This is what Pomas is not right, and it is timely use of gravitationalism to change the direction of flight.

Fortunately, after all, he didn't evolve the ability to take the two use. After the investigation, the opponent Lei Shi was involved. Fanglin Yan was re-acquired, rolling the rolling and crawling, and the result was also the edge of the burner. Burning gray face.

At this time, PMs once again showed the gravitational involvement, and suddenly pressed Fanglin Rock tightly on the broken wall next to it!

This time PMus used the whole power. Fang Lin Ran only felt that it was pressed by an invisible giant, and even a little finger could not move, even the breathing is difficult.

At this time, Fanglin Rock finally also enjoyed the treatment of the previous earthquake being fully suppressed.

Next, the eyes of PMs were shining with a strange light, giving a step by step by step, very clearly, obviously he changed his ideas:

Since you can't get you? Then I took the initiative to go up!

Then, when he was ten meters from Fanglin Rock, Pamas stopped, because he knew that Fanglin Ryna surrounded the multi-end, determined to solve this scourge for all.

So, it reached out the left side of the hand arm, and the virtual is put to Fanglinyan!

It can be seen that a large number of white and translucent tentacles don't dance, you can see the cutting edge of each fine tentacle, starting to condense a little light blue!

There is a saying that there are countless ordinary gathering together, it will become great!

After a large amount of light blue , finally, finally gathered together, and then creating a dark blue light, and the chest of Fanglin Rock is likely to launch the past. .

This moment, Fanglin Rock only felt that the sweat on his back is inverted! !

Although he did not see such a light, he didn't know how power, but the genes are deep, the source of the instinct, which is already warned that this light represents destruction, representing the smoke of life.

Fortunately, when Fanglin Rock is ready, when Pamas starts to wavers, they have begun to pick up their strength. When the other party has just moved, immediately uses Athena gives the second-order antique, wakes up:

" ......."


Fanglin Rock is very clear that the amount of his temple is also a second-order skill. If he does not self-power, it will show a god, and there is a hand, and it will be sealed.

So very obvious, the best situation is invalid, not good, there is anti-anti-anti-anti-.

Therefore, in fact, this time the target is targeted, but the semi-engineering steel in the ruins of the sip is, and some concrete is still wrapped.

What is the adults of Athena now is also a weakness of the gods, so it is easy to raise a scrap steel that is less than half a feet, about a few kilograms.

So this scrapped steel flew into the front of Fanglin Rock, just on the route of the dark blue radiant.

As a result, after the two, he only listened to the "", this waste of steel is directly flying, and there is still a good smoke in the section, it is good in this light blue. Ray is also one of them.

So, a black shadow blockped in front of this dark blue light in front of this dark blue light, this is the spontaneous behavior of this black shadow, and Euclin Rock is not expected.

The black shadow that fade is is the Rushes, which is loyal to the opponent.

However, Rubs' s household guards, but did not play, if any, then, for Fanglin Ran, more than a second time.

Just in an instant, it was run through this dark blue light, from forehead to the tail,

Then, in the center of the accomplished position, there is a layer of light blue as if the ice is spread on its full body, and finally Ruberts will make a respect within a few seconds in just a few seconds. It seems like ice sculpture, then slashes a smash!

The air is also a faint fog!

It's fierce, I don't know the powerful beast of fear and pain, directization as if there is a light blue ice dust, dissipated in this dark deep underground space.

The dark blue light is just awkward, and the top is only delayed for half a second, and then retracts Fang Lin Ying.

And Fanglin Rock's battle record is a picture of the following information:

"Your summoner: Ruberts are hit by Yang Electronics High-energy ray! The resistance check will be conducted, and if the resistance verification is not passed, then it will be directly decomposed."

"In the implementation of resistance test ......."

"Unfortunately, your summoner: Rubers failed to control the resistance of Yang Electronics high-energy ray."

"Your summoner: Rubers suffered from 24188 hurt."

"Your summoner: Rubs died !!"

Looking at this information, Fanglin Yan took a breath. At this time, he has no time to be sad or sad, is imminent, it is necessary to put the current crisis to the past!

At this time, Fanglin Rock can affirm that Ruberts are all imposed, then they must not be in the past! So, it's time to use the card.

When I said that I came later, I came to Fanglin Rock at that time. When I was behind Fanglin Rock, I was behind the column next to Fanglin Rock, and a red shadow flew over, and I once stopped in front of him.

This black shadow is not something else, and it is another pet from Fanglin Rock: Austrian embers.

At this time, the body surface burned the flame of the flame, directly on the Yang Electronics High Energy Radi!

This is the bottom card of Fanglin Yanyi. He lets the embers of Olympit hide behind the ruins of the three meters, perfectly avoiding the sight of PMs.

When the Austrian embers entered the battle of the battlefoot, it was still in the first form, it issued a fire feathers, actually knocked out the seismic human body 722 hurt, and then returned to the crow Morphology.

At that time, it was more than ten minutes from now, and it was able to enter the battle.

When PMS began to start the cast, Fanglin Rock gave the embers in the battle to fight in the battle, turned into a flamingo, rush to the Savior! !

Yang Electronics High-Energy Radi is once again cruel, but this time, the two sides look into the state, the scene can be said to be extraordinarily good, just like a blue ice wire sprayed to a flame. .

Don't let me say, Fang Lin Yan has died in his hand, kneading the backcound reel, and paying attention to the continuous population record:

"Your summoner: Otte embers are hit by Yang Electronics high-energy ray! If the resistance is not passed, then it will be directly decomposed."

"In the implementation of resistance test ......."

"Unfortunately, your summoner: Otte fails to be related to Yang Electronics High-Energy Radiation Reactivity."

Seeing this, Fanglin Rock's hand is a shake, almost no first time will be used back to the city.

However, the news that popped up, but let him grow up:

"Your summoner: Otte embers have suffered 31128 hurt."

"Your summoner: Austrian buffer passive ability, absolute health is launched, judge !!"

"Passive ability, absolute life value is successful, your summons: Otte embers are deducted from 1 no life."


With the appearance of this prompt, the Austrian embersqueehed the body, but the full absorption of Yang Electronics high-energy rays, and then slammed the wings directly to Pumas.

At this time, PMs should be involved in maintaining gravitation, just playing a big trick, completely in a stiff condition, actually can only look at the awkward embershots and the red flame wings to fly over!

Fanglin Rock is relieved and the long-term lame is:

"I finally gambling it!"

Then, in his eyes, he exposed a light:

"I have made my best to crush it out, next ... I will see you!"

At this time, the embers of Ao faced Papas that could not be moved, but also a special flight of about two or so, this is to choose a more convenient perspective, then very simply spray a flame, this is also it Skills: flames.

The enemy of the middle will be forced to push 2-5 meters behind the rear. If you encounter obstacles in the process of being pushed, it will be coma 4 seconds!

Pamas has been avoided, and the wolf is incomparably flipped under the role of flames, and then the body will not help you with your own, hit the back of the big stone behind the rear.

Whether it is Pushes's present, it is still a parasitic earthquake, it is not like a column brother, a red spider, noisy ... this kind of skin thickness, a metal life role, So the next four seconds of dizziness is still not enough.


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