The First Evolution

Chapter 185 Message

In fact, I think about it. In this thing, Jiang Qiang is actually innocent. Fanglin Rock is not willing to ruin this person.

Therefore, Fang Linyan took a handbag directly from side, and installed 20,000 yuan in cash, then took the Buddha statue of the bought from the neck, and the river said:

"These 20,000 yuan and Buddha statues are giving you."

Jiang Qiang didn't look at the 20,000 yuan, but it was a touch of the 10 yuan to buy three Buddha statues:

"Really ... give me? No wonder you are so good, it is the Buddha card with Master Thailand."

Fanglin Rock Zhengqiao:

"Of course! This is the genuine brand of the Royal Jade Buddha Temple of Thai king, what is the wind and the like, hey, don't think I am lie to you! My TM is also for myself."

"Hello, look at the mirror, look at your ghosts, if you die in front of me, maybe it will be manipulated by the old ghost, give him a strength, you said that you said to me Full belly grievance? "

Jiang Qiang suddenly laughed:

"What can?"

Fanglinyi angry:

"Don't talk nonsense, you just say no, don't take it away."

Jiang Qiang immediately grabbed the Buddha card than anyone else, and then worn on his neck with an amazing speed, and immediately felt that his entire person was relaxed, and a big yawn.

"No, I can't live, I have to go back to sleep."

After saying that it is so somewhat, it will be left. The bag of contained money is Fang Linyan reminded him to give him.

In fact, Fanglin Rock is called placebo therapy, which is very common in medicine, and has a lack of patients with too heavy disease.

The most famous placebo experiment is the "February Experiment" made by scientists.

The experiment was conducted in February 1987. Scientists said to a group of impotence patients, this is the latest research and treatment, and eats an immediate effect. The result is actually 20% of people have eaten it. Medicated drugs.

And everyone is eaten, just packaging is actually in the capsule, is a placebo of flour ...

Looking at the back of Jiangqiang's departure, Fang Lin Yan frowned tightly:

"Very crazy eyes ...? This clue is still a bit used, but I still have no hair!"

"However, this guy can just conquer a person in an instant, which is obviously more than the will of smashing a person! This is simple to kill a person, let the casually, let a person who will follow you is a reason."

"And it has been so long, this is also brought to Jiang Qiang so long-standing mental suppression and mental pollution, and can only infer this guy should be very amazing in this area!"

"Is this person also a space warrior? Well, this skill skills that use the spirit of the bonus, I also saw it when I went around the market, as if there are many kinds."

"There is a skill book called temptation, I also learned, but the creature of enslaved is time limit. When it is, it will rebellion, it is basically a disposable product."

"There is also a skill book called Tame, it seems that this thing is quite expensive, but the tamed creatures are permanent follow, and there is loyalty, so I will slowly develop like a son .... "

After the mind, after so many thought, Fanglin Rock found that the phone started to vibrate. He picked up the phone, there was a voice of Ivrina:

"You, a good news and a bad news."

"The bad news is: The license of the license you are looking for is to die."

Fang Lin Yan frowed:

"Dreaming? Is there a specific message?"

Ivesen said:

"Yes, two and a half months died in a car accident. He is a perpetrator. When you speed up on the high speed road, then chase a big truck, die on the spot, even the taxi is directly scrapped, we basically can't find any The relevant traces of murder. "

Fang Linyan hesitated for a while:

"So good news?"

Ivesen said:

"The driver of MD-127A is found."

"Shu ..." Fang Lin Rock smashed a cold airway:

"Do you sure is the person I want? He is not dead?"

Ivesen said:


Fang Linyan shouted out a sigh of relief, two taxi drivers were injured, one of them was still unexpected.

This shows that although that person seems very fierce, it actually still has a certain principle. Otherwise, the driver who lives will have a high probability.

So he quickly said to Yvinna:

"Okay, give me related information."


Seeing this driver called Li Yuan, Fanglin Yan used two hours, mainly the poor traffic of Thai City gave people too much pressure.

This driver is about four years old, the skin is black, it seems to be honest, and it is very nervous. It should be that this is too sudden, or Ivesina is looking for people. Rough reason.

However, it is no difference between Li Yuan's spirit and physical condition and normal people who have problems with good health.

Fang Linyan looked around, and he said:

"I invite Mr. Li just to understand some information, is not arresting suspect, just talk about the sky, you all go."

The people around him nodded, they left directly. Fang Lin Yan came directly to Li Yuan's face:

"Mr. Li, relax, we are looking for you this time."

Then I threw a smoke to Li Yuan, Li Yuan hurriedly grabbed the smoke, and some shook the lighter inside the trouser bag, but Fang Lin Yan has gave him directly.

After I took a deep sucking, Li Yuan finally relaxed, this time Fang Lin Yan said:

"do you still remember me?"

Li Yuan shook his head, some fearless said:

"Can not remember."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"I have a twin brother, which long is exactly the same, but temperament is very different. He has sits your car in January last year."

Li Yuan shook his head:

"I really don't remember, time is too long, and I will pick up more than a dozen guests every day."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"You are a guest at the entrance of the 7 + 2 supermarket in XX Road, and the supermarket has a big thing, and a trap car is rushing in, and it is a few people."

I heard this key information, Li Yuan's eyes were scored:

"I seem to have heard of a little bit, right, is a relative of the old family of our team."

Fang Lin Yan nodded slightly, took out the mobile phone, then opened the monitoring video, there is "Fanglinyan" on the scene.

Li Yuan looked at the video, suddenly suddenly said:

"I remembered! This guest is very big. At that time, the fare is 55 pieces, gave me 100 pieces directly, and the rest is small."

Fang Linyan heart suddenly moved, then said:

"So, what do he have to remember?"

Li Yuan is very affirmative:

"Of course, the place where he went is very remote, but it is a Mazu Temple near the old port."

"There will be only one fiftyth when I first fifteen, and I am almost no one at 8:00."

"But our work is no way, even if you have to go to the buried in the middle of the night, I have to bring him a car to the foot bus, otherwise, if you have been complained, you have to dedup the three days of work? "

Li Yuankou's Mazu Temple Fanglin Rock is also impressive, it is said that it has been inherited for more than a thousand years, but there is a millennium temple, there is a old yellow horn tree in the temple, and the life is also more than nine hundred. year.

At this time, Li Yuan's face suddenly became a weird, obviously what I thought, and then looked at Fanglin Rock:

"When the person gets off, I still said that there is no head without brain ........"

Fang Linyan recognizes the truth:


Li Yuandao:

"He said, if someone came to find any questions about his question, then told people to ask, when the next day, he came to the Yellow Tree, the answer will appear."

"Well, then ....... This sentence is 10,000."

Fang Linyan heard this sentence, the heart suddenly gave birth to a master:

"Sure enough! He knows that I will check this, so I left me a clue!"

Next, Fanglin Rock asked several details, then nodded, and took 10,000 pieces to Li Yuan:

"Thank you for your cooperation, this is the misunderstanding."

Li Yuan received a few times, or received it, Fang Lin Yan took the way:

"If there is any forgotten thing, I want to find me, come to me, as long as I can get valuable things, or 10,000 bonuses."

Li Yuan hurriedly said:


After Li Yuan left, Fanglin Ran's long spit out of breath:

"Good guys, actually calculated my reaction so precise, he can have a lot of ways to leave a clue, but choose Li Yuan ... very clear, this is a threshold that is not high. "

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