The First Evolution

Chapter 168 Huang Shigong

Although PMus at this time was in the entire five-layer position of the entire scientific laboratory, it was still seen in the sky because of the serious destruction of the above construction.

Of course, because the enemy's strong invasion, the Blue Sky Baiyun, the entire Eden's blue sky has been contaminated, and there are thick black smoke everywhere, it seems that it seems to be like the end of the day, only the corner of the blue sky.

But at this time, the corner of the blue sky actually started to quickly change the black, followed by, there seems to be a huge, strong, cold, ruthless thing in the sky, brewing.

Fanglin Rock in the distance once again looked at his hand back,

The sweat is also a root,

I don't know why, I'm also getting sword in four times, as if breathing must be gently, otherwise, it will bring unspeakable consequences.

Suddenly, the wind is in the middle of the air, and then it shines in turn, eight big characters:

Sun and moon, no fine,

Thunder is integrated! ! !

After these eight big characters shine, quickly hidden,

The thick clouds suddenly changed, actually formed a ruthless strange and eye-catching illusion, gotting to see it below, and finally fell on the body of Pamas.

After this eye, PMs suddenly stood up, the metal shell cracked, flowing out a lot of fresh red liquid,

He is crazy, pointing to the sky, pointing out a horrible snoring from the deep place!

However, this is nothing to use, followed by a huge lightning from the sky, in this moment, there is a bluntness between the world, then you can see, Pamas's body It is rapid evaporation in this huge electric light ....... demise! !

This is a rear hand prepared before Fanglin Rock and Omi.

Omi's personality is very cautious. It has been observed from the Eden to have a great hidden danger before entering the Garden, so she has been considering the measures to address, and has always communicated with Fanglin Rock.

The result of the last discussion of the two is that if the other party has an immediate, Fanglin Rock is responsible for creating opportunities as much as possible, forcing the bottom card of "light wheel".

And Omi is responsible for the decisive blow! !

Therefore, before the intention of Omi's deliberate excuse to take care of Messe, it immediately returned to a safe place, and all the conditions happened here will know her in the team channel.


So, after Fanglin Rock used Austrian embers, she took out a props, which is the disposable propan for her adventure in the previous world.

This item's quality reaches a dark gold level, his name is called:


It can only make long-term locking of the target before showing the story,

Not only that, but also allows the mP cap of the caster to be 10% permanently, and at least 50,000 universal points are required to activate.

Such a huge application price, is definitely a huge damage.

Of course, Omi's use of this item is also an amazing risk, so Fanglin Rock will be able to kill the drop of PMs, which is first selected. Anyway, for Fanglin Rock, it is full of satisfaction.

The terrible electric light continues for a whole three seconds, it looks like a lightning mad ax being deep into this giant laboratory, it will disappear after three seconds .....

And even after it disappeared, it was a light blue electric snake. This underground was full of dirty and filth. After the high temperature electric snake was baptized, it became dry, cleaned and warm, air There are also a faint fresh breath.

This is to describe the Torch: Thunder, you can have everything in the world, unclean, and contamination.

Since science, after the lightning is over, oxygen will generate ozone under its role, and micro ozone can stimulate the human brain.

Not only that, the positive and negative potential is separated, and the lighter positive potential is floating. The heavier negative potential is turned into the raindrops, so the number of negative subcons in the air increases, which can also bring a fresh feeling.

For the aboriginal people, it is not seen that the clouds are in the middle of the cloud, forming the eyes of fate, staring at the scene below, they can only see the sky, the huge lightning is broken and caught down.

Because of Muscus that is dedicated to Zeus also has the strength of the thunder, the people of the tonic tonic tissue also thought it was Moth Moth.


Although this electricity is extremely powerful, Fanglin Yan does not have a big idea, but directly controls the embers of Austria.

Because he has not prompted, he said that he has completed the mission, the earthquake died!

Among the view of the embers of Austria, you can see more than a huge pothole, the edge of the pothole, showing the melting mode of glass! It can be seen that the temperature at that time is high.

However, it can be seen that the bottom of the pothole has a flat metal block, twisted melts, it should be part of the wreckage of the earthquake.

At this time, the embers of O'. has not too much MP value, and it is directly dropped, and it is necessary to fan the wings to attack the wreck.

However, in this moment, the wreckage from the earthquake fierce a slight micro-red water droplets, and it looked with a few pieces of metal, actually passed through the burning flame of the Austrian embers. Its core.

Obviously, this thing is the body of PM, he found that his body's earthquake is already in a half-waste, even if it can resist a few, there is no way to stick to it.

After all, Fanglin Yan appreciates the backhand, so it is determined to seek for life, and once again, it will show this trick.

Don't forget, Austrian embers are also metal creatures. It is only necessary to fly directly after successful, and use the shadow shuttle ability under ordinary forms, there is a very big probability to escape birth!

Fanglin Rock also gained a prompt:

"Your summoner: Austrian embers have suffered from the attack of the Digital Life Pumas!"

"Your summoner: Austrian embers have been skill: the impact of parasitic occupation, once the skills are successful, then its control will be taken away."

When I saw this tip, Fanglin Rock was relieved. He was very clear in his heart.

It is from your own skills: Class B professional ability: war mechanical manipulator LV3, and this skill is the Noah space gives yourself.

Pusas is not a contractor, his behavior is equivalent to challenging the power of the space with a part of it! This is obviously in the ovary!

And it is not a bird's egg, but the human male egg .......

So the end of the last, definitely failed!

Sure enough, after two seconds, the strange slightly red water droplets started smoke, the smog formed a scorless face, and the air did not describe the irritable blasphemy:

"I don't accept it, I am not willing !!"

"Why? Why do you want to be like this, I should be the dominance of Saiban, I should be the universe ....... King !!"

In the last second of the shout, the micro-red water droplets were completely evaporated, and all the people in the team got a prompt:

Digital life / hidden BOSS / mutual life / UNI virus infection / PMus died!

Everyone gets the title: the mysterious contact of the universe.

You have obtained props: Soul stone in Pimas.

After getting this series of tips, a key that shines on the dark golden rays appeared in the position of PMs, and slowly landed.

At this time, Omi was also appeared, she jumped down from above, and he said:

"Don't rush to get the key, the earthquake is not dead !!"

When I heard her, Fang Lin Yan suddenly said in his heart, and immediately saw the bottom of the pit.

I found that, as I said, the earthquake below began to struggle to get it, although it's like it is very embarrassing, but actually crawling!

Even if the lower body is half a cold, it is still very bad. It is still very stronger, and there is still a long black trace on the ground that climbs, and I don't know if it is a motor oil.

That kind of tenacious vitality can be said to be comparable.

At this time, the distance between the engine is faint, and Fanglin Rock and Omi are looking at it, knowing to hurry.

Obviously, for the tonic tissue, to maximize the interests, it is definitely the life of the earthquake, and the knowledge in his mind is worth the city.

For the words of Fanglin Rock, if you can't kill the earthquake, then this time you can say that it is a complete failure. Although both parties are still a friend, but in front of huge benefits, there will be no compromise.


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