The two poker cards throwing out of the magician are a pair of 3,

Head 3 and plum flowers!

Although the three points are the minimum number of points inside, a pair of three can be reluctant to have a stability of the black peach A!

This is already the strongest means that the Magician is getting out.

Not only that, the magician is very simply flying out, greeted the one who looks very evil,

Because he is very clear that McS is now a strong end, once all the enemies of the enemy are only a fierce, he is the only grasp to block it in time, that is, this snake is flying, the speed is slower. Skull.

After witnessing this scene, Fanglin Rock felt that it was wrong.

Because he is fighting with the evil Master, it seems that this guy's strongest attack should be a bone spear. How can I suddenly get a slow flying speed?

This looks like deliberately letting the magician hit.

Sure enough, after the magician hit this hoe, it was suddenly stiff to the body. The whole person immediately fell in the ground, and the eyes were stunned, and violently rolled over the ground, but could not resume balance.

Just in the next second, the laser in the forehead of the Mason is aimed at the red dot, and the sound of the magician is moved in an instant. A blood flower.

Not only that, but the rolling bombing of a parabolic is actually "blossom" in the middle of the air, and the seven-eight sub-warheads are actually separated from the mother bomb, and then the emptiness will change the magician to continue In the past,


The explosion continues to occur, flame and smoke are disadvantaged.

It turned out that the ability of the evil Master's old black-placed seemingly attacked, but his name is called evil mark, and there is no killing and slow speed.

The enemy after being marked will immediately fall into the fear of three seconds, and the damage is heated by 20%!

The magician wolf is incomparable from the smoke flame, but he immediately suffered the head hit after him.

Because Gors actually eaten the pair of 3, let these two cards have been deeply tied into their chest, then jumped high, the bloodthirsty roaring,

Then after the hands of the double-blade ax in the hand, after the magician is squatting.

At this ax, there was even horrible blue white electric monsters on the ax, and even the ground was taken out of a deep trace!

Just after the magician, the body was turned out in an instant, it should be the ability to trigger what is the ability to start death or props, only left a pangled playing card in place.

But at this time, the evil mage old black smiled, fierce double finger,

Suddenly, a pair of miserable bones of the Memory of Fanglin Rock remodeng shot, and it was in a void next to it.

After a second, the magician who was bleed in the wall was greatly opened. The eyes have become dark, and the eyes are unwilling to go to the right hand to the macity of the merits. Nodded to disappear.

I saw this scene, and the Fanglin Ryna has a four words immediately:

"Sound East hits the West!"

The evil mark from the evil mage old black is the weak link of the enemy,

However, their team with the tacit understanding has created a situation in which the big man is going to set the fire. The clever induced magician took the initiative to hit the evil spirit mark, and the weakest link was directly turned to the least worry. That ring.

This wave calculates the character of the magician.

Accumulated to the reaction of Max,

So calculations!

So tacit! !

I thought that I have already knocked with such a team, I feel cooling in the back of the ridge of Fanglin Rock, as if there is a sharp edge of the sharp knife, it is really a stab.

"Fortunately, Laozi kills you alone."

At this time, Fanglin Rock can only think about this optimistic.

Now the situation is instantaneous, and Fanglin Rock is also an innocent worry. Now, now the difficulties in front of it.

His minds have a flash of light, and there is a way to break the way.

"This situation can not be returned, can only enter !!"

"There is a strong female sniper, escape, can die faster."

"Now the other party can do the magician, it can be said that it is the bottom card, the vacuum period after the outbreak ..."

"So, if you want to break, you must seize the valuable skill cooling time of these seconds ... and the key points of breaking the way are in his body!"

Fanglin Rock's eyes, directly locked the upper body has been reddish, and GORS, ​​the big mouth gasping,

Then he jumped from the car, and the GORS was a dragon and shoted, and called the McCisca.

"kill him!!"

Gould change when Gors' face suddenly turned.

He has before, in order to hit the group of Mcsp, and the strong hard trunks, it has already been drinking a bottle of treatment water before two minutes, adding a food that continues to restore life, now all means of supplementing health In cooling.

Not only that, the previous magician is in a hurry to use the killer, the strongest killing force is smashed.

In order to follow the magician's escape, Gord is toned to the final damage, so after eating this pair, a record of the jumping harvested the other party to enter the dead.

But the price is the two cards thrown out of the magician, and inserted in his chest at this time, the incidental bleeding state is continuously harvesting his life.

GORS has been in the present, even if there is equipment support, the health of this time has also fallen to one hundred and eighty points! The only way to save life is team skills.

I heard the big shout of Fanglin Rock, Mes sudden turned, and the eyes of Gors were also full of violent, the double eyes filled with blood made Gorsse.

No one is willing to face the full attack of McCys, let alone there is an unusually difficult wrench!

Then, Mcis suddenly left from the defensive gesture, and the gray white stone skin on his body suddenly broke.

The defense is returned to normal, and the speed is increased.

Next, Max wrist was turned up, and the "fire cannon" was directly returned to private space, but took out a thick baseball stick in it. The right to Gold rose biggest, a pair of shredded gents.

GORES faces the muscles suddenly jumped, in the face of this situation, they must have a plentiful.

At this time, Fang Ran also called out:

"Retain him, they have just been able to kill the magicians! Now you want him to lose their blood !!"

Then Fanglin Rock throws a smoke bomb, directly after Gold.

This stuff is the formulation of Dickland's company, the effect is still quite good! In the two or three seconds, the smoke covers the entire street, the shooting line of the old black and koi is immediately blocked.

At the same time, Mcis has stepped forward, and the anger is round, the two-headed two muscles on the arm are suddenly broke out, and a baseball stick is swaying out, and the The head of the Loss.

GORES reached out, the whole person still can't curb the balance, only the way to go to the unloading, but this time Fang Lin Yan has throws up the last TK throwing woodball, bone The white smoke rolls to the foot of Gord.

At this time, GORS appearance seems to be calm, in fact, it is already a helpful help of the team channel:

"You have to watch me die! Cannes are done by this bastard wrench in an instant, and his instant explosion is very amazing, let alone Max!"

"I tell you! If I am dead, you can't do it well, I will directly dissolve the team directly !!"

When I heard Gord, I was trying to aim a kiki, who was aiming at Fanglin Rock, biting the lower lips, but the fierce thalla plugged out the sniper bomb and then started to fill another bullet.

And the old black is again cast, and it took a white bone.

At this time, TK throws the wooden handle, in the crazy explosion, Gorz is dizzy! !

Max's eyes shine with excitement and cruel light, once again, it's going to rush, and the baseball stick has appeared clear flash.

However, the old white bones that have fallen out have fallen in front of Gord, and suddenly entered the roots, squatting, pulling out a paleble bone wall in front of Gors.

This bone wall has a width of two meters, heights more than five meters, up to ten meters, definitely not easy to be defeated, and the wind bursts, evil spirits, firmly separated the path of the two.

So, Koi has already pulled the rushing, and the sight has set the Gord's figure in the mirror, and then the trigger does not hesitate.

After this bullet bombarded Gors, he immediately appeared a golden shield immediately, and can absorb 300 fixed damage within ten seconds.

This is also a special ammunition that Koi is not easy, but GORS has already put it, she can only give priority. .

However, after the koi shot, she saw the old black throwing the bone wall has successfully split the battlefield, and suddenly slammed the wall next to it, and her annoyed is overflow.

Obviously, Fanglin Rock has previously grabbed GORS SMIN, so that they have some hands to be foot chaos, so two people will save people, which directly caused resource co-waste.

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