Omi heard the above conversation immediately:

"Wrench you accelerate the speed of the past with him, let's go!"

Fang Linqi sighed:

"I also want to speed up the speed, but this place has an extremely complex, I don't know the specific location of Ha, now I can only find people in it."


"Is there an enemy's information? We have just entered this area, and many things don't know."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"I have some information on this area, I will share it with you, and the enemy has a lot of probabilies in the bloody Mary according to my inference."

"This is bloody Mary in the estrous period, the monster after the reproductive liquid of male quarry, inherits the part of bloody Mary, but because of the loss of the genetic lack of the parent, it is very strong. ! "

Ha Kamashi said:

"I used investigations to chase my monsters, but I can't get it, I have taken it in time. You must be careful. This guy is very fast, God is ghost."

Then, Harkan shared two photos and a video from the team channel.

It can be seen that these photos are captured, and they appear in front of everyone. It is a monster who seems to be similar to the body like a kangaroo. It is still walking, but the run is a life.

Not only that, but the surface is a light green texture, the meat is very strong, like a lizard or chameleon that slightly loose-free skin, the most weird, there are two heads!

These two heads a big one, one, one, the normal head is still in the part of the neck, it seems to have the commonality of snakes and lizards, will spit out long red tongue from time to time.

And another head is located in the position similar to the bag mouse pocket, a little bit below the chest, actually a grapefruit size scarlet deformed man! Ear eye is like, even a few fire red hair on the head, or more similar to the mane, which is the unique marker of bloody Mary.

This person can see if there is his own thinking, watching the expression seems to be smiling at any time, and in the video, it can be seen in the video, it is in a bad, and the eyes are very treacherous, as if Every time I am accounting.

The top of the snake lizard is coming out, but more is the animality and instinct, it is clear that in these two heads, most of them are the deformed cerebers in the following, in the dominant control body.

Seeing this scene, the information mentioned before the synthesis of Fanglin Rock, and everyone immediately thought of it: That is most of the guy is a hybrid between bloody macro!

This bloody Mary's taste is really heavy ....... I am not cold, even men don't let people go?

At this time, Haak suddenly breathed:

"I ... I seem to have come to a big conference room, which is relatively broad, there is a big antique style, I can't do it, I am very tired, I have to stop here. "

I heard him say this, Omi suddenly said:

"Wait, is the antique big clock is not a yellow stripe, the time should be the 12th point of display?"

Haja immediately excited:

"Yes Yes!"


"We just passed there five minutes before, you insisted there, we came as soon as possible!"

Fanglin Yan is reminded in the joint team's channel, but it is still in the words, but the goat and vultures should be careful:

This bloody Mary's child is very dangerous, even if it is a contractor's data, it is very likely that it is a short a few seconds, after all, it can not be bound by the PVP rule, causing full injury.

In order to fully show convincing, Fanglin Rock also specially shared two photos, but the destruction caused by bloody Mary, who is good at the melee, the destruction of steel gates! The end is very horrible.

"Be careful, more than a million, this bloody Mary, I still don't know its ability, but from the situation here, it is estimated that it is very likely to have at least authoritative depth bleeding. ability."

When I heard Fanglin Rock, whether it is a cold in the back of the goat and vultures, the depth is bleeding ........ The live bleeding is dead, and I looked at my life a little dating, this Desperate is really unimaginable.

What is even more, goats have experienced that taste.

In the joint trial, Fang Lin Yan saved him, but the big bleeding in the body was still a little bit! If it is not a coincidence, it shows your potential under the dying situation, so the grass on the top of the grave is not good.

Despite the mountain sheep, however, at that time, the despair, helplessness, but the dead horror left in the mind of the goat. At this time, I couldn't help but hit a cold.

But at this time, Haak is suddenly called in the joint team channel! !

This is full of despair and fear, and then intermittently:

"It's coming, it's coming! It turned over from the floor to raise me!"

"I am so painful, my body is numb, I think I am going to die, cough and cough, it is torn my body ........"

Ou Mi Siwei's trip:

"Stick to live, stick to it! You can, I will arrive soon!"

"The drug takes out, the props are used!"

Ha Kamashi said:

"I am hurt, I am so scared, I don't want to resist, I want to get peace ....... eternal ....... Ann, just like this, mother ......."

In the next second, the joint team channel popped up the prompts:

"Warning: Your teammates, contractors 836A4 have died!"

After this prompt popped up, Max, which has been in the influence, I can't help but take a message from a valuable general point:

"Hala !! What is going on !!"

He is in the scope of communication, he can't see the normal joint team channel chat. If you have to reply, he must spend a general point to reply, Fang Lin Ran wants to return to reply after:

"After the dam, Ha Kan falls, and I met a monster called bloody Mary, this monster is good at hiding, raid, very fierce."

When I made a message, Fanglin Rock's heart was in the blood, because such a higher communication, he made such a message, he sent such a message, and there were thousands of universal points.

If it is usually, Fanglin Rock is now owed by 100,000 foreign debts! !

But this news can't be sent, because there is no such situation between Harkan and Fanglin Rock, but McS is still fighting with him, in love, the information that should be passed will pass.

At this time, the goat has been in the channel:

"I saw it, I saw the guy of the dog, oh! It turned out to see me, it actually escaped ...!"

"Omi! Omei, don't chase, wait for me!"

Fanglin Yan Shen Sudoku:

"To be calm! This place is a transformed research base, which is also the secret information of Solna hiding the island, DNA fragment, frozen embryo, where these things will be sold out of the black market "

"The people of the snake will enter here. According to my inference, the number of people entering is more than 30 people, and when looking for Solna's heritage, touch the preset anti-theft authority."

There are still many important points before Fanglin Rock, and when he said, he also felt that it fell through.

"This anti-theft authority has two major roles. The first role is to spray a colorless ingredient around the triggers, so that the invaders are contaminated with this flavor, the second role is, open The gate of a distance is unbreakable, but will connect the core area and here later. "

Insert a sentence, I have recently used the app, [Source Artifact App] Android Apple Mobile Phone is supported!

"Then, the special pixel floating out, falling into the nose of the bloody Maryzi, which followed the taste of the information, then found a new ... hunting ! "

"The people of the tonic snake have died, and their flesh and blood attracted more predators, so if we accidentally, we will not be strange than the bloody Mary Benzun."

After listening to the analysis of Fanglin Rock, Omi took a breath, standing in the ground, staying in the same place, staying for a while, then open his eyes slowly:

"Well, you are very reasonable, I know."

Fang Linyan recognizes the truth:

"Well, what we have to do now, should be first charge, then leave, it is too dangerous! Especially for the temporary team like our configuation, even the rich reward cannot continue to take risks, casually The bloody Mary's son who launches raid will lead us! "

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