The First Evolution

Chapter 108, Genetically Optimization

Taking advantage of the opportunity to wait for the medicament, Deltc calls a group of people, this is his current new class, and introduces Fanglin Rock to them, and it is officially introduced by Fanglin Rock into his heart.

After a feast, Fanglin Rock wanted smoothly,

And he waited for about an hour, it was notified by the study room, ready to go to the injection of the A-grade gene optimization needle.

He went to the study room, suddenly felt a little curious, said that he wants to see what the A-class gene optimized agent is like.

However, this drug is only the name belonging to Fanglin Rock, but he does not have the power of hand.

Just look at it, I found that it was a pale yellow liquid in the syringe. In fact, after the ordinary needle agent, Fang Lin Yan was taken off, and then disinfected into the modulation cabin next to it.

This is not to say that you have to conduct a living experiment of him, but because even is a penny aromcomycin, there will be risks. This is the purpose of doing it in the rain, and it can be rescued once in the injection.

In the modulation cabin, Fanglin Rock is naked, staring at the bubbles who take the eyes before the eyes, and then the researchers are more than a "OK" gesture.

Then the researchers pressed a button, and suddenly he felt a pain behind, the spine was pierced into a hollow metal needle, and then felt a cold liquid slowly entered the spine cavity.

There is no feeling next, just feel some sleepy, so I closed my eyes slowly.

When Fang Lin Yan woke up again, I found that I have lying on a bed, wearing a system's condition, next to a blonde nurse is playing a computer.

After seeing Fanglinyan, he saw it. After some confused, this blonde had smiled and walked around:

"Mr. Wenqi, your evolutionary ceremony is perfect, at least no accident in terms of physical data, do you have any uncomfortable places now?"

Fanglin Rock off the bed after the event:

"I am very good now ... What is it now?"

Blonde girl:

"Mr. Wen Qi, now is two o'clock in the afternoon, you have a break in the next three days, the phenomenon of dizziness, headache, vomiting, bone pain, sexuality, etc., belongs to Your body is still in the phased phase. "

"However, if you have the above symptoms I said, you also need to contact us, because we will record this report, so as not to happen in the future."

Fanglin Rock nodded:


He has just dropped this sentence, and he saw a series of fonts on the retina:

"Trial ZB419, you successfully inject the A-grade gene optimized agent produced by Daxland."

"Your gene double helix structure is strengthened."

"Your life is added to 10 points."

"Your MP value increases by 15 points."

"Your move speed is 2 points."

"Your energy recovery / energy metabolism is optimized."

"Your mental / health recovery speed is 20%."

"Your sleep time is reduced by 40%."

When these tips were initially emerged, the Fanglin Rock was shocked, but then, although it seems that it seems to be a wide range of improvements, the addition is not much, it can only be considered.

It is the last one that is interested in Fanglin Rock, allowing the average sleep time by 40%.

The reasonable sleep time of normal adults is half an hour after seven hours.

That is to say, after this property is obtained, Fanglin Rock can reduce to 4.2 hours a day, and take a long time to sleep in the middle. This is an unexpected gain.

I intuitively, it is equivalent to saving three hours a day, then you can have more people more than one more people .......

At this time, Fanglin Rock calculated, it has been almost delayed for three days in order to receive the reward of Dakland.

However, these three days must still cost it, not just for the reward of Dickland, but also allows Fanglin Rock to make him next action. Half of skill!

One thought, this, the blonde woman who is next to the side:

"I feel very good now, I want to go out, have there any taboo?"

Blonde smiling:

"You can drink alcohol, but you can't get drunk, and it is best not to use the related spiritual stimulus."

Fanglin Rock nodded:

"OK, understand."

"Yes, please wait." Blonde Beauty smiled: "Mr. Delto said if you wake up, let me hand over this box."

Fang Lin Yan was slightly stunned, so he took this box. Opened, immediately found that there was a cold air in the box, and he saw two needles that showed a light red coat were placed in the groove, the needle tube It is silver, it looks very high-tech.

A manual is also included next to the box. According to the introduction inside, this is the gene agent for lung cancer to lung cancer, and gives a trading reference price: $ 400,000!

The only thing that makes Fanglin Rock unfortunately, this stuff can put it in private space, but there is no tip, which means it is the original product of this world, it is unable to bring its span.

After leaving the part of Dickland, Fanglin Rock first found a quiet side to give himself a needle.

Recently, he all remembered that the lungs began to have a pain, and it was clearly a record of recurrence of lung cancer.

After this needle started, Fanglin Rock felt that the lungs began to feel the feeling of burning and itching, but his heart is very clear, this is the performance of the drug.

Then, the whole person began to cough sharply, and finally vomited a few dark blood sputum. There were some black red lung cancer tissues in the sputum, but this is relaxed, and the kind of heavy troubles in the chest. The evil is also done in most.

With the feeling of burning pain in the lungs, the feeling of dissipating, Fang Lin Ran wants to think, simply give himself a second needle.

Although the instructions are very clear, after the first injection, it must wait until three days before the second branch can be injected, the premise is that the body must be resumed well and passed through a series of medical means.

However, the situation of Fanglin Rock is not to say that it is an ordinary person to be a good person, so it is not a problem.

After the second needle hits, the effect is obvious and there is no first needle, and it is good to enter the "hibernation period" according to the estimation of Fanglin Rock. No problem.


After getting this thing, Fanglin Rock also felt a relaxed, he found a fast food restaurant casually ate some things, and then sinking, a person gave new awareness called:

"Hey, Quantin, I am Wen Qi."

Quantin is a new person before Fanglin Rock, his identity is Drent Tour's computer secretary.

Among the processes of Fanglin Rock integrate into Drent Tour, Quentin showed a lot of goodwill, and the two were very happy.

After Quant Tin took the call, he quickly smiled and replied:

"Hey, gentle."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Yes, my friend, I just received a new information, this intelligence is very important, but I haven't resolved authentic, so I have no way to apply for resources above."

"Because the content of this intelligence is finally confirmed is fake ... you know, now I hope that our unlucky people can become a lot of people attacking BOSS."

People who have to make a secretary must be good at trying to figure out my mind, Fang Lin Yan said so, Quengu immediately understands his meaning of his words, and then opens the way to see the mountain:

"What resources do you need now?

Fanglin Rock is very simply said:

"Track the source of a phone, then lock its address, and the information of the related owner."

The quantine on the phone is very obviously loose:

"This is simple, give it to me."

Fanglin Yan solemnly said:

"The other party may not be simple, do not rule out the ability to have anti-tracking."

Quantin Road:

"Received, I have arranged a special person to be responsible for this, and someone will contact you soon."

After a while, there was a strange phone called in, which is the people arranged by Quentin. She is called Pervow, listening to the sound, it should be a middle-aged woman.

"SIR, I am ordered to cooperate with your next job, do you have any needs?"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"I will call a phone next time. If the other party is connected, then please help me out the address of the phone, hold people, age, orientation, etc." "

Pervil is very simply:

"Okay, Mr., please wait a minute, I need to prepare now."

Soon, Pelve said OK, and then Fang Lin Yan got a while, once again dialed a call.

This phone, he has already played when he entered the world.

However, he suddenly felt that it was not very appropriate, and he only hung up and only hoped that he did not hit the snake.

"Beep ... Dudu ..."

"Hey, who are you looking for?"

The phone came over, it is a voice of an old man.

Fanglin Rock is very simply said:

"I am looking for Jerry Lin."

When I entered the world last time, Fanglin Rock was used in the way, and the body of him is called Jerry.

It is also a terrorist that is closely related to the 811 event.

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