The First Evolution

Chapter 163 shows the poor

The human adaptability is very strong. After Fanglin Rock just jumped, it must feel uncomfortable, it is a dung pit, but after a communication with the earthquake, I will forget these things immediately, and the heart is full of life and death.

At this time, Ruberts have buddled the earthquake, and Fanglin Rock is tightly pressed the other arm of the earthquake, plus it in such an extreme environment, and the earthquake wants to do it. A counter-attack is a doubling energy, and both parties are completely piloted.

What is even more, whether it is Ruberts or every attack of Fanglin Rock, it will weaken the earthquake 32 energy value!

In this case, it is certainly not the energy value of the earthquake, but the fatal flaw of the glutinite:

There is a problem with the roast kernel. In this high-frequency operation, the damaged hidden danger will explode!

The battle in the chemical dosage continues for almost two minutes.

The earthquake felt an abnormality in such a close battle, and he raised his hand and was greatly restricted, and the induction of the outside world was suppressed to the ultimate in this environment similar to the sludge.

Not only that, at this time, I found that my energy value was consumed at an amazing speed, which of course is the consequence of feedback in response to the effectiveness.

Therefore, the earthquake feels that the huge threat of Fanglin Rock, if it is so worried, I am afraid it is not a good sign.

After all, the enemy he has to face can not just be such a, and before, it has already rushed in the tonic tonic tissue, and it is impact to face the powerful endless warrior .......

This moment, he launched a spare engine in the body and directly entered the dual engine!

In this case, the energy consumption of itself is also an amazing point, but it also allows him to inspire his strongest ability, and the arms are put below.

When the high-frequency earthquake plot, the impact rose to the lower part, although the impact arm after the earthquake deformation did not come into contact with the ground, but also caused an amazing oscillating, and finally high frequency earthquake wave hit in the bottom of the pool!

The entire mass laboratory has a top six layers. The giant dough pool actually only occupies a layer of negative four floors. The fifth layer is the treatment plant, which is responsible for collecting its own organic matter collected. After processing, it is a fertilizer or a biogas.

As a result, the earthquake was so, the bottom of the thickened giant stained pool suddenly had a dense magne crack, and then broke a big hole! Don't tell, the viscous mixture inside is immediately awkward.

The earthquake is really a lot of money. He itself is close to the bottom of the pool. After this destruction, it is immediately rushing out, Fang Lin Yan and Rubeth are also only feeling that the sky is turning, not from independent. Separate.

When the things in the giant stain pool, almost all of them were leaked in the fifth floor of the underground, and the turbid dirt went toward four sides, and the earthquake was successfully accepted, such as the release of the negative.

When he saw the things that were not far from Fanglin Rock and Rubs, the electronic eyes were suddenly fierce, trying to use shoulder anti-particle attacks, but found that this is already corrupt, It is straightforward to the past.

However, the two of the goats and vultures have come to support. But even if the earthquake is already in the end of the strong, the two are very difficult in front of them.

Mainly, after the earthquake has opened the standby engine, you can make an seismic wave at any time, causing the vultures that are not allowed to instably unstable, stand can't, how to fight, how do you play?

After a long time, the goat is flying, and the big mouth is vomiting, although the vulture is running fast, but it has also been interrupted a arm, the face is pale, hiding in the wall, but it will breathe.

After the two people who have been chaos, the earthquake directly turned to look at Fanglin Ran, and then got on one step.

But he just got out of two steps, suddenly revealing the appearance of the expression, could not help but half of the autonomy, from the mouth and the ear, there was a burst of black smog.

The color of the pain is revealed on the earthquake face, and the hand is tightly covered with his own chest, but the position of the cover is actually ejected, and the silk is very horrible.

Obviously, the passenger is not lying, the core of the earthquake is indeed a trauma in the previous battle. Now, once it enters the fierce battle, the dark injury has exploded directly, so it seems particularly dangerous.

"Mix .... Bastard! What have you done to me!" The trembling of the earthquake angry.

However, when he spoke, the roasting of the rusty parasite / gluten, but it was slowly close to the back of the earthquake, and finally, he fell to his back neck position. .

When the passenger is close to the earthquake, this guy is still half a place, it looks to the hidden dangers in the body, but when the paste falls on the earthquake neck, the earthquake is slightly like a slight shock, it seems to be.

At this time, Fanglin Rock was also slowed away. Although he didn't know what the light is going to do, it is very clear that once the earthquake recovers, I am afraid that they are fierce, so I took out the previous tonic tissue. The electromagnetic rifle allocated, and it took directly to a shuttle.

After the earthquake was twisted, he immediately avoided the past, hiding into the column next to it, and the result was such a fight by Fanglin Rock, he should forget the turn of the ceramic to the neck.

The earthquake is a mechanical metal life. His body construction is significantly different from humans, more similar to the automotive, the aircraft, so its body surface will appear for the convenience of the active pitting gap.

This situation is similar to the car door and the engine cover, and the edge and the body have a first-line gap. Of course, the process technology content of the earthquake body is definitely much higher than humans, but it will not be able to do so seamlessly, and will always leave such a trace.

The ontology of the glutunte is just like the seismic neck, and the sketch of the shoulder joint, and then open the mouthpiece of the bug, there is a long thorn that is similar to the mosquito vampire needle.

At this time, although Fanglin Yan does not know what the paste is doing, but in order to match the small action of the glone, it is also trying to disturb the attention of the earthquake, and the position of the light wheel is in the position of the electromagnetic rifle.

Not only that, he is even more embers of Olympics, and from time to time, it will come to a flash bomb. Although there is no substantial damage, but also get the glory, this family is annoying, roaring.

Suddenly, the body of the glutinous wheel ------ The rusty parasites were trembled, and it began to shine out some red light. If it is close to the future, it can be seen, and the original organs have disappeared directly. Instead, it is a half-transparent red liquid similar to the blood.

In this liquid, it is possible to see a large number of 0 and 1 numbers in the non-stop birth, and there is no death! !

It is also a pink ray of energy blocks, which is obviously a temporary shield.

Then, this half-transparent red liquid is directly along the mouth of the rustless parasite, sliding into the neck gap of the earthquake, and this moment, the earthquake is at all about Lin Yan's harassment.

At that drop of liquid breakthrough in the body defense system, when the cable is immersed in its body, the earthquake suddenly felt a confracted panic, a life in the next second, it is a big horror!

He turned his hand and slapted his neck, and he was a crisp!

The earthquake is so powerful, even his metal armor has a clear depression. The quiet and rusty parasites are also like a bloody mosquito, which is directly formed into a drum sauce. No, it is directly filled with metal broken!

However, this slap did not have any ovary, because this rust-rust parasite has completed its mission, at this time, it has only one empty shell.

The most interesting thing is that I originally dominated the rusty parasite action, I didn't know how to enter the body of the earthquake! ! !

At this time, the earthquake in the earthquake is a strong sense of hardship, as if the next second is to latenate,

But the most striped is that his body is very honest and actually feeling cool! From the neck to the head, the strange feeling seems to have a ice line is spreading, the key is that the ice created by the ice line is very comfortable!


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