The First Evolution

Chapter 141 Evolution of Big Fireball

However, for the dishes, Fanglin Rock, is some curious about the goat.

"Is it usually not oysters with red wine? What is the combination of Sixty-eight-degree Wuliangye in this Gilado?"

When the goat suddenly laughed:

"In fact, this kind of eating is learned from a customer, and must have sixty-eight-degree five grain liquids, the two are a perfect match."

He said, let Fanglin Rock will try.

After the Gilado scent from the French air, the white mosah was still shaking slightly, and then took it into the mouth in the mouth, immediately there was a delicate and smooth feeling between the lips. .

At this time, the taste buds feedback back a unique and fresh odor of the sea.

At this time, I have to inhibit the eagerness of swallowing, and I have the half of the five grain.

The delicious plus of the oysters, the thickness of Wuliang, the two actually mixed into a unique taste, just like gentle, the girl suddenly reveals the hot side of the tights, which makes people irritate,

The kind of pleasure passes through the throat, straight to the stomach,

Wow, it's cool!

After the wonderful, Fanglin Ran and the goat also called two hitting Girado oysters, but the hotel said that their Girandan has already sold light, and I also recommend Sydney. .

This place will have a good cream flavor, and the meat is delicious, and there is another flavor after the soul.

One side of the two talked, when the last returned time was less than two hours, a series of news is popped up on the retina of the goat:

"Choosing the elder goat, unfortunate, a transaction happened."

After seeing this news, the goat immediately excitedly held a punch.

Fanglin Rock immediately:

"How? Is it a successful transaction? Yes, if you want to choose, don't worry about making a decision, tell me the information you get."

The most annoying thing in the goat is to make a decision. It is really a torture. It is rare to help myself to share this problem. Of course, it is best to take it now:


Then, he directly showed the information you received.

"You are in this transaction, by Noah Space UR transaction to Noah Space S."

"Used to exchange your chips for another selected."

"Noah Space UR number and another selection as a chip have passed this transaction, do you accept this transaction?"

Fanglin Rock is here to the goat:

"Contact space should be good, it also said that Noah Space UR is good, ask you how good?"

"Since Noah Space S has launched a transaction, it indicates that it is still quite important to you, so ask if you don't lose anything."

When Fanglin Rock said, the Mobius imprint of the chest suddenly came:

"You let this choreographer say that he has become a B + class selected, so according to the terms of the Terminal Terms, he can get a K3 level reward again. If the Noah Space S number can perform this terms So agreed to trade. "

After Fang Lin Yan listened, it immediately made the goat as soon as possible.

Sure enough, after a few seconds, the goat excited:

"I agree with the agreement, the Noah Space S number agreed to my request, giving me a B-level reward."

"Oh, wrong, the original bonus of this B-level is to randomly, I started to take it."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Okay, I am waiting for your good news."

Goats have taken a few seconds:

"Amount, it seems that I have evolved in skills ... My big fire is about to evolve into a light fireball."

"But after choosing this item ... will make the previously enhanced resource invested by fire spheres return to zero!"

Fanglin Rock listened to skill evolution, immediately:

"OK, select skill evolution."

Goats are crying,

"But I put a lot of potential points on the big fire !!"

Fanglin Rock is very simply said:

"Don't think about losses, people want to look forward, choose."

The goat bite his teeth and chose to accept, and then he shared the property of the garde ball.

Lianzhu fireball LV1

Sing time: 1.6 seconds

MP value consumption: 20 points

Explanation: After a while, the enemy released two high-speed flying fireballs, each small fireball had a chance to ignite the opponent, so that it continued to suffer.

Description: The attack power of the small fireball is 5+ current spirit (such as the spirit of goat = 20 points), theoretical attack power is 25 points.

Passive: Flames, every small fireball hits the opponent and causes damage, will bring a flame brand to the enemy, lasting for 300 seconds, when the flames on the enemy have accumulated to five times, the next time The enemy's flame attack must be crit and dizzy for 1 second.

Passive: Flame Brands have priority, and the negative effects of the resulting negative effects are superior to the original negative effect of the attack skills.

Strengthen: The owner's flame control capability enhances the crit rate of the small fireball, and the chance of igniting the enemy will increase by 10%, and after the small fireball causes damage to the enemy, there will be 30% of the chance of burns, so that it moves speed Reduce 30%.

Fang Linyan looked at this lordless fireball, immediately found too much more than the big fire.

The singing time is reduced by 0.4 seconds, and the value of the damage seems to have fallen, but there is a negative effect, gaining, gaining, deceleration, and output injury in the small fireball.

Then cooperate with the goat, and there is a flame blast. There is also the equipment of the equipment. It can be said that it is very metamorphosis. The explosive power can be said to be extremely amazing. It is just like a ruthless spell gun crazy. .

The key is that this is also the LV1 of the bead fireball, and there is still a lot of enhanced space.

After the goat chose to accept it, it was a member of the Noah Space S number, and the chest also had a shining temporary imprint.

Fanglin Rock is also a prompt:

"Trial, ZB419, based on the news you provide, the space is successfully recruiting a B + class in a small price."

"Please select an item as your reward from the following options."

"A: 2 points of merits."

"B: 2 point random infrastructure point."

"C: 3 potential points."

"D: 12000 Universal point."

"E: Random reward (one will be taken from multiple front attributes)."

There is no doubt that Fanglin Rock has a very simply selected 3 potential points. He is now lacking.

Touching Fanglin Rock has received a prompt and accurately, it is a temporary task.

Ask him to bring goats in return, and give specific requirements.

That is to return to the goat with the temporary team, and the distance between the goat and him cannot exceed five meters.

Just do such a simple matter, you can reward the Rock 3000 universal points. Fanglinyan is of course immediately accept.

According to Mobius Printing, this is because the goat is a temporary imprint, so if it is summoned to him, there will be a risk of about 10%, there will be an accident.

Therefore, the S number will choose to pay a small money to buy peace. Because Fanglin Rock is next to, once there is an accident, you can find goats in time by positioning Fanglin Rock.

Next, Mobius imprisonment has raised a sinful requirement, that is, at this time, it is a temporary imprint of the goat, he has to leave a mark first.

Fanglin Rock said it is very helpless.

What is the difference between such a behavior and the first night of the medieval sin?

But to tell the truth, he also won't get a lot of cheap from Mobius imprint ...

Therefore, he called the goat directly to the next to how to get Mobius printed process, and told him to choose himself.

Goats have not hesitated, decisively choose to accept, since he decided to follow Fang Lin Rock, it has been determined: there is a blessing to enjoy it, and there is a lot of printed notes.

After the two people were enough, they did not intend to consume finally, and they chose the regression space.

Fang Lin Yan passed the valuable information you got to Delto before returning, and it was once again highlighted his value.

After all, for Fanglin Rock, he will still come back again.

Among the lanes behind Las Vegas, he deeply understood the importance of having a huge consortium support, others not saying, the time saved is already a good one.

Standing in front of the Window of Wenhua Oriental Hotel Suite, both Fanglin Rock and the goat were also selected at the same time, and the figure of their two quickly turned, and then disappeared in this world.

Leave a table of wolf's oysters and wine bottles, of course, there is also an unclear grievance.

At the same time, in Houston, two thousand kilometers away from two people, one of the underground launches here suddenly opened, followed by a rocket, spraying strong flames from below, and rushing up towards the sky!

And above the rocket, it hangs an space shuttle! Among the space planes, there is a few faces familiar with Fanglin Rock.


Then, in front of Fanglin Rock, it began to show all 3D microscopic projections.

The first is the process of fighting with the variant cemetery and then captures.

Then, Delto told him to find a hidden main line task: The scene of the abandoned mysterious institute.

The next appearance, of course, his series of adventures in the Veronica laboratory.

At this time, Fang Ran pays attention to the experience of the experience after the glory, which is probably because here involves the ultimate secret of the world.

Finally, Fanglin Yanyu touched the mutual orangutakic (at this time) and the scene it bid, then this is fixed.

The sky is embossed out of the following information:

"Scenario: Earth that has occurred 811 events."

"Difficulty: Ordinary (C-Class)"

"Main line task: capture completion is 45%, hidden main line tasks: Abandoned mysterious institute completed 95%."

"Integrated task completion degree: 70%"

"Your task is finally evaluated for B."

"You got the base reward: 2 points of merits."

"You got the base reward: universal point 3000 points."

Tip: Some of the equipment / weapons / props you bring cannot bring out the world, you have the following choices.

A: Sold it at this time to exchange a certain universal point.

B: Send it to this, you can retrieve it when you enter this world next time. (Execute this operation will pay 2500 universal points as the storage fee, otherwise the consequences of loss / loss / rust, etc. will be generated.)

Fanglinyi is a thing that can't be brought out, and it is not necessary to pay 2500 universal points to inherit, and then choose to sell.

The next surroundings seem to be like water waves, then the strong weight loss appears again.

Fanglin Rock only felt that he can be said in this moment. Only consciousness is awake, vague can feel that I have been wrapped in a light ball, and I can blur in the side, if I have another light ball, if there is another light ball It should be a goat.

At this time, the flow rate of the whole time seems to be rapidly changed, as if it has been a long time, it seems that it is only a moment, and Fanglin Rock has a black, and after remiting, I will find that I returned to the small room inside the s space.


Recommend a cultivation of cultivities.

Asked red dust.

The first first name of this book called the fairy, please be self-respecting, and it is a force, and the opening is that it has encountered an intermediary, and it is also successful.

In addition to the road of funny cultivation, there is a different set of wolf tooth rods.

It is worth seeing.

Finally, this volume ends, I have to comb your plot, so there is only one today.

the above!

good night!

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