The First Evolution

Chapter 26 Attacking Giants

Originally entered the way! 19-year-old dusk twenty-six-chapter attack giant "get on the bus!"

The door of this all-top truck is open, and there is a shouting of Bai Ruide.

The two of the shooting are still shooting, rushing to run a few steps, and smashed into the door opened.

After receiving the person, the whole topographic car is no longer in love, and rushing with two people accelerated with evacuation. Many fruitful rustles have jumped on the roof, crazy to bite the whole topographic car, but in the end, it is still not helpless, Look at Fanglin Rock and others leave.

After getting on the bus, Fang Lin Yan knows that the original little Mother Jordan has informing the people who left behind the human camp after they start. Therefore, Bai Ruide has learned the departure time of Fanglin Rock.

In order to ensure that there is no loss, Bai Ruide decided to take people to take people, otherwise, how can rescue will come so fast?


After returning to the temporary base, the poisonous wounded after eating drugs began to vomit, so after these fierce stress responses disappeared, they recovered the normal state and then slept again / coma. It is important: life The items are stable.

Wait until the next morning, a man suddenly found that these poisoned wounded have completely refund, the toxins have been disappeared in them, and they only need to consider the factors of trauma.

There is a good thing to become a double, and Ba Rue, who has always been the main battle, is a joyful, and announced that his old friend in Narazi camp has passed a vital clue. That is already determined. The specific location of Rwan that is kidnapped.

And a photo is also attached to the information. This photo is obviously taken by the drone. It can be seen that there are two people who are kneeling next to the creek. They also have a fierce giant hilly giant to supervise.

Although these two people are not Ryan, however, most of the hilly giants are concentrated in all human prisoners, find these two people, Ryan can still fly?

Not only that, yesterday, the Ning Shenhua in Hongyou Terrace has also begun to enter the proliferation period, so the adult health hilly giant in Ogrima is already dispatched in the red cloud, now Og The interior of Ryma is already very empty, only a few hilly giant hipster of the teeth.

Yes, even the cub is there, because the hilly giant is very rapid, sexual maturity takes only eight months.

Yes, you don't miss the wrong, the eight-month-old hilly giant can take a heavy responsibility of the breeding race! Although they are definitely unable to compete with their adults, they can find the mother, and the cow is a relatively weak female first trick knife.

Therefore, Bai Ruid puts forward a bold idea, that is, with this opportunity, abandon the cumbersome things in the temporary camp, relying on the power of the remaining three all-top-topical cars, and rush into Ogry Ma to save people !

Those of the old hills of the hills of the hills are actually very low. This is mainly from the eight months after birth, they start like Teddy, which can be arrested, as long as there are female, regardless of race It was so late.

In the past few decades, the hilly giant's big waist is, even if it is iron, it will not hold the sand.

The program proposed by Baidide is obviously the appetite of everyone. The previous objection to the war is said, because there is no doubt that this is really a big risk of a risk.

At the same time, this action is also entangled with the death of the death of Kyrgyz heaving, which can catch up with all topic vehicles, but only ten minutes, there is no way to hold a long time.

More importantly, Bai Ruide told everyone that if your own plan does not have problems, then you can prepare to go home after five hours, then receive a rich remuneration!

There is no doubt that the two major goals and enough money have been added together, producing the great persuasion!

It is Kenny as a team leader, for the weight, and ask Ba Ruide a few words, mainly to ask the details of all kinds of attacks, retreat. But Bai Ruid, a night, obviously talked about these details, so I will answer the drip.

In the eyes of all people, Kenny nodded:

"Implementation plan."

Everyone suddenly issued a series of cheers.

Fanglinyi looks at Kenny, I think he is too too serious. It is not happy to meet such a good opportunity?

However, this guy has been transformed towards the body. Whether it is a face of face, this is not uncomfortable.

And in realities, the plans often can't catch changes, Bai Ruid's behavior looks great, in fact, the hazard is equally large, which is equivalent to the direct bus, and put the bet in his hand.

Or in an intuitive, this situation is like a Texas poker. The famous man's martial art is a hand, black peach 6, black peach 7, black peach 8, black peach 10.

It is already a pair of J, a pair of five, and the card is still a plum j,

From a perspective, he is two pairs of rolling and pressing, and turning out of the card is more enriching the killing bureau.

However, the dealer can not rule out the possibility of falling a bodai black peach 9, and become the possibility of the same flowers, of course, this probability is very small.


Next, under the driving of "Fa Cai" and "Go Home", the rescue team's efficiency was raised.

And there is also a very active helpful help of the Magram family ------ Bai Ruide promised to leave the rest of the rest of the camp to them.

Therefore, it is only for an hour, and a man will successfully pack the way again.

Before departure, Bai Ruid also announced a bad news.

The rescue of Naraqi camps arrived in the place where the wounded Wounded Silver Mining Camp was resettled, and founded that there was no one in empty, and there was a trace of fierce battle.

According to their guess, it is those half-horse ..... As of now, no life is still.

I heard such a news, a man was shocked, someone immediately prayed in the chest painting.

Before the departure, this is a great blow to the morale, but the old fritters are not a new soldier, so Bai Ruide is actually a set of sorrowful soldiers.

However, it should be / or / may still play a positive role.

After lightning, the remaining three all-top trailers quickly set up quickly, after opening almost two kilometers, I saw the rejection of Kyrgyz half-horse horses in the peripheral probe.

However, after the determination of their large-scale evacuation, these need to return, report this matter to the principal, Wistera, and then wait until this guy took the idea, then decided to make a chasing or destroying the temporary camp. .

In these two options, only Uttik's order pursue will threaten the rescue team, but that is at least twenty minutes.

At that time, the whole topographic team was at least 20 kilometers away, and it was still far away from the speed of more than 70 kilometers, cough, which formed a common math question on junior high school test papers:

The speed of the next door is XX kilometers, and it has been ran for ten minutes. May I ask if the rough soil is so fast?

........ Then be anti-killing?

Obviously, it is not impossible to catch up with the endurance of the half-horse, but at least it is over eight hours.

However, in the Plan of Baidide, if everything goes well, after eight hours, they have been drinking quick coffee in Nalazi camp ... Of course, there is a possibility that is in the rumen in the hilly giant digestion.

In short, the relationship between the Kyrgyz semi-human horse should not be big.

At this time, for this sudden turning, Fanglin Rock seems to be closed, in fact, in its private controversy in the team channel.

Finally, the result was that the stalemate suddenly appeared such a transfer, which is likely to be related to the contractors that enter the world! In particular, the Ning Shenhua in the Red Plock is suddenly open, which is completely like a contractor's hand.

Just probably helped guys, their behavior also gave Fanglin Rock's group of people to break the opportunity.

After determining this, the three people in Fang Ran have improved vigilance, but I want to think that I feel that the other party is being passive.

Because they first show the horse's foot, this is the enemy, my dark state, when the other party is too dynamic, it is definitely very troublesome.


Soon, the front of the team began to have a hill zone.

Here is the nearby Gobi terrain, but it is not much more, but the key looks carefully, it will find that the hills are also mixed with artificial buildings, high walls, whistle tower, door, etc., although worn, It should be everywhere.

Here is Ogrima, lost the glory of the past, the city occupied by the hilly giant, and at this time, it seems that the sun is talking about the glory of the past.

Three all-top trucks wandered around Ogrima, then found a place to stop.

One is a big difference in exploration terrain and map, and two are before the war, set the temporary collection point nearby, so once the loss, everyone knows where.

The third is to conduct a simple group, designate the captain of each combat team, which is not complicated, in fact, is a simple resource integration.

When doing these things, I also sent a simple investigation and drone to make a simple investigation. Basic confirm that Bai Ruid's intelligence is no fallacy. The hill giant in Ogrima is indeed attracted by the magical flowers. Red Plus Taili.

At this point, the success rate of action has been raised by the original six-to-six-to-top, and the three all-in-T-Trip winds are rushed into this ruins city. In the two hours of the road, Bai Ruid is not idle. Directly sent Ogrima's related simple maps.

It can be seen that the captive prisoner is located in a cave located in the deep strength of the Valley, where it is, it is a husband who is not open.

In the most ideal case, the whole topographic car can directly break through the peripheral line of Agrima, and further come to the dark alley area -------- Here is the way to go to the power of the valley, Where many gully translatable places will bring great trouble to invaders.

It is said that when he was half a horse, he met a food crisis because of the excessive population, so they raised a creature called "drill toch" in the dark alley area to enrich their own recipes.

This kind of bug is very mixed, almost what organic matter is eaten, such as grass, shrub, or even feces, and growing fast, and high essays.

Of course, because of this, many murders inside the horse will happen near this. After killing the enemy, they will push the corpse to the dark alley area, and the drills developed the digestive system can be in just three hours. Complete all the work of destroying the corpse.

Of course, there is no diamond insects here, but it is difficult to say that the hill giant will leave a few guards here.

It is not as good as the plan, although there is no enemy to intercept, but the whole topographic car will still stop, because a long-lost stone hall is directly collapsed, and it is dead.

Such a ruins environment has no effect on the actions of the hilly giant, but it has been completed with the next journey.

"GOGO!" Kenny shouted a command, and a group of people began to jump off the car.

At this time, the remains of the remains are in a kind of sacred, there is no coming from a sudden raid, so it is only a hilly giant to have a hilly.

This is a giant hills, the reason is that the long-range horn of its head has been detached, just like the teeth of human old people will fall.

However, it is still with a group of bags, and if the giant volume of the meat mountain model, the ugly face is still extremely deterrent.

It took a doubts in his eyes, but the bag next to the wolf began to teeth after the threatening snoring.

This guy has begun to realize that there is an external enemy, and the bulk muscles under the skin under the skin are bulging, while the eyes began to congest, and the big steps came over.

There is a saying that it is not moving, even if it is an old hilly giant to afford such a name.

Because of this, then when such a monster drums the block-shaped muscles, the belly thick fat is shaken up and down in a large step, and even the ridiculous sand is also overwhelming. " "The sound, when the person is striking, the oppressiveness is really like the mountain.

Therefore, immediately there is an electromagnetic rifle to open the fire, and aligned or the eye is like eye, and some people are aligned with the lower body or throat.

But at this time, a bag of wolf that has been smelling human smell has been sprint to the front, and these beasts are ignored by the assistant, and they have jumped to the front of the owner.

The giant is still unhappy, then the appearance seems to be with lazy hunters, want to sit into it, wait for a wolf group to hunt, big catches the .

As for the remote shooting of it, the giant is just a hand, as if it does not feel the pain, although the borehole on the body has begun to ly.

Seeing this scene, Fang Lin Yan suddenly thought of the previous information described in the past:

"Those monsters often launched an unsatisfied charge, seemed to feel pain, more metamorphosis, they can continue to stick to the battle after suffering, as if they don't know if they are dead!"

Under the intensive rainfall, the bag has a casualty, but the bloody breathing of the blood is getting angry, and the bloodthirsty bag wolf is getting angry.

However, when the wolves rushed to the distance of 30 meters, the two tears were thrown out. This place was immediately destroyed to the smell, the smell of the wolf nose was destroyed, and they were screaming, fell to the ground, this It is also a valuable experience from the players from the wolf.

In this case, the shocked bag wolf is completely over in just ten seconds, or it is killed, or burned into coke, and brainned the ... I have died in the battlefield, only two The tenacious and crazy guys broke around, but they were broken by the high Zhou wave ax of the steel knight! ! !

The old hilly giant is not a wonderful, actually stopped the charge, directly halfway, with a flexible flexibility to escape with the fat facts, and escape the ruins next to it.

Sure enough, you can live to the old hilly giant except for the waist, there is no unique generation in dangerous smell.

Kenny blows a whistle, Bai Ruide immediately:

"According to the previous group, the ABC group moved forward, and the D group was intercepted!"

The captain of the D group immediately loudly:

"Yes, SIR!"

There is no doubt that it is a mercenary, Kenny will inevitably take his own tie, perform the final save mission, and the D group left is the worst strength, and Fanglin Rock three people were Divided into C group.

After a few minutes from the fast advancement, he heard the gunshots of the guns and obviously also had a hilly giant to come, launched a fierce offensive!

However, everyone is very optimistic, because the combat effectiveness of the old hilly giant showed that the previous old hilly giant is really difficult, and it is better than those who have a tearful bomb to the bag of wolves.

The relationship between the hill giant and the bag, like the relationship between the tank and the infantry, the two are complementary, once separated, its combat power will be very rapid.

However, it is shocking that only eight minutes, the rear came back a series of loud noises, this great sound can be said that it is very hierarchical, it is "Boom" continuous frying.

This is a very powerful metal hydrogen bomb with group D, the special explosion generated, which followed by the horror flame of up to 7 or eight meters, and successfully intercepted the possibilities.

According to the convention, only if it is determined to be unable, the D group will detonate this bomb, and then quickly evacuate.

This sudden situation appeared, Bai Ruid's face is ugly, because it is on the moment, his plan can be said to be very successful, but just now, the situation will lose control.

In this case, Kenny shows a team leader, cold and cold:

"C group, the group B leaves! Tarren is responsible for chairing the battle, there is a paramount in front, you are responsible for the leader, the people in group A come with me! Full speed!"

"Tarren! You must at least go for 50 minutes, after 50 minutes, allow you to see the situation!"

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