After the possibility of excluding the goat may be the bait, Shoulin Rock is very simply grateful to see him to meet Las Vegas.

Fanglin Rock is going to a five-star hotel in Las Vegas and ate a meal, then beautiful and beautiful.

Because now Fanglin Rock has been optimized, he just slept for five hours, it has already played the effect of 10 hours in sleeping.

After waking up, Fanglin Yan felt energy, and started thinking about how to have a metal touch, how to further optimize the mechanical core.

Probably just waiting for half an hour, the goat came to the hotel in the hotel in accordance with the address gave to Fanglin Rock.

At this point, the goat looks like a little overtenmot and decadent, and even the rush is.

After a meeting, it was about because of your thirst, grabbed the water next to it and shed it, and then sincere:

"Wrench boss, I can mix with you later."

Fang Lin Yan is somewhat stunned. He is going to talk, but suddenly feels hot, followed by Mobimbi Ussin, it has emerged, and the other Lin Yan is coming to a message:

"Promised him."

Fanglin Rock almost didn't have a water to spray the opposite wall, immediately in the heart:

"I ... how can I promise this? !!"

"Boss, I am now a trial of Space. He seems to be said before, he is a trial person belonging to Noah space UR, oh is right, he is still a selected person, I will agree. He can't do it. "

Mobius Print Feedback Back to a message:

"This selected talent has been upgraded again, becoming a second order selected, and this must be aware of the space after returning to the Noah space of its affiliated,"

"And a second-order selected person has a good value for S, and between space and space is a transaction between personnel, as long as the cost is appropriate."

"Isn't your human football club are not very popular? This is the essence of this, and there is no difference in the transfer, as long as the interest is appropriate."

"You can do it according to the practice of telling you, which is equivalent to letting S, Noah space is transferred to the transaction, and then changed to a second-order selection, a big earning, engage It is not good to get the reward of S Na Yah space. "

Fang Lin Yan stunned:

"Wait, I feel that in accordance with your acting style, it is definitely not asking for the benefit of S Nian noa space, you must have a conspiracy."

Mobius Print immediately feedback back to the message:

"Yes, after the transaction is reached, he will be first eliminated by UR Nova Space, becoming an owner's contractor, I can take the opportunity to hit me before the Noa Ya Ya Ya, I will hit me. Mobius imprint -------- I will treat you like this. "

Fanglinyan's frankness to Mobius imprisonment is saying that it is, sometimes the shameless shameless of light is also a mute.

The goat saw Fanglin Rock, but also thought that Fanglin Rock did not want to accept his throw, only bite his mouth:

"Head, as long as you are willing to take me, I am willing to take half of the benefits of each world."

Fang Lin Yan listened to the laugh and waved and impatient waves:

"Don't worry with me, is my TM is the kind of person who drinking team-friendly blood?"

"It is not a problem, the key is that you are not my NO asian space, we can't do it."

Goat is a gap:

"This is not a problem, the head, I didn't get three prayers of praying? Now I have lost this, I should be able to complete this wish."

After listening to the goat, Fanglin Yan couldn't hold it.

"Hey, you can use your mind, it is good, this prayer is your Noah Space UR sent it to you. You will send a wish to say No Ya space, this is not too left,?"


"What is this kind of reasonable?"

Fang Linyan is surprised:

"Is this still not separated? Well? What is it ....... just like a woman found a boyfriend, my boyfriend said dear, I am too excited, I can promise you three things. "

"Then the woman first bought the car and then buy a house, and finally tell my boyfriend ... My last wish is to go to the front of the boyfriend next door, do you think this boyey will promise?"

Goat shakes his head seriously:

"It's not like this, the head, I got prompt when I got the pray for coins. This is the choice of the selected people who first entered space must be welfare. Whether it is to enter what space will give "

"Well, how do you say it, this is not a love relationship between men and women. It is more like a person who will enjoy compulsory education, free vaccine, etc., my application is, like it is true. The free vaccine hit in Shanghai, get this in Beijing. "

Fanglin Rock nodded:

"In this case, it is still a reliable, then it means, even if you come to S, Noah space, this prayer coin can also be universal?"


"Yes, no matter which space I do, pray for coins can be used unconditionally without side effects ... but? Since you ask, how do you?"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Well, yes, I have a way to add my Noah Space S number without praying the coin."

The goat shocked:


Fanglin Rock Road:

"Well, I still have eighth else, you show your talent."

Goat immediately basis, Fanglin Rock immediately saw his talent appeared in front of himself:

Language Analysis (II), reading the target pattern, text, action, gesture, sound, and thus interpreting the meaning of the II, the success rate of II is higher than the I order, less error.

Then Tinyan directly uses the contact space:

"I found a selected person with II strata, and he admired our space for a long time, voluntarily joined."

"And this name was selected, it was promoted in the world, and its affiliated Nova Space UR is not aware of this matter, so the transaction value is high."

Then Fanglinyan transmits the data of the goat.

Then he received a prompt of "received relevant data, please wait".

Taking advantage of the time waiting for the space to reply, Fang Lin Yan can't hold curiosity to the goat:

"Right, how is your talent upgrade?"


"In fact, this talent upgrade is very simple and straightforward. Every successful resolution of the text or information of the new race, you can get 100 experience values, and can be upgraded enough to be fixed."

Fanglin Rock, a relaxed road:

"Then you are not difficult to upgrade, like I know that the mother cat has a strange voice, and the ass, I hope you give it a foot."

"Bees jumped 8-word dance in the air, expressing nectar, let the companion go to pick, and the world is more than forty kinds, you are trying to upgrade, you don't want to upgrade."

Goat smiled:

"Big! Only the information left by the wisdom race can get 100 experience values, the lower the creature of smart, even if the experience value of the wisdom is also won, it will turn accordingly."

"Although there are more than forty kinds of bees you said, it is actually common, it can make me observed, it is less than 30, and these bees add up to give me more than 50 points of experience."

"If this is not this, it is the language of the mechanical wisdom life race, and the language of the five-faced boxes, and there is also a mechanical parasitic language, I have no possible success. updated."

"Because in the assessment of space, these three races are more than human wisdom, especially the language on the five blame box, gave me almost three hundred experiences."

"And after we separated, I analyzed the limb language of a variant gatena in the company, so it successfully upgraded."

I heard the goat said that Fanglin Rock understood that it was too simple to think about it.

At this time, the goat was also put down, and the whole person felt a lot easier. After going to the toilet, it was directly sent to the room.

The signature dish of this hotel is a cotton candy peek liver and an air Wafu, and the goat is just two.

I have to play the five grain liquids of 0 Giranda with China, and also indicate 68 degrees.

Cotton candied pelepoves and air waffles are all over, the beautiful and smooth and delicious and perfect combination of the foie drums.

And the warmth of the Warrf cake is also allowed to stop the fat of the foie liver in the lip teeth, and the two can be said to be completed.

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