The First Evolution

Chapter 184 Connecting

Fanglin Yan listened to the future, Tang Lao Duck business, the mind, grabbed himself, and actually realized the cause of the cause.

However, the blessings of the blessings, the Tang Boss used Fanglin Rock to make a lot of money, but I didn't know that I have been eyeped by the people of Anmorea.

Fang Lin Yan later became a contractor, and then he was protected by spatial strength in his native world, so Amorea's people were influenced by mysterious power, and it was a few times in a row.

If you listen to the sand fish, Fanglin Rock has, and the sand fish is attentive:

"Would you like me to tell the boss? His half an hour is over."

Fang Linyan shakes his head:

"That is not, I am here to ask someone who wants to inquire, he is also a car."

Sandfish immediately:

"This is easy, we have a small circle, as long as it is done in this case, it will definitely give him."

Fang Lin Yan said:

"Remember Jiang Qiang? The child is not high, I like to wear blue denim clothes, it seems to be the class at the river tire."

The sand fish eye bead turned turned, and immediately struck the other one next to:

"Hey and feed, garlic, you are also going to class in Lisi tires, know Jiang Qiang? It is also a car."

Garlic is immediately:

"I know!"

Fanglin Rock immediately:

"Is there any contact information?"


"Wait, I asked, I saw him online when I opened five people in black yesterday."

Soon, the garlic took a contact information to Fanglin Ran, Fang Linyan lost two packs of smoke, one pack to the garlic: Sand fish:

"Thank, I will go first."

Garlic smiled and opened, thank you, one hundred packs of smoke, he usually really soraced.

However, the sand fish has seen Fanglin Rock turned and hurriedly said:

"Fang Ge! Doesn't wait for the boss? He seems to find you something, I am looking for us to ask questions, say that your mobile phone number is invalid."

Fang Lin Yan stunned:

"I have something to find? I have an urgent matter now, so I left the current number to give it to you, let the boss will give me later."

Sand fish listened to immediately:

"Okay, you are busy."

After walking through the corner, Fang Lin Ran wants to think, directly allocated to Jiang Qiang, soon, it is connected there, and the sound is very hoarse:

"Hey? Which?"

Fang Linyan has long figured out the words:

"I am Fanglin Rock, Well, they usually take me called wrenches, wait, don't hang up, I ....... I seem to be evil! And some people say it seems to be related to you."

"I tell you, I am fucking, the next turn is you! We have to see it."

Obviously, the second sentence of Fanglin Rock has played strong persuasiveness, or it is a killing. It is always full of rivers and rivers, and then some are not willing to say:

"Well, where do you say?"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Do you know this?"

Jiang Qiang said:


Fanglin Rock Road:

"There is McDonald's on the second floor there, now I have to stay in the place where people will stay in the place."

The Jiangqiang, who came over there, did not speak, but breathing is more urgent, obviously the second sentence of Fanglin Rock said in his heart.

Fanglin Rock said softly:

"So, I saw it for a while, if you want to die unknown after a week, then you can't come, I just wait for you to wait two points."

Jiang Qiang said:

"it is good."


Half an hour later,

Fang Linyan saw Jiang Qiang in Starbucks, and suddenly took a surprise. He turned out that his hair was messy. He was full of blood, and the whole person could only describe it.

Not only that, but also a crazy scattered, strangers will feel that there is a problem with this person.

Jiang Qiang quickly saw him.

Just Jiang Qiang after seeing Fanglin Rock's face, suddenly pupil contraction, the whole person is instinctive, as if seeing what the flood is like, it seems to have the impulse that will be turned to escape immediately.

But after reading a few eyes, he still got slowly.


Fang Lin Yan looked at Jiangqiang, which was in the middle of the remember, did not know what to say in a moment, and finally refer to the drink in front:

"This cup is given to you, please feel free."

Jiang Qiang is also not polite, and the cola in front of the cola is drunk, it should be, take a drink and then calm the mood, and open the door to see the mountain:

"What do you come to find?"

Fanglin Yan took out a statue of Guanyin on the neck. Although this stuff was only buys on the road, but he did not hinder him through this stony:

"What can I have! I'm hurting the evil into the ghost !!"

Jiang Qiang trembled, muttered:

"Sure enough ... Sure enough ... Do you know the bottom of the thing?"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"I know some, the Master is a ghost, and I am exactly the same as me, and I am old and evil! It is what you hit him. You should know that the supermarket is in a car accident?"

Jiang Qiang nodded:

"Of course, I know! I have died two hurts eight!"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"The ghost is looking for a substitute, and after I got my body, I almost got to give it, but the dead people are not enough!"

"Loss, I have a uncle to do things in Bailong, Thailand, help me please have a gossip, and I will ask me to wear an evil Guanyin, saying that I have to stay in the temple for three years, if Guanyin within three years Nothing, then this caudn has passed. "

"The result is the day before yesterday, I invited this Guanyin to crack!"

Speaking here, Fanglin Yan looked at Jiang Qiang solemnly:

"When he got my body, I didn't know anything. Therefore, you have to take the situation you meet at the time of 151. If you miss the details. If you miss it, then If you can't do it, you will decide my life and death ....... "

Say that Fanglin Ran suddenly, with a warning tone:

"Of course, there is your life and death."

Jiang Qiang's lips were gone, and the fingers who grabbed the cola cup were also a white, Fanglin Rock pushed the cup in front of himself:

"I haven't drank it yet."

Jiang Qiang took a cup and drunk a big mouth. At this time:

"That night, I just went out to buy the smoke, and then hit you on your face."

"At that time, it is totally different from now, the temperament has a absolute change!"

Fang Linyan heart suddenly moved, immediately asked:

"What change?"

Jiang Qiang looked at Fanglin Rock carefully, and then very simply said:

"Specific feelings I can't say it, but it can be sure that it is very crazy, as if there is necessary words, I can even pull the world to die!"

"Only a madman and a person who regards everything will expose such a look, and the kind of eye is absolutely impossible to appear on normal people."

Fang Linqi listened to it, and nodded thoughtfully, then said:

"Then he look for you to walked? You gave him?"

Jiang Qiang squatted and shook his head:

"There is no, he just looked at me, I don't know why, I think this person is my king, my master, I can't define any of his orders!"

"However, he didn't talk, but I had a very wonderful feeling. He used money, so I directly gave him the money to him."

"Extremely high psychological implies ......." Fanglin Rock said whisper from the words.

Jiang Qiang did not understand the words of Lin Ran, puzzled:


Fang Lin Yan shakes his head and does not speak, because he feels that this is not necessary to tell Jiang Qiang.

Psychology suggests that this kind of thing is complicated, but life is all:

For example, on the paving in the alley, the door is half open, and there is a light red light shine. There are two big white legs in the door ... This is a typical psychological implied.

From the person passing (only standing with a pee only), almost all of this thick hint, you will not help but take the two eyes in the middle of the door ...

But listening to Jiang Qiang's words of the soul:

"Wait until you, wrong, it is he left, I have been stood in the place, five minutes, the strange feeling of the heart gradually dissipated, restored ration, I feel that I must be a medium Evil! "

"Then, I didn't sleep overnight. I took a pillow. I turned out the two eyes in my mind ..... The next day I heard that the supermarket was hit by the car, some people died very miserable ! "

"I will know, I must have an accident, big things. I will not sleep all night, my hair is desperate, I have to drink pick drunk or take medicine. I can barely squint ..."

Fang Lin Rock has already understood that Jiang Qiang's problem should still be a spiritual trauma, plus himself is not a person who can be opened .... So mostly a disease such as neurasthenia.

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