The First Evolution

Chapter 148, Sea Monster

The second question said, Fanglin Rocks understand the meaning of the glory, and sighed:


One of the two problems of the gluten, the answer will come out, that is, it is the same life, but there are also high and low grades! The difference can be said to be as if it is.

I didn't expect to say this, and the paste actually added:

"If you refer to Norgann's kind of artificial creation that mixed with dirty breath, then it is tarnished in the words of life!"

"Can you use a half CPU as a half CPU?"

"Oh, it is really innocent, the mystery of the human brain, even we have not fully figured out that this researcher actually believes that the truth is the truth, can you understand this?"

"It's just contrary, this is a huge flaw of artificial manufacturing. It only needs to be slightly stimulated. The emotions that are caught and closed will be more powerful like a volcano."

After listening to the light wheel, Fanglin Rock and vultures looked at it, and the heart was also extremely shocked.

They also did not expect that this leader in the real digital life, this leader is really proud of the artificial life. If it is ruined and pulled, the evaluation is also so low.

Soon, I saw the shining light above the Nogannon server and extinguished. It was the reason why the data inside is being transferred to the global body in an amazing speed. The speed of the light is like it looks like it. It is a desperate division, fragile and unforgettable.

It's approximately five or six minutes, and the light ram suddenly said:

"Now I have got all the permissions of Nogandong, you can use your phone and companion call."

I heard the gluten said that Fanglin Rock immediately took out the mobile phone to open a group "Dream S number space" before:

Wrench: Can someone see me talk? The glory says that we can now chat here.

Grilled a big goats: it seems to be true.

Winds: Who is upstairs? What you have to bake it so cute?

Omi: Who is chasing the name! I will change it back, I am going to talk about it. (Expression: Tipping blade)

You have his beef flavor on you: changed ...

Omi: I just got the news, the tonic tonicity is much more powerful than we imagined, and they have found that the previous progress of the Eden is very smooth, and it is also just a lot of success, so they decided to play a big ticket!

Wrench: How big is it?

Omi: They have implemented the most daring and most exaggerated plans! !

First, the powerful technology provided by the pigeon machinery metal life is launched, and the communication cut is performed directly to the entrance to the Eden, so that the information outside will not come out.

In the past few hours of our lurking, the tonic tonic organized a comprehensive attack on the blood umbrella, which caused the blood umbrella tired to be tired.

In a chaotic, the tonicable organization did not hesitate all the cost of transporting all the transportation, and then all more people all concentrated.

wrench:! ! ! ! How can this? If you pass through air, the blood umbrella tissue is not aware of it.

Oimi: Their set points are set to be very clever, first of all, with supersonic passenger planes gathered in the Marina Harbor of Cuba, there is no news that is about to pay attention.

Then, Cuba once again was controlled by Russia, so the tonic tonic tissue also used the relationship between Russia, and rented two docked in the Myssei military base in the Cuba Myssee!

The distance between Cuba to Eden, has only one thousand three hundred kilometers! !

Then, the two super-Rihai monsters carryed the human hand and equipment, and the direct wind is driven down.

Probably I am afraid that the rest of the people can't understand, so Omi immediately shared the relevant information.

It turned out that this is an effective aircraft manufactured using wing ground effect. It is simple to say that the super-enhanced version of the hovercraft can be fly on the water surface or plain.

The length of the super-sea monster reached 700 feet! Wings are 80 meters, and the takeoff weight is even more than 1,500 tons, and the aircraft can reach 8,000 kilometers, and the hourly speed can reach the sub-sound.

Because the super-sea monster is usually in the case of ultra-low empty space within ten meters away, it is already in the radar search blind area, and the flight will not leave a track in the water, the enemy can not detect, so it has super Strong concealment and maneuver.

In other words, although the blood umbrella tissue is stronger than the tonic tissue, it is caught in a smoky, and the respective embarrassment of each other. If you are cutting the seventeen eight, it is necessary to slow down, then It takes time.

The tail tuning tissue is the darkness of the mutually repair plan, in fact, it has already been adjusted to the Garden of Eden! Formed a local great advantage.

Blood umbrellas should restore construction, organize people's hand repayment, not ten hours, it is impossible to slow.

However, this ten hours of time is poor, but it is enough to directly capture the Eden to the Thunder Wanhao, straight to Huanglong! What is even more, the Eden defense has been attacked by them, and the stubborn is over there.

This is like ancient defended city attack and defense. In the snow night that has not yet started, the city gate has been quietly controlled, and the flag is not in the city wall, but the party below has changed.

Then, if you don't move, it is a thunder!

When I heard Oimi, Fanglin Yan couldn't help but suck a cold, the behavior of the snake, only two words:


Not only that, but it is even more than four words in front, that is, the gallbladder!

In this way, I caught a chance and took all the families and you, even a desperate monster, even if Fanglin Rock didn't want to encounter.

However, Fang Lin Yan did not know that Marcus creating the situation in the past few years is really hard to force the snake, and the whole international situation is completely like a tail snake. It is just like a covered net, one Point a little bit of starting.

Not ill, even deliberately slow down.

That is the cruel killing of warm water, gentle and fatal strength.

The snakes were countered several times, but their counterattacks were like a fist who made out of the whole body. It was unstressed. In the end, I found that the other's nets were more contractively.

In this desperate situation, the snake suddenly found that this network was tearing a mouth, and not a trap, then what else, Soha! !

Because if you don't go, you will not give it a chance to get a bad ha.


Just when a man chatting in the sky, the light wheel has been manipulated with electric vehicles to bring them quietly to another entrance.

The style here is very different from the Eden's style, and it is spacious to amazing huge channel, height or even more than 20 meters.

The color of the outer wall of the channel is cast iron, and there is a lot of strange texture raised, and it is still very regular. It feels that people seem to be in the body of the huge behemoth, raised. Texture is the dry bones below.

Not only that, the air here is cold and dry, and when the breathing, the nose will take out a burst of white mist.

The ground in front is also very quite, like there are countless hollow nuts inlaid, but the ground is actually very smooth.

When the electric car came here, he stopped here, it was obviously not to open.

The gluten is very simply popped up on the two-person retina: the position pointing to the depth of this channel.

Vulture can't finish:

"What is this place?"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"This is very different from the architectural style, it is obviously the perfusion room, the hidden wave of the eagle party, most of the Energee can enter the place where the energy block is performed."

The vulture is around four weeks:

"Say, is this the industrial style in the eye of the mechanical intelligence? It is a bit big in the aesthetic difference between our humans."

The light wheel occurs on the retina at this time:

"The artificial intelligence system Kakitate here is not connected to Nogan's system, both parties will only perform data interaction in the warehouse, two months, and then actively disconnect."


"So you are also helpless on this manual intelligence system?"

Bright wheel:

"It's not, Kuotan is not my opponent, just I need time."

Fanglin Rock is curious:

"how long it takes."

Bright wheel:

"The current estimate is 712 earth hours."

Fang Lin Yan shrugged:

"It's almost a month, this is a good time."

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