The First Evolution

Chapter 187 Question

Then, I saw a mechanical life of a different fist size directly jumped out from the box, standing on the desktop, this mechanical life's hair is a curled wire, two eyes look like a light bulb, the left arm Bring a laser gun, the right side is a blade shape.

Therefore, this thing is in the first thing, there is still a few hippie style.

And it appeared, and shouted:

"I, the Baiki people are finally born! Black worship, all the low and other creatures!"

Then it watched four weeks and continued to shout:

"Ah, this is a backward world, but it doesn't matter. It is already a great Baikik!"

"I am coming, I see, I conquer! Under the great Bai Ricker, you must use the slavery to change this as soon as possible. This planet full of bad creatures is ..."

Then, there was no then, Fang Lin Yan has already smashed a very simple fist, and it turned directly into a flat scrap iron, still squatting electric spark and black smoke.

There is no doubt that Fanglin Rock is now black like a pot of pots, because it wanted to make itself a good job of working hard, the beautiful desire to be a robotic assistant, completely like soap bubbles.

Next, Fanglin Rock has tried several times, and it was found that a small volume of metal activated was still very fast, and a miniature robot can appear in ten minutes to half an hour.

However, these guys are empty, empty, or they are from being crazy, even have natural bloodthirsty, and they will face the two sons of Fanglin Rock.

The six miniature robots appeared, the common feature is that violence is very serious, there is almost no space for any conversation, showing naked possession, in his heart, all things in his heart are his own deformed world view.

The most important thing is that they are not afraid of death at all, they can self-explosion! Self-destructive is quite strong.

Just taking the metal life, Fang Lin Yan broke its legs, I originally want to threaten it, I didn't want to kill it, but this guy actually exploded!

It is really a bit of a gray face.

With depressed mood, Fang Lin Ran is to start the eighth experiment, and the result is this time, his mobile phone suddenly rang.

Fang Lin Yan took a look and found that it was a strange mobile phone number. He wanted to hang up directly, but suddenly, he couldn't rest a rest, and came to the window to pick up the phone:

"Hey? Which?"

"I am old Tang!" The phone came over, but the Donkey's unique male duck. "How? I will not tell me if I come back?"

Tang Boss's care for himself, Fanglin Rock is still very embarrassed, smiling:

"No, the previous phone is lost, I don't remember your phone number, so I've been broken. Is this not going to your store again?"

Tang boss laughed:

"Yeah, I got your contact information from the kid of sand fish, I will call you, how can I have time? Out of the afternoon tea?"

Fanglin Rock is very refreshing:

"Boss, what kind of person I know, I will say it straight, you have a lot of things to open, I can do it, now I am busy getting a few parts, I really don't have much empty "

The Tang Boss listened to Fanglin Rock, and it was also laughing:

"This is the case, thanks to those parts given to me, so the business is really open, I will then take a lot of live children."

"Of course, the business volume is big, affirm that the problems in all aspects have passed, and the luck is also good at this time, and the Japanese friends have recommended an engineer to give me the situation."

Fang Lin Yan listened to a breath, he was really afraid that Tang boss made a request to let him go back to repair.

Before he was passionate, it was because there was no other thing to replace.

However, after trying more advanced welding methods in the StarCraft, after more exciting mechanical design, the car mechanical structure on the earth can't afford him, and can only use the taste of chew wax.

Don't say there is a lot of new stuffs waiting for him to explore!

For example, using the mysterious core to renew the cottage version of the spider porter on the earth, such as continuing to optimize the eggs of the mechanical fear's heart, mechanical lane.

There are these mountains and seas waiting for him, repairing the car is completely a bowl for Fanglin Rock, how can I go to the bus?

Results Laidao:

"I invited the small child in the middle of the city to be mixed in the Japanese professional racing repair circle, which is effective in Toyota, but I heard that I have been running out in China."

"He took over several vehicles after your repairs, it should be very horrified, so I have been talking about you, I want to explore each other with you, I don't know if you have no empty?"

"Yes!" Fanglin Yan promised.

It's not done if you have a trip, he will not be done. Only in a fierce collision, you can create inspirational sparks.

In the StarCraft, he repeatedly discussed with the engineers, arguing fierce, and finally gaining a lot.

So, soon, Fanglin Rock returned to the store. At this time, the Tang Boss has been waiting there.

Zhongcun is a small child, the eyebrows are very strong, the lips are very tight, and it is very impressive to see people, so it is not good to give people the first impression.

Tang Boss is going to stand up and refer to it. If you don't have it, you will come directly to Fanglin Rock, then stare at Fanglin Rock Road:

"Is it you?"

Fanglin Rock nodded:


Sino village opened his hand, his hand is a car parts:

"I took over the car for your repair before two weeks ago. The gearbox of this car is the system of planetary gears. This sun gear they say is what you do."

At this time, the Tang boss heard the tone of the village, and suddenly changed, and he said:

"Sino Village, what do you want to do?"

Fanglinyan is a little funny to look at the village, swaying the Tang boss:

"Yes, it is what I did."

The color of the village is overhang, the big channel:

"People have to have a shame! This kind of hand-accurate sun round, don't say me, it is the big name inside the Honda team, can't do it, you actually claim to be you made?"

"You look at it, what is this?"

After the Sino Village is finished, I took out the magnifying glass, then the central position of this sun gear, and I can see it, there are two letters G-P, then say hello.

GP is a German old modifier: g-power abbreviation, is also a very famous modified car business in the industry.

The meaning of Sino Village is very simple, that is, Fanglin Rock is actually a part of the GP's part is swindling!

It turns out that the character of this child is very narrow, but also the first thought in Toyota technology world.

Usually his character is also quirky, so it will inevitably say something "You have a good fortune, if you wrench brother can play this with mud in you."

As a result, the village is got, then it is easy to think that it is found to find the flaws of Fanglin Rock, just leave this thing, you have to reveal the true face of the scammer in front of everyone!

As a result, in the face of this iron, the rest of the people seem to look at the village as the fool.

Because of the Tang boss, they all know that Fang Lin Yigong is poor, and the lunch in noon is a thief, and it is necessary to eat three or four copies.

The price of GP is very expensive. It doesn't have a few hundred dollars. The key is that the goods flowing out are so much. If you have money, you still don't necessarily buy it. Fangliny has averaged more than 7 eight cars every day. If it is like the village If cheating, I am afraid that I have to post 10,000 dollars!

Fang Lin Yan took the part and saw it very calm:

"Oh? Do you say this? This is what I did, but this is a scrapped sun round, then I want to process it, change it to this, I said that I have problems I made out? "

Sino Village is a smile:

"C-P's original handware, you can find ways to process and change, but also become a normal piece? Do you want to face it? You said this, think I will believe?"

Fanglin Ryn Arts is laughter:

"You love to believe, close me bird."

After that, he waved at Tang boss and turned it.

As a result, the village is clear and said:

"Is it a deficiency? When I was in Japan, I heard that there was a bigest in Thai City Xu Sang. I even made my predecessors. He should be his disciple? It seems that this person's name, you should be with you Like, it is also rumored to swindle! "

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