The First Evolution

Chapter 107 is a little busy

"Hey? I am Raldon, although I can't call it in the morning, but I believe that Mr. Francis should have not slept yet, and I am waiting for my call."


"I am Francis, good evening, or good morning? My old friend!"

Lalson nodded, as if Francis is standing in front of him:

"This time, your luck is true, then there is nothing more, winners will definitely get something he should get. But old friends, our enemies are also growing rapidly, our progress, essentially guarantee Can you understand what I mean? "

Francis is on the end of the phone:

"So? What do you mean, is we doing this? Is there a result of this loss?"

Lalson was silent for a while:

"I hope that the returns will be controlled within a certain range ....... and, in any case, this is the bucket, internal consumption !! I hope you can be heavy in the overall situation."

Francis didn't laugh at the phone on the phone:

"Oh, I want to know one thing, before Derto is dismissed, the president, have you told Kight, do they have to be heavy in the overall situation?"

Lalson didn't talk, he was a little later:

"Application for the main research office, saying that it is necessary to 300 grams."


"This is another code, Del Top is the person in charge of the Special Operation Group, successfully brought back the top secret information that is comparable to the remaining two major companies, then prove that his decision is right, so the company is made His decision is not recovered? "

Lalson said:


Virky Siss Road:

"People in their position can seek their work, responsible for meeting the needs of the main research office, is the responsibility of the Black Survey Office, if Delto enters the Black Survey Office, then meet the needs of the main research office It is what he should do. "

The muscles on the Lalson face trembled, cold and cold:

"You don't want to get it."

Francis smiled:

"President, in fact, I didn't want to ask you to agree, I just tell you this thing, in tomorrow ------ oh is not right, accurate, it should be seven hours later At the board meeting, I would like to make such a bill. "

The hand of Raldon pinch the phone microphone has begun to shake slightly, perhaps because of anger, perhaps because of the guilty.

"I thought we were still friends, Cheney."

Cheney is the famous name of Francis, usually only family members and old friends will call it.

Francis smiled and said:

"I have always thought so before, until you have passed the Act who gave Delto to Mexico ........ Do you still remember the reply to me? I am very difficult, Cheney, but this is business."

"This sentence is actually I have always said that I have said it in front of you. I thought I didn't have a chance, but I didn't expect the opportunity to come so fast."


After eight hours,

Delto sat in a half-new Volvo flagship SUV, looked with a cigar leisurely.

He successfully promoted the first level, and has become the core department of Dakland, the deputy director of the Dolian Survey Department, the power is more than doubled, and the resources that can be mobilized in the hands are also very amazing.

This Volvo flagship SUV parked in the alley seems to be ordinary. In fact, it is just that the shell is retained, and the interior, engine, tires, sites, etc. are all changed, and they can bear the main cannon bombardment. Continue to travel, cost or even more than two million knives.

At this time, the subordinates who accompanied by Walker cautious:

"Head, he is back."

Delto saw the window next to the window, Fanglinyan hands in the mouth of the jacket, blowing the whistle from the alley, there is a shoulder bag behind his back, it seems to have a difference between the rest of the people here. .

Then Fanglin Rock got on the bus, closed, put the shoulder bag to Walker smoothly, smiled and laughed:

"Everything is ok."

Walker opened the shoulder bag, immediately heard a large footprint inside a large fresh-keeping box, just like a lotus live fish that made it in the inside! He opened a slice and looked at it immediately, and immediately pressed the box with both hands and then hugged the bag tightly in his arms.

Fanglinyi looked at Drent To, revealing a laughter of the diabity:

"I said that this channel is no problem."

Yes, in order to avoid some people who have a space, Fanglin Rock has to say something before, and it is hidden, so it is not found.

After all, the turtle slices and interstelutomic agents that have been taken before and the interstellantia are not more than ten steps. When searching, it is possible to ignore the cracks of the high.

However, if Fang Lincheng took out a two-three pounds of heavy, he was still alive, saying that he had not found it, which is an IQ of the people who insulting the entire group.

Therefore, he can only pay the "goods" to private channels, and now take the goods.

Because the experimental materials on the turtle is very valued by the experimental materials ------- After all, this is the continuite, but it has not yet got anything, so, although Fanglin Rock has strongly resolved, finally Delto is sent to him. However, Fanglin Rock requires that the other party can only be in the alley, this is his bottom line.

Seeing that everything is very smooth, Delto is also a breather, after all, after submitting this experimental material, his new location is officially sitting.

At this time, Delto let go of Walker under his hand, then press a button, immediately there is a partition screen slowly, put the driver in front of the front, completely isolated, completely filtered Sound, then Delto looked at Fanglin Rock with appreciation:

"This time is much more thanks you."

Fanglin Rock is very simply said:

"It's also good luck."

Del Tour point:

"I have a heart to mention your position, but the company has regulations, if you want to be promoted, then you must be a person's talent."

Fang Lin Yan knows very well, the so-called "own person", in fact, it is the genetic agent who is investigated by Dickland's own research. In this case, the quality of themselves will be greatly improved, but the life and death are in the same time. Cranched company hands.

However, for him as a contractor, of course, it will not care about the latter of the company to stay, so it is very simply:

"No problem, BOSS, remember to give me the best needle."

Delto laughed and said:

"This is of course necessary. After I have enhanced the privilege now, I can apply for two-level Quality drugs each year. Now I can apply directly into the intranet for you, but the effect of the last injection I can't do it. I have to see your own. Physical quality. "

Fanglin Rock nodded:

"Okay, in addition to this, I still have a little thing to ask BOSS to help."


"Oh? What?"

Fanglin Rock has some embarrassment:

"I heard that the group seems to develop gene drugs for lung cancer? And also achieved a lot of effectiveness, I don't know if BOSS can help me engage in two?"

Dedto thought about what requirements for Fanglin Rock, the result was heard, it turned out to dig the corner of the group. This is really a pity to him ... no need to smash your backpack. This kind of benefiting thing Delto has agreed to it.

At the same time, I didn't ask Fanglin Rock. What did this gene drug? In his heart, it is nothing more than directly getting the black market to sell a price.

This is of course illegal, but now Delto's power is already easy to cover.

Soon, the two returned to the building of Dickland, and then Delto's A-level gene optimized drug application quickly approved.

After all, he is now the head of the company, when red fried chicken, and rumors are very happy, so no one is willing to take his milder at this time.

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