The First Evolution

Chapter 20, in the first encounter hilly giant

The above shared is official data. After the two have finished reading, this guy has a basic understanding.

However, the vulture then issued two funny reply.

One ID called: I heard that the name is long to bake your sister home ...... Tourists leave a message:

"See the ghost, this guy is a beast, I will emphasize it again, it is a kind of life with a lion, sword tiger, etc., uncomfortable beast! If there is no necessary words, don't anger it!"

"According to the first information we got, the power of the large-scale snapped turtles is 1004 pounds, and this guy's bitter is seven times the large-scale snap! I specially customized high-carbon steel soldiers. I bitten in a bite! "

Another ID called: Visitors of the King of Ziyi:

"This guy is very difficult to eat, it feels like being chewing my slipper, ok, don't ask me how to know that you can slip the shoe."

After understanding this information, Fanglin Rock decided to make this landing ,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

However, next second, the vultures of the vultures took this one of the food turtles to take pictures, and then shared the team's channel. This photo suddenly surprised, that is, it is a flesh and blood blurry wolf! !

After the poor seater wolf is taken half, the eyes are also great, can you see why it is unwilling?

"It's a sharp." Fanglin Yan is the heart. "

There is a tiger that is difficult to enemily and the wolf, this sky Gobi Beach is estimated to be the most tricky wolf of these groups of squad, because they are alone, but they will be equipped in the group. The adventures of modern science and technology weapons are also headaches, such as the enemy.

This dried mouth is directly on the other age, and it is not afraid of retaliation, and it is really bold.

From it, it can be seen from it to hunting the wolf. The post is said to be a beast's intelligence. I am afraid it is true. This strong creature brokerage and killing, I am afraid that it seems to be much better than it. Be strong!

The third person of Fanglin Ran then turned and left, and patrolled in another direction. After they turned around, after almost half an hour, he also arrested two rows of hedgehogs.

This stuff seems to be ugly and evil, there is no way, but it is very delicious in the data to be used to barbecue or boiled soup, and it is a very important thing to:

The guy is the same as the crab. It doesn't have to pick it up with it. It doesn't have to put the salt from salt.

I have been playing for so long, and I also played a few prey. Three people feel that I can go back to the intersection. Suddenly I heard a fierry wolf.

The perception of vultures is the highest, and immediately reacts over, Shen Sheng:

"It seems that it is the direction of the turtle! Is it a wolf group to revenge?"

I heard the vulture said that Fang Linyan suddenly moved:

"Let's take a look at? After all, the dead seater will be our enemy for a long time."

Since he said, the rest of the people certainly have no objection, so they started to speed up. When they reached the scene, I found that the war has entered an end, that looks a fierce slot shell Has been smashed by hard students, it is already a flesh and blood, very busy.

The poor rock brain was pulled down, throwing a general, and the flesh and blood blurred looks very embarrassed.

There is a look that is very fast, it's a big life, it should be a creature, it is almost a man who doesn't hang it, and the decorations wearing are , the stone, which looks particularly primitive brutality.

The most weird is, the light blue rough skin of this back, actually has a lot of strange texture, these textures look messy, in fact, see a few eyes can detect the mystery of hidden hidden in hidden.

At this point, it seems that this back seems to have not much, but the body of the mouth is to know, this guy is at least three meters, and there are two wolves next to it. .

Looking at them, the fleshy stimuli that has been released by the , at the same time, the scarlet tongue is long, and the hauz is long, but even the blood next to it is not How dare.

It can be seen that these two wolves are definitely a bitterness in the life of the past, otherwise, according to their nature, I will have already puff it up to eat.

The vulture watched his eyes:

"These two wolves and we have previously encountered, the wolf is not similar, with obvious black yellow pattern, and the mouth can open to 180 degrees, more importantly, their abdomen is a bag , Look carefully, like the belly of a kangaroo. "

The goat looks carefully, surprised:

"It seems really this! So they are not a wolf, but a bag of wolf?"

When the two were talking at this time, they did not pass the team channel, and they also said that they were slightly loud. They immediately saw the two anxiously uneasy bag wolves immediately talled, and then they would look at this side. Come over!

Then, the two monsters got a teeth, and they looked at the side and then began to get rushed to this.

Obviously, the five senses of this bag are also extraordinary! It was actually found in such a far away from the existence of Fanglin Rock.

And the fatty class of people did not look at this side, and continue to be very fast, let the two bags are right to rush, seeing their momentum, big, to the corpse of Fanglin Rock feel.

However, Fanglin Rock three people are not what saving oil, after putting them near, it is directly that the lightning fireball is coming, and then the three people do one together.

Another photo of the wolf knows, after seeing the miserable movement of the companion, just like running the running athlete, two words do not say that they are escaping, and there is no previous momentum to see the prey to bite a bit.

At this time, I saw the bag of the bag of my own, and the burly and strong figure in the distance was already standing. I wiped up on my mouth and turned around.

It can be seen that it is indeed a humanoid, the body is very fat, the surface has a strange tattoo, up to three meters, but the There is a considerable gap.

Obviously, this is a hill giant.

Then, I saw this creature similarly to the trusted Fanglin Rock three people came over. The ground had some slight vibration. The goat couldn't help but looked at Fanglin Rock, but heard the vulture:

"It's strange, this guy has no murderousness, is it because of being full?"

Soon, this hilly giant walked to Fanglin Rock, and then screams:

"Human, have you have food?"

The goat has the highest charm, but in the face of the hilly giant, it is still afraid of the creature of "Walking Planting Machine", so he hesitate to say:

"Do you just eat it? I see that the landing turtle is very big, the meat should be much more."

The hill giant shook his head:

"Cornock doesn't like people who eat Lu Yao Turtle, Koocke likes to eat human food, sweet."

Fanglin Rock heart a road:

"Koocke, if you tell me where to eat, the human sweet food, then I want to give you some."

The hill giant exams Locke very simply:

"Koocke when leaving Ogry Ma, some human beings were caught, I steal the food on them, sweet, delicious! However, the outside skin is not delicious! Tough!"

"Outside the skin ..." Fang Lin Yan hesitated, immediately took a piece of Dove Chocolate from private space: "What are you talking about this?"

Koopo is looking nod, and the eyes are exposed to the rays:

"You throw it over, Koocock can't see!"

Fang Lin Yan shrugged:

"That can't, Koocke, you will laugh at me loudly, then eat the chocolate inside."

Kora was suddenly angry, and a punch was smashed in front of the ground, then roaring loudly:

"The ant antity !! Let's make things out, otherwise, Koocke will tear you!"

It roared in the side, but he rushed over, but this time Fanglin Yan is in the middle of the team:

"You don't want to do it, it is rare to meet the big piece of head that can communicate with us."

When Fang Lin Yan said, it was also getting off the upper, directly to Koopo rushed up, and faced the giant palm of the captured!

A sudden sound of "", Fanglin Rock at this time has reached 42 points, and it is determined that the force exceeds 50 points! In this case, it is still a few steps that are shocked, but Coyo looks even more, and a butt is sitting on the ground.

In the face of such a result, Fanglin Rock three people are not unsteady, but Koopo has a feeling of humiliation, suddenly roaring:

"Ah !! Koocker is very angry, Coyo is not happy!"

He roared on him, and he hit his chest, you can see the strange texture of its body and start to become red! Its body also swells again, full of oppression.

Fanglin Rock suddenly suddenly said:

"Do you still want chocolate?"

Then he waved the things inside, and lied Coyoke.

It seems that the fierce gods are still roaring, the left hand is still hitting their own chest, but the right hand seems to have self-consciousness, and I caught the poor chocolate and put it into my mouth.

And his roar also became blurred and funny:

"Koocke ... Let's ... I am angry ....... Good ..."

After he finished eating, Fanglin Yan is magically in the hands of a piece of chocolate:

"I am here to fight with you, Koocke, this is meaningless, I am not interested in your meat, but you shouldn't call us for antity, I am equally!"

Koopo broke out:

"Well, your power is very big, you are not a antity, we ....... barely is equal."

Fang Linyan nodded, then loses the chocolate to the past, the right hand of Koocock once again explored, grabbed the chocolate plug into his mouth:

"Let's go, eat ..... really delicious."

After Coyuke finished eating, Fanglin Rock said:

"Koocke, the sweet thing on us has finished eating, but if you will help us with a busy, then I promise you, you can use more sweet things to exchange with you."

Koocke's little eyes suddenly lit:

"More ... Sweet things? How much?"

The goat immediately took the words, compared it, made a one-handed action:

"so much."

Coyo's eyes have been sent:

"so much??!!!"


"Yes, if not, you can eat me."

Koopoo said:

"I am not interested in this small thin man! I want so much sweet!"


"But you must take it back to what we want."

Koocke said:

"What do you want?"


"Our companions have been grabbed by your people, detained in Ogryma, and you helped us save a human beings called Ryan."

Koopo shakes his head:

"No, the prey in Ognaima is sacred, I can't violate the provisions of Zur Ling, otherwise I am afraid of death, the soul can't be peaceful."

Fanglin Rock also knows that this is not so simple, joking, this is the difficult task of SS, so he will return to the way:

"So you can help me bring one thing to them?"

After that, Fang Lin Yan took a lighter size, this is a remote step phone, which can be used within five or six hundred meters.

If Coyuke can bring this thing to prisoners, then with the strength of vultures, it is not difficult to sneak into Ogrima, which will never shorten the distance between the prisoners to 500 meters, so there is no doubt about the next Help it is helped by rescue.

Sure enough, this requires that Kraft is nod, very refreshing:

"no problem."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"This thing is a magic by the wizard in our tribute. You will pay it in the hand, we can know that they are now roughly, so this call is still quite fine, you have to keep it, can't damage it, otherwise If the transaction will be invalid. "

Koocke said:


After that, it actually opened his mouth, and I gave this call into it!

In the face of Korak's hoe, the three have grown up at the same time, so in the vulture, I suddenly think of a thing, hurried in the team channel:

"Wait! It seems that the information is introduced, saying is that the hill giant's physiological structure and human creatures in the routine sense."

"They are like a cow, there are multiple stomachs, one of which is used to store, in the surrounding situation, you can directly swallow a lot of food directly into this storage stomach, wait until safety The food in the stomach in the stomach is spit out to chew slowly, and directly in the stomach of the digestion. "

(PS, cow is this model, such as the money belly is the first stomach, famous hair belly, is the third stomach of the cattle.)

"Not only that, there is also a sachet on both sides of the hill giant, used to store valuables, this, in fact, in fact, the hamsters we are familiar with."

This explanation was explained by vultures, and the rest of the people will understand that Coyo swallowed off the behavior of the call, but very valued.

Then the goat has studied the information, and found that the environment of the hilly giant is quite friendly, because it is not filled with mucus and creep, but is similar to the internal space of the fist. - There will be some sweat in the top.

After the two sides talked, Coyuke turned directly to go quickly. Fang Lin Yan was still in the midst of the truth, this guy left almost twenty meters, this time goat hurriedly said:

"Hey! Koocke, we still have a very critical thing, didn't say, how do you notify us after doing things?"

Koocke turned and referred to his nose:

"Cornock has remembered your taste, and when you came to see you, you will come to you."

Goat emergency:

"We are not alone, to tell the truth, although we will communicate with you, but the rest of the human beings will be attacked."

Kelike nodded:

"Oh, I know."

Then I'm faster, it is clear that this solid hill giant is full of brains, oh is not right, it is full of hands and sweet, and I don't want to delay half a second.

After it leaves, Fanglin Ran wrinkled with brows:

"Goat, where do you get to make it? Can you fool it?"

"I am not an old ballast, it will be lying when I need it, but I have a little bit of a big piece of head."

Goat haha ​​smiled:

"Of course I won't lie to it! I will give it a reward ..."

Vulture is confused:

"Let's do three people, the sweetness belts is nothing more than the time to add calories, the energy stick, where to find so much sweet food you said?"

Vulture is then taken with both hands:

"You have a cubic meter."

Goat is serious:

"Yes, do you believe me?"

At this time, the tone of the goat is also a little unpleasant, and Fanglin Rock immediately said:

"Okay! Of course, I have to pass you, since you have no problem, then ok."

Goat nodded, revealing a smile, suddenly talking, suddenly changing! Looking at the west, Fang Lin Yan immediately turned into the west side, and he saw a vast and healthy figure came over there.


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