"Danger?" Muba looked up by himself, as if a dead snake earthquake, haha ​​laughed.

"Do you say this is very dangerous?"

Fang Lin Ran is going to talk, suddenly, his heart has flocked a horror feeling of being stared at the snake. I only felt that the head is numb, and the next consciousness flashed to the back of the side.

It immediately saw that the same earthquake arms actually fall off directly.

To know, its arms are originally extraordinarily, and even reformed to make the picture of the pile driver. After a fall off, it immediately exposes a large number of mesh fibers similar to the wires like the wires.

This fiber shows silver white, when it looks like a wire, but looks carefully, it is more like a full plant root must be soothless, but also stitched together, creeping into tentacles. The presence!

Then, the upper right mesh end of the earthquake lifted themselves, and then spread directly, and directly drilled into Muba's machine! !

Suddenly, Muba has grown his eyes, because he found all the instrument panels in front of him unincolve, the pointer began to rotate, not only this, the screen is even more pop-up, "Warning", "failing", etc.

Previous Muba sat inside the cockpit, I only thought that this machine has given my powerful power, and the whole world must squat under his fist.

And now, he deeply thinks this stuff is a coffin, steel created by steel! !

"Ah, ah! What is going on, how can this?"

Muba crazy beat the dashboard and manipulated rods in front of it, but there is no ovulation.

Then, he saw that there were several white tentacles that were very delicate, just like a root of the tiger, but still caught in the roots of the tiger.

"This, what is this ghost?" Muba began to crazy.

He pulled out the dagger inside the boot, but he cut it directly, but the white tentacke is very easy to avoid it, not only this, this looks very delicate and weak, it is nothing to shake, no action I actually wore Muba's palm.

Suddenly, a painful pain came from Muba's palm, and he immediately screamed, but this guy is still a well-trained, and the name is tangled as white. The tentacle cuts again.

This white tense looks completely can't stand the crude cutting of the blade, and immediately should be broken, but Muba immediately regrets why you have to do this.

Because the white tentacles have been cut, the source of its source is directly retracted, but the part of the Muba body is not directly dead or stopped moving, but causing the body toward Muba. Into in it! !

For a man, it is a very painful thing to enter into the body, let alone this thing will be moved, keep going into the inside. That really seems to be a nightmare!

Muba has issued a scream, and the hardship is pinned, but it doesn't seem to have any effect. He felt that the kind of fire felt quickly quickly spread the venous blood vessels in the back.

If it is in this speed, it will not take a minute, the broken white tentacle will enter the heart directly! In this case, Muba is really a little down, and the forearm is tied.

Suddenly, blood flow is asked, Muba screamed, one side cut a mouthful of mouth, spending the boss, only in the flesh and blood blurred wounds, the broken white broken tentacle Out of, it is finally as he negative.

However, after the next second, he just got a breath, he saw that the glass of the cockpit was "" appeared, and then slapted, a lot of fragments came in, and Zaibia head Full face is.

When he was screaming, a big group of white tentacles had been twisted together slowly.

That is like a python, but it is a tentacle.

Muba is hard to recover a little vision, just see this big tentacle suddenly start, just like chrysanthemums instantly completed the process from flowers to the flowers, then dysk, directly wrapped Muza. Delicate white handle.

Muba only came and struggled, and they were twitied directly, and then he heard the fashionable sound in the touch.

Just after a few seconds, the armor who grabbed the earthquake was shaken, and then she collapsed down, quit and five cracked.

Then, it was originally like a completely dead earthquake standing on the ground, and then shaking his neck, the neck made a strange "" sound.

Not only that, but his eyes actually appeared in a blue light. With a lot of white tense, the blue eyes have a lot of blood in the eyes of the blue eyes.

Then, the earthquake turned to the three people who were not far away, and there was a wonderful blue light in the eyes, and he used a soft and soothing voice:

"Don't be nervous, I am a glutinous wheel, I use my own special ability to occupy the earthquake body."

"Thank you, my friend, no help, I will never get this opportunity."

"Come over, I will give you my heartfelt thanks!"

Fanglin Rock slowly stood up from the back of the post, staring at the earthquake, sighed a little slightly:

"If you want to thank you, let me tell me where you put the steel fire sources."

The earthquake is very simply:

"Yes, but you have to be close, that place is actually a secret. If you say too much, you will be unheard by those stupid humans."

"My collection point is not only the steel fire sources, and there is something else to be very tight. I believe that others."

Fang Lin Yan slowly said:

"You can send me a message, just like it, I won't take the initiative, because I feel a strong malvice in your body."

When I said, Fang Lin Yan suddenly doned, and then said five words:

"Mr. Pimas ...". "

The earthquake is moon laughter:

"Oh, how can I have malicious to you? We will fight side by side to now! It is you rescued me from the cold dark warehouse. It is the opportunity to revenge with me!"

"If I have malicious words to you, when entering the Garden of Eden, I only need to stand by side, don't suppress the other party's signal, you are already dead."

"Also, are you making a mistake, I am a glutinous wheel, how can I call me Pamas? Pusas is dead!"

Fang Lin Yan slowly said:

"No, the real glutinous wheel is dead, you are PMs! It is my initial time to judge the mistake, and you will be wrong, directly use this!"

"In fact, now I recall, you have never said that you are a gluten, when I am awaken you, you have a clear discomfort to me, you called your light."

"At that time, Omi felt that you were somewhat unreliable, warned me to prevent you, her reason is very simple, because they have also contacted a digital life, but compared with the digital life, you are really much powerful than it. too much!"

The earthquake is slow, but it doesn't talk, and the air is full of uncomfortable silence.

Fanglin Yan sighed:

"However, I am in the end, I am also skeptical, even if you see the energy block, you have already displayed the power of similar gravitation, and these energy blocks directly gathered together."

"But until we wanted to give up with earthquake fighting, you were forced to have no choice but finally showed the horse feet!"

I heard the sentence of Fanglin Rock, the earthquake finally issued a sigh:

"I knew it......."

Fanglin Ran's road:

"If we left, the earthquake is nothing more than two layt, one is successful escape, one is to be flooded directly by the resiling snake organization."

"No matter which result, you will lead to your body with the body of the earthquake. Therefore, if you are helpless, you can only open the card, tell us that you have a way, or slowly live the earthquake, the key is that you really did it. at this point!"

"But I can see it very clearly. Your bondage and usual constraints are different. There is no energy rope, there is no sign, let the earthquake is suppressed in the original place, it is exhausted It is still invalid, it can be seen, the intangible force limiting it is actually coming from a place !! "

"So, this is not a constraint, this is the air emerged and has been vigorously increased !! This ability is you, the legendary skills of Pusas !!"

"Not only this, you can promise at least four seconds before, I chose to believe you, but in fact it is only controlled for three seconds, I can't restore freedom, I have been very wolf."

"This matter is what you deliberate, the purpose is because the situation is somewhat unfavorable to the earthquake, so I want to see the scene of the two defeat!"

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