There is a sentence called pain and happiness. At this time, the earthquake is this situation. He doesn't know where his fears come. If you don't know how to be born on the trunk, this strong contrast makes him almost I caught my mad, and fiercely hit my head.

At this time, I witnessed this scene, and the three people of Fanglin were also testive. At this time, after the earthquake was already in the heart, he was intended to hit his head.

But now there is a very important issue, that is, the light wheel seems to be noticeable, directly drilling into the earthquake in the earthquake head, and now I will pick up the earthquake, will it cause damage to the light wheel?

After all, the two sides fight for so long, still have a little feeling, but more critical is that Fanglin Rock also expects the debris drops of the steel fire source in its body! So I didn't dare to act for a while.

Suddenly, the earthquakes started to hold their heads and dramatically, and they sent a horrible shout:

"You ... who are you !!"

"Hurry up from my body."

"Devil !! I curse your soul is always full of rushes, I curse your oil will quickly solidify ....... Ah, ah!"

"I ....... Will not yield !!!"

When shouting, the earthquake began to use the head and hit the wall, and fell everywhere, it took a while, and the sound began to gradually down, and finally finally quiet, like a pile of scraps like a lot of scraps.

At this time, the people of the tonic thallie have come again to support, and the three kinds of deformable Jeep, and the lead is still their acquaintance, Kiki and black Muba.

Konico was the captain of the first actor, but since this time, the "Thanksgiving Day Purchase" action is upgraded, it has become a comprehensive offensive of the Snake Tissue Direct Saha, and the power in Kie is naturally shrinking.

Muba as a positive conflict with Fanglin Rock, and also suffered a big loss victim, of course, Fang Linyan and others, the eyes were quite unbearable, unfortunately, ignored the hostility and did not have any ovulation.

Because Kiri's opponent Lin Yan is very impressive, because if they don't have the retroceries called Yarwen, it is likely to stop the action of the Eden.

Therefore, Kiri directly transforms the jeep into machine armor, and manipulate it directly.

Then, Konico pays a price for his own strains. He found that his olfactory official suffered from hitting!

"Hey! God, this damn place is the demon toilet !!"

"It's really nausea, wait, I will open the air purification system and say it !!"

After a few minutes, Kuri returned the narration:

"Wrench, what happened here, there is news from the headquarters, saying that there is a whole three ends, there is a loss here, not only that, the two black knight machines they send them are also . "

Fang Lin Yan sighed a mouthful:

"Behind the tissue of blood color umbrella, the same alien metal life is supported in technology, do you know?"


"of course."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"We have encountered the guy here, and its name is a earthquake, claiming to be a life from the outside planet, regarding our humans as a low or other creature, and the end of your losses, the black knight armor is killed by it. "

Kiki's voice suddenly looked up:

"You said, the guy called the earthquake actually killed us so many people with your own strength?"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Yes, yes."

Mubaba's yin and yang strangely added a way:

"So our people are dead, you are still alive?"

Fanglin Rock said softly:

"One of our brothers is also seriously injured, now in emergency, life and death."

Then he talk to Konico:

"When we arrived, I first saw the earthquake of human forms and a fight against one, and the end of the end of the disadvantage, then we went to help, and the end of the end of the way. "

"In this case, we were very hard, and only the battle and the backpapers were only barely supported."

"The result is a few minutes, the end of the left, took two aids, and clamped the earthquake, because their main battlefield is the third floor and four floors, and we are not very clear about the above battle. "

"I only know that the final result is that there is a final result in the third floor, and then when the earthquake is about to leave, the other end is brushing, hugging him directly."

Rooney listened to Fanglin Rock, there did not be a response after more than ten seconds, and it took a while.

"I just contacted still in active M2 artificial intelligence. It is the manipulator of the M2 of the end, and what you said is substantially consistent with the facts, over."

When Köni said this sentence, it is also a video, then uploaded to the headquarters, so it is more formal. I heard the boss has gone to this matter, Muba snorted, but I didn't dare to talk more.

Different from Muba, Kuri's opponent Lin Yan has a good sense, and then said:

"Then the two black knight battles sent back?"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"The earthquake survived in self-explosion, and entered the regular combat state, he used the shoulder anti-particle guns very powerful, and the two kinds of the two can be deformable."

"Right, since the artificial intelligence of M2 is still surprised, is the driver is okay?"

Kiri broke out later:

"According to the transmitted data, he has lost his vital signs."

But at this time, Konic's headset came to a good news, but the search and rescue team brought:

"Hey, the head, we found the driver of the black knight armor K6 in the ruins, he was still alive, but the status did not seem to be wonderful, I suspect that there was a bleeding, he needs first aid!"

"We didn't configure emergency life-saving medical equipment, request support, repeat, request support!"

Hearing this news, Konico is also a vibration of the spirit:

"Very good, my machine has a medical device! I will catch it immediately."

After Koti said, he immediately manipulated the machine to rush to the entrance. At this time, Muba has also manipulated the Black Knightman Jumping. He also noticed the earthquake in the distance. Contempted:

"Do you say this idiots? It doesn't look good?"

Vulture is immediately:

"That's because we try to make it uniform, and now it is still difficult to say, feed! Black ghost, if I am you, then it will never rely on it."

It turned out that Muba had already controlled the black knight. The earthquake has been aligned. This guy obviously believes that Fanglin Rock is exaggerated, and the danger of magnifying the earthquake is highlighted.

Plus earthquakes seem to be dirty and broken at this time, and the body is still small, and it is no wonder that Muba is lightweight.

At this time, Kuri is closely concerned about the situation on the side, so there is no attention to Muba's behavior.

However, it is clear that Fanglin Yan has a counter-effect, Muba turned over and looked at it, and the demonstration also raised the general size of the armor's grinding disk, ridiculous:

"Gall, I don't let you be so embarrassed, I think what you said is what the dog is actually a child toy!"

Then he moved directly before, Fang Lin Ran was to stop before, but the vulture suddenly pulled him:

"Head, don't go! I always feel that there is something wrong, it seems that it will be very disaster in the past."

The perception of vultures is very high, so there is dangerous sensing is not very unsteady. When you hear the vulture, Fang Linyan is also a move:

"Is it true that the worry before Omi is really inspected?"

So he didn't say much, and looked at Muba's controller. The guy was arrogant, but the guy was arrogant, but it actually wanted a shuttle, it was similar to the act of giving the body. ?

Then I found out that there was nothing to move, I rely on it, I posted out the robot, and I got the neck of the earthquake.

At this time, the earthquake looks like the dead. After being raised, the hands of the hands are soft, but also the people who are harmless. After seeing this scene, Muba is even returning to laugh. :

"Will this? What do you say is that this stuff killed us so many brothers?"

Fang Lin Yan is very calm:

"We have just thought about the law to force it to the road, and then launched an attack, hitting its core, but I want to warn you, it is still still quite dangerous."

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