the gangma is flashed, it is absolutely not the weakness.

And Fanglin Rock can not be used, but it does not mean that the goat is not used. His big fireball needs to sing nearly 3 seconds, which is quite amazing, reaching almost 12 points! It is true that the MP value of the goat is not enough.

There is no doubt that after getting this stuff, the energy-saving casting status will make him sustainably fighting a lot.

Not only that, when the scales of the enemy are triggered, they can make his big fire ball into instant. After igniting the chance of triggering, fill a flame blasting, can't kill it directly.

Of course, the shortcomings of this stuff must meet some of the strange blame in the soul of the inside. Fang Linyan queried, and even asked the wearer to personally sing three hours of child songs, but also to dance .... ... just this one is enough to make people collapse.

Therefore, Fanglin Rock has poses this to the goat very simply.

Goats are now very clear to know that Fanglin's personality is, and they will not be collected directly.

As for the effects of "not playing with me", the goat is not only a matter, the soul said that the end is a child, what big scene did he have when he is selling?

A small child in the district, can you have a rich woman who likes to play a lighter? Can you get the aunt who likes the coin in the stinky pork belly?

Then Tang Rock will take the third thing.

This time, he finally smoked something you want, echo reel.

Echo reel

Type: disposable props

Material: White wild boar's leather, clamps, psychotropic agents.

Quality: no

Conditions: Use this prop version will consume 1 point merit value, this prop version will disappear after use

Use: Enable you to get an additional extraction of the specified blood treasure chest.

Tip: The equipment / props / skills that have been extracted will not appear in the second additional extraction.

Inscription: Yes, I know that this props will make the killing between the soldiers be more valuable, and will make some battles that will not occur, will let a life accelerate, but what is it? What is important, it's a high profit!

Holding this echo reel, Fanglin Rock has chosen to use it, and then see the bloody treasure chest that is about to slow down in front of it again, and restart the physicalization.

The three familiar options have appeared again in front of Fanglin Rock .......

However, this time, Fanglin Rock actually caught in the middle of choice of difficulties.

Rational telling him that choosing three items will not be wrong, maybe you can draw a roll of echo rolls! Not only that, the Dartry in the hands of the darts is actually a sharp weapon.

But I don't know why, there are more than the inverting of the battle before the battle, and even when he played him on the palm of the palm, he left too deep impression to Fanglinyan.

Maybe this is a human condition, you can make you more forgotten.

This truth applies to fight and is also suitable for feelings.

Therefore, Fanglin Rock has a inexplicable impulse, and if you want to get the skills of darts, although you may not take the one he wants.

After the happening, Fanglin Rock can't hold the longevity to the goat.

Cough, goats are giving birth to the young blue floating "Da Laun," Dallas, and the deep version of the singer, the scene is really unbearable, but the scene is only in the crystal. The soul in the ball is eating this set, and it has begun to make a happy tail spit bubble. Don't stop.

After heard of the doubts of Fanglin Rock, the goats are very simply:

"So, the child, rational is a good thing, but can only decide the lower limit, to raise his upper limit, then you have to take a risk, you now have a capital gambling, then choose the sound of your heart. Let's! "

Speaking of this, the goat smiled and said that a direct hit Fang Linyan heart:

"In fact, when you are hesitating, you have given an answer, just now you want to find a convincing reason."

Fang Lin Yan smiled and shook his head, and then did not hesitate to choose the third item. There will be a 100% chance to get a reel of the deceased. The capacity level after the reel learning will directly inherit the ability of the deceased, but no price, but Learning requires the front condition unchanged.

Then, the bloody rays shine, Fanglinyan saw a reel erase.

Basic pedestrian reel (LV6)

Use effect: Make you directly grasp the basic footsteps, and upgrade its level directly to LV6

Use requirements: agile 5 points

Incident: Whether it is offense or dodge, dexterous footsteps is necessary, a person who is good at flexible and flexible, can play a great restriction of the enemy's role, causing a very big trouble to the enemy.

In fact, even if it is a 300-pound of dead fat paper, you can also rely on flexible footsteps to say Wang Zhen.

Tip: This scroll is a bloody scroll, which is to kill the contractor, so after satisfying the pre-condition, there is no consumption.

Important: When you fight or face the range attack, the effect of the basic footsteps will be weakened.

I saw this reel, Fanglin Rock spit a long gas.

According to his estimate, the darts can complete the flexibility and skills in the melee, which should have a primary skill support similar to the basic footsteps, and should have a related advanced basic skill.

If Fang Lin has not guess, the advanced basic skills should be called: like shadow.

This advanced basic skills Fanglin Rock saw that the rare basic skill advanced, the quality actually reached the silver plot, at the time, the seller did not price at all, only change the shield above the silver plot, only to sell.

In fact, he is more important, this is this basic advanced skill, but it is not thin before you can take the echo reel, you can't think about it.

And I have a benefit of the base pedestrian reel (LV6), that is, you can learn immediately!

If you come to you, even if you take it, then the front condition of the study is enough to reach it. In case it takes a high agility, isn't it directly in your hand?

And he carefully calculated that if you have to upgrade the basic footsteps to LV6, you must first prepare 9 potential points and 9000 points, and finally add the money to purchase the basic footsteps.

9000 general points are still good, but 9 o'clock points to the current Fanglin Rock, it is really a huge amount,

For this reason, Fanglin Rock suddenly felt that there was no good thing if you were like a movie, and the meat that had a mouth is your own, and it is always a good thing.

So after the foundation pedestrian reel, Fanglin Yan directly chose to learn, immediately felt that there was a lot of things in his head, and it was a bit for a while, and he could only slowly understand.

Not only that, after subjected to a knowledge and experience bombing, a option will pop up before Fanglin Rock.

"Trial, ZB419, you use bloody scrolls, basic footsteps LV6."

"This reel is upgraded to LV4 at an extra property for the insight (rare): Because you have reached a certain level of attainments in your footsteps, you can predict the enemy's dodge trajectory to some extent, you are attacking enemies, The hit rate plus 7%. "

"Do you have to attach this effect? ​​Yes / No?"

"If you choose to do, then the property extracted at the LV4 will be re-entered, but the options that do not have to appear."

In the face of this option, the choice of Fanglin Rock decisively.

The darts, the left guy, the right sword, looks very drawn, and is also very good in the actual combat, far from the gun, close to the sword,

And the gun is also a function of very cattle, that is, in the melee, you can use the gun to hold in.

When Fanglinyan was treated with the darts, his blood spear was blocked several times, so the memory was very profound.

However, if you want to play this true power of this left gun, you must learn this ability to "master the weapon", and this ability to learn the negative effects in the future, that is, will force the hit rate 10%.

Therefore, it is very important for this property for darts. It is not good for him to brush it several times.

But for Fanglin Rock, he did not play what he had a weapon. The brought this thing is almost the same, so decisive choice.

So, there is a long string of words on his retina:

"Trial of ZB419, your basic footsteps have increased to LV6."

"You have excellent excellence in the footsteps of the battle, and reach the level of outstandingness. If you are in the crisis, you are definitely one of the people who live in the last."

"You have triggered the relevant conditions, please extract the special extra special effects of the basic footsteps LV4, limited time to 60 seconds."

"If there is no action, the space will assign one of the properties yourself."

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