The First Evolution

Chapter 77 evacuation

Lancot is shocked:

"where are we going?"

Fang Lin Yan sighed a mouthful:

"The people now come in, the probability is the remaining two companies, I have received the authorization of the above, I would rather kill you, but also to make sure you can't leave, Damet, I have no Tell? "

After Calt, Dhamot has already taken his position, but now the armed guards plus Fanglin Ran and Mountain rocks, and only five people are left, one of which is still hurt, so Dhamot is actually not What is the implementation.

At this time, he heard the words of Fanglin Rock, Dhamot slammed the gun, silently nodded.

Lancot and the remaining six researchers have also stayed, and they have been in a while.

", So? Do you have to do it now?"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Now there are two options to give you, one, follow us to continue to go into the remains, maybe there is a way to go out or have a way to live, then, that is, now you have kill you."

Damet suddenly said at this time:

"Is there any news that someone comes in?"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"I can't tell you how to know this, but it can be guaranteed that this news must have no problem, and the people come to people have a probabilistic person, and their strength is very strong."

Damet Road:

"Maybe we can play them away? After all, if we have ambusted, then it can be steadily occupied one."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"If our clerutors are still, then it is feasible, but we are now limited, can't take risks."

Rancot suddenly said:

"I used a computer before, although the old-fashioned, but I can enter the local monitoring system, and then barely connect the camera there. If the camera can be used, we can know the approctoration of each other. "

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Okay, you will go to the connection, I estimate that they will soon come down, Damet!"

Damet Road:


Fanglin Rock Road:

"Remember the electric forklift we saw in the lobby? You brought three people to come over, the remaining destruction."

"The remaining people will take me in the two laboratories we discovered. If the person who comes here is Gambower, they pay attention to these materials, and when they say You can take a bomb as a negotiation condition to get a way. "

Listening Founding Rock will arrange a clear white-white, the rest of the people have also been implemented.

Just after two minutes, Langcot came from this, he has successfully entered the monitoring system, and there are two can be used in the six cameras on the elevator mouth, so now Who can I see it?

However, the bad news passed back and came back! The direction of Dhamot took the gunshot, waiting until Fanglin Rock and goats rushed over, suddenly I found that Damet and the other two researchers have fallen into the blood park, and missing is another called Hos. Guy.

Damet was

To be honest, Fanglin Rock can quickly master the whereabouts of the Dickland's expedition, and I feel confused, and I also consider the problem of responding. I didn't expect to burst it in this bones. This is undoubtedly bad. The situation is even more snow.

Fang Lin Yan and the goat came to the lobby of park forklifts, and the foundation is also on the ground here.

He also hurt the abdomen by the counterattack before Damot's death, because the fluster is plus blindly running, directly causing the internal organs to bleed, and it is already a shameful, dying.

After seeing the two people of Fanglin Rock, Horses showed desperate colors, laughing, knowing that Daxland's disposal of traitor's cruel means, ah, a big scream, then directly swallowing.

Seeing Horses from the front, it is still not a fatal injury, but the brain spoon has fly the whole fist size of the whole fist, the red white flows, it can be said that it looks particularly fierce.

It is not possible to say that Hos chooses to fractive at this time, and there must be an intelligence with enough value. Otherwise, an incomprehensible response, even if it is successful, it will not be better.

The goat was carefully checked the h Hos. Sure enough, I found a U disk that finished the size of the sizes, not only this, but also took a picture of an old construction drawing in his sole.

This stuff is estimated that when Horses came down when they search, he felt very valuable and took them on it.

Holding this construction map, Lin Yan hurriedly looked at both eyes, and the goat destroyed the rest of the filling, and then arranged two weared traps, and the two opened a forklift to return to the laboratory.

At this time, Lancott sitting in front of the monitor is also like the ants on the hot pot to walk, see the two people in Fanglin Rock, as if find the main bones, "

"You finally come back! There are two monitors in front of the elevator mouth. Now the first person is already, it is in place, it is a person of Gambower!"

Fanglin Rock nodded:

"I know, we take the electric forklift first withdraw."

Langcot Road:

"Where is going?"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"I found a construction drawing from Hors, there is a map of this underground core area. We will first go to the north of the north, there should be the supply station of the entire underground base, there is a small nuclear power plant at work. "

"This stuff should be moved directly from the nuclear power submarine, and then improved the energy system, first break the power supply, just keep a paint black, they want to find someone to be difficult."

Langkoti points:

"it is good."

At this time, after chaos, the number of people throughout the team has been sharply reduced to only six people, and the two electric forklifts take people are enough.

They took about two kilometers along a channel along a channel. Suddenly he heard the explosion of "bang", Lancot's eye angle was twitch, Fang Lin Yan faintly said:

"We should be detonated in electric forklifts, have you been in the laboratory?"

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"Arranged, it is a timed bomb, which is about ten minutes to explode. After detonation, the fire will produce a fire, and the Gambower people have seen the arrangement inside the laboratory, and they know that things are extremely important to them, so they will definitely Leave it to save fire. "

"Good!" Fanglin Rock Road.

After the move forward, the space in front suddenly became bigger, and it was no longer artificial, but the hole in the mountains, at least 40 meters from the top of the head.

After the continued two kilometers, I also had an iron fence door in front, but the panic in the underground base should also spread here, the door is half-covered, and there is a semi-faded atomic energy logo.

Fanglinyan has entered it, and the gate is closed, and then found a common equipment commonly used in the lounge next to the lounge.

After detecting a gaining gauge, the facilities here are still quite complete, and the radiation index remains within the normal range. It can be seen that the nuclear reactive stack here is good. It should be in consideration when considering may be insufficient, need It is possible for a long time.

After some findings, they found the control room of the power station. After the thick dust on the dashboard, Lancott quickly found the handle of the power supply, and then together.

However, this is only the first step. When building an underground base, its principle is that it is as possible to ensure that the entire underground core area will not be powered off, so it is actually set up three power lines.

Now they cut off, only the main supply lines, there are two alternate power supply lines that need to be manually cut, this is a bitter work, take time to complete, because to cut off the two lines, go to find the design Fig.

It is not allowed to say that this technique is sure to give several researchers, Fanglin Ran and goat are still unable to stay here.

After they discussed some, they decided to leave this side to try to lay some traps, and the things of the weighing, giving some troubles to the Gambo company, as much as possible to make their search speed slow.

It is probably because the problem of nuclear power stations will endanger the entire underground experimental base, so it is made extra strong, and the entry and exit portal has three.

Langcot said that after they left, they will start closing the door from internal, which is to prevent the security measures taken by nuclear leaks, so even if the people of Gambower are found, it is estimated to open the door in a short time.


Soon after the two left the nuclear power station, they heard the explosion in the distance. It should be the timing bomb on the laboratory to be detonated, and then burned there into a fire sea. If you want to be the company, you will also The hand is busy, and the focus is burned.

At this time, Fang Lin Yan opened the construction drawing, carefully studied it, and at this time, he found a surprising thing.

It turned out that in the northeast direction of the underground core area, the drawings were marked on a large shadow area. At the beginning, he thought that this is an unhappy zone, but now it seems that there is still a thing of the dock around this shadow. Do you say that there is a huge underground lake below this.

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