The First Evolution

Chapter 84 Harkan to help

Looking at this series of instructions, Fanglin Rock frowned, he could have learned this skill, but the amazing spent blue first, so that Fanglin Rock is still a little, this is a percentage buckled blue!

Not only that, only fifteen meters release distance, foot feet four seconds singing time, singing the characteristics of the interrupted, destined that Fanglin Rock likes the man who likes just positive, it is difficult to put this trick, and the fault tolerance is very low, Once the interrupt loss is very large.

After thinking about it, Fanglin Rock feels that it is best to learn this skill, or a vulture, his shadow is the skill of release the body society, quietly use the shadow to latenner, release behind the other party, God does not know the ghost .

And this skill will take effect after twenty seconds, then the shadow has long been slippery, and the other person is not good. I don't know!

After a total of a total, Fanglin Yan went to the next room to find Wharton. He saw his face, it was very ugly, it can be said that it is an irritation.

However, it seems that the drug effect of the tonic tonic tissue is quite awkward. Its vital signs are within the normal range. The wound is still bleeding, and there is still a consciousness after Fanglin Rock, it seems to say what, but the sound is weak and external Very hoarse, I can't understand at a time.

At this time, Fanglin Rock is too lazy to talk to him, and after the simplicity of simply wrap, it will directly go forward.

This guy is also high and strong. There is almost one hundred kilograms of equipment with equipment, but for ordinary people, it is a heavy burden, but for Fanglin Rock, it is still not going on.

Fanglinyan front line, one side using the information gained from Rubert to check the direction of the way forward, and continue to have been almost ten minutes to come to a room.

Fanglin Yan put Wharton down, then jumped up and broke the top lamp cover on the top, then pulled the bulb inside, and suddenly saw this light bulb was taken out. Almost half of meter long.

With this time, it is obviously what the agency is touched. So immediately hear the rumbling sound from the distance, and then the cabinet next to him slipped away from the left, there was a deep passage, from the inside It has emitted a strong mildew, Wharton has heard two sneezes.

However, as the two drilled into it, I quickly found out that I walked out of ten meters, there was a top-climbing steel ladder. Although this thing seems to be a long time, it is still a firm, and after climbing it. It can be found that its export is already on the island.

Return from the dark underground buildings, of course, is a very exciting thing, and even fog breathing is also extra fresh.

Wharton seems to be a little bad, seeing the breathing difficulties, seems to have to suffocate at any time, has been caught in a half-state.

Fang Lin Ran wants to think, take it out of the first aid drug from Omei, first gave him a needle, and then took a oxygen mask to him.

Such a process allows Wharton to recover quickly, then look at it four weeks:

"Ah? Are we already come out?"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Yes! We have left the ghost place, but you have just been in the case, I have given you a needle and use the oxygen mask, how do you feel now?"

Wharton nodded:

"I feel very good."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"I just cheated you, the left lung hole was injured, and two ribs were broken, and there were too blood loss. You need surgery in a short period of time, otherwise the situation will be rapidly deteriorated, if at ten If you can't get on the operating table within an hour, you have a big chance to die. "

Wharton listened to a clear breath:

"That is nothing, I have a locator on my body, as long as I have an emergency saving signal, the organized person will come as soon as possible, and will not exceed half an hour."

When he finished, he reached out and pressed his chest, and he made an emergency rescue signal.

Amazing, Wharton's signal has just been a few minutes. The sound of the helicopter has actually sounded. It is obvious that the tonic tissue has a helicopter in the vicinity of Lang Brah.

And Wharton's identity in the tonic tissue is still not low, and it can get so much attention.

Fang Linqi heard the "rumbling" helicopter sound, taking the shoulders of Wutton, giving him a water:

"I have to go, my friend, after all, I have conflicted with you with you, and I will be too embarrassing."

Wharton said:

"Well, my friend, let's look back."

Said that he took a box from his arms and opened it later, it was a business card, and then he handed a to Fanglin Rock Road:

"There is a problem, it is difficult to contact me."

Fang Lin Yan took the business card, but it was found that there were many imagination. It actually appeared to be made with metal. The overall business card has a dark black, but there is a dark gold texture and text around it, it looks very high.

There is no title and explanation on the business card, leaving only a phone number, there is a quoted in the Bible:

Anyone who holds himself will be billed.

After getting this business card, Fanglin Yan looked with a smile, then nodded very simply left, but it was hidden next to it. He has been waiting until helicopter hovering, and the people of the snake will successfully connect Wharton. Leave.

At this time, Fang Lin Yan is hesitant. When you want to determine the next step, a message is suddenly coming in the team:

"Help! Help!! I am very dangerous now, some people see?"

After seeing this news, Fanglin Ran's eyes were condensed, because the rescue signal was Harkan, he immediately said:

Wide a report, I have recently used the book app, [Source artifact app] book source, book, update!

"where are you!?"

Harkan saw Fanglin Rock reply, and immediately couldn't wait for it:

"I ... I am in a secret underground base, the information I got here did not identify, which looks like an abandoned experimental base."

"There is a lot of bones just passing by a place, and those bones are very strange, with a strange streak above."

"Ah !! There is a monster that has been chasing me, my current situation is very bad, the wound has been bleeding!"

Fang Linyan immediately wake up:

"I know where you are, chasing your monsters is bloody Mary's son !! You have to be careful, their lurking ability is very strong, often arrived in front of you, I launched a raid!"

At this time, Fanglin Rock has directly started to ran directly, and quickly returned to the ground, but the biggest problem at this time is that although the two can be dialogue, Fanglin Rock does not know what hachite is in what local.

This ghost will cover the earth, and is also divided into a large number of small rooms, the corridor as a studio, but also seems to be maze.

This is like the three hundred square meters of houses, and there is no legacy before the decoration, but it will be wrapped around, dazzling is a truth.

Not only that, this dead experimental base is also divided into several layers, so it is more difficult to find someone.

And Harkan is still pursued, no way to make any sound, so that it can be said to be difficult.

In this case, Fanglin Rock can only let Hakan remember the signature objects around them, and then try to identify them when they travel.

At the same time, Fanglin Rock is also more careful when going forward, and the bloody Mary of the event in this is not angry, and everything is eaten! If you can't find Harkan for a while, it is also very possible to use Fanglin Rock as a prey.

Although Fang Lin Yan has done a bloody Mary's son, it is that there is Wharton first absorbed the first wave of fire, and it also has a coincidence, and it has abolished its strongest weapon ----- The premise of the damn tongue.

Fang Linyi is very clear in the heart, if it is to place an order with the guy in fairness, it is really not to grasp it!

Then don't say how it might hit the big luck, and there are two consecutive two-headed bloody Mary's son.

Ok, at this time, the team's channel suddenly appeared a voice:

"Hey, here is Omi, Vulture, Goat, can someone hear us talk?"

After hearing this voice, Fanglin Rock immediately said:

"I am a wrench, and the situation in Ha A is very bad. I heard the voice of his asked for help, and now I am looking for a way to come to him."

Ha Kan heard the voice of the friendly army is also a spirituality:

"Damn, I am being chased by a monster! I am very injured now, using several drugs, there is no way to stop the blood of the wound ..."

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