At this moment, Fanglin Rock only felt that the blood vessels of his hands came out of a burning force, and the double punch bombarded out of the amazing speed, and even the body of the fist couldn't see, brought a few phantom!

There is also a firecracker in the air, and a series of crisp sounds.

", !!"

Canna only felt that the eyes were black, and they were all over-covered happening. They seemed that they were not stepping on the land, but they were suffering from painful waves, and they kept low! !

Not only that, his health is also in the madness.

"Your Wing Chun. Even the Japanese characters hit the enemy."

"In this state, the enemy is in this state, in addition to falling into a coma, some passive skills will not take effect (including and not limited to dodge, dealing, etc.)"

"You are about to cause 5 × 2 + 18/3 = 16 point theory damage to the enemy."

"After deducting the PVP50% injury, it will cause 8 theoretical damage, and after deducting the enemy defense, it will cause 6 actual injuries."

"Your power value is 18 points, the other's power value is 8 points, you will cause crushing for the enemy!"

"Your Wing Chun. Even the rushing of the Japanese characters to the enemy is 6 + 8 points (crushed)!"


"You attacked the enemy six boxes, Wing Chun. Even the row of Japanese characters caused 84 points of actual injury ..."

"The enemy has died."

". Even the next day, the day is broken."


When Fang Lin Yan was playing with a heartyness, he suddenly found that the other party agreed to make white light disappeared, and he also got a hunt. The suggest that the next day, the supper is broken, and suddenly it is still unfinished.

"what happened?"

He hasn't returned to God for a while, and it is a bit awkward after a few seconds:

"This, is this dead?"

At this time, the bloody keys dropped by Kanna had already turned a bit of light and appeared in front of Fanglin Rock.

Fanglinyan is now determined that this raid is really perfect.

In fact, this time, it can be successfully attacked, and his rescue skills before him were triggered at the bottom of the lake.

When the goat, the five fireballs were brought to the face. They directly hit him into the dead state, triggered the team's life-saving skills, so the skill of Cantan was in the CD.

So in the face of the nearly eruption of Fangli Rock, I can only hate the scene.

After Kill Kana, Fanglin Rock finally had a bad breath!

In the Underground facilities of the Veronica laboratory, the two were incepted by this team.

The arm of the goat is broken, and he is also unable to join his hand, and it is not able to return it.

The key is that Fanglin Rock still doesn't know the relationship between Koi and darts, so in his current feelings, from the head to the end, it is a damn woman who is looking for himself.

As the saying goes, there are three-binary potato, and Fanglin Rock has long wo the woman in this woman. Of course, I have to receive a few interest back.

Kanna is dead, obviously the people in the Koi team also got news, and this news immediately made a variable in the battle.

After a few seconds, I suddenly heard a giant sound of "bang" in the past four or five hundred meters, but also brought an abnormal amazing impact wave, and even after a few seconds, even the glass on the entire window. What is the fierce in this explosion!

Fang Lin Yan jumped directly from the floor at this time, and after a rolling unloading, he rushed to the road outside the twenty meter.

At this time, the elite machinery has been driving another car quickly opened. Fang Lin Yan jumped directly from the window, and then accelerated in the place where the explosion occurred next.

Probably only for more than two hundred meters, turned a bend, and I found that there is a man and a woman in front of the front.

There is a black cloak on the body. It looks like a magician dress, and the woman who is helped is unclear. The left calf is smashed out of the feet, so it can only be taken with a jump. Open, the flow of blood, the flow of blood, all the way.

At their rear, there is a very strong big man who looks quite strong and retreat.

This big Chinese coat has been damaged, and the upper body is only lost in the black vest. It looks very strong, the muscles on the body are like a sculpture pouring, just like a boulder Qiangson's physique.

The wound on his forehead is still bleeding. Half-faced face is completely wet, but it is really unpredictable, and it is a crazy scanning break.

It's just that the gun tube of this fire cannon has been red, and it has begun to jealousy, and it is obvious that it has been used for too long.

Not far from being chasing them is a man, holding a double-edged ax with blood, is the core character of the Koi team Gold.

GORS is clearly a powerful remote protection props. It is also possible to avoid it. It can't avoid it. It can't avoid the small shield hard against the left front arm. The bullet hit the blue light shining. The shield has been popped,

Just like the injured beast is fierce, tenacious is reluctant.

In order to avoid misunderstanding, Fang Lin Yan shouted very much away:

"Happy bus !!"

After that, after the elite machinery, the elite machinery drifted, and stopped the car away from the ten meters away from the men and women.

The man who dressed up the magician was also a glimpse, hesitated, obviously the two of the other Lin Yan did not trust.

Fanglin Rock is very simply:

"If I have malicious words, I can't just step on the throttle!"

After the man was embarrassed, he immediately bite his teeth and accelerated, and then throwing the broken leg woman and shouted:

"Take her, I will go to Max!"

After that finished, I turned directly to the big man.

Fanglin Rock reached out directly to this broken leg, suddenly found that she has been coma. It is obvious that only a strong obsession is strong.

At this time, I was rescued, and the effort was diarrheated, and I suddenly wounded.

And Fanglin Rock readfully saw that the injury of this woman was not only being smashed away, but the skull on the right was directly depressed, and a pit in the size of the fist is taken. It looks very horrible.

Even after the contractor data is data, the body will be greatly enhanced, and there is no possibility that the heart brain is smashed, but the key attack will still have a negative effect.

Not only that, Fang Lin Yan also found her mouth, the ears were not stopped, the skin was still black.

Seeing this scene, Lin Ran, also admired her life, really tenacious, the injury on the body included the broken leg, broken crushed, and the body bleeding, but also to be poisoned! This is not easy to live.

When I got this woman in Fanglin Rock, the magician has burst out an amazing speed.

In just a few seconds, I came to the big man's side, and then put the hand, and actually flew out a high-speed rotating poker card.

This playing card is a square piece 7. In the air rotation cut, a strange arc is cut, and it is unable to capture its flight route, and it is straight to Galls!

Only Gord seems to be hidden at all, but in this Formula Seven, he accelerates a wave when he is on his body.

This piece of square is seven so that the blood light is brought on his shoulder, then draws a dozen centimeter long mouth, and then the skew is flying out, and it is rotated to the flower stage next to it.

The flower table of concrete is actually passed by this poker card.

This shows that Gors' combat experience is spicy.

He did not retreat in the face of this attack, and it looked very serious on the surface. In fact, it was only praised for a leather trauma. On the contrary, if it deliberately woven, he was smashed by this special playing card. After that, I will only be heavier!

At this time, a red dot suddenly appeared on the forehead of Max, which is a sign that is aimed at the laser sight.

The windows in the distance were suddenly hit. It is the cold evil mage old black appeared. He waved his bones, and it was already a strange hoe!

The head sent a whispered voice, surrounded by black mist, actually flying out in half empty, it looked out of Messe.

At this time, GORS is also steep, and there is a bloody breath. There are also a bloody breath in the air. His binocity is also red, suddenly accelerated, and shortened the distance from both parties. It is within five meters.

Not only that, from the distance of the building, it also issued a sudden sound of "", followed by hearing a sprinter in the air, Fang Lin Yan looked up, I found a rocket. There is a parabolic, directly aligned with Max.

Just in just two seconds, the Kiki team constitutes a perfect kill!

Four people teamed up with the fierce killing bureau! ! ! !

At this time, I also mentioned the fire of the fire cannon only helpless halfway, and the hands were in front of the face.

At this point, he is more blue and white, which is also like a concrete, which is obviously not just doing, but it starts to start the skills: stone skin!

This skill allows Messe's defense to increase by fifteen o'clock, but the cost is 40% movement speed.

At this moment, the magician immediately made a choice, his hand, flying out two sharp and incomparable playing cards and tied to Gals.

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