The First Evolution

Chapter 78 Mysterious Architecture

If this is the case, the key is that in the center of the underground lake, there is actually a clear hoe mark, what does this mean, indicating extreme danger?

I don't know why, Fanglin Rock feels that he and goat should complete the task, then it should go there.

At this time, the goat is surprised:

"I really didn't think, there is still a laboratory behind."

Fanglin Yan said:


The finger of the goat is placed on the other end of this drawing:

"You see, is it in the entrance?"

Fanglin Rock:


Goat's finger is sliding down:

"Here is the hall of the electric forklift, then go forward is the laboratory of the half-mechanical organs. Now the group of intrusion will be a firefighting of the focus, continue to go forward, that is, the store of K-2 combined beast laboratory."

Fanglin Yan looked at the commentary of goat, and finally found that his finger was placed in a place, and the name of that place was called "testing ground."


"According to the situation we have learned, the disaster in this is unpacking, so this underground facility is working properly, and the estimated estimate of the controller is only a few minutes, or it is Ten minutes of time. "

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Yes, what do you mean?"

Goat excited:

"I mean, this test site as the name suggests, it is to test these developed hypoal weapons, then is there possible to actually seal a living body weapon for testing? Or K-2 combined beast Over-body? "

Fang Lin Yan suddenly remembered one thing, that is, the steel claws of K-2 synthesis beasts, actually with obvious distortion and damage, which means that it has also been put in actual combat?

If this is the case, there is a lot of organizational weapons that are waiting for testing, and there is a complete security mechanism. When you explore, Gambower is very likely to have a big loss here! This will undoubtedly give them more time.

Of course, there is a very bad possibility that Gambower turned to control these organisms, which is even more like tiger.

However, this probability is not big, and even if it happens, there will be no difference between the current situation in Fanglin Rock now.

This is like a person is actually not too care to fall from the 20th floor, or from the 40th floor, because the same is dead, the top will bring the cleaner after falling from the 40th floor. More trouble ...

After the two of the two, Fanglin Ran and goats distinguished the direction, and opened the electric forklift to open the past.

According to the logo on the map, if you want to open the past, it is equivalent to being from the upper left corner of the map, and at the time in order to save construction costs, this path should be the direct use of the ready-made underground cracks, so bend It is quite uncomfortable around the bend.

It can be seen in the way, there can be a large amount of cracks, stalactications, etc., and the air is full of difficulty humid tastes.

"Well?" Fang Linyan's ear suddenly heard a strange " " voice, from far and nearly quickly passed.

This sound of Fanglin said that it is more familiar. Some of the sounds of "Khain Si" holographoplatop probe, he hurriedly stopped a goat, although I know that an electric forklift is suspicious, but rush It is also a helplessness, you can only let people say it.

As a result, the two were hidden behind the rocks. This scene almost almost made their eyes and beads, because I saw the opposite of the two snow, the light, which was directly torn, followed by the darkness. A train like a subway, the booming is over!

The most critical is that this train is hanging on the top track of the cave, which is also the reason for the abnormality before the two people before Fanglin Yan.

This hanging train seems to be difficult to understand, in fact, it can understand the very common cable car in the scenic area, and there is a huge box of huge boxes to move quickly.

This stuff is similar to the multi-tank multi-box cable car. It is probably the magnetic suspension of this high technology, sliding up, no sound, only the track will make a strange buzz, the Lang Yan misses it is The "Khain Division" holographic floating detector issued.

Fang Linqi also did not expect that in such a deep dark, it has been separated by the world for several years, and there is still such a large machinery in maintaining operation.

After this train, Fanglin Ran quickly came out of the masking, but he saw the goat face next to it, he couldn't help but said:

"Are you OK!"

Goat trembling channel:

"You didn't see?"

Fanglin Yan said:


Goat trembling channel:

"On the car of the train! Didn't you see the driver?"

Fanglin Rock Road:



"The driver is a cockroach! Or is a corpse!"

Fanglin Yan saw that the state of the goat was not normal, knowing this because his pressure is caused, very simply picking a bottle of water from the storage space, and the goat fierce. After wiped a face, I woke up:

"Well, ok, maybe I am blooming."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"No matter what you have, this is actually not good with us. In fact, our present destination is to find the lake that may exist, is not a ghost on the ghost train."

Goat took a deep mouth:

"Yes, you are right, yes."

The two jumped on the electric forklift, and then he continued to go forward. After five or six hundred meters, it was found that there was a thrown mouth in front.

Fang Lin Yan took out the construction drawing identified, and found that the left in the left did not marke it out. He just stopped looking at it, then looked up at the track, continued to drive.

Finally, the air in front began to become a charm, and a strong water, as the electric forklift drove out the side of the channel, Fang Lin Yan felt that his judgment was indeed, it is really no mistake. It is really there. A huge underground lake.

Just three or four hundred meters in front, there is a high-low exploit-rolling building group, the building group has a bit of light, and the light is shining on the surface of the underground lake next to it, it seems to give people a deep feeling, It is like the slimming of the rumors.

At the same time, Fanglin Rock once again popped up the arrow of the main line task, and the direction of the arrow pointed to the building group of the lake, Fang Lin Yan immediately:

"My main line task prompt appears! What about you?"

Goat is also excited:

"Yes, I have also appeared!"

Fanglin Rock nodded:

"Okay, then from now on, we have to be careful, because if there is no accident, then the owner's main line task can be said to point here, if you say that there will be the rest of the contract, then I am a little bit. Will n't feel strange. "

At this time, Fanglin Rock's skill CD time has long been more than half an hour, so he spent a mechanical core, and summoning an elite machinery.

At the same time, the drone is also enabled in such an open space, so that the elite machinery is in front of the front. Such an empty area can basically ensure that there is no loss.

After entering this building, there have been a lot of corpses. All of these bodies will only have the surplus white bones. The clothes on the body look down, but they can still be roughly preserved, but it is still quite horrified. .

Fanglin Rock and goats have investigated the body and did not find the specific wound, and then continue.

Although they are followed by arrows most of their time, the remaining light of Fanglin Rock Eye is also collecting various information.

For example, he has discovered some of the signs of the two buildings. It is written in the Water Management Office, the ship repair office, the energy dispatch office, this is also over, the most outrageous name seen by Fanglinyan, actually underwater Survey office.

Here, Fanglin Rock still stopped and took the horse and saw it. I found that the building is high as three layers. There are at least a few hundred square meters of internal area, and it can accommodate six hundreds of people to carry out daily office. .

It must be noted that this is an office instead of a repair factory, and it should be administrative work for approval, dispatching and other administrative work.

Therefore, it means that people who are actually maintained, repaired, and the like will be more.

At the same time, it also represents one thing. All people in this building should be in the heart of "underwater survey".

I would like to think that the dangerous lake heart marked on the map, Fanglin Yan seems to feel the fog in front of you, the ultimate secret here seems to be unveiled, but he always has a problem, I don't understand, I hope I can After finding the answer.

Continue to follow the arrow on the retina, the two started to come to a building on the lake, and it was seen that it was a defense. It is only a few inspections that have been entered into this building. Lock, fingerprint lock, pupil lock, etc.

However, these inspection facilities have no human control, which has become a dead thing without any threat, and is directly smoked by elite machinery, although the alarm light does not shine, but there is no ovulation.

Until the front of the steel door appeared in front, the elite machinery is exclusively being blocked outside, but this time, Langyan will make a task props in order to meet the [31APP download address]: the key picked up before you have, the key you picked up, It's very simply looking around, and put the key into the lock hole.

This strong and heavy steel door is slowly opened, revealing the channel inside.

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