After listening to Jordan, Fanglin Rock was shocked:

"Go back now? Back to your canyon camp? The sky is so dark, this can be a bit far."

Jordan shakes his head:

"Don't be so trouble, go to the salt pool."

Listening to her so, Fang Lin Ran suddenly loosened the airway:

"Well, we will send you."

Jordan knows that human machinery is very powerful in long-distance transportation, so there is no resignation, and she also explains a few words in the time when she leaves, nothing more than a good fight.

When you leave, you can see the half-horse horses outside to clean the battlefield, very positive, and very carefully.

Many things in Fanglin Rock seem to be completely garbage, and they are not allowed by this helper, and even half of the tattered animal skin, it can be seen that Magram's half-horse family usually It is also quite embarrassed, and life materials should be quite scarce.

At this time, I knew that Jordan had to pass, two half-horse horses also accompanied together, and the trophy of the sorted out will also take a part of the past.

Bai Ruid is clearly aware of the importance of this group of half-horse allies. It is obviously reluctant to let Fanglin Rock and others exclusively like this.

"This way, the wrench will accompany Jordan, vultures and goats will help me, I sent you Ali to give you."

Ali is a black, it looks very intense, is a typical muscle stick.

Well, if you want to use the reference matter to describe, NBA famous fashionist, famous selfless player, famous team player, famous rebound blame Wisk Bruzk is his template.

Ali smiled in Fanglin Rock and exposed a full of big white teeth.

"Please take care."

Send 888 cash red envelopes pay attention to VX. Public number [book friends big camp], watch the popular gods, pumping 888 cash red envelope!

Fanglin Rock nodded:

"Small things."

In order to save people, there is still a living navigation referral, Fanglin Rock opens the whole topographic car very fast, about an hour, just near the salt pool camp of the Magram half-horse race.

The specific location of the salt pool is located in a underground rift. It is very hidden. There is only a seven-eight tents, which looks more ash, at least from the appearance, which looks grown again from the appearance.

However, next to the salt pool, a large amount of shrubs and straws are still due to gene problems, so that ordinary plants are difficult to root the rooted salt base, but it is like a fertile soil, and the growth is very good.

These plants are printed plants, alias, salt, very much like a perseverance, and excrete the salt.

The plants here include a diameter of losers, red trees, petals, and the like, which grow in more soil containing salt, and plants have absorbed a lot of salt, but salt is not accumulated in vivo. Instead, through the spitted salt structure of the leaves, excess salt is excreted to prevent salt from overcharge.

The half-man horses are collecting salts that have been secreted by these plant blades, and they will be a boutique sale, and it is also strictly protecting this vomiting plant, which only allows them to breed nearby, and the rest of the plants are all unplugged. .

In addition, there is still something like seven or eight large wooden piles around, and Fanglin Rock does not know what this is.

Such Feng Shui Trend, obviously Magram semi-human horse family has always left a viewing whistle, so when he is approaching, there are already five or six half-year-old horses, and the spear in his hand is, it seems that Open.

However, when Jordan and the two buns of the big bag, the half-man hidden in the big enemy was excited to come over, when the stripes were in the right, they were holding the spear in their hands. Excited "" sound.

In this case of morale, Jordan said that it is necessary to formulate herbs, immediately got a positive response of the group, and a man immediately started to do life.

Because some of the whole topographic cars appear on the road, there were some small faults, so the maintenance will be carried out after Fanglin Rock parking.

After waiting for his maintenance, it has already passed almost half an hour, so I went around and wandered around.

At this time, the sky has been black, and the campfire has been ignited in advance in the center of the camp, and the surrounding tent squats two female semi-men, and they wrapped in a black straw towel and wear similar to Jordan. It is in some freshly collected. Herbal medicine is processed.

After watching both eyes, Fanglin Rock found that it was quite simple, and the fruit-class herbal medicine is almost deck, let it dry, put it in a special jar, and then fumigate, some plants, herbs are separated by the roots After smashing the juice in the squeezed water, it is stored in the bamboo tube next to it.

And the existence of a witch doctor in this branch, a witch doctor is an old old man who is treating a injured half-man.

Although Fanglin Rock talked with him, but from the Witch Doctor to treat the wounded, the appearance of the word in the mouth, it seems that Jordan is more reliable.

It is worth mentioning that the two and semi-half of this witch doctor are being treated from the outside. They should shoulder the patrol of the investigation task. come back.

As a result, the witch doctor can only save one, and the other half of the horse does not wait for the help of Witch Doctors, and it is directly seriously injured.

In the face of the death of the companion, the rest did not show too much sadness, just came to two people to carry it on the meadow that is not far, is facing a "big wooden pile" seen before the rooftop star. before.

The witch doctor went to the side of "big wooden pile", began to wind around this stuff, while singing a sorrowful song in his mouth.

At this time, Fang Lin Yan said that this big wooden pile looks actually like some plants.

Its trunk is thick and mixed. It is far from the big bus, but the diameter has reached an amazing half-meter, but it is generally not high. It is not a meter less than one meter, and the tree is still full. The sudden thorns, the tabs of the small thorn can be worn with the cactus.

While the witch doctor winding, there is still a half-horse side, watered toward the roots of "big wooden pile". After the water is poured, the top of this place has begun to slowly stretch out. A large number of rolls.

In just ten minutes, it turned from a short coarse big wooden pile, which became the shape of the kind of pot cover as if the radar antenna, of course, the above coronary part is made up of countless rolls.

According to the introduction of Jordan next to Jordan, this plant is called "Dolland Cal", as well as a beautiful story:

The legend "Dolland Cal" is given by God Thora, gave a semi-tale, at this time, Fanglin Rock saw that seedlings.

In the tympanity period of the tribe, there is a ripe body of Dollankar. It can take the cold in the shade. "Inverted tree" on your head.

Then, I saw that the dead Magram semi-human horse was sent to the roll of Dullan, and then wrapped in the tentacles of the general leaf.

With the deceased, all the half-menae next to it also began to sing, listened to the song from the elf, long sad, no shortage of solemn, the hoarse is full of the taste of the original flood.

With the sound of the song, Fanglin Ryna can feel a faint sadness, while Dorlancar's tree bark actually flies the layers of the wonderful, it seems to be true.

I heard that I only need one night, the warrior of this killed will be absorbed by this magical plant, or even leave the ashes.

Jordan told Fang Ran, which is the funeral ceremony of their half-horse. The half-horse family advocates nature, the funeral in the family is held by Witch Doctor, the spell is passed down by Shaman, which can help the deceased return to the arms of the earth.

After the death of the deceased, their soul can be redeemed, and the Witch Doctor of the Family is his own herbal teacher.

Half people respect the dead, think that the body does not have to be insult, otherwise their soul can't get rest in peace, even after the death, you will not be able to reincarnate the opportunity.

In this point, Dollan is like a half-tonal flesh transformation plant, not only provide them with precious medicinal materials, but also gave them religious beliefs.

And because of the special relationship between the half-horse and Dullan Calla,, when the half-horse horse saw this kind of short-buddar tree, the heart will give a tribute, as if I have seen the old friend, as well as the ancestors, Let them treat them like a relative.

In the next, Jordan cut a knife on the Bark of Dullan, immediately found that there were some thick juice flowing out, the key is that this juice can also shine with a touch of phosphorescence, it seems very strange.

Jordan is also a mouthful of airway:

"Your companions can be saved, it is actually on the juice that can be taken to Dollan Calla ---- this is the main medicine of the detoxification agent, and will only secrete after our holy tree of."

Fanglin Rock nodded:

"So how long can I get antiodia?"



And Fanglin Rock homes know what it means in the Jordan, that is really very fast, and after a minute.

The detoxification drug is to soak the Dollancar's liquid soaked together, Well, the soldag is very unrest, the taste is very bad, at least gives a lot of nose of Fanglin Rock.

There is also an unfortunate message that this drug is sometimes valid, and the time calculation unit of the half-horse horse is "heap", it is a bunch of bonfire to combustion.

Jordan told Fang Ran, the timeliness of this stuff is two "piles", almost only four hours, but now the sky is already black, if it is sent to tomorrow morning, then the wounded is not at that time, and the medicine is also released. Will expire.

In this case, the only choice of both Fanglin Rock has to go back to the temporary base overnight.

Fortunately, in Jordan, their salt mine is not far from the temporary camp. It only takes one hour to open the topic car, so Ali is resolutely returned, Fang Lin Ran wants to think, or decided to follow the medicine.

Soon, the two will drive the road directly. Fang Lin Ran has opened a day today, and the whole person is somewhat tired, so it directly rely on the back of God.

Driving in this long wilderness, the engine roar of the whole topographic car is not big. At this time, there is also a long distance in the quiet night, because it is not familiar with each other, so Fanglin Yan and Ali have What communication is communicated.

Suddenly, Ali out said:

"Hey, slow, do you look at what is the right?"

Fang Lin Yan suddenly watched the past, found that there is a little light, and it seems that there is a tent. Look at the tent is actually a styles of the temporary camp, and there are two people in the tent, but it is far away. It is not very clear.

At this time, Ali has driven the whole topic car to open the past, while excited:

"Wow! I thought that Ai Jie patrolled, they were all dead, and they did not expect it to take it here."

"I know, most of them have encountered the miscarriage, so I can only go here to avoid the wind."

I didn't expect hundreds of meters away from the way, there was a slope of the slope. The whole topographic vehicle has not been opened. Ali can only stop the car, then open the car door, and facing Fanglin Rock Tao:

"Hey, what are you waiting? Hurry over and help, there are wounded in them, we have to pick up people."

Fang Lin Yan listened to Ali's words, and did not say much. It also followed the car. After the two came out, after almost five or sixty meters, Fang Lin Yan suddenly frown:

"Don't be angry, the people in the tent are actually moving!"

Ali listened to the future, but it was still a little unwilling, but at this time, there was a lot of "Sso" sounds, and even a lot of smuggling.

The sound of the sound is hidden to hate, as if to smash the two people.

Then, behind those stone, there is a pair of things that seem to be shallow and green, then it is the eyes of the fullest wolf! !

Obviously, the wisdom of Kyrgyz heavily in the daytime and Fanglin Rock fights!

Ai Jie patrols in Ali's mouth have not been covered by the whole army, while Kyrgyz semi-rumors have not completely retired, directly using the corpse of the patrol and carrying a simple and vicious trap.

Ali is actually not stupid, but his concept is still thinking that human beings are high, and there is a smart, there is a fatal price.

I don't want to turn to this Fanglin Rock, I will rush to the car, and he is also very popular, and I am inertially followed by Ali. As the saying goes, when the tiger has a snoring, this time the mistake is not fatal, but Fanglin Rock is too lazy to pay attention to Ali, and the mistakes you have made, let him die.

However, Fanglin Rock has not been close to the whole topographic car, and the front of the wolves in front is also fast. Directly rushed to the front, even the roof of the whole topographic car, standing on a few .

Not only that, the big group of the wolf also begins to raise the roaring roar, followed by laminating the net, accelerating the rushing.

Ali Yi bite the teeth, knowing life and death, directly put on a unique magazine, then the eye is fast, the K-14 automatic electromagnetic rifle in the eye is played, and the wolf group is continuously scanned.

The 8mm special "stabbed" bullets are intensely vented in the fire tongue of the muzzle, and the wolves of the crime in the precise attack method, Ali as the heart of Ba Ruide, not only the gun method, but also the power of the weapons, the power of the weapon is also huge, Suddenly let Ali put a few charge in the front of the front.

Fang Lin Ran also cooperated with Ali, and the two people were fighting, and the gunshots were continuously sounded in the night sky. The scream continued, just a short ten seconds, the fierce wolves pioneer was hit:

About the seven-eight-headed servants are under the madness of the two or death or injuries. It is basically the special depleted uranium bans used by Ali, and the remaining things are still around them, and they keep lying down. Returning, the opportunity to launch a raid.

The harsh guns and the wolf rushed, and the distant seater and Kyrgyz heaving said, and Fanglin Rock followed in the Ali, step by step, while hiding, it is always in large group The group rebuked the car before.

And Ali is really lucky. If it is not a Fang Lin Yan, use his strong strength to stop the door, replace it into any rescue team member can't do this.

But at this time, the whole topographic car is full of many black paint-colored seats, a pair of green people have no shining, completely put the water around the vehicle, and even have the body and tires.

Not only that, at this time, there is an old half-horse horse that has emerged from the darkness. In the mouth muttering, when it comes to Fanglin Rock, this guy is already in this side. A point!

It can be seen immediately, a bunch of blue white lightning is directly at this point!

Flash arrow!

This lightning arrow is accurately slammed on the front of the car, and the light inside the all-top truck is immediately shining, and then it is weak.

Fanglin Rock lost a detection past, but found that his investigation and vultures have no way to detect this guy's name:


During the day, I didn't see the emergence of this guy, so the most reasonable explanation is that the Kyrgyz tribute came to aid.

Ali crazy pressing key attempts to do fire, actually at this time, the whole topographic car is lost, it can't be launched.

At this time, there was a bright searchlight in the distance. It is actually a full-top truck to assist. The driver driven directly stepped on the oil door, so that the vehicle is like a beast is generally aligned with a wolf group. Impact.

After the full-top truck speed, the violent feelings of the engine were rampant into the wolves, and several wolves were hit by the flesh and flee, and they flew to the air, even the whole topographic car crawler The bright red color, the vehicle is rushing in the horror of the wolves, and people in the car can only endure dramatic bumps.

I saw someone to help, Fanglin Rock he didn't stay a crazy shot of Ali, and this all-plant car didn't have a side slip drift, and there were a few seats that I would try to attack. I didn't have time to dodge. The side of the topographic vehicle is blown out.

At the same time, several shooting ports of the all-top trailers were opened at the same time, and a large amount of fire tongue was sprayed, and the blood flowers were suddenly splashing when they were played.

At this time, the Kyrgyz called Radians once again, but in the night, it sang the blue white lightning in the hands when they sing, and immediately, someone bounced the past, and suddenly let it become old and old. I sent a painful shout.

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