The First Evolution

Chapter 147 Rushing

As a result, Nogann has replied directly:


After hearing this news, the two shrugged at the same time, and felt a little in the unfortunately.

To be honest, facing the metal monsters like the earthquake, the two still feel that some pressure hills are large. If possible, it is best to collect the power of the entire team.

After Fang Linyi thought about it, he went to the road:

"So, send us to the host room."

Nogann Machinery:

"Go to the host room needs to be authorized."

In this regard, the vultures have prepared in the suggestion of the glitburst:

"I now have secondary control permissions, and now I'm suffering from attacks, in this case, it is silently to enter the emergency form."

"So according to Article 7 of the Core Code, in emergency, the operator who has secondary control privileges can have higher levels, I now have the right to increase control permissions to the highest control."

Nord Agricultural Road:

"Please wait, apply for judgment ..."

"The judgment is complete, your permissions have been temporarily upgraded to the highest."


"So, send us to the host room, I suspect that the security vulnerabilities that appear there should be invaded by the enemy,"

Norgamn's wood:

"Okay, the vehicle is being scheduled."

Soon, a four-wheeled electric car was completed, and then the two jumped on this electric car, directly brought them to the most core area: the main chamber.

Here is the body of Nogannn, is also a hub region responsible for hosting the conversion zone and the thermal energy aggregation station.

The permissions before the vultures can not enter the main chamber, and the reason why he is approaching the host room is security vulnerability, so it can only take a circle on the channel around the host room.

Don't look at Norgamn, now tamed, but the two of Fanglin Yan did not have the most violent attacks immediately.

The passage is within the main chamber, there is a distance of six meters, during which the multi-channel safety defense device is built into, which is not exaggerated. Even if a mosquito wants to fly, it can only be asked.

So, even if some people can break through this heavy hindrance, the enemy is still Mukus's carefully developed flesh and meat artificial intelligence, this is not a big road, but a veritable strong enemy, claims that the presence is not inferior to digital life .

In fact, after Marcus has developed the flesh and meat artificial intelligence, it is the hacker forum in the dark network, and the subroutine in a flesh and meat is thrown into the top, and then uses the kind I will make a challenge, I'm going to make a challenge.

Probably means that today, the fartings such as the gods will see the outstanding gods. If you can crack your own subroutine, you can kneel down and reward a million knives.

This activity continued for fifteen days until this temporary subroutine is automatically destroyed, and no one can do this, and this temporary subroutine operates only one-third of the official version.


The flesh and meat, which is developed by Marcus, is to face the challenge of the light ram that has awakened the talent! !

Fanglinyan looked at the processor of the train compartment, with a large number of lights on the continuous jump, this processor has countless processor chips.

There is a large place in each chip, and it is filled with 30 million transistors, so embedded huge workload, which is equivalent to the large area of ​​the finger, micro-carving embedding a city!

This is the ontology of Nogann, with seemingly horrible computing power and endless support.

To challenge its tires, it is home to a small metal insect.

It is quiet in the palm of Fanglin Rock, and the tentacle formed by the light is swing up and down. The bronze torso has not yet the size of the finger. It is simply a semi-decayed tattered toy.

The two seem to be the size, or the advanced level, it is not the same level.

However, the body of the rusty parasites is so faint, calm, as if it is a white-dew grunge.

Suddenly, a photon tense of the paste suddenly settled, it was so obliquely, and the Nordan agriculture of the front is aligned, this is the remote sensing ability of the light wheel has been directly out of the mark!

Although the two are already a long-term wind wave, the breathing at this time is not known to have a hurry, after all, this kind of battle that cannot be controlled is the largest.

Although the glutin is very confident to yourself.

However, such silence has been almost ten seconds, and the red police station next to it actually rang, and there is also a mechanical electronic synthetic sound:

"Warning, foreign enemies invade into the Eden, now entering an emergency, all staff in the core areas!"

"Staff Aberters, please leave the host room within 30 seconds!"

"Repeat it, please leave the host room within 30 seconds, otherwise, the clear plan will be started."

The two are looking at it, while seeing anxiety in their eyes, the clear plan in this core area is, must be either not moving, or thunder! And that plan must be very dangerous.

"So, is it time to flash?"

Such an idea has emerged as a sympathy.

However, at this time, the optical wheel actually seems to see what they think, and played a line directly on their retina:

"Don't go."

Then seem to feel that these three words are somewhat too much, then they will make up the ink, such as the gold, three words:

"11 seconds."

I saw this number, Fanglin Rock and vultures took a breath.

The meaning of the light ram is very simple, that is, this flesh and meat artificial intelligence in front of the next eleventh: Nordann! And at the same time, it is necessary to take over most of the permissions of the other party, and at least control the automatic defense system near the host room.

This is no longer able to describe the other party, it is equivalent to being rolling opponents, letting the other party flee can't escape .......

Then I have to tie the other party's clothes, then you have to search for the other's lighter, give yourself a little bit of smoke, spray it on the enemy's face!

"In 19 seconds, at least our running time is enough."

Vulture is cautious in the team channel.

Fang Lin Yan smashed the head:

"This kind of spoke mode, suddenly I feel that this is very strange, it is exactly like another person in the face."

The vultures have laughed:

"What about thinking? It is a two different sites, and the paste you have encountered is just artificial intelligence? This is a non-critical number life."

If Fang Lin Ran is thinking about it, he nodded:

"It makes sense."

Then his voice just fell, and suddenly I saw the flash red light on the wall, it turned out, followed by the electronic synthesis sound again:

"It has been detected that there is no living information, this core area is safe."

I heard this sound, and both Fanglin Rock and vultures shocked:

"This is eleven seconds? It's just six seconds. Is this going?"

Not only that, the main chamber door of their eyes quietly silently sliding, and the air of the air did not have a foot point, shining out the light of the stars, and finally condensed the entity road. It seems to be invited to drive straight.

After witnessed this scene, Fanglin Yan then looked at the body of the paste in the palm of the palm, and the photon tent on the head on the head, it seems that there is a few points like a contemptuous point!

Such strength is suppressed, it is really a tongue.

At this time, the body of the paste: The rusty parasites suddenly jumped, flew over the coarse fiber optic cable connected to the host, and then bite it, and finally.

It can be seen that the whole of the rusty parasites began to make a touch of light, and it becomes translucent, then see it, it will be seen that a large number of dense laser blue data begins to pour it into their body. It seems that these data is incredible. However, it is actually detailed, but it is made of 0 and 1.

Fang Linyan sullen for a while, suddenly:

"how did you do it?"

Bright wheel:

"Do you say suppression of Nordan?"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Yes, I feel that it is also very powerful and intelligent! I think at least the colleague you at the time is coming."

The light wheel is indifferent:

"Is Amiiba protogenous insects?"

Fanglin Ran and vultures did not expect that the passenger is in turn asked such a problem. It is also a machine front that can't hold it for a while. I want to think about it.


The paste is also said:

"Is it a life?"

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