The First Evolution

Chapter 1 straddle

Pay attention to the public number: book friends big camp, pay attention to send cash, in mind!


I heard this sentence in Sino Village, Fanglin Rock's heart seems to be acne, deeply sucking a breath,

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So he Hawran turned around:

"Okay, you are very good, I didn't want to see you generally, you have to die, then you will fulfill you!"

After Fang Linyan said this sentence, and the Tang boss said, directly, the light car walked into the store, carefully selected a piece of metal, and then went to the front of the lathe.

At this time, Fanglin Rock, more technology is more fascinated when working in the car line, and the technology is more fascinating. mouth.

It turned out that in the hands of Fanglin Rock, a part of the previous sunrope was exactly the same, it began to quickly shape it!

It is also a bit awkward next to the lively machine. I can't help but take the ear:

"How does it seem simple?"


"I have no technical content?"

"It seems that I am doing it to me?"

"Stupid! This sun wheel is only a coin size, but there are thirty-three small tooths, six mid tooth, each small tooth length from 0.7 mm to 1.3 mm, you don't wait, you don't do it?"


Finally, I opened the Tang Boss. He as a boss, you can't, but you can't understand!

So he only knows that Fanglin Rock will represent the meaning of the behavior of this time, that is, it is big, and returning.

Just look at his operation, almost there is not much difference with an ordinary skiller.

However, the actual above Lin Yan does what is equivalent to the latest digital lathe for more than five hours, and a senior engineer is slowly carved in eight hours!

What is even more, Fang Lin Yan is only ten minutes from the head to the end!

When Fanglin Rock is complete, Tang boss has been causing to take this part to play, and his face is amazing:

"The small square has improved!"

Fang Linyan looked at the village:

"This is in front of you, what else do you say?"

At this time, Medium Village laughed:

"Can you think about my own crude things?"

Fang Linyan coldly said:

"As long as you are not eye, of course, you can see the gold content of this thing, oh, right, and finally, your recognition is worthless for me."

The Tao of the Nakamura:

"You think your ghosts can ......."

His words said half of it, because the Tang boss has already placed the sunrise in his hand.

Although this person in Zhongcun is arrogant, the real material is definitely there, otherwise it will not stand out, and the Tang boss is invited to do technical consultants.

It is precisely because of this, Fanglin Rock is working in front of him, and Sino Village feels unsatisfactory, because this is the same as that of the genuine sun round weight! ! !

This feeling is impurred, there is no one, it is cooked.

Just like the king is more playing, I can feel this bureau is the same truth of the RC or the Father and Son.

Zhongcun suddenly changed, immediately found a variety of instruments measure, the more test, the more pale ... When you arrive, it is full of fear, even like a ghost, start murder:

"It's impossible, impossible!"

"How can human hands, how can this realm?"

At this time, Fanglin Rock who turned around and took a call:

"..... Feifen ....... mouth too stinky ..... lesson!"

And after a week, this Nakamura was inadvertently, and there was no intention to happen, but in the end, I didn't know what happened, the mouthful upgrade became a fierce conflict.

Finally, very unfortunate things happened, the teeth of the village were knocked out five, and finally the mouth is still in the mouth.

Then the whole person was tied up, and his mouth was on the tape to throw a bunch of the lane garbage bunch, let him include this to the oil-based gear, until the next morning, the cleaning work is discovered after the alarm This is the end of this night's night.


Time is fast, Fanglin Rock quickly returned to Greece, then with the big priest, oh, it should be an engine oil, lathe, parts, etc., there should be no shameless happy days.

At noon this day, Fanglin Rock just had a steak sent in the kitchen. When I was ready to enter the job, the phone next to him suddenly rang. He looked up, it was an exciting sound of Ivesne:

"Adult, sprouted, you want to see it?"

Fanglin Yan said:


Ivesen said:

"You brought a mysterious seed!"

Fang Lin Yan suddenly thought, Qi Dao:

"So fast, don't pull the seedlings to help."

Ivesen said:

"No, we are all in accordance with the way of cultivating the holy tree. This is the experience of the flow of the past, I don't know how many holy trees have been cultivated, there will be no problem."

"Right, their appetite is also amazing, the last hit the corpse of the evil spirits, there are some residual things that are sacred olive trees can't absorb, is the most profound part of the evil, we will call it Bone core, but they still have a clean and clean, and still still don't have it. "

Fang Lin Yan stunned, but immediately relieved, compared to ordinary plants, these two seeds can be said to have a unique "meat sex", and have a strong absorption ability is not surprising.

Especially the species of the giant tree, in the absence of the root of the mother tree, absorb nutrition, the nutrients that are stunned to suck the body, and let yourself grow, such a crazy digestible absorption ability, even many animals Comparison.

After thinking about these things, Fanglin Rock is also interested, to Ivesen:

"where is it?"

Ivesen said:

"The temple is behind."

Fang Lin Yan came there, I found that Ivrina and several women's priests with white robes were standing next to the garden. After seeing Fanglin Rock, several women were half a gift at the same time.

This is because Fanglin Rock is now different, officially became the head of the Knights, so it should be respected.

Then Ivrina pointed out the flower garden:

"Adults, you see, the green bud is Clicius, the light yellow bud is the mountain Ningfu!"

"Clicius Mountain Ningfu?" Fanglin Yan was confused.

Ivesen Naton:

"Right, I have forgot to tell you, the name of the strong seeds we give it the name of Clicio, which is called Shan Nunfu."

Fanglin Rock nodded:

"Oh, it turned out to be like this, oh, yes, Shan Nanyu's father said that it has a very big defect, with human diseases, it is the congenital heart, similar to congenital heart Like the disease, if you rash, will you have any hidden dangers? "

Ivesen said:

"Oh, we have seen it early, like similar situations, often encountered before, often encounter, goddess, can be easily eliminated."

"That's there is no problem." Fang Lin Yusheng was a breath.

Then he kneelted to observe the situation in Clee, and found that the bud of this guy took high, and couldn't help but reach it.

As a result, I didn't touch it. Under the other, the mud below suddenly appeared, followed by, this guy actually drilled directly from the soil!

It seems like a top bud onion head, but the root below is like an eight-legged leg.

It should be the breath of the savior of Fanglin Rock, so I ran out to say hello, continue to make a sound, and you can directly pull it directly to Hug!

The most prosperous Swirin Rock is that this guy's own height is almost twenty centimeter, but it can also go to his leg position.

Such an outbreak looks like nothing, but don't forget, this guy's full form of Fanglin Rock has been seen, his father / mother's high level is too easy to live!

After it grows into the future, if you still keep such a jumping ability, isn't it to scare people?

At this time, Ivesina looks like "Clica", "Clicic" can be ran out from the soil, Fang Lin Yan asked:

"This is what you are often used."

Ivesen said:

"Yes, it is like a shepherd dog, there is a strong energy, and it seems to have a faceless appetite as if there is no sleep, and I want to sleep. I will take root directly in the soil. If you wake up, you need to eat, then it is directly Unplug the root from the soil. "

"Compared with it, Mountain Nangfu is much better, more like a normal tree."


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