The First Evolution

Chapter 21 Magic Grass Pack

This figure seems to have met, the speed of action can be said to be similar to the speed, and it will come to Fanglinyan three.

Look carefully, not others, is the old half-horse horse: Waden.

It walked to the three people of Fanglin Rock, hit a greece:

"Hello, human."

Fanglin Yan faced Waden's question, but did not respond, suddenly asked:

"What is the relationship with you?"

Wataden is very refreshing:

"I don't know it, but it is still related to me here."

"Because I deliberately showed a secret, it was attracted to it in the nearby wandering, let it contact you."

"The purpose of this is very simple, just want to see the attitude of you treat the heterogeneous race."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Very good, now you see? In fact, I want to add my opinion,"

"The race can't represent glory, I have seen the highest stills of the beast, and I have seen the most despicable human beings. The only thing that can be recognized is noble, the soul in the body."

Wataden slightly said:

"So I want to make a transaction with you."

After the goat heard the trading, he suddenly puts the light, just like a bullfrog -random to the dog's headburdy (cough, it is estimated that there are few people who know this old).

Then goats immediately:

"Trading, do you still remember the neck of the wolf king full of magical power?"

Waden shook his head:

"There is no magical force on that necklace, human beings, you seem to misunderstand anything, just because the double stone is a little for me."

Goats, shake their heads:

"If you are lying, it is not good. If you use it, how can you follow us for a few hundred kilometers earlier? Do you still find Cauco to test us?"

When Watadon was awkward ....... This pain is being caught, then he represents him will fall into the wind when he is trading.


After a pair of lip guns, the goat proudly reached out.

Waden helplessly shakes his head, then from the top of the beastin, took out a leather bag, followed it to give the goat.

Goat took the leather bag and saw that the things that Waden gave it very strange. If only from the appearance, this leather bag is not too big, but when it is in his hand, it can I feel that there is an unusual mystery.

One time goat can't draw, what kind of feeling is that it seems that it is not a bag, but there are other organs who have self-life.

Not only that, if you look carefully, this strange little bag is also covered with countless stems, which seems to have a life, actually slowly in your palm, and those stems are more like a dry blood vessel. .

There is no items such as the bag, but the bag has been tied with a piece, that is like two petal dry double lips arches, looks crumpled.

I saw this stuff with the gourmet of the goat, and Wataden added:

"Human, don't use your common sense to guess unknown things, tell you that this stuff can have a mysterious power, but the heritage left by our ecstasy, if you use your human words, perhaps It makes her herbs ... "

Wataden told goats, the biggest function of this bag is to create some pills and have the function of improving the efficacy. He only needs to put freshly collected herbs into the bag, processed by the grass pills, and can get medicine after three days. Optical small meatballs.

Not only that, but the ready-made drugs are put in, but also increase the effect.

The function of this herbal bag is like a magical pocket factory that can make the object to increase.

Of course, if the poisonous grass or the poisonous mushroom is placed inside, it is naturally a toxic meat, and during the manufacturing pill, the pocket factory is automatically closed, so before the goat holds the bag, there is no way to dismantle Open your bag view.

Because it seems that this grass medicine bag has been put into the oxhama in this time, it is in the processing state, so I can't open it. Wataden explained that you don't care, stay at the time, throw it away from the meatballs.

I heard the introduction of Waden, Shoulin Rock is satisfied with some point, because the results of vultures have also come out, this is still a silver plot equipment, and it is similar to Wataden.

However, the space has also added a sentence, saying that it is more likely to use a powerful biological blood to make the effect of the herbal bag.

Fanglin Rock is still remembered that his shoulder seems to have similar requirements, and there is still a very hunger.

However, there is no relationship. Treat such equipment Fang Ran still has a hand, soon with the blood of the pork, let the shawl suck a full, let it mourn and call down ...

One thought, this, Fanglin Yoko's mouth revealed a scorpion, I hope that this grass pill can take more time.

Goats have played for a while after this bag:

"Well, this thing is that you have passed, then you promise me the second condition?"

"After all, our power is now very thin, you also see, just deal with the wolf is so touched, let alone, can you still slave the Wolf Kishas?"

Wadden cold road:

"Human, one code is a code, you have this double stone, I use the herbal bag to exchange. You have to help you introduce the rest of the helper, then you have to promise me to ask."

Goat looked at Fanglin Rock, and Fanglin Yan nodded, goats said:

"Well, you just mean, is it to do anyone?"

Wataden strengthens anger:

"Kill the stone hammer Kishas! If you can pass my test, and bring me the stone hammer Kishas, ​​you can get my friendship."

Goat is stunned:

"But I don't know what the stone hammer Kishas is ........."

Waden sighed:

"Originally, our planet is beautiful and full of vitality, everywhere is a slight, but the cosmic storm is swept before, so that the climate here will change, the whole planet began to be ridiculous."

"The harsh of the environment also begins to spaw a mutation of species. The original genital mild lazy hilly giant has also begun to become violent and fierce. They have born a lot of strong, with a strong and brutal elite hilly giant warrior is a stone hammer. Kishas, ​​hilly giant family is growing, starting to race the soul, destroy nature, Kishas is one of the most fierce destruction of killing.

"At first, our elderly advocated the inclusive giants, think they were also a part of nature, but later, the hilly giant began to plunder female, forcibly reproduced, and the number of rapid increases, causing many species to become their mouths and slaves Even our half-horse family is also induced in the list of food! "

"It's almost more than ten years ago, the hilly giant launched an unprecedented aggression war in the hierarchy of the half-horse, and the young soldiers of nearly 50% of the young soldiers were killed, and the half-horse horse was also rushed out of their homes, and finally in the Elder Parliament. Under the leadership, the residual people hid in the concealed valley and holes left in the first hell. There is only a sporadic small Kayo talent. "

When I said these things, Wataden's tone was tuned with a strong helplessness and sorrow, and his words were very mixed, as if the tongue is the same, whether it is a goat and Fanglin Rock, he heard the clouds in the clouds, these There is a half of things that are guessed.

Waden is more telling them that if someone can help kill Kishas, ​​you can get your own tribute friendship, and what is good to say, and according to the prophecy of the prophecy, Kill Kidshas will also have the right to know A big secret.

Obviously, Fanglin Rock three people have no interest in the secret of the ancestors, and they need only information about Ryan.

And Waden's statement is too biased, and the three people are very clear. The disadvantages of the Tribal Tribe are absolutely unacceptable to the rise of the hilly giant.

Obviously, the internal chaos is the main reason why they are dying.

"Stone hammer Kishas?" Fang Lin nodded slightly. "Okay, I don't have any problems."

Waden Road:

"So well, human beings, I also follow the promise, point to the potential allies, have to say that you have caught the ghosts is very wise."

"From here, I will walk to the west. When I go to the sunset, I will see a Grand Canyon, and then go north in the Grand Canyon. If you are lucky enough, you can see an oasis, where there is a hierlet horse. Tribal, you gave the wolf king to a guy named Jordan, I think they should also help. "

After that, Waden took out a bone corner and handed it to Fanglinyan. Then add to:

"Yes, I will give you the herbal bag, even if it is a precious treasure in the half-horse, it is best not to take out the rest of the person, otherwise, you may have a lot of trouble. "

"When I saw Jordan, the corner of this number can be used as my letter. At the same time, if you can really kill the stone hammer by my trial, then it will blow it, the wind will guide me. Converged with you. "

After Wataden is over, it will leave, and then turn around, then turn it behind the rock, the figure disappears in the line of sight of Fanglin Rock.

At this moment, Fanglin Rock's three-person retina picked up information:

"You have successfully acquired hidden milestones: glory related clues, please make persistent efforts, continue to dig related information."

"Because hidden milestones: glory acquisition has a considerable degree of secret and timeliness, the information will be announced in advance."

"Hidden Milestones: Relware Details."

"After getting this milestone, you will have the S-class title: the escape blessing of the earth."

"This title has features: privilege, you can be removed or equipped at any time, CD time one minute."

"After wearing this title, the value of the health is +200 points, and the skills will be obtained: return to spring."

"Activate back spring, can restore the goal to 100 points + physical X5 life in 8 seconds, which will increase the mobile speed of the target by 100%, lasting for 60 seconds."

"Warning, if you take the next title when you lose 200 points, then the wearer will immediately enter the dead state."


Looking at this hidden milestone: the introduction of glory, Fanglin Rock three people took a breath.

This thing is really worthy of the S-class title, its function can be said to be an abnormality, it is a blood, it is blood, add blood!

But it is this functional single but strong title, and the role of the critical is very strong.

In particular, there will be no guy in the team, in the case of the guy,

Vulture should be the most health, but as a assassin, his health is the average level of the same career, and it is absolutely not able to

Goat does not say, once it is ready to run in a prop.

Fanglin Rock is in the event of Athena's existence, so it is usually to attract fire, but now it is awkward, those weak enemy vultures and goats can do, nor do they go up.

The powerful enemy usually has the skills such as real harm. It can go directly to the body of the magic shield in the body of Fanglin Rock, so the blood is still the maintenance so far.

In this case, getting this title seems to have become the goal that must be achieved.

It is not difficult to analyze this time, it is the key to this title, in fact, in Wattaden, so even if it is not willing, it can only be taken with his nose.

After thinking about these things, the vulture couldn't help but sigh my mouth:

"Stone hammer pusas? This guy is not good to deal with the name, let alone people who are headache for the old man."

Goat added:

"Only a good news, that is, his needs are consistent with us. If we let us go to wash the expedition ......."

Fang Linyan waved his hand:

"Stone hammer Kishas is no relationship, with the help of the team's strength, their goals are also hilly giants, so, don't be too difficult to operate, you should do it ........"


Even the Three people in Tinyan did not expect it. It was originally a simple patrol, actually made so many things.

First put down the chess pieces of Coyo, the hilly giant, and then got a lot of useful information from Wataden's mouth.

Fortunately, I took the body of the bag of the bag of the bag that was bonded by Koockelen, and there were also a poisonous and some game along the way, so enough to cross the above.

After returning to the camp, the three patrols that go out are the most abundant, and the area that is the most abundant, the area of ​​patrolling is also the most widely patrolled.

After waiting for lunch, Fanglin Rock went to Tarren, which was more familiar with, said that he got important clues. I heard that there is a small gathering place with a hill giant in some place, so I applied for use of a whole topograph.

If it is a military action, then don't tell, I will ask you "Where is the specific place?" "I heard? Who said?" "Small gathering place? How much is small, etc.".

If you don't want to answer or talk, then you should have been engaged in military law.

However, this is a group of mercenary in action.

Fanglin Rock is still under the hand of Kenny. If you have got a detailed message of the missing Ryan, then they have reason and obligation unconditional, but the news that is nothing to do, then, it is the reason, not to say The words are also this point.

If Tarren or Kenny wants, this intelligence is also a huge risk, you have to give compensation, which is also a rule.

At this time, Tarren is also trying to draw three people in Fanglin Rock. After all, someone else has the right to speak, so after asking questions, it is very refreshing, and even even the lease fee, the lease fee, the big head.

So soon, Fanglin Rock three people reopened, driving the whole topical car to go to the west.

However, Fang Lin Yan is also very clear. In the vast Gobi Beach, just use a few words to find a habitat of the half-horse horse is not so easy, and that is still under the premise of dangerous biological attacks.

Therefore, Fanglin Rock will only rely on technology on the whole stereo. It is positioned on the own real-time coordinates on the self-contained secondary driver. After the lock path is locked, the economic fuel mode is opened directly, and it is still from time to time Try amendment.

Because he knows, if there is a little offset in the front direction, wait for him to finish the whole process, may not be the big canyon, just a bullet that is shot, wants to hit the target outside the thousand meters. Even if the skew is once, there will be a destruction.

This is the case, when it passes through a piece of sand, Fanglin Rock is also forced to detour. As a result, this will have a problem. When he found the Grand Canyon, the sky is already black.

It is undoubtedly a very stupid thing, especially on this strange and dangerous planet, so Fang Lin Yan can only be comfortable again, and it will make a precise maintenance in accordance with the instructions, here's bad climate. For the engine is an expropriated test.

In this case, there is no outsiders, and the "Udonik" ride purchased by Fanglin Rock will send a large use, let the three can rest well.

It is worth mentioning that the RV-furnished grid has played a huge role in the evening. The next morning woke up, at least ten giant scorpions were electrocuted outside, and their volume was similar to spider crabs.

Since the taste of the tanity of the cutle beetle is tasted in the Eden, the goat seems to have a unique hobby that has been developed, so I stared this scorpion.

As a result, he was bombed by the kitchenware inside the routing, and it was very delicious, and there was a sense of surprise in the hairy crab.

After eating breakfast, Fanglin Yan began to travel along the Grand Canyon. He found that although there was no direct water source at the bottom of the Grand Canyon, there was a significant existence of a clear underground water.

So from time to time, it can be seen from the roots, which can take the bottom of the water to grow in the bottom of the canyon. It has formed a unique ecosystem. As a result, there has been a bloody attack along the way. Although the three are not afraid, but it takes a variety of twists and turns. .

So in the afternoon, he saw the Grand Canyon has reached the end, and there is a touch of green.

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