The First Evolution

Chapter 22 Small Masters Jordan

This desolate Huangsha originally occupied a few days. Suddenly, this mp green is really a feeling of love.

It is not easy to say, Fanglin Ran is heavy to step on a foot throttle, and accelerate the Oasis.

If you look at it from the distance, it is not difficult to find that this oasis in the desert is lower, essentially in the basin of a basin.

Overlooking its shape is like a giant horseshoe.

The left and right sides of the oasis are surrounded by the cliff. The cliff is the undulating sand dune, and the bustling bush is still in the sand dune.

The residual half-man tribe can choose to choose a temporary basis here, and it is necessary to have a water source.

When Tulin is close to the entrance, the half-man who is responsible for patrol has issued the "" strange battle number, and run over him.

Unlike Waden's wear, they are wearing a shawhered vest, and the lower body is uniform, and a simple braid similar to the puff is uniform. It is estimated that the material is not too much.

The entrance to the camp was carefully arranged by this residual half-man tribe. Fanglin Rock has been able to see a few hundred meters away from the cliff. On both sides of the entrance, the flagpole is made of brown wood. It is made, Johimo is high, as if it is like a lenden cross, topped on the ground, top, with a Besdy Skull.

Under the horizontal beam of the flagpole, a bloody flag is floated, and there is a curved arrow with a carbon strip and two horseshoe printed, and a few cavity, Flag, Focus Stacked.

I saw this team, and after half of the horse, I got it on the whole topographic car.

Half man guards are all filled with the original wild weapons, there is a cold and rough ax, and there is a curved knife like a big malev, and there is a stone that is bundled with a rope, more or a wooden stick Multiple .......

In short, their behavior can be explained:

This boring half-horse horse did not show enthusiasm and hospitality. If the distant traveler can't get enough force, or there is a thing of the trustee, it is almost a big probability.

At this time, the goat can only stand hard from the scalp. As a result, the door is opened, and it is found that the ax is directly in the neck, and a strong taste is almost smoked. He is going to come on the spot.

Then, the original half-man horses in front of him began to be,, said a big pile of words that he couldn't understand, and still waving guys in front of his eyes, slashing.

There is no doubt that he is a routine procedure in the robbery -------- Look at the ax of the buddy? Don't pay your money?

Seeing that this is a poor guy is about to move. Goats have taken out the front of the front of Wattaden, and then use the general language cable:

"Jordan! Waden! Friends, troubles!"

At this time, I have a strong communication talent in the goat. This is the strange ability that even space needs. So the semi-man horses a few words carefully, and there are some doubts to stop harassment.

One of them rolled out, and the half-horse, the cheeks were drifted. After reading the corner, they also stood out to open the rest of the people, and they were alone in the companion. Back to the camp.

Not much time, Fanglin Rock saw two and semi-righteous people ran out, and the bridges inside these patrols were different. At this time, they were actually two ladies, and they should be said to be two small wild horses. .

A female half-horse skin is delicate, and the age is not big. Her pace is omissive, and the bounce like only a deer is general, and it is full of wild, and the body is also a white powder. .

Of course, let goats look straight, or the rush of rushing horses in the chest! Understanding the Goat's Fanglin Rock is highly suspicious. At this time, the mind of the goat will definitely echo a lot of immature ideas.

And these immature ideas are legally mature clauses that cannot be covered .......

Jordan handheld a long stick, the top of the stick is also inlaid with a piece of gem, reflecting a lot of light in the sunlight, very beautiful, she slowly walked to the front:

"Human, where did you come from? Why know my name."

Obviously, the lady in front of him is Jordan himself.

Goat shrugged:

"Good ..... The wind! The sand is blowing to my eyes, hey, I am sorry, the beautiful lady, I didn't know, we did a wolf at the time, then I found it by Wataden, He said that I will bring you the skin of the wolf to you, saying that you should be very happy. "

Combining, the goat took out the wolf skin from the ghost, and then handed it to Jordan.

Jordan's doubts, wrinkled and looked at it. At the beginning, there was a bit unhappy, but next to it suddenly had a half-horse horror called:

"How is this? I actually smelled the smell of the devil!"

He called a trembling, even the weapons in his hand dropped directly.

There are several people in the next few people ------ Oh, it should be that half of the horse has also begun to be frustrated, and this fear is still like the plague.

Obviously, the damage given to them is not only a flesh, not only a serious psychological trauma.

At this time, Jordan also shaken directly, and then suddenly stayed at once, it was very busy, and it was almost a minute, and it took almost a minute, and he took the side of the next family. The skin was tied into the head, and then he was highly ranked around the arbitrary running place, and the mouth was also sent a series of intense long-awaiting.

After Jordan started running, her people also joined the ranks, and the port also issued a long number, mixed with anger, excitement, grat, and other complex emotions. There are even more than half of the horse and the horse crying directly.

The sound of hoof is rolling, and as the number of people has changed, the hoof is like thunder, and the sky is roaring.

After a while, a lot of half a horse began to leave the team, and then began to build a fire, it was going to be prepared to celebrate the bonfire party. At this time, Jordan was slowly walked over, and he was very solemn by Fanglin Rock:

"Is you done a ghost?"

The goat told the 1511 to inform Jordan, of course, there is a selective, there is no exaggerated ingredient, let Jordan know that the loss of this side is not small, in order to kill the wolf king Very big insurance.

After listening to the story of the goat, Jordan nodded slightly, got a half-knees, and then invited him into the camp, and said he got the friendship of the tribe, he will always be a friend of the horse.

Obviously, the three people did not have much interest in the celebration of the half-horse horse, so more energy is placed in the vicinity of it.

As for the goat, it is followed by the butt of Jordan, and the heart is nothing.

Under Jordan's leading, after the three people entered the camp, the first thing to see is a lot of broken leather tents.

The top of these tents is very pointed, and the patch is also played, and it should only play the role of basic covering wind.

There is an exotic style in the camp. It is located in the center. It is a brown leather account. The tent is quite big. It is like a huge Mongolian, and the top is a brown banner, which is drawn on a white pigment. A menometric symbol.

The large-scale billing is to display different, so you can see a big empty land, you can see the coke wood in the air above, and the campfire party in the evening will be held here.

Because of the abundant reasons for water sources, there is a large number of low shrubs, and there is a piece of coconut jujube, and after the account, it is a quiet little lake. The small lake is full of wild grass and the bread tree, Fanglinyan can even see To some females, it is cleaned in the pond.

Jordan will be three people in the central capital, then someone gives them some meat pieces and a can of water and fruit.

The meat is thin, and there are a few clean green leaves below, saying that the truth is better than the imagination, and the three people in Fang Ran have a taste. It is still a good thing. At the same time, it is afraid that if you don't eat, you will not be angry.

In this case, the three people grabbed the food, they were eaten. After they tried to eat, he found that the barbecue did not taste. It didn't put any seasonings, just like the mutton is not like a slight breath, but The taste is extremely excellent, and it is chewy.

Send 888 cash red envelopes pay attention to VX. Public number [book friends big camp], watch the popular gods, pumping 888 cash red envelope!

It is a light-red fruit. This kind of fruit is like a grape, which is a string of skewers. It eats sweet, but the taste is between blueberries and strawberries, and the juice is abundant but no As for that.

The most unique is that the nucleus of this fruit can also be chewed, the first mouth bite is like a fresh walnut, and the second bite will feel like a peanut.

Given that there is no table in the bill, the ground is only a blanket, so Fanglin Yan is all the legs, and they will eat a half full, and after entering the mouth, after the mouth, Jordan is talented. Your own brown mane:

"Human, what should I call you?"

At this point, it is definitely the goat, and he immediately said:

"Ms., my name is the goat!"

"Well, goats, although I don't know how you know it with Waden, but can you tell me, are you coming here?"


"We don't have any intentions to bother your life, just because there is a friend who is very obsessed with the new scenery, finding more excitement, come to this planet, the key is that he is still very unfortunately by those hilly giants Grab. "

"We clearly have no way to communicate with the hilly giant, so we hope to get some related information from you here."

At this time, Fanglin Rock added:

"Right, we also reached an agreement with Mr. Waden, to help him remove the villain of Stone Hammer, his related information, we are now very lacking."

Jordan Shocked:

"Stone hammer Kishas ?!! Do you actually make a goal?"

Goat shrugged:

"Yes, because this is a strong demand for Mr. Waden, so I hope to get your help."

Jordan is sinking for a while:

"Stone hammer Kishas is not so easy to deal with guys, we can help you collect information, but there is no way to help, because you have seen it, our people are now very short."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"You can have an information, and if I want to say, it is not only the information of the stone hammer Kishas, ​​but all the hilly giant's intelligence we must! Because our companions are also closed in the giant's camp."

Jordan nodded:

"This is no problem, it is of course."

At this time, Fang Ran suddenly said:

"Take the liberty question, which tribe do you belong to? Is Magram or Kyrgyz?"

Jordan is very simply said:

"Magram tribe."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Strange, then why Wattaden does not say this?"

Fanglinyan is also using talk skills, Waden does not say this, of course because Fanglin Rock has not mentioned this.

But by him, it is like two people who have already discussed this, but Waden is still silent.

As a result, Shoulin Rock is so cited, and Jordan's uncontrolled little mother immediately said:

"That's because Wataden is still in a difficult statement. His real identity is actually very expensive. He is a golden family, and the vivo flowing in the body! His real identity is the king of Kyrgyz tribe, but now Kyrgyz tribal The chief is his brother. "

"At that time, the two can be said to be a pole, and the blood sea is very enrunmed. It is just because the iron law in the ethnic group cannot kill each other. Otherwise, it will suffer a ancestor's curse, so Wataden adults can live. "

Fang Lin Yan listened later, the face did not change color:

"Such a living method, it is very difficult?"


"Yes, So, the gornes in Wataden methaned, and the people of our Magram tribe helped talented."


"Do you have a Magram tribe? Is the Kyrgyz tribal?"

Jordan silently took a moment:

"The dead is dead, but regardless of the Magram tribe or Kyrgyz tribe, it is the people of the gold family ..."

The goat feels some incredible. After passing by a visit, I know that the huge half-man tribe before the original, is built by a strong animal husbandry called Zalta.

The pastoral man disgusted the life of the stray on the earth, so it settled down on this land, and then recovered the same family, and finally established a huge tribe.

The blood of the Zalta is circulated, is called the golden blood.

Human European aristocrats have valued, and the pure blood of the promotion has not yawn. The is still awkward, the metamorphosis is still abnormal, and even a variety of genetic diseases of nearby relatives.

For example, the entire European royal family, including the famous Elizabeth Queen, covered with bloody diseases and impotence.

However, the blood of the Pasta people, that is, it is real material! The Tzal Tasi has a total of more than a hundred years. In this long time, the tribe has a supernatural ability, and the shaman is a total of eighty people.

In this eighty people, only three people are ordinary half-man, while the rest of the eighty people, all or less of the golden blood of Zalta!

Among the half-talents, the priests and Shams are graspted with public opinion and rule, so the golden blood is very distinguished and the heart of all half-horse horses.

In such cases, even if the Magram tribal and the Kyrgyz tribal kills, the blood flows into the river, but privately, it is very respectful, and it is also very respectful, and even help it. help.

Under Jordan's explanation, Fanglin Rock finally understood the identity of Waden, this guy was a loser plus the waves, and he was abandoned by his own tribe, relying on the blood of the enemy's tribute.

However, Waden should also be the identity of the priest or shaman, so it is estimated that it can also help the Magram tribe, so the two sides are the relationship between interdependence or limited cooperation.

After a while, Fanglin Rock said:

"Then I have the last question."

Jordan shrugged, very cool:

"You have done a ghost, even if you ask a hundred questions, or don't have anything more, you have no problem."

Fang Lin Ran has not returned, and the goat suddenly lit up, and it was obvious that some "more excessive" things ..... and Fanglin Rock is then said:

"So I asked ... Who is the owner of the ghost?"

Jordan's demonstration:

"The ghost was originally sick, and even the female wolf will abandon the little wolf scorpion. It is Kyrgyz of Shaman Verogo adopted it. Two years later, it became a terrible magic. Wolf, a group of wolves! "

"When we decided with Kyrgyz, ghosts led the wolves and brought the bloody vultures: Matzla launched a raid from behind, so that we have already occupied the wind."

"Have a very strong ghost also has been tailing with our retreat, non-stop launch, our tribute remains, almost half of the relatives and friends have lost their lives in the ghost attack, this is you After bringing its skin, why can we get our friendship? "

After understanding these problems, Fanglin Rock nodded and said:

"Learn ... Thank you!"


I wandered it in the camp, and then took a break again. Three people think that if you add Coyo, you have already lay out three cards. At this time, you will now return to the camp.

It is worth mentioning that the goat actually discovered a lot of human things in the half-horse camp, including backpacks, clothes, and the like, asked, these things were the adventurers who collected half-horse. Relics.

And there are many gold jewelry in the half-horse camp, of course, the production process is very simple.


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